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School of Informatics
Department of Information Technology
Web Based Teacher performance Evaluation management System in the case
of School of Informatics in WSU.DTC
A Project proposal Submitted to Department of Information Technology, School of
Informatics, Wolaita Sodo University, in the Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for
the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

By: Name ID Number




Advisor: Mr. Tamrat. (MSc)

Wolaita Sodo, Ethiopia

05/09/2016 E.C
Approval Sheet

This final year project proposal entitled “Web based Teacher performance management

System in the case of School of Informatics in Wolaita Sodo University Dawro Tercha
Campus” has been read and approved as meeting the preliminary final year project proposal
requirements of the department of information Technology in Partial Fulfillment for the award of
the degree of BSc, in Information Technology in School of Informatics, Wolaita Sodo
University, Ethiopia. This final year project proposal has been approved with the signature of
advisor and examiners.

Advisor Name Signature Date

_______________________ __________________ _____________

Examiner 1 Signature Date

_______________________ __________________ _____________

Examiner 2 Signature Date

______________________ __________________ _____________

First of all, we would like to thanks GOD who gave us the ability, patience and strength to
conduct and Complete this Project documentation. Secondly, we would like to acknowledge and
thank our advisors Mr.Tamrat
UML = unified modeling language

BR = business rule

UC = use case

TPMS = teacher performance management system

HRM = human resource management


Teacher are the backbone of any company therefore their management plays a major role in
deciding the success of an organization teacher performance management system is not well-
developed in the form web before to evaluates teacher performance, so we want to develop web-
based systems that can increase teacher performance among them and increase competency-
based system that measures teacher not only on goal attainment also on the very competencies
that are required for their roleManage users: -Add, activate, deactivate and delete system
users. ,Our systems support criteria management for users input.Supervisor:, manages examinee,
criteria and generate report for HRM to evaluate the performance of teacher. Give,feedback
/comment...such as warning and appreciation,Inform all teacher,when there is meeting in the
form of text message post on interface. Allow users to manage their own profile ,View result: -
only examinee and supervisor can view evaluation result ,Send report . It is user friendly and just
asks the user to follow step by step operations by giving easy to follow options. It is fast and can
perform many operations for an organization.
The goal of this project is to design and develop an employee management system to
fill existing gaps in the electronic management of employees
Table of Contents
Approval Sheet................................................................................................................................2
CHAPTER ONE..............................................................................................................................8
1.1 Background............................................................................................................................8
1.3 Motivation..............................................................................................................................9
1.4, Problem statement................................................................................................................9
1.5 Team composition...............................................................................................................10
1.6 Objective of the projects......................................................................................................11
1.6.1 General objective..........................................................................................................11
1.6.2 Specific Objective.........................................................................................................11
1.7 Scope of Project...................................................................................................................11
1.8 Significant of the project.....................................................................................................12
1.9 Proposed system..................................................................................................................12
1.10 Methodology......................................................................................................................13
1.10.1 Data collection method...............................................................................................13
1.11 Feasibility Study................................................................................................................13
1.11.1 Economic feasibility...................................................................................................13 and Benefits........................................................................................................14
1.9.2Technical Feasibility......................................................................................................15
1.9.3 Operational Feasibility..................................................................................................15
1.9.4 Schedule feasibility.......................................................................................................15
1.9.5 Legal feasibility............................................................................................................16
1.10 System Analysis and Design Methodology.......................................................................17
1.10.1 Case Tool........................................................................................................................17
1.10.1 Hardware tools: -........................................................................................................17
1.10.2 Software tools: -..........................................................................................................17
1.11 Testing Procedures.............................................................................................................18
1.11.1 Unit Testing................................................................................................................18
1.11.2 Integration Test...........................................................................................................18
1.11.3 System Testing............................................................................................................19
CHAPTER TWO...........................................................................................................................19
2.1 EXISTING SYSTEM..........................................................................................................19
Existing system Description......................................................................................................19
2.1.1 BUSINESS RULE........................................................................................................20
2.1.2 Existing system players................................................................................................20
2.1.3 Functions and Activities in the Existing System..........................................................21
2.1.4 Report Process in the Existing System.........................................................................22
2.1.5 Bottlenecks of the Existing System..............................................................................22
2.1.6. Practices to be preserved.............................................................................................23
2.2 New system..........................................................................................................................23
2.2.1 Proposed Solution for the new System.........................................................................23
2.2.2 Requirements of the Proposed System.........................................................................24


In WSU.DTC, teacher performance management system is not well-developed in the form

web before to evaluates teacher performance, so we want to develop web-based systems that
can increase teacher performance among them and increase competency-based system that
measures teacher not only on goal attainment but also on the very competencies that are
required for their role.
The competency rating value are stored in the database system so that other processes such
as criteria, new criteria, backup search, calculator form and so on, can arrangement in these
databases. Performance management is a system designed to identify the ways to achieve or
fulfill organizational goals through constant assessment and feedback leading to
improvement of teacher performance.

1.1 Background
Wolaita Sodo University is found in southern part of Ethiopia means Southern Nations Ethiopia,
Region , Wolaita Sodo University was founded in 1999e.c.
This University has two branches. Those are: Otona campus(branch) and DTC (branch).
Dawro Tercha Campus is found at the South West some 116 kilometers from Otona Campus. It
is one of the young institutes which are contributing to the socio-economic and industrial
development of Ethiopia.

It provides higher education in basic fields for sustainable development and fair economic
growth. It is educating undergraduate students in Electrical and Computer Engineering,
Computer Science, Information Technology, Information System, Civil and Urban Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering, and Textile and Leather Engineering.[2]
Our vision is to create a dynamic and transparent teacher performance evaluation management
system that fosters continuous growth, excellence, and accountability in education. We envision
a system that leverages technology to streamline evaluation processes, provide actionable
feedback, and facilitate meaningful professional development opportunities for educators. Our
goal is to empower teachers to excel in their roles, positively impact student learning outcomes,
and contribute to the ongoing improvement of education worldwide.

Our mission is to develop and implement a comprehensive teacher performance evaluation
management system that promotes fairness, accuracy, and effectiveness in assessing educator
effectiveness. We are committed to providing administrators with the tools and resources
necessary to conduct thorough evaluations that recognize and celebrate teachers' strengths while
identifying areas for growth. Through continuous collaboration and feedback, our system aims to
support professional development initiatives tailored to each teacher's unique needs, ultimately
enhancing teaching quality and student success

1.3 Motivation
When we saw this, we really saw that there are people who do good and feel humane in our
country. So, we’ve also made our choice to help people with teacher performance manage and
make it easier for them to access.

when we went there we saw things making things difficult through technology so, as we are tech
students we planned to solve some things through A Web-based application and decided to
connect teacher performance manage and weak with teacher performance management system
For WSU-DTC in an easy way.

1.4, Problem statement

The main problem in the existing system faced that, there is no well-organized
computerized system to measure teacher performance in WSU.DTC. Additionally,
the existing performance management system is implemented ineffectively or the
performance measure of the teacher still using the manual appraisal.
The main drawback of the current system may: -
 Wastage of time: - Head of department (HOD) required a lot of time to evaluates
each teacher with meeting time.
 The Head of department (HOD) doesn’t record the performance evaluation at the
right time.
 The performance objective and the management system are not proportional: - most
teacher perform activities that are not listed or mentioned on the give criteria.
 Data loss and redundancy: - during evaluation information record data can be lost. 
Wastage of resource: - the existing system needs much resource for printing and
writing many documents.
 The existing system is it doesn’t support the feedback system, only examined
 Lack of security of data.

1.5 Team composition

Strategies for effective team composition include forming a balanced team with diverse skills
and personalities, fostering good communication and collaboration, enabling continuous learning
and development, and allowing for change and adaptability in dynamic environments.

Team composition has five aspects. These aspects are member roles, member personality,
member ability, member diversity and team size. Member roles refer to the duties and
responsibilities assigned by the team leader to the team members. The roles are matched to the
strengths and capabilities of the members.

Task Team member

Data gathering Workneh adugna

Data organizing Workneh adugna

Documentation Samuel kassahun

System analysis Samuel kassahun

System design Mohammed yimer

coding Mohammed yimer

1.6 Objective of the projects
1.6.1 General objective
The general objective of this project is to develop and implement web-based
teacher performance management system for WSU.DTC.

1.6.2 Specific Objective

 Analyze the limitations of the existing system.
 Analysis and design a system which is secured, efficient and user friendly.
 Design the system that will solve the current problems and provide reliable
 To add and update evaluation criteria
 To design and develop performance ranking system.
 Modeling and developing the new system.
 Implementing the system.
 Testing the system.
 Preparing semester report.

1.7 Scope of Project

The scope of this project helps to develop the automate system for teacher
performance management system in order to replace the manual paper work. Our
project scope includes the following basic tasks: -
 Manage users: -Add, activate, deactivate and delete system users.
 Our systems support criteria management for users input.
 Head of department (HOD): manages examinee, criteria and generate report for
HRM to evaluate the performance of teacher.
 Give feedback /comment...such as warning and appreciation.
 Inform all teachers when there is meeting in the form of text message post on
 Allow users to manage their own profile.
 View result: - only examinee and Head of department (HOD) can view evaluation
 Send report.
 Notification system.
 Generally: On the end the system make evaluation result by producing result that
teacher performs in the semester using its own algorithm that defined in system.

1.8 Significant of the project

 Increase competitions among each teacher
 Focuses teacher on self-development
 Minimizing and equalizing of rater bias (unfair)
 More insight for self and managers to plan initiatives and take decisions
 Increases team orientation and communication channels
 Increase productivity and manage problems
 lower cost in completing each process
 Better management and efficient information flow
 Help all the teacher can understand their job responsibilities and improve job
performance Make plan to solve the fetch up problems for future

1.9 Proposed system

The new system is designed to solve problems affecting the manual system in use.
It is design to be used online there by relieving the manager or supervisor teacher
and any other workers from much stress as experienced in the manual system. We
are going to improve the drawbacks of the existing system by developing an
automated, user friendly and interactive graphical user interface system which
will: -
 Manage time effectively: The proposed system will minimize wastage of time
using computers instead of manual system
 Make the data error free: - helps to avoid data redundancy or duplication.
 Utilize available resource effectively - minimize the usage of any writing material
like paper, pen and any other material that helps to write report document.
 Make the system computerized: - access all the performance management system
using computer system with the aid of the internet connection.
 Give any feedback to the entire teacher to correct their weakness.
 Security: since the system requires verification of logon form, sensitive
information’s will not be accessed or modified by unauthorized users.
 Efficient way of data management: -Since the system uses database system there is
no loose of data.

1.10 Methodology
1.10.1 Data collection method
We will try to developing this system obtained data from different sources. Since
the data was the basic component (requirement) to achieve the target aimed by the
Project and we will collect data from different sources to develop our system. Data
can be collected:-
A. Interview: -is used to gather required data for the project by contacting directly
with different departments of the WSU.DTC administrative staff.
B. Observation: -is used to gather additional data by observing the actual work
being done by the staff and consolidated with what was obtained through
C. Document Analysis (Document & literature review): -consulted and
analyzed written materials that describe the operations conducted in the station to
further strengthen and support the information that applied the above technique

1.11 Feasibility Study

Feasibility study is an analysis of an idea. The feasibility study focuses on helping answer the
essential questions of “should we precede the proposed project idea?”
Feasibility study outline is provided to give you guidance on how to proceed with the study and
what to include. It includes the following
1.11.1 Economic feasibility
This system is economically feasible, it reduces resource cost like paper and pen, and it also
reduces time for student admission. The system can show all the data in at a time, so to provide
information regarding the students who are either taken admission or to take admission in
fraction minutes, thus reduces the cost to data retrieving about the students. This less cost
analysis makes our proposed system more feasible. Therefore we can say our proposed system is
economically feasible. The economic feasibility of our project is according to the following:

N Tool Exist system cost New system cost

1 pen 200 50
2 computer 1900 1500

3 paper 200 100

4 flash 400 300

5 internet 400 200

3100 2150

P = 3100 -2150 = 900
New system use cost profit = 900 and Benefits

1. Tangible cost
Tangible cost are those our project benefit that can convert into monetary values. And
also tangible costs are costs that are seen instantly such as in purchasing products, paying
For this project, we have identified the following tangible benefits (per year)
 Decrease in labor cost
 Reduced Stationery Cost
 Reduction of error.
 Reduce cost of our project.
The tangible costs to be acquired in developing the system are:-
 Software development cost
 Hardware development cost

2. Intangible cost
Intangible cost is our project benefit that cannot convert into monetary values. I.e. they cannot be
measured by money. They are measured by person’s satisfaction.
 Knowledge gain by project developer.
 Increasing the competitiveness of the individual.
 Improving the morale of our team.
 Facilitating information processing of our team.

1.9.2Technical Feasibility
 This system is technically feasible, since the whole system is designed using the latest
technologies which is front end and back end of the system is PHP and MYSQL
SERVER (Wamp: Apache server) respectively. These development tools are most recent
and popular technologies to develop web based systems and design databases. As a result
this system is technically feasible. The use of IT expert computer, internet, desktop, the
use of customer.

1.9.3 Operational Feasibility

In this project operational feasibility refers to an evaluation which analyzes how well WSU-DTC
teacher performance management system operates. This system is easily acceptable by the
user/customers because the system will be user friendly and accurately meet the user’s
The system also develops with modularized way that the new changes or plans will fit into the
existing systemic framework.

1.9.4 Schedule feasibility

The proposed system is developed totally and begins to give services according to the time
given. Our project is completed in scheduled date. So that, the project is feasible in time
completion Therefore, it is feasible in schedule. Project schedule

Figure 1 Shows PROJECT TIME table

1.9.5 Legal feasibility

Legal feasibility determines whether the proposed system conflicts with the legal
requirement or not. A project may face legal issues after completion if this factor
is not considered at the first stage .As a result, our system is legal and doesn’t
conflict with the law of the country; it works based on the rule and regulation of
the Ethiopian constitution.

1.10 System Analysis and Design Methodology

To develop a function-able and good quality system, the software development
approach that chosen must be suitable for developing the certain system, it must
also provide all the features that needed for developing the system. In this project,
which is to develop an teacher performance management system, the object-
oriented approach is chosen.
The object-oriented approach has the ability of encapsulation, inheritance and
polymorphism that provide the facilities of the data hiding and reusability of the
code. The objects created in the program can be reused and the internal structure
of the objects it hides using encapsulation to protect them from corruption. So, it
made the system maintenance easier and shortens the development time. Object-
oriented approaches also reduce the complexity of the system development. This is
the reason why object-oriented approach is used in developing this project.

1.10.1 Case Tool

1.10.1 Hardware tools: -
 Desktop computer/laptop.
 Displaying devices like printer and monitor.
 Storage devices: hard disk, flash disc.
 Internet cable

1.10.2 Software tools: -

 Microsoft word 2016: - to prepare documentation.
 Microsoft PowerPoint: - to prepare slide shows.
 Apache server: - to facilitate works as local server.
 MYSQL: - to store user’s information.
 Notepad++: - to write different codes (PHP, CSS, JavaScript)
 Redraw max: - to Design UML diagrams.
Development Environment Operating environment is the environment that is responsible for
operating or applying the product of software. The operating environment of this product use
different hardware platforms like computer using PHP language. PHP programming language: -
the implementation or code part of this system is developed on the area of this language. It is
used to develop computer programs for Microsoft Windows, as well as web sites, web
applications and web services. Microsoft office 2016: The team use Microsoft office word during
prepares planning and writing documentation. UML Diagramming: The application design using
different UML diagram for the application. The team proposes to use Edraw max in order to
support those diagrams. Since Edraw max facilitates object-oriented analysis and design the
great thing about Edraw max is that it allows analysts, engineers, writers, and project managers
to create, view, manipulate, and modify elements in a Unified Modeling Language (UML) across
the entire enterprise, using one tool and one language.

1.11 Testing Procedures

Testing is a trial experience in which the deliverables of the project are checked with acceptable
standards in the project. We used unit testing, and system testing to test the correctness of each
module and the compiled program.

1.11.1 Unit Testing

In this type of testing, components are tested individually. In case of our system, all components
have been tested to maximum satisfaction. The components that will be tested are listed below: -
 Calculate evaluation result.
 Add and update evaluation criteria.
 Notification system between them.
 Head of department (HOD) manages examinee/er (examinee and examiner): -set examinee/er
(examinee and examiner) and examinee/er (examinee and examiner).
 Make evaluation

1.11.2 Integration Test

When a number of components are complete; it will test to ensure that they integrate well with
each other, the operating system, and other components.
1.11.3 System Testing
For verifying the whole system is functioning in the integrated manner and helping in striving or
try to achieve planned goal. System testing is comparing Function of the system developed in
relation with expected function of the system

Existing system Description
This chapter produces a broad outline of the proposed system that identifies the function
to be performed and the technical aspect that the system must fulfill and briefly describes
the existing system functionality, problem of the existing system. It also deals the
functional and non- functional requirements of the proposed system.
It is necessary to know the existing system of a given organization to develop a better system.
The existing system of WSU-DTC TPEM follows working manual system; this type of system is
very tedious or bulky for each Teacher. Each and every employee has its own individual
evaluation criteria within their department which is give or prepared by their supervisor. The
target area of this web based Teacher performance management system currently performs
different activities including calculating the evaluation result, adding evaluation criteria, update
evaluation criteria, set examinee/er (examinee and examiner) and update examinee/er (examinee
and examiner) and then like. In addition to the above explanation the existing system is not
secured since; it is manual based and the documents which stored in each individual department
can be easily steal by someone and throwaway the paper. so this manual system is not reliable in
case of such problems.
A business rule is effectively an operating principle or polices that we try to
specify for both the traditional existing system and the new system must satisfy.
It is a principle or a policy in which the proposed system operates accordingly.
It deals with access control issues. It often pertains to access control issues,
operating policies and principles of the organization.
 The existing system includes the following operating principles or rules:
BR1. Colleague & Head of department should be participate in evaluation
BR2.Teacher evaluated in semester
BR3. Criteria preparation
 The main business rules or principles of the proposed system are: -
BR1. . .Teacher evaluated in a semester.
BR2.Colleague & Head of department should be participate in evaluation
BR3. Criteria preparation
BR5. Only authorized user should evaluate
BR6. The Teacher must be evaluated only once by giving take care b/c system doesn’t
allow after evaluation

2.1.2 Existing system players

Player represents external entities that interact with the system. They manage and
perform the system functionally. These players are participating both in

the academicals staff number of players.

 In the academicals staff there is two different departments. Which includes :-

 Lecture
 Lecturer
 Assistant lecturer
 Assistant
 Lab Assistant
 Lab attendants
In WSU.DTC as we have gathered information all staff (administrative and
academicals ) the Teacher performance can be measure or evaluated by three
evaluation types or methods. These evaluation types are:-
 Supervisor evaluation types: - the Head Of Department must be
evaluates all the Teacher which are participating in his or her staff and
finally sent their result to the HRM.
 Colleague evaluation types: - in this evaluation type all the colleague
can be evaluate their work friend or their colleague and send to the Head
of department.
 Student evaluation types:- evaluation type in which university lecturers
evaluates according to criteria given by the Head of department.

2.1.3 Functions and Activities in the Existing System

The major activities in the existing system are activities that have been
accomplishes in existing system.
 Distributing the evaluation criteria to the individual Teacher with
their department.
 Evaluate the entire Teacher within the organization.
 Give the reward to the Teacher that has a good participation on
their work.
 Give warnings to the Teacher when he or she can’t surmount the
 Give the extension time for correcting his or her performance.
 Record the Teacher information in documented form.
 Make confirmation between the Teacher and Head of department
in the given plan.
 Divide the Teacher into groups used for easy manage by the Head
of department.
 Each Teacher processes the report to the Head of department and
Head of department pass into the HR

2.1.4 Report Process in the Existing System

In our system Teacher performance and evaluation management system report
is not generate but; can create or process from the individual examinee in the
form of notification system and the Head of department submits it to the HRM.
The Teacher processes report in the six month or semester which uses manual
System, it takes time to write and submit to the Head of department. All the
departments of each staff process reports in manual system in the existing
system. As we have listed in the above in both the administrative and
academicals staff the entire Teacher can be evaluated by the three examiners.
But each of the examiners gives different value based on the given criteria to the
examinee. The evaluation form is filled with each examiner as he or she
assumes to give the result for examinees surmount of responsibility.
 In all staff’s Teacher can be examined by: -
 Colleague evaluation
 Head of department evaluation
 Student evaluation
1. Colleague: - they must evaluate the examinee out of some given rule
based on the given criteria which is given to him or her.
2. Head of department: -can also evaluate the examinee out of some
given rule in which they can base on their agreement.
3. Students :- can evaluate university lecturers according to criteria
stored on database by Head of department

2.1.5 Bottlenecks of the Existing System

 Performance
 The current system is still working at low level of data organized,
because the system works all things in manual form. The current system
doesn’t give fast response time to manage and evaluate the Teacher
 Security and control
 Every record of the existing system is paper based so, it is difficult to
control and secure these manual records, since it doesn’t have any
authentication and authorization system.
 Resource consumption
 Due to the manual operation most of the activities are easy to wastage of
resources like stationary materials, manpower, time and the resource
utilization of the current system very extravagant; because use much
resource for writing any documented formats.
 Efficiency
 The workers or the Teacher can waste time and materials that may
happen by the peoples and data is redundantly processed or redundantly
copied. The materials required for tasks are expensive.
 Service
 The existing system gives very tedious service in processing the report
for the HRM. Because it is difficult to manage and controlling the
Teacher performance manually

2.1.6. Practices to be preserved

The main activities that are performed in the manual system will be transfer by
designing the web based activities. That of each activity is transfers to the new
system are designed and automated to achieve the best functionality.
 In the existing system it increases a good relationship between each
Teacher in meetings.
 Make performance evaluation computerized to minimize resource
 The proposed system helps to exchange the experience by giving any
 The proposed system helps minimize access time.

2.2 New system

2.2.1 Proposed Solution for the new System
The new system is designed to solve problems affecting the manual
system in use. It is design to be used web there by relieving the manager
or Head of department, Teacher and any other workers from much stress
as experienced in the manual system. We are going to improve the
drawbacks of the existing system which is manual by developing an
automated, user friendly and interactive graphical user interface system
which will:-
 Manage time effectively:-in the proposed system make it reducing the
wastage of time during evaluation with the aid of computer system.
 Make the data error free: - helps to avoid data redundancy or
 Utilize available resource effectively - minimize the usage of any
writing material like paper, pen and any other material that helps to write
report document.
 Make the system computerized: - access all the performance
management system using computer system with the aid of the internet
 Give any feedback to the entire Teacher to correct their weakness.
 Security: since the system requires verification of logon form, sensitive
information’s will not be accessed or modified by unauthorized users.
 Efficient way of data management: -Since the system uses database
system there is no loose of data.

2.2.2 Requirements of the Proposed System Non-Functional Requirement

 Performance: The system provides fast access to user according to their
request. Navigation requires very little Computation and the response
time of the system is short.
 Usability: The system interface that we are developing to be interactive
and easily understandable. Teacher can easily interact with the system
from outside using internet since it is web based and easy to use it.
 Reliability: The data or information which is retrieved from the system
is accurate (required) in deserved time and easy to load data.
 Availability: Our system is available in everywhere in a WSU.DTC;
every time and system user can access who wants to evaluate Teacher
performance using internet access.
 Security: Our system can be accessed only for the authorized user by
creating account.
 Portability: our system supports every operating system.
 Error handling: It can tolerate to wrong inputs and prompts the users to
correct the inputs. It guides the users to properly utilize it. It displays a
message when the user tries to access the data that are not available in
the data base or make a mistake on the system.
 Extensibility: The system should enable the addition of new
functionality or feature without any restriction.
 Maintainability: The system that we are developing will be easily
maintainable and modifiable for new features.
 User interface requirement
 The User interface of the homepage use attractive color: -the user
interface of this software includes button or link lists in the home page
and as well as in the individual user pages and make it use more
appropriate color.
 The interface should be user friendly: - the interface is not ambiguous
for any system user to use it. Functional Requirement

Functional requirements which are observable tasks or processes that
must be performed by the system. The following are the functional
requirements of the system.
 Manage users: - the system admin can manage users in case of Add,
activate, deactivate and delete them.
 Manage criteria: - the supervisors manage criteria in case of adding and
updating the criteria that were added before as needed.
 Manage examinee/er (examinee and examiner): - the Head of
department can set and update the examinee/er (examinee and examiner)
for different time schedule.
 Make evaluation: - all the examiners can evaluate or examine the
examinee how he or she performs his or her work efficiently and
 View result: -only the examinee and Head of department can see the
evaluation results how much he or she can got out of one hundred.
 Generate report: - system generates the report that result of each
examinee or Teacher must be submitted to the Head of department and
 View report: - the HRM view or read all the prepared report that were
send from Head of department.
 Send notification:-all the system users can send any notification in the
form of message between them except the system admin.
 View notification: - all the system- users can view or read the
notifications that were send by the other users except the system admin.

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