Benchmark writing OET 3

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Ticket Id: 24589


Dr David Smith
Emergency Department
Main Hospital
Coast City

Dear Dr Smith,
Mrs Lucy Clarke, DOB: 11/03/1951

I am writing to refer Mrs Clarke, a 64-year-old retired office clerk, whose signs and symptoms are
suggestive of unstable angina, for further management.

Although Mrs Clarke is a social drinker, she does not smoke. She lives with her husband. Regarding her Comment [benchmark1]: lives with
her husband and
family history, her mother had suffered from acute myocardial infarction at the age of 57 and died due to
ischemic stroke two years later. Moreover, she has had a history of type 2 diabetes mellitus,
hyperlipidaemia and hypertension for which she is on sitagliptin, insulin, atorvastatin and irbesartan.

Today, Mrs Clarke presented with a complaint of central crushing chest pain on exertion which was
radiating down towards the left arm over the last week. It occurred thrice a day with each episode of less
than 15 minutes. Furthermore, it was associated with dyspnoea and relieved by rest. The general
examination including resting ECG was unremarkable; , however, the temperature was 36.7 degree. Comment [benchmark2]: she is quite
worried due to her risk factors of heart
In light of the above, it would be greatly appreciated if you could admit this patient for urgent assessment. disease .

In addition, kindly counsel him regarding the serious risk of myocardial infarction. Comment [benchmark3]: I believe
that this could be a case of unstable angina.
Therefore, it
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any queries.
Comment [benchmark4]: her
Yours sincerely,


Word length 196
Comments The candidate has attempted the task well. Flow of
information is logical and relevant case notes have
been covered well. However, there are minor
inaccuracies related to grammar and sentence
formation. Nevertheless, these errors do not
impede the communication.
Estimated Grade B
Advice 1. Pay a little more attention to grammar and
improve sentences.
2. Always proofread the letter after finishing it.
Helpful links

296 Henley Beach Rd, Underdale, 5032

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