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CBSE Class 11 Biology Sample Paper

Set 1
Class 11 Biology
Section A contains 10 questions of 1 mark each
Section B contains 5 questions of 2 marks each.
Section C contains 5 questions of 4 marks each.
Section D contains 6 questions of 5 marks each.

Section A

1. What is cellular level of organization?

2. Name the three germ layers.
3. What is plasmalemma?
4. Which type of cell division helps in growth and regeneration?
5. Define metabolism
6. What is binomial nomenclature?
7. Define venation.
8. What is endarch xylem?
9. How many spermathecae are found in earthworm?
10. Where are the Malpighian tubules located in a cockroach?

Section B

11. Distinguish between poikilothermic and homoiotheric organisms

12. Explain the structure and function of plasomdesmata with the help of a diagram.
13. Write Taxonomic categories (Linnaean hierarchy) showing hierarchical arrangement in
ascending order.
14. Differentiate between heart wood and sap wood.
15. Distinguish between prostomium and peristomium.

Section C

16. Write note on neural tissue.

17. Write a note on the role of lysosomes in cellular metabolism.
18. Some symbiotic organisms are very good pollution indicators and composed of a chlorophyllous and
a non- chlorophyllous member. Describe them.
19. Write a note on the different types of arrangement of vascular bundles.
20. Differentiate between Polyp and Medusa with examples.

Section D
21. List the characters found in the members of phylum Platyhelminthes.

22. Write a brief note on the endomembrane system.

23. What are protozoan protists? Describe the different types of movement seen in this group
24. Discuss five different types of leaf modifications.
25. Explain briefly secondary growth in dicot stem.
26. Write detailed notes on the types of muscle tissue.

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