prepatory worksheet-23-24 (40 marks) (1)

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Name: Shayan Kabir

Roll Number: 26 Section: F Admit Card No.:

Marks Obtained: Total Marks: Internal

Assessment Marks:

Examiner’s Sign:

Invigilator’s Sign:

SUBJECT : Geography DATE: 28th March, Thursday 2024

DURATION: 1 Hour, Marks:40 Students answer on the Question
Paper. No Additional Materials are required.


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case of any additional papers are used. The number of marks
is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part

This document consists of 9 printed pages

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(Section-A-Migration, Marks:13)

Q.1. Study Figure 3.1 which is a map showing information about

global net migration.

a) Describe the distribution of areas with negative net migration in

Asia. Mention one reasons behind it. (2) Ans: The distribution of

areas with negative net migration in Asia is that the maximum

number of people are going out of the country. One reason behind

this is that the country is LEDC.

b) Describe the distribution of areas with positive net migration in

North America . Mention one reasons behind it. (2)

Ans: The distribution of areas with positive net migration in North

America is that the maximum number of people is coming into the

country. One reason behind this is that the country might be MEDC.
Q.2. Study Fig. 1.1, which shows information about the
country of origin of people living in Canada in 1990 and
2015.Answer the question from (a to d)

a) How many people from the USA lived in Canada in 2015?

___________350,000 people______________thousand.

b) Put the following countries of origin in rank order for 1990.

(0.5x4=2) India Pakistan Philippines UK

Highest number __________U.K. had 700,000 people_________

_______________India had 170,000


____________Philippines had 120,000


Lowest number ________Pakistan had 20,000


c) Using information from fig 1.1, describe how the number of

people from China and Italy living in Canada changed between 1990
and 2015. You should use statistics in your answer. (2)

While migration from China to Canada experienced substantial

growth, migration from Italy to Canada declined. These trends may
reflect changes in economic conditions, immigration policies, and
other factors affecting migration patterns between these countries and
d) Describe the problems which many migrants from China and Italy
may face after moving to Canada. (2)
Ans: Migrants from China and Italy relocating to Canada may

confront challenges such as linguistic barriers, cultural adaptation

difficulties, and the need for professional credential recognition.

Q.3. Study figure 3.2 which shows

information about types of

migration .

Figure 3.2

a) Differentiate between internal and international migration.

Internal migration International migration

Internal migration refers to the movement of International migration is when people move
people within a country, from one place to from one country to another to live or work.

This could be for various reasons such as job This could be for reasons like finding better
opportunities, education, or seeking a better jobs, escaping conflict, or seeking education
quality of life. It doesn't involve crossing opportunities. It involves crossing international
international borders, but rather relocating borders.
within the same country.

(Section-B, Farming,Marks:9)

Q.1. Study figure 1.1 which is a photograph of an area where

subsistence farming takes place.


a) What is meant by subsistence farming? (1)

Ans: Grown of crops just to satisfy the needs of the farmer and his

family. Eg: wheat, soybeans, and barley

b) Using evidence figure 1.1 only describe two features of farming in

the area shown (0.5x2=1) i) . ____Intensive Farming: Where a lot of

money and labor are used to increase the yield in a small


ii) _Livestock Farming: produce milk and meat for human


c) Insert the following words into the following table below to

show examples of input, processes and output of the subsistence

farmer (0.5x6=3) (Harvesting, maize, water, weeding, Milk, Seeds)

Inputs Processes Outputs

Milk Milking Maize crops

Seeds Harvesting Dairy products
Water Weeding Corn
Maize Planting Weed-free fields

d) Explain why many farmers in LEDC are subsistence farmers. (1)

Many farmers in LEDCs are subsistence farmers due to limited access

to resources and technology. Subsistence farming ensures basic

sustenance for families.

e) For a named country or region you have studied explain how

natural factors have caused food shortages and how miracle seeds can

help to overcome this food shortages?


In Sub-Saharan Africa, erratic rainfall and soil degradation often lead

to food shortages. Miracle seeds, like drought-resistant varieties, offer

a solution by withstanding harsh conditions and providing higher

yields. These seeds help ensure a reliable food source, addressing

hunger and enhancing food security in regions prone to natural


(Section-C-Coast and Tourism- Marks-8)

Q.1. Name the coastal features in the given boxes.


Q.2.What is coastal flooding? Mention two physical causes of

coastal flooding. (1.5)

Coastal flooding is the flow of land near coastlines by seawater. It

happens when ocean water covers land near the coast. It occurs

because of things like storms, high tides, and rising sea levels. This

flooding can damage buildings, hurt wildlife, and make it dangerous

for people living nearby.

Two physical causes of coastal flooding are:

1. storm surges

2. high tides

Q.3.Study fig 5.3, which shows an island in the Indian ocean

before and after the construction of tourist facilities. Answer
question number a and b.
a) Using fig 5.3 only ,identify three changes on the island as a result
of the construction of the tourist facilities. (0.5x3=1.5)

New buildings___________

creation of a new civilization__

Farms created_____________

b) For a named area you have studied, explain how the tourist
industry is being developed without destroying the natural
environment. (0.5+1=1.5)
Name of the area_Costa Rica___________

The tourist industry is developed sustainably to preserve the natural

environment. The country prioritizes eco tourism, offering activities

like wildlife watching and rainforest hikes that minimize impact.

(Section-D-Employment structure and world development

pattern, Marks:10 )

Q.1.Answer the following questions (a-e) from the given map.

a) What is Brandt line? Label it in the map with yellow colour?


The concept of a gap between the Global North and the Global South

in terms of development and wealth. Its classifying countries.

b) Name any two countries from the rich north. (0.5x2=1)



c) Name any two countries from the poor south. (0.5x2=1)



d) Which country is rich but found in the south? Colour it blue on

the map. (1x2=2)



e) Define “Newly Industrialised Countries” (1)

Countries that are still developing but show greater economic growth
compared to other developing countries.
Q.2. What is employment structure? (1)

Employment structure are the workforce that is divided up between

the three main employment sectors – primary, secondary and tertiary.

Q.3. Define Primary and tertiary economic sector with examples.


Primary economic sector

The economic sector that relies directly upon natural resources. Such

as: Fishing, mining, farming, and Ranching.

Tertiary economic sector

The economic sector where people are engaged in the service

industry. Such as: Lawyers, doctor, waitresses, firefighters,

mechanics etc.

Best of Luck!

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