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Ticket Id:47010r

Dr Michael Brown
Newbridge Hospital
56 Clayton Road

Dear Dr Brown,
Re: Mr Leo Berry, D.O.B:06/07/74

I am writing to refer Mr Berry, a 48-year-old male who has presented with early signs of liver cirrhosis, for
further assessment.

Mr Berry is a heavy smoker and drinker. He was diagnosed with hepatitis C in 2015 for which he completed
his treatment successfully. A positive history of liver disease is notable related to his uncle. Please note, his
vaccination status for hepatitis A and B is updated.

Initially, on 12/08/18, Mr Berry presented with complaints of feeling of generalised weakness and
tiredness for the last 2-months. He also noticed an easy bruisability along with a gradual loss of his Comment [teacher1]: bruising
appetite. His examination was unremarkable apart from mild tenderness and ascites on abdominal tendency
examination. Therefore, he was advised to modify his diet along with reduce smoking and alcohol Comment [teacher2]: reducing
consumption in collaboration with the alcohol support team.

On today’s review, there is no improvement in his condition despite lifestyle modifications. However, his Comment [teacher3]: some
alcohol consumption is still very high. The blood tests indicated deranged levels of LFTs, bilirubin and
PT/INR ratio. Moreover, his PLT and WCC counts were reduced. The ultrasound showed an enlarged liver
and spleen along with mild ascites and the right posterior hepatic notch were also noticed.

In light of the above, it would be greatly appreciated if you could manage his condition accordingly and
carry on investigations including MRI and biopsy.

If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours sincerely,
Word length 236
Comments The letter summarises all important case
notes in relevant paragraphs. There is good
coherence and only a few minor errors. The
purpose is laid down clearly. The letter is up
to the mark.
Estimated Grade B+ or A
Advice 1. Revise grammar.
2. Improve choice of words.
3. Keep up the great work.
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