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Dear Mr.

Mr Customer,
Ageas Federal Life Insurance MAGIC Savings Plan is here. Here's your illustration for
Mega Lumpsum Variant.
Policy Term Premium
Age (You get life cover for) Payment Term

30 Years 20 Years 12 Years

Working of the plan

Get a lumpsum bene t of Rs. 53,26,680 after 20 years.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Pay annual premium of Rs. 2,00,000 for 12 years

20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11

*Provided all premiums paid and the policy is in-force

Pay Rs. Pay

5 Lakhs
₹ 24 Lakhs Get *
₹ 53.27 Lakhs

Premium shown are exclusive of taxes for healthy individual.

Ageas Federal Life Insurance MAGIC Savings Plan is a Non-linked, Non-participating, Individual, Savings, Life Insurance Plan (UIN: 135N098V01). 'Ageas Federal Life Insurance MAGIC Savings Plan' is the name of the
savings life insurance contract and does not in any way indicate the quality of the contract, its future prospects, or returns.' The product is underwri en by Ageas Federal Life Insurance Company Limited (IRDAI Regn. No
135; Corporate Identity Number (CIN) - U66010MH2007PLC167164) having its corporate and registered o ice at: Ageas Federal Life Insurance Company Limited, 22nd Floor, A Wing, Marathon Futurex, N. M. Joshi Marg,
Lower Parel - East, Mumbai - 400013. Website: Toll-Free: 1800 209 0502. Trade Logo displayed above belongs to The Federal Bank Limited and Ageas International Insurance N. V. and used by
Ageas Federal Life Insurance Company Limited under license from respective partners. For more details on risk factors, terms and conditions, please read the sales brochure carefully before concluding a sale.
ARN: 17932/MSP/ENG/Print-FL/Dec23
Benefit Illustration - Ageas Federal Life Insurance MAGIC Savings Plan (A Non-Linked, Non Participating, Individual, Savings, Life Insurance Plan)
(Product Unique Identification No - 135N098V01)

Personal details Quotation Number 4247013

Name of the Proposer: Mr Customer Proposal / Application No.
Age: 30 Name of the Product Ageas Federal Life Insurance MAGIC Savings Plan
Gender: Male Tag Line A Non-Linked, Non Participating, Individual, Savings,
Life Insurance Plan
Name of the Life Assured: Mr Customer
Unique Identification Number 135N098V01
Age: 30
Year 1-4.5%
Gender: Male GST Rate
Year 2-2.25%
Policy Term: 20
GSTIN Number- available for Proposer(Yes/No) No
Premium Payment Term: 12
State of Mailing Address (Proposer) Delhi (UT)
Amount of Instalment Premium: 2,00,000
Location of Sale Delhi (UT)
Mode of Payment of Premium: Yearly

This Benefit Illustration is intended to show year-wise premiums payable and benefits under the policy.
Po l i cy D e ta i l s
Pla n Va ria nt Mega Lumps um Sum As s ured on Dea th 20,00,000
Income Pa yout Frequency NA Life Cover Multiple 10

Pre m i u m D e ta i l s
Tota l Ins ta lment Premium
Ins ta lment premium without GST a nd ces s 2,00,000
Ins ta lment premium with Firs t Yea r GST a nd ces s 2,09,000
Ins ta lment premium with GST a nd ces s Second Yea r onwa rds 2,04,500

AFLI/BI/MAGIC Savings Plan/Version 1.2/13-Apr-2024/4247013/Agency And Alliances 1

(Amount in Rupees)

N o n - G u a ra n te e d
G u a ra n te e d B e n e fits
B e n e fits
Po l i cy Ye a r An n u a l i z e d Pre m i u m S p e ci a l S u rre n d e r
G u a ra n te e d Oth e r B e n e fits ( i f D e a th B e n e fit G u a ra n te e d
I n co m e B o o s te r S u rvi va l B e n e fit Ma tu ri ty B e n e fit Va l u e
Ad d i o n s a n y) ( p a ya b l e o n d e a th ) S u rre n d e r Va l u e

1 2,00,000 16,820 - - - - 20,00,000 - -

2 2,00,000 33,640 - - - - 20,00,000 1,35,138 81,173
3 2,00,000 50,460 - - - - 20,00,000 2,40,276 1,38,221
4 2,00,000 67,280 - - - - 20,00,000 4,50,460 2,08,938
5 2,00,000 84,100 - - - - 20,00,000 5,75,690 2,95,668
6 2,00,000 1,00,920 - - - - 20,00,000 7,05,966 4,01,352
7 2,00,000 1,17,740 - - - - 20,00,000 8,41,288 5,29,107
8 2,00,000 1,34,560 - - - - 22,05,520 9,97,656 6,82,608
9 2,00,000 1,51,380 - - - - 25,56,900 11,63,070 8,66,278
10 2,00,000 1,68,200 - - - - 29,25,100 13,37,530 10,84,335
11 2,00,000 1,85,020 - - - - 33,10,120 15,21,036 13,42,916
12 2,00,000 2,01,840 - - - - 37,11,960 17,13,588 16,48,110
13 - 2,01,840 - - - - 39,13,800 18,70,140 19,01,715
14 - 2,01,840 - - - - 41,15,640 20,26,692 21,88,697
15 - 2,01,840 - - - - 43,17,480 22,07,244 25,12,773
16 - 2,01,840 - - - - 45,19,320 23,63,796 28,78,807
17 - 2,01,840 - - - - 47,21,160 25,44,348 32,91,121
18 - 2,01,840 - - - - 49,23,000 27,00,900 37,55,757
19 - 2,01,840 - - - - 51,24,840 29,77,452 42,78,729
20 - 2,01,840 - - - 53,26,680 53,26,680 30,38,004 48,66,988

The above table should be read in conjunction with important notes.

Important Note -
1) Annualized Premium shall be the premium amount payable in a year chosen by the policyholder, excluding the taxes, rider premiums, underwriting extra premiums and loadings for modal premiums, if any.
2) Single premium shall be the Single premium paid, excluding the taxes, rider premiums, underwriting extra premiums if any.
3) Death Benefit shall not be less than Surrender Value as on date of death. Surrender value is higher of Guaranteed Surrender Value and Special Surrender Value.
4) The values shown are for illustrative purposes only. Please read the sales literature and policy document for explanation of terms used in this illustration.
5) Age, premium payment term and policy term are in years.
6) This illustration is for a healthy individual and acceptance of the proposal is subject to underwriting.
7) The illustration assumes the payment of all premiums on due dates.
8) All Benenfits shown in Benefit Summary are payable at the end of the year.

AFLI/BI/MAGIC Savings Plan/Version 1.2/13-Apr-2024/4247013/Agency And Alliances 2

9) Plan varint once chosen at inception cannot be changed later during the policy term.
10) Goods and Services tax and cess as applicable, will be levied as per the extant laws.
11) ' Ageas Federal Life Insurance MAGIC Savings Plan’ is the name of the savings life insurance contract and does not in any way indicate the quality of the contract, its future prospects, or returns.

Declaration by Proposer:
I,____________ , having received the information, with respect to the above have understood the above statement before entering into the contract.
Place :
Date : Signature of Proposer :

Marketing official's name: I,____________ , have explained the premiums and benefits under the product fully to the proposer.

Place :
Date :
Company Seal: Signature of Advisor/ Specified person / Marketing Official:

AFLI/BI/MAGIC Savings Plan/Version 1.2/13-Apr-2024/4247013/Agency And Alliances 3

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