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1. What is the primary function of a half-adder?

2. Which type of flip-flop is commonly used in building sequential circuits?

3. What is the purpose of a magnitude comparator in digital circuits?
4. In sequential circuits, what is the purpose of a shift register?
5. What is the primary function of a multiplexer?
6. What is the fundamental theorem in Boolean algebra that states every Boolean
function can be expressed as a sum of minterms or as a product of maxterms?
7. How many variables can a Karnaugh map handle for simplification purposes?
8. Which Boolean algebra theorem is useful for simplifying expressions with inverted
9. What does SOP stand for in the context of Boolean algebra?
10. What is the primary purpose of using Karnaugh maps in logic simplification.

11. Explain the design and operation of a full-adder circuit. Provide the truth table and
logical expressions for the outputs.
12. Simplify the logic circuit shown in figure

13. Design a 4-to-1 multiplexer circuit and provide the truth table for its operation.
14. Describe the operation of a BCD adder and explain how it differs from a regular
binary adder.
15. Explain the concept of canonical forms in Boolean algebra. Provide an example to
illustrate the canonical representation of a Boolean function.
16. Design a 4-variable Boolean function and simplify it using both Karnaugh map and
algebraic methods. Compare the results obtained.
17. Implement full adder using multiplexer.
18. Define Synchronous counter.
19. Realize T Flip Flop using SR Flip Flop
20. Design a 3 bit synchronous counter which counts in the sequence 000, 001, 011,
010,100, 110, (repeat) 000, …using D flip flop.
21. Convert Transparent flip flop into a JK flip flop.
22. Simplify the following function using K – map, f = ABCD + AB’C’D’+ AB’C + AB
& realize the SOP using only NAND gates?
23. Minimize the term using Quine McCluskey method & verify the result using K
map method πM(0,1,4,11,13,15)+ πd(5,7,8).

24. Using Quine McCluskey method Simplify the Boolean expression F(v,w,x,y,z) = ∑
(4,5,9,11,12,14,15,27,30) +∑ø(1,17,25,26,31)
25. Given Y (A, B, C, D) = ∏M (0, 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 10, 14, 15), draw the K-map and obtain
the simplified expression. Realize the minimum expression using basic gates.
26. Implement the following function using suitable multiplexer F (A, B, C, D) = Σ(1, 3,
4, 11, 12, 13, 14 , 15 )
27. Draw the logic diagram of BCD to Decimal decoder and explain its operations.
28. Explain the working Master/Slave JK FF.

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