Bahasa Inggris Alifa

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1. greeting card dear hanna

2. hanna send card

3. a simple present tence

4. is a greeting card

5. in sender and accept


1. Student

2. Computer

3. Verry happy

4. Participate in an animation in Singapore

5. Wish her lick

6. Always do what she can do,never complain nor stop

7. be disciplined and do best

8. an animation clas for a year

9. the first runner-up of student animation competition

10. he can score more and more young generation of the nation


1. Congratulation/ Greeting card

2. To congratulate Risa about the match and wish her win the gold

3. To congratulate Risa

4. Receiver : Risa

Body : - Congratulations on entering the quarter final

- We hope you can advanced to the semifinal and final round, and then win
the gold medal

Sender : Fajar


1. A tae kwon do championship. Our club member, Indah, participate in it.

2. It’s an international competition.

3. I congratulated her on the victory.

4. Proud of her achievement.

5. Gain more experiece.


Do you still live in Bali? I hope you still live in Bali. If I am in Bali, i and family will live in
my old home where i have left since two years ago. In other word, i and you will be
neighbor again. If i meet you, i want we go to sanur beach and enjoy the sun rise like our
memory in two years ago. I can’t be patient to go to Bali and meet you later. Plese reply
my letter. See you in Bali.

Activity 1 bab 2

1. a. Causes:

 High rainfall
 Blockage of river flow

b. Effects

 Stopping residents activities

 Difficuit to get clean water

2. a. Causes

 Virus covid-19 mutated rapidly

 Many people get infected because breaking the rules of healthy protocol

b. Effects

 Many people infected covid died

 Economics downfall as long limitation of grouped

3. a. Causes

 Many demands that can fulfilled

 Product is less and not suitable with demand

b. Effects

 The equilibrium of price is getting higher

 The increased of demand can pursue inflation

Activity 4

1. COVID-19, medical staff must spend most of their time treating patients

2. companies face existential threats

3. difficulty in running a business

4. Viruses spread easily and quickly

5. they have been attending online classes for years, as a result they don't know their
friends well and often have difficulty in learning

6. The pandemic is over quickly and everything is back to normal

7. friend (mungkin)

8. apply health protocols anytime and anywhere

9. apply health protocols anytime and anywhere

10. what we learn is: that ending the pandemic cannot be done alone, but together, by
adhering to health protocols we can prevent this pandemic from continuing.

Activity 5

1. Industrial

2. production

3. manufacturing

4. skilled walkers

5. coming year

6. leverage

7. automation

8. positive effects

9. unemployment

10. develop


1. The speakers are talking about Industry 4.0.

2. (occupation) They may be discussing their occupations or professions related to the

topic of Industry 4.0.

3. Nowadays modern industries apply Industry 4.0 because it offers advancements in

automation, connectivity, and data exchange.

4. Industry 4.0 impacts on workers because it may lead to changes in job roles, increased
automation, and the need for new skills and training.

5. The speakers understand the effects of Industry 4.0, so they are likely discussing
strategies for adapting to the changes and ensuring job security in the face of
technological advancements.

1. Mrs. Dewi treat her customers with hospitality and comfort.

2. Mrs. Dewi want to giver her customers a comfortable place for eating at outdoor.
Because the customer will have enough space for movement and having a fresh air and
good scenery.

3. Because Bali is the most famous place in Indonesia.

4. Because Mrs Dewi want her employees to refreshing their mind to prevent the
stressful work at her restaurant.

5. Her customers will feel uncomfortable and leave the restaurant.


1. The speakers are discussing Wi-Fi networks.

2. People prefer installing Wi-Fi because it offers convenience and ease of access. It
allows users to connect wirelessly and stay connected while moving freely without being
tethered by cables.

3. - Wireless Connectivity: Devices can stay connected without physical wires.

- Mobility: Users can move freely within the network range.

- WLAN Hotspots: Convenient access to broadband connections in public places like

hotels, cafes, and airports.

- Ease of Setup: Wi-Fi networks are straightforward to set up and configure.

4. - Security Risks: Wireless communication is less secure and more susceptible to


- Reliability: Wi-Fi can be less reliable due to factors like local congestion and distance
from the router.

5. The dialog does not mention a specific reason for not setting up Wi-Fi at home.
However, it's possible that the speakers have alternative connectivity options or specific


1. The dialog takes place in Vita's home.

2. Vita wants to use her father's laptop because her laptop is broken and there is a direct
election will be conducted online.

3. Direct democracy will direct to fairness because the voters will be led to find
information about the candidates visions and missions before voting.
4. If the OSIS chairperson is elected by the student themselves, the elected candidate
will be more responsible.

5. In my opinion, the most popular and competent candidate will be the OSIS
chairperson in direct democracy.


1. humant have lost their homes

2. decreased endurance

3. wake up late

4. online learning.

5. extinct

6. I blocked it

7. get champion

8. dirty floor

9. earlier

10. Cake forle not good


1. About WHO health experts

2. The world is being attacked by the COVID 19 OR CORONA pandemic

3. The work of vaccines is that we will be immune from viruses and maintain health

4. to maintain health protocols

5. to people exposed to the Covid 19 pandemic


1. Mrs. Ida recommends Mr. Agung use e-banking services because it will make his life
easier by providing various conveniences such as checking account balance, monitoring
debit and credit transactions, transferring money, and paying bills via smartphone.

2. The Internet connection takes the most important thing in e-banking services because
to access the e-banking services, one needs an Internet connection. Without an Internet
connection, accessing and utilizing these services would not be possible.

3. The text informs us about gaming addiction, also known as gaming disorder, and
highlights its detrimental effects on individuals and their loved ones.
4. Paragraph two is about the design and mechanics of video games that contribute to
their addictive nature, including how games are intentionally created to be challenging
yet rewarding, triggering the brain's reward system.

5. The writer expects that readers understand the seriousness of gaming addiction and
its potential consequences, as well as the need for professional help if someone is
suffering from severe addiction symptoms.


1. Natural phenomena includes El Nino and La Nina, hail, the rising level of water on the
ocean, landslide, the weather anomaly in several regions on earth such as the snow in
Iraq and the huge flood in New York.

2. Hail, storm, flood, earthquake, volcanic eruptions do take place in my region in East

3. The disaster happens due to the global warming, the tectonic swift on earth, the
human mistake because of their lack of awareness in preserving the environment and
many more.

4. The social and economic injustice, juvenile deliquency, overpopulation, high crime
rate, high rate of natality, corruption, poverty and illiteracy.

5. It occurs due to various reason from the lack of government's contribution on the
people's welfare, the low level of education, the lack of birth control to the corruption
and political instability or even the sudden unexpected natural cause such the


1. The text is called Descriptive text

2. The text is about the description of how beautiful Colored Pebbles of Lakes in Glacier
National Park is.

3. The color of the rocks is determined by the presence or absence of iron. The bright
red rocks found along the Grinnell Glacier trail were deposited in a shallow ocean
environment where the iron was oxidized by tidal exposure to the air. Rocks with this
coloration often have old ripple marks or ancient mud crack lines.

4. People can see it at Glacier National Park in the US, state of Montana, on the border
with Canada.

5. No, they can not, because it's against the law to take rocks, stones, flowers, sticks
(even if you want to claim it as your new hiking stick), and everything else that is
naturally found in a national park.

Activity 12

1. the best title for the text would be "the importance of teamwork in the workplace".
2. the main idea of the second paragraph is that teamwork usually consists of people
with different ages, backgrounds, skills, and experiences, which can reveal new and
fresh ideas that are invaluable in today's competitive business environment. however,
it's important to create a team without the fear of criticism, so that new ideas and
perspectives can start to flow.

3. teamwork works more efficiently because it:

- splits difficult tasks into more manageable chunks and completes them faster

- ensures the person with the most relevant skills is working on the part that suits them

4. the text mentions the following 4 benefits of teamwork:

- teamwork will improve efficiency.

- teamwork will create better quality products.

- teamwork can develop faster innovation.

- teamwork brings together people with different ages, backgrounds, skills, and
experiences, which can reveal new and fresh ideas.

5. key things i can learn from this text:

- teamwork is crucial in both personal and professional life, as humans are social
creatures and can't work alone.

- effective teamwork requires bringing together people with diverse backgrounds, skills,
and experiences to generate new ideas.

- teamwork improves efficiency, product quality, and innovation.

- creating an environment where team members feel comfortable sharing new ideas
without fear of criticism is important for effective teamwork.


1. The challenges of urbanization and the differences between city life and suburban life.

2. The crowded conditions in cities due to the presence of numerous buildings, cars, and

3. Overcrowded

4. Access to nature

5. Connect

Activity 18

1.The suitable title for the text is "The Significance of Colors in Everyday Life."
2.The text mostly uses the present tense.

3.Red color is used for danger and stop signals.

4.One of the characteristics of the yellow color is its high visibility due to its wavelength
and peripheral vision.

5.The similar meaning of 'distinguished' in "... so the next most attentive color-which
can be distinguished in the crowd..." (Paragraph 5) is 'recognized' or 'noticed'.


1. The text is about laughter and its neurological effects.

2. In fact, the sound of laughter activates the premotor cortical region.

3. It has been found out that our ancestors may have laughed together before they
could speak.

4. The transmission rate of Covid-19 in my region is still relatively high; therefore, we are
still doing distance learning.

5. Students only study for two hours via a meeting application every day; consequently,
they have more time for assignments.

Activity 4 BAB 4

1. The theme of the song is not specified in Activity 3, so I cannot determine the theme
based on the given information.

2. Without the lyrics provided in Activity 3, I cannot determine what the song is about.

3. Since the lyrics are not available, I cannot determine the feelings expressed by the
singer or the reasons behind those feelings.

4. Without the lyrics, I cannot determine what the singer can do now.

5. Since the lyrics are not provided, I cannot express whether I enjoy the song or not.

Activity 5

1. moonlight

2. whatever

3. felt lost

4. treasure

5. straight to you

6. pinch me now
7. here by me

8. greatest gift

9. give up

10. every night

Activity 6

1. The song is a call to action, a call to arms for anyone who has a mind to contribute and
the motivation to do it.

2. The song is addressed to every man and woman

3. It describes that we should be our leaders in the world. We can change the world if
we try, even if it means doing it by ourselves. We can start by doing simple things such
as picking up trash around a park or volunteering at a soup kitchen. So many people find
it hard to do this because they're not inspired or haven't been motivated enough.

4. we don't need to wait for destiny or sort of things we can make the change that we
wanted don't think about what other people think and just do what you think is right!

5. hope and change, responsibility and leadership, and commitment to a better


Activity 12

1. What is the poem about? The poem is about war or the impact of war.

2. What happened to the writer? The writer experienced horrible moments during the
war where she saw people in fear and dead bodies could be found everywhere. The
worse thing was she also lost her family including her father, mother, brothers and

3. How is the writer's feeling? The writer is shocked and devastated by the condition of
that time.

4. "That i'd rather be with them instead." (stanza 3) What does the line mean? It means
that the writer would rather be dead along with her family instead of living with the
trauma of the war. It shows that even though she survived the war, the damaging
effects of the war still gave her deep psychological impact that she could not resist.

5. What is the message of the poem? The message of the poem is about the importance
of peace. War only brings destruction and suffering to the people.


1. Through the song, the singer expresses her feeling that she is happy and joyful
("walking on sunshine").

2. Based on the song lyrics, we know that the singer is expecting a visit or message from
her lover ("can't wait till you knock on my door" and "can't wait till you write me").

3. The singer used to feel uncertain about her lover's feelings ("used to think maybe you
loved me") but now she is confident that it's true.

4. The word 'it' in line "And don't it feel good" refers to the feeling of walking on
sunshine and being extremely happy

5. The underlined word in line "And I don't want to spend my whole life just a-waiting
for you" is similar in meaning to "waiting"


1. The purpose of the letter is to inform Ronny about Dina's trip to Tanjung Bira and
share her enjoyable experiences with him

2. In his reply, Ronny will write about his own school holiday and share his experiences
with Dina

3. The text is about how the body regulates its temperature and the process of
combustion to obtain energy

4. The body's temperature is controlled by the temperature center in the brain, which
consists of three parts: a control center that regulates blood temperature, one that
raises blood temperature when it drops, and one that cools the blood when it's too high

5. The indication that our temperature drops too low is when we start to shiver, which is
the body's automatic response to generate heat and raise the temperature of our blood

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