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The Magic Of You

Michelle Cross
Welcome to the Red Tent, where maidens, mothers and the wise
women gather…together. We belong ▽
Women have gathered throughout time to share the secrets of
the universe through the portals of their wombs.
Come sister, I yearn to seduce you between the covers of these
pages and invite you on a journey of remembrance of your many
facets that are all the unique greatness of you as a woman.
We’ll dive deep into the hot and holy portals of your body, your
phases, cycles and seasons of a woman
▽ As the gateway to your power, Śakti
▽ Your Yonī Pushpam - Your Moon Blood is Your Nectar
▽ Moon Cycles - Your Moon Cycle is your Superpower

This eBook is my offering to you, passing on the ancient lineage

and ways of a woman.
The is a rite of passage.
Within circle new ways of being, seeing, listening, receiving,
celebrating, releasing, grieving… all emerges.
I am a gatekeeper, the wise woman, the Crone who wears her
crown with honour. I share the rites of passage that were once
forgotten. I weave together many modalities of medicine, Tantra,
Priestess, Yoginī who sublimates her Śakti aka inner energy.I
also share Sanskrit the Mother Language to open the body
My transmissions as the Wild Wise Woman empower you to
embrace your different phases, seasons, cycles, faces as a
woman, and to rise in your power so you polish the many facets
of your feminine being to shine.
Reclaim Your Womanhood 4


Your Śakti 6

Your Yonī 7

WOMAN of Holy Cycles 10

Moon Cycles 12

The Phases Of Woman 21

Your Uniqueness 30

Peri-menopause & Menopause 36

Menopause ~ The Holy Grail 37

Lineage 39

Wounds 40

Journal Prompts 41

Wish to go deeper? 42

About the Author 43

Reclaim Your
The old paradigm forced women to hide their power, their truth,
their feelings, their ways because the patriarchy feared the
magic of a woman in her power and so pitted women against
each other. The Sister Wound, Witch Wound lives in every
woman, until she goes deeper into the inner work.
WOMAN invites you to remember The Magic Of You and
see Her
in every other women you meet and connect with.
O’ Sister, there is a new era evolving, the feminine energetics,
wisdom and frequencies that celebrate the sanctity of
womanhood - are you feeling this?
WOMAN - The Magic of You shares the enchantment of your
many facets that imbue energy, yonī, womb, your moon blood,
your sexual fluids , all within the cycles, seasons of life.
We all came into the life from our Mother’s womb, let’s heal and
become the bridges into the new paradigm of change.
Now is the time, feel the longing to revive in your soul, every cell
is yearning to celebrate the remembrance of WOMAN
First I would love to invite you to take your seat in the Red Tent,
within the eternal circle of women.
In days of old women gather to share the secrets of the universe
through their yonī and wombs… let’s begin here and listen to
this guided meditation…
WOMAN - Circle Meditation
Woman is a masterpiece… her magic emanates in the way she
moves, breathes and lives her life. All begins with the body.
Women are magic on legs, to walk with this magic is to
remember and revive a love affair with you, your life and then if
you choose your lover - yet as Oscar Wilde said

“To love oneself is the beginning of a

lifelong romance”
In ancient times people were much more oriented towards
feeling rather than thinking, so they were more aware of the
subtle sensations in their body that gave them messages.
Patriarchy and colonialism taught everyone to be emotionally
repressed to remain in the status quo. We were taught to
sublimate feelings to the mind or anaesthetise feelings.
We gave away our power, our deep inner knowing as women
Modern day fast pace society perpetuated the issues of
disconnect. Women were conditioned to compete with men to
get on and again like in Burning Times, against their sisters to
achieve in the product driven world. Woman began to not
belong. Everything is taken to the mind to think, analyse,
logically strategise.
Women forgot to magic of their body.
New age spirituality talks of ascension
ascension to the Crown Chakra,
connecting to God/father/sky
The Feminine has a different invitation for you
She longs for you to connect with GODDESS within your body
She wants you to come down to earth, to journey into the deep,
dark portals of your yonī to unleash a different kind of energy -
Your Śakti
The potent power within you that creates everything
She, Śakti is your innate, primordial energy, sexual energy that is
power that guides you to realise you are Divine in human form.
Your Śakti is your inner GPS that guides you on the journey
You cannot think you way to her, the primordial feminine, the

She is an embodied experience, you feel her!

She wants you to feel her as you journey into your yonī, the
inner sanctum that leads to your womb, the gateway to
the cosmos
You feel her in the sensations of your body, in your heart, your
breasts, your Yonī -when you dance, move, howl, deep cries -
you call her.
You feel her when slow down, and truly connect with your body.
Your Śakti is your power, the energy of the Goddess within your
body. Another meaning is ‘she who cannot be contained’ - There’s
the paradox, women have been conditioned to contain her
Her, Śakti, your longing is to be desired, to experience passionate
connection that moves you
Are you ready to re-connect, re-member your
feminine frequency?
Then you need to also reconnect with…
Your Yonī
Your Yonī literally means sacred space or cosmic gateway.
She is magical, mysterious, gateway that initiates you into the
divine realms of the universe that are all within you.
Śakti resides in your Yonī at the cervix, she is coiled 3 ½ times
around the Svayambhū Liṅga which is the representation of her
Beloved Śiva. These are the masculine and feminine energies
and both are always together as One, yet appear to us in our
mind as separate.
Śakti eternal longing is to marry and merge with her Beloved
Śiva, the masculine, the Divine Masculine who is the one who
holds immense space, the container for her to flow. The
masculine and feminine need each other to thrive, co-create.
The paradox is the conditioning dimmed the feminine.
The simplest most primal way to feel Śiva and Śakti’s union is in
orgasm which is a Kuṇḍalinī awakening.
Liṅga means wand or pillar of light. The wand of light
illuminates the sacred space of the Yonī! This is the potency of
sacred sexuality
Yonī needs to be loved and worshipped in the way she desires,
otherwise she goes to sleep… which is what has been happening
for so many women, who’s primary longing is to be desired, to
feel connection that is passionate. Then She meets her Beloved
within, wholeheartedly
Embodiment Practices
Some tools that you may already offer yourself to get back into
your body, feel, allow, release. And if not, maybe begin…

▽Breathwork, breath into your Yonī

▽Move & be moved from within

▽Sound to open Śakti portals

▽Sacred Rage Release

▽Yonī practices, Yonī egg or wand

▽Breath Massage

Journal Prompts
Your inner voice of wisdom is the Goddess within you. She is
love, connection, truth, the emotional intelligence and energetics
- when you uncover her, you discover the depths of who you are.
This is the part of you that has always been there, and this is the
journey of reclamation. Begin to communicate with her
Maybe she is the part that was silenced, or one time you didn’t
listen to that voice, and over time she became quieter.
She’s still there - let her come through you now, let her answer
▽How do I feel about my relationship with myself?
▽Where have I given away my power? Past or now
▽Do I pretend to be someone else to please others?
▽Do I feel like I belong?
▽How can I begin to own my belonging?
▽What is my relationship with my yonī?
▽When life has been challenging, do I shut down my
heart & yonī? And go to my mind
▽How often do I cross my own boundary, do the
‘nice’ ‘good girl’ thing to be accepted or loved?
▽What would it look like if I let me Goddess energy
create my life?
▽Is there a part of me afraid to feel?
▽What can I offer myself to be able to stay open,
when I would rather shut down?
Remember your body is a Temple.
Your feelings are the pathway
WOMAN of Holy Cycles
You were not born a woman to fit into linear world
You were not born to hustle, over-work, compete, be ‘on’ all the
time - this leads to avoidant, controlling coping mechanisms
Women have been forced into the mould of the patriarchy
society wanted us to be. Yet in that hustle we unplugged for our
greatest source of power.

Our cyclic nature

Men have a 24 hour hormonal cycle - rise with the sun, set with
sun. Women too have a circadian rhythm, yet also have a
infradian rhythm that is 28 days like the moon. Like the moon,
women go on a journey every month - if she allows or follows
Your Moon Cycle is your Superpower
Your Yonī Pushpam aka moon blood is your nectar
A woman’s menstrual cycle is the most primitive, earthy cycle
she has. Her blood is her primal connection to the Goddess. In
Tantra your moon blood, Yonī Pushpam means the flower of the
Yonī. Every time a woman bleeds, this becomes a spiritual
gateway, where Śakti reveals more to her.
In my lineage in the Indian jungles your Yonī Pushpam is offered
in ritual at the Kamakhya Peetham. Kamakhya is the Tantric
Goddess of desire and Peetham is a gateway. She is the Goddess
of menstruation. Another Tantric Goddess I love who’s guided
me is Mātaṅgī, she’s a Wild Woman and considered an outcaste
by society norms. She accepts your Yonī Pushpam as an offering
in ritual called pūjā
Journal Prompts
Your womb and yonī are the inner temple, the holy portal that
holds your woman’s wisdom, your womb wisdom and feminine
power. No matter what separates us in life, menstruation, our
monthly bleed is something women all share. At any one time
on the planet millions of women are bleeding at the same time.
Conscious Menstruation is the practice of embracing our
monthly bleed with love and awareness. This initiates a potent
and profound awakening.
Your Menstrual Cycle symbolises the flow of fluids and
metaphorically the flow of information or messages from the
▽What is my relationship with my cycle?
▽Do I or did I touch my blood?
▽Do I avoid touching my blood? Why?
▽Is there a story I’ve been conditioned to believe -
that this time is dirty, a curse, a burden?
▽Do I put in a tampon, take pills to get on in
masculine world?
▽Am I ready to begin to embody another way?
I followed my cycle with the moon from age of 21, until I went
into peri-menopause at 50. I offered my blood back to Mother
Earth for last 10 years of my moon time.
When my menopausal hormones became so low, and I took
HRT for 2 months I began to bleed again.
I was immensely grateful to complete my bleeding days with
ritual, offering back to Mother Earth and anointing my body
with my Yonī Pushpam for the next cycle of my life.
I adorned my crown, as the Crone and reclaimed my
sovereignty. Now I share with all phases of women
If you like me, don't have a bleed, follow the moon’s cycle from
New Moon
Moon Cycles
Look at the world around you; there’s a lot of rhythmical cycles.
There is the 24 hour cycle of the sun around the earth, the
seasons of the year, the cycles of age and then there are the
cycles of the moon.
The waxing and waning of the moon, the ebb and flow of the
tides and the changes of the seasons, are all reflected on a
smaller scale in your menstrual cycle.
Women have a natural affinity to the moon and her phases. The
Moon represents the mother, feminine energy and your deepest
personal needs, your habits, reactions, and your unconscious.
Our primal feminine energy Śakti invites us to explore our many
phases/faces that mirror the phases/faces of the moon.
They are dark and light to varying degrees, that wax and wane,
shine and hide…
Maybe you feel there is a disconnect from this... so let's begin the
conscious journey to reconnect – bring the unknown to known!

The Changing face of the Moon:

The face of the moon comes and goes every month in a process
called Waxing and Waning. Waxing moon is increasing in light
and Waning moon is decreasing in light.
The phases/faces of the moon mirror the changing faces of you
as a woman - this is part of your magic!
Never dim your light, your too muchness, honour all phases!
And if you don’t bleed, like me, then you follow the moon
beginning with the New Moon
If you are in your last years of bleeding, follow the moon she will
guide you in the transition. Soften into this period (yes a punn)
If you have erratic moon time, follow the moon, she will sync
you up and guide you.
The New Moon

We begin in the dark, the void, the unknown mysteries that

emanates potent power of the Dark Moon. The cosmic ceiling is
this dark fertile space full of potent possibilities
The New Moon as its name suggest is the time of
Newness Instinct
New Beginnings Grieving
Starting Over Shedding Layers
Rebirth Surrender
Renewal Ritual
Retreat Sacred
The New Moon is an opportunity for you to

Slow down ~ turn within ~ tune in

As you look inside and see what it is that you wish to evolve and
change. If you change one thing, change the over-doing, now
The invitation here from the New Moon is to bring the darkness
of your psyche, or your shadow to light.
As a woman you can begin to tune in to the universal cycles that
invite you to turn inwards to yourself and the resources within
This is a time for deep pause and inner work of listening, feeling

Self-care for the Soul & Rituals

▽Yonī Mudrā - the downward facing triangle hands
resting on womb - giving energy and love
▽Soothing soulful breaths
▽Sow seeds - metaphoric or literal
▽Oracle cards
▽Envision what you yearn for the new cycle
▽Maybe you wish to renew existing projects with
new eyes
▽Renew your relationships with love and intention
▽Or open to the possibility of change

Journal Prompts
The Moon’s dark phase gives you permission to rest, reflect,
retreat and press pause, to listen to your inner guidance, your
GPS and connect with Śakti. This is the holy time where the
pause empowers you to get clear on where you are at - and this
may be a reality check.
Allow time to get in your body then contemplate:
What feels most dark in my life at present?
What am I feeling?
What needs to change?
What reframed beliefs am I embracing?
If I held no expectations, if there were no
barriers, if life could simply be amazing, what
would this new cycle initiate for me? This sets
theme for the cycle…
The Waxing Moon

From the dark of the New Moon, a slither of light begins to smile
and grow more and more till she’s glowing fully.
After resting, reflecting and recharging your intentions and
desires are ready to be planted. In Tantra you sow your seed
intentions that you have envisioned in the Dark Moon, on the
3rd day when the moon offers a slither on a smile in the cosmic
The Waxing Moon time is
Visions Action Motivation
Desires Conviction Manifestation
Impetus Synergy Hope
You are being called to action. You have belief in yourself

This is affirmation time

You body has energy, your mind is alert, let these marry, align to
be the impetus at this potent time of illumination. Now is a
doorway to new realms. You magnetise your manifestations

Be Curious - Stay Curious

Just before the Full Moon, it is said your deepest and darkest
powers are revealed from the crevices of your soul. Your
vulnerabilities can be fully exposed, observe the triggers. You’re
walking on the knives edge, so the huge luminous moon may
push you over the edge, or cut you and another.
Let the light continue the regeneration and renewal to thrive.
▽Yonī Magic - sublimate Śakti
▽ Śakti Shaking
▽Repeat affirmations + look at vision board
▽Dynamic breathing, Ha Kriya to liberate your voice
▽Moon Bathe
▽Observe you will be more sexually forward
As the moon grows with light, this is symbolic for your own
inner light growing and illuminating your way.
Pay attention to synchronicity in your life and what you do,
without doing anything. The messages illuminating your way
are there, if your eyes are open. Utilise this growing light to shed
the light of consciousness on your path.

Journal Prompts
🌒 What daily actions can I take towards my
🌒 How can I embody more trust in myself & my
🌒 Where is the growing light guiding me to, right
🌒 What do I need to say no to? To make more space
for my vision and dreams
🌒 What inner doubts are surfacing? How are they
showing me to evolve?
🌒 How have I been procrastinating and not giving
full attention to my dreams?
🌒 How can I been more patient? Breathe and trust
The Full Moon

She’s peaked in all her glory and the Full Moon now illuminates
the whole universe in the macrocosm. She also illuminates the
whole of you as the microcosm
The Full Moon as her name suggests is about the fullness.
This is a time of
Clarity Power Celebration
Potency Strength Illumination
Fulfilment Desire Gratitude
In Yoga and Tantra, the scriptures always talk about the light of
the soul, within. This is the time to connect with this light.
This is a pivotal time in the cycle, to illuminate everything that is
blossoming from the seeds you planted at the New Moon. If
your desires have been fulfilled - celebrate, give thanks for the
abundance and magic in your life.
This is the climax of the cycle, where you can see fully, with
clarity. And if the vision is not clear, or the desire not come to
fruition then tune in more and let the light illuminate your next
steps on the journey, with powerful self belief.
The New Moon invites you inwards, the Full Moon heightens all
emotions to the surface and you may find you are triggered
easily or react – fully! Her light is not all sweetness and light.

Breathe ~ Breathe Again ~ Expand

The heightened energies, emotions reveal frustrations, even
anger, usually aimed at all the lost opportunities not taken or the
nudges of your intuition not listened to…the frustrations and
anger is usually to yourself - forgive you
▽Full Moon bathing - naked if you can
▽Howl to the Moon
▽Dance, sing, drum - be free
▽Delight in intimacy with yourself or another
▽Be in your body and ask clear self enquiries so…
▽Review your intentions - what has come to
fruition, what has not and what you need to
release or is holding you back

Journal Prompts
What New Moon intentions, dreams, desires have
come true?
What am I grateful for in my life?
Where is my life already abundant and full?
Am I focusing on what I have lost or what has not
yet blossomed
What do I need to release, let go of, end during
the Waning phase?
Are there parts of myself I hide from the world?
What big miracles have shown up in this month?
What tiny miracles blossom in my life every day?
How do I see the universe always has my back?
The Waning Moon

The last phase of the cycle. The Moon begins with light that
turns to dark towards the end as the Moon is changing her face
and inviting you to turn inwards for reflection.
This is the time to reflect on the whole cycle, what is positive and
helping you to manifest your vision and what is not. Many forgot
this 2nd half of the cycle, but it is the most profound to make a
difference in your life, for healing and evolution
This threshold time holds potent keys when you tune in:
Wisdom Transition Clearing
Surrender Threshold Healing
This is the part of the cycle where you let go of stories, beliefs,
fears. This is the deep inner work to release the self-doubt, self-
sabotage and the voices of not enough or too much-ness.
As the light wanes to dark, the moon helps you to make the
changes on the inside, preparing the soul soil for when the New
Moon arrives. You may release people, relationships, work,
habits, people-leasing, habits, grudges

Surrender ~ Let Go ~ Release ~ Forgive

Unless we ‘do’ the healing work, the same situations will keep
coming back over and over. The mind replays until the heart
listens…the heart feels, forgives and heals. If everything is taken
to the mind perpetuates, avoiding, ignoring will not make it go
away or change. In the Waning process what you have been
through, what held you back, lean into feeling practices to heal
▽Slow Down as the Moon becomes darker
▽Journal, write your feelings
▽Yin Yoga, Yonī Yoga
▽Meditation & breathing
▽Cacao ceremony to open the heart
▽Forgiveness ritual
▽Fire ritual to release
The practice is to feel the feelings without taking it to the mind
and saying why you are feeling this or that. e.g
I feel sad ~ I feel angry ~ I feel joy ~ I feel happy ~ I feel anxious
Feel the feeling in your body, breathe, let it move

Breathe ~ Feel ~ Flow

Journal Prompts
🌘 What wisdom and insights have I gained from
the cycle so far?
🌘 What is ready to die?
🌘 What I am already to release, shed, let go of?
🌘 What am I not ready to release? Why?
🌘 Can I express my feelings? Without taking them
to the mind
🌘 What do I need to complete, end?
The Phases Of Woman
The Moon as you’ve explored has many phases or faces just like
a WOMAN. The moon evolves her cycle through New, Waxing,
Full, Waning and the same is for a woman’s phases/faces -
Crone, Maiden, Mother, Wild Woman.
The phases of a woman may be in her own moon cycle that also
align with the seasons, feel into the moon ,seasons, face/phase
of a woman to empower you to embody all your many facets
Crone - Menstruation - Inner Winter
Maiden - Follicular - Inner Spring
Mother - Ovulation - Inner Summer
Wild Woman - Luteal - Inner Autumn
Most will align the phases/seasons with the moon, I do not,
because not everyone bleeds with the New Moon.
Yes, in ancient times, prior to electricity, women ovulated
according to their physiological and hormonal response to the
amount of light in the night sky.
A woman’s biological blueprint is to ovulate when there is the
most light in the night sky; this is the time of the full moon. This
would naturally mean that women would then bleed with the
dark, New Moon.
Now with so much more light, phones, TV’s, computers there is
way more light! Women no longer just bleed with the New
Moon. ***take note of sleeping with phone near bed - disrupts
So what does that mean for you?
There are 4 phases of being a woman, 4 phases a woman’s cycle
that synchronise with the moon. There are 4 petals of the 1st
chakra Mūlādhāra, your root support that is your Yonī(whole
other guidance). Each phase offers insight and guidance about
your life path.
There is no right or wrong cycle, in fact I believe your cycle gives
you the wisdom you need to evolve and blossom as a woman.
The Crone Phase
The Crone in modern times has lost its original meaning of she
who rises in her sovereignty and adorns her crown. Another
name for Crone is the Wise Woman. She is the one who’s moon
blood has turned inwards as wisdom after menopause. She is
the older woman, or community leader in the Red Tents.
The Crone is the time of your bleed or menstruation, I call moon
time. The Crone guides you to feel the power of slowing down,
physically and mentally. She is more introspective, if you don not
slow down you can be sensitive, your energy is low, so the more
rest you give yourself, the renewal and rebirth emerges with
profound insights and wisdom.
This is the continuous cycle of life, death, and re-birth.
The Crone’s wisdom guides you deeper into your body as she
sheds the lining of your womb. This is a metaphor for shedding
what no longer serves you. It is the end of a cycle and a pivotal
movement towards a new one begins. The Crone teaches you to
rest, observe, sit deeper into your inner wisdom:

your womb wisdom

In modern day the Hag and Crone in a patriarchy is seen in a
negative light. The Hag is often depicted as an unattractive older
woman, malevolent and a witch.
The Crone holds space for women to be and go through their
messy process of growth and transformation. She weaves her
unique thread in the rich web or tapestry of life. She is deeply
connected to the other realms and the divine. Her intuition and
wisdom guides you into the next phase or chapter of your life
The Crone weaves her unique thread, her magic, tunes into her
potent darkness of the womb and evolves and elevates her Śakti
▽Pause, Slow Down, Tune in to your intuition
▽Breathe ~ Respond not react
▽Create space to rest
This all requires emotional intelligence to observe your defence
mechanism, reactions and stories from your childhood. There
are feelings within us that come from the younger aspect of us
that hasn’t been healed. The Crone wears her crown, has the
wisdom to hold space
I call this practice stop before you start. This allows you to tap
into your body’s wisdom, not react from the wounded smaller
self and patiently wait until you need to move. And this might
not be until the Maiden phase.

Journal Prompts
▽Am I always on the go?
▽Can I give myself time to tune into my Crone? If
you are menopausal woman
▽Will I give myself permission to listen to my Wise
Woman? If you still bleed
▽Where in my life can I stop before I start?
▽What are some of the most defining moments
from my childhood?
▽How have they impacted my life?
▽If I pause, how will this impact my ability to
embody my feminine energy and wisdom?
The Maiden Phase
The Maiden Phase begins as bleeding stops. The Maiden is
young at heart, full energy, care-free nature, embodying
independence, strength and oozes confidence.
The Maiden is also known as the Virgin, not the definition from
the patriarchy of a woman being sexually chaste;

Virgin is a woman who looks only to herself.

She is self-contained, self sufficient and self-aware, who
celebrates life through her actions, her energies are her own. A
Virgin or Maiden is complete. She is not celibate, on the contrary,
she enjoys and delights in the sexuality of her body. Holy Yes!
The Maiden stands firmly rooted in her own power and
magnetises all her desires towards her with ease. Love your
Maiden, let her energy guide you
The Maiden Phase woman chooses to embrace conscious
menstruation to discover new ways of being in your feminine
power. You don’t have to sacrifice the most natural cyclic menses
to fit in - you utilise your energy within the cycle
The Maiden Phase is the time to activate Śakti to create all of
your ideas, inspirations and insights that you discovered from
deep reflecting in the Crone/Wise Woman Phase and express
them in the everyday world.
**Caution - Maiden’s masculine energy may control, dominate,
be so career focused and ambitious to get to the top of her
profession. She will suppresses her innate feminine qualities
and may wear the masculine mask. Tune in, not check out!
▽Exercise, healthy new diet regime - confidence to succeed
▽Self love, confidence affirmations to emanate your spark
▽Sexually flirtatious, free, playful and confident
In the Maiden You have the drive, the passion and the
determination to create. Your body feels leaner, lighter, your
energy Śakti emanates and is dynamic. This is the time to
regenerate life and tune into your Śakti. Be conscious to allow
time to tune in so that you are not running on adrenaline rather
than Śakti.
The body becomes the vehicle to express your life as a reflection
of who you are and what you want.
You have more physical stamina, confidence and energy to share
your renewed creative spark and feel confident in your abilities
and capabilities

Journal Prompts
▽What positive anchor statements do I need to create and
with what actions in my body?
▽What structure can you create to support your vision and
▽Am I willing to let go of the shadow side of the Maiden
who controls, pushes?
▽How can I direct my energy to one area of my life that
needs my creative spark?
▽Write a love letter to my body - so I can read in the Wild
Woman phase. Detail all I love about my body, my mind,
my energy, my spiritual awakenings
The Mother Phase
The Mother Phase occurs around ovulation. She embodies
creativity, nurturing (of the self and others), a sense of self-
confidence and self-worth that empowers, supports and
encourages others.
Unlike the surface feminine Maiden Phase, the Mother Phase
holds immense depth and her energy is expressed radiantly
with a selfless quality – like a Mother.
The Mother Phase is softer than the Maiden phase and so you
will find people are more open to you than any other times of
your cycle - great for delegation with love
The Mother's inner nature, Śakti is tuning into Mother Nature in
her fullness. The Mother is deeply connected to the earth, and all
of life. She gives with love, believes that when we nurture and
care for ourselves, and replenish our well, we in turn fill other’s
Your body feels fuller, fertile, ripe and voluptuous like the
Summer. You are radiant and glowing. You may find your breast
feel fuller, like full moons. You pheromones exude
Society has reduced her to no more than birthing and raising
children, but she is so much more than this
The Mother learns to nurture, but not control. The shadow side
of the Mother energy is masculine, not feminine, she is doing,
organising, running around, and becomes exhausted,
overwhelmed. Pause, remember yet the feminine energetics of
love, nurture, care.
Step back to allow separation and freedom. Remember love, this
is what creation is about; co-creating something with the divine,
that is one day able to sustain itself without your presence.
The Mother Phase balances the outward expressive energy with
your inner expression of love, nurturing and caring.
In the Mother Phase you are pregnant with possibility in every
The Mother’s role impacts every child more potently than you
may think, especially for the psyche and energetics of the body.
▽ Call in your Mateo-lineage (Red Tent Meditations)
▽Go see you mother or mother figure
▽Bless Me Mother Ritual (I share 1:1)
▽Practice the art of receptivity (1:1 soul coaching)
▽Connect with Mother Nature, tune into your own nature
Weave the thread of life spiralling back into the past and
bringing them into the present with love.

Journal Prompts
▽ What do I need to ripen and bear fruit?
▽How can I nurture myself to be more receptive?
▽What practices support you to be strong, potent and
▽How do you let my creative energy blossom fully with in
▽Can I forgive? Who can I forgive?
▽Journal about the Mother Wound
The Wild Woman
The Wild Woman Phase is towards the end of the cycle, when
your creative energy directs inward to intimate connection with
our true nature as a sensual/sexual woman.
Tantra awakens the body through your senses and the Wild
Woman is honoured in Tantra as Kālī, The fierce form of the
feminine who is ultimately about love, yet she cuts through
anything fiercely that limits the truth.
The senses your awaken sensuality. Tantra and the Wild Woman
seek ultimate union within you or with your lover or the
Beloved within.
The reason we experience PMT at this time is because we’ve
learned to repress and bury these natural emotions and
energies. We’re battling against our inner Wild Woman, that
triggers and causes so much pain.

She’s desperate to be seen and heard.

And she has her own unique gifts that she longs to bring you.
The Wild Woman asks us to feel our pain, and address the root
of where it comes from, below the surface. Because this is the
only way we can begin to truly heal.
She asks us to stand still, reflect, accept, and alchemise our
experiences. Because this is how we learn the lessons, grow, and
move forward.
The Wild Woman is calling you inwards to observe, transmute,
heal and forgive within your body and Lett all your magic guide.
Before your moon time, the “veils” between the worlds of the
manifest and unmanifest, the seen and unseen, the conscious
and the unconscious, are much thinner. This means that what
you have stored in your subconscious becomes more accessible.
You are much more likely to experience sudden shifts in
perception and realization. This is when you are able to tap into
your unconscious and let your Śakti reveal such potent insights
that are truly transformational
▽Plant thoughts in your subconscious about things you desire,
this means ask your womb wisdom or universe to guide you
▽Prayer, Ritual, Devotion
▽InMaiden phase all those positive affirmations you anchored
into your body place you hands on your body and let your
body’s intelligence remember them
▽Daydream, get a massage
▽The feminine practice of surrender - which is learning to un-
do the doing and be.

Journal Prompts
The Wild Woman may seem like a rollercoaster at times with
ups and downs of physical energy and creativity, tearfulness,
neediness and negative thoughts. But when you learn to intuit
things, you seem to pull inspirations and connections out of
▽What do I need to release and let go of?
▽What does surrender mean to me?
▽Do I trust my intuition to guide me?
▽Do I try to act the same way as I do in Maiden phase?
▽What is my PMT saying to me? What am I holding back?
▽How do I want to be seen and listened to?
Your Uniqueness
The journey of you is unique as is your creativity or more in
depth your creative sexual energy that is Śakti. I teach in
coaching and retreats the essence of revering Śakti as the
Goddess within your Yonī, hence she awakens from her slumber.
It is a journey of unfurling and unfolding within each phase of
the moon and woman. You then are empowered to connect
more deeply with who you are and your authentic nature.
What does this mean?
Your authentic nature for me is when you feel free to be yourself
in a relaxed and open way in any situation. You no longer feel the
need to hide aspects of yourself to be accepted or liked.
One thing I've learnt about Śakti is this pulsating energy lives up
to her name, 'she who cannot be contained'. Hiding behind
metaphoric masks so you are liked or accepted is not who you
are. It is who other people want you to be. This contains Śakti.
As you go deeper with Śakti in your cycle, you'll discover aspects
of yourself that may even surprise you. Learn to love every
aspect, they are all beautiful.
Now, not everyone bleeds with New Moon…so then what?

Blood & Moon

Welcome to the Red Tent - bleeding at different phases and their
Like I shared there is no right or wrong cycle, in fact I believe
your cycle gives you the wisdom you need to evolve and
blossom as a woman.
Each phase offers insight and guidance about your life path.

For years I have followed my moon cycle. I came to know when I

was bleeding within 10 minutes!
White Moon
If you are a White Moon Woman - you bleed with New Moon
Your moon time and moon cycle follows the natural cycles of the
Mother Earth. Your body mirrors the fertility of the earth, when
she is her most fertile inner the light of the Full Moon.
The White Moon Woman symbolises the fertile power of
women where traditionally this cycle is considered the
Nurturer/Mother archetype or the ‘good mother’ who births
babies into being.
Contemplation for the White Moon Woman:
▽Do I desire to be a Mother? If a Mother do I love this role?
▽If you don't have children, Do you have a Mother role in life in
your relationship or at work?

Red Moon
If you are a Red Moon Woman - you bleed with the Full Moon.
The lights are on in your cave.
Our patriarchal ancestors called the Red Moon Woman an ‘evil
woman.’ Bleeding with the Full Moon caused society to call the
women witches and they feared them.
Let’s get into the new paradigm, The Red Moon Woman is the
mystic, the healer, the medicine woman, the plant healer. She
wields the potency and power of the dark, inner wisdom and
brings or births that to light. She uses her sexuality for
something other than birthing babies. She births her dreams,
desires, visions for all to benefits.
▽Do I desire self-actualisation or self expression?
▽What am I creating in your life to leave as legacy?
▽Do I yearn to dive deeper into the mysteries within and be a
healer or medicine woman sharing my wisdom?
For years living in London I was a White Moon Woman, and
every few cycles I’d go to Red Moon Woman. My lunar return
(where moon was when I was born) is just before Full moon, so
my PMT heightened, asking me to rebirth.
When I moved to Barbados, prior to my menopause I was
always a Red Moon Woman

You’re not a Red Moon or White Moon - so what are you?

Pink Moon
If you bleed after the New Moon but before the Full Moon, so
with the Waxing Moon, I call this the Pink Moon
The Pink Moon means you’re growing toward something bigger,
fuller, brighter.
This is a transitionary phase.
There is a balance between light and dark. My dark, questioning,
psyche and shadow or dark questions my empowered light
I’ve observed these inner enquiries. Maybe they empower you.
▽Am I in a place of transition in your life?
▽Am seeking an unconventional path? - maybe this is
surfacing both the light and dark aspects of yourself like
the moon.
▽Am I unsure how to step into this new path/, or is my
clarity, conviction and enthusiasm shining?
▽Am I ready to share my gifts with the world?
▽Am I seeking drastic change in my life, work,
Maroon Moon
Now what if you bleed after the Full Moon but before the New
I call this the Maroon Moon
This again is another transitionary phase in the Waning Moon.
The Maroon Moon has less light with the Waning Moon and is
the last phase before the New cycle.
This threshold time holds potent keys if you tune in, a potent
alignment with bleeding. Ultimately they are all inviting you into

This has been my biggest lesson and when I couldn't walk in
2009 my cycle was with the Maroon Moon and surrender was
the gift. The darkening moon encourages a deeper descent into
your darkest place and there you discover the luminous inner
wisdom from your Śakti.
The Maroon Moon asks you to descend into the depths of
yourself and bring the true you to light. As the light lessons, your
shadow and dark self may cause you to self doubt. Your PMT,
your Wild Woman phase may be heightened, around the Full
Moon, so use your Śakti to really tune within. This is what I have
truly learnt with the Maroon Moon.
Maybe you are reflecting upon your life thus far:
▽Is life, my relationship, my work as you envisioned ?
▽Am I the woman I truly want to be?
▽Am I feeling a pull inwards to my own needs rather than
those of others.
▽Am I ready to dig deeper?
▽Am I claiming my sexual and sensual power as a woman?
Moon Cups

Many moons ago I gave up tampons and began to use moon

cups. These have been another conscious aspect of my
They are silicone menstrual
cups inserted into your yonī to
collect your moon blood. (see
You may empty as often as you
like, I tend to every 4-6 hours. I
collect my blood and give her
back to mother earth as a part
of healing ancestral lines –
another conscious key.
Moon cups are the way forward,
they do not have the chemicals
in that tampons do, the are eco
and used over and over. Moon
Cups last up to 20 years.
Here’s handy pictures to help
you :

Once you have gotten use to

inserting and removing they are
comfortable and easy.

**Hot Tips – I insert mine when I have a shower, my yonī is wet,

I wet the cup and it’s easier.
Once inside I squeeze to remove any air and this holds the cup in
Here’s where the
Moon Cup is placed.
What I love about
Moon cups are they
allow you to see how
much you bleed and
what your blood is
This truly helps you if
you are seeking to
conceive a baby,
knowing how you
may need to prepare,
cleanse, purify and nurture before.

Peri-menopause & Menopause

My personal story
In my peri-menopause days, and my bleed became erratic, I
mourned. I loved the cycle, the ritual, the following - it guided
me deeper into me
Then when my bleed stopped, I grieved, not only the blood, but
that I would never be a mother.
The grief, the sister wounds, all the things I had not processed
surfaced for me to process, heal and forgive. Until I did, my
menopause was holy fire. The hot flushes are Kuṇḍalinī Śakti
communicating, I didn’t listen at first and my skin literally
peeled, I was shedding so much I just didn’t realise because my
hormones were so low. When I eventually took HRT, it was a
light relief. I wondered why I didn’t ask for help sooner - the self
righteousness of my ego who thought I got this cos I am a coach,
followed the moon blah blah blah!
With HRT then my bleeding started again. I was over-joyed. I
got to offer my blood, my Yonī Pushpam to Mother Earth, anoint
my third eye, my sacred belly, breasts. I felt like this ritual was
my final good-bye, because when my moon time stopped it was
quick and a shock. Through this process of HRT for 3 months, I
healed. I learnt to observe when my hormones dropping and
what practices to embody to rise in my sovereignty.
Menopause ~ The Holy Grail
Menopause is a bittersweet blessing and the journey of the peri-
menopausal invites a woman to see the lessons in the blessing.
Every time a woman bleeds is a spiritual gateway, where Śakti
reveals more to you. In the last few years embrace everything.
Just as menarche initiates a girl into her power, menopause is
the time you truly dwell together with this power that you have
been practicing with throughout your life.
You become one with this power and for me this is Tantra,
where there is no duality.
Peri-menopause is a time of transition that might be painful. It is
a threshold space, between the known and unknown, this
liminal space that is all about surrender.
This period (no pun intended) is also like the initiation of the
menarche, where the peri-menopausal woman questions all
that has gone before.
Maybe she has regrets, longings or grief. This is why I say
menopause is bittersweet.
All the women I talk too, and myself included who have passed
the menopause, love their life, their embodiment of the inner
wisdom. Yet they all say they had to go through the journey of
surrender to their Śakti without bitterness of anything they had
not done. Forgiveness is a potent portal for a woman to be with
herself, in her body and as you’ll learn soon affects the whole
lineage. Forgiveness rituals I offer often to process my feelings,
heal and feel lighter.
Menopause brings you face to face with who you really are, what
matters to you, not who you think you are. Menopause reveals
your true purpose.
Society has maybe taught us that menopause means the end of
being a woman. That women over 50 are on the decline or past
it - have you seen the new awakening 50’s are the new 30’s! The
Crone as past it, is that patriarchal view again, in my opinion
fearing the true power of the feminine (Witch Wound). The
choice is do 'we' buy into this and begin hanging onto youth,
using botox and fillers to compete with the younger women.
I have no judgment here, I did it all!
The interesting aspect is, embodying your Śakti, raising her
energy, by your self in practices I offer or in sexual union, takes
all the stress from the body, ie the lines lesson, the cheeks and
lips women plump are mirroring the arousal of a woman. YES!
In arousal, not only do our Yonī lips plump, so do our lips on
our mouth, and our cheeks become fuller and plumper! This is
why I teach women to women’s movement medicine and share
the connection between her mouth and her Yonī>
So the other option at peri-menopause is to embrace this
transition as an opportunity to deep
Self-understanding, Self- acceptance, Self- love….
Especially if the rite of passage of your menarche was never
celebrated. The rites of passage of peri-menopause, menopause
and post menopause is a holy time of deep celebration of your
whole feminine life.
Your journey into Menopause is sacred, I can never re-write my
menopausal story, but that is why I am coaching women, as a
rite of passage.
I first wrote this book as a woman in her Mother phase and I
didn’t have a child, this was my offering, my gift. Now as a Crone
I write this from a place of deep respect, honour and celebration
of who it is to be a WOMAN, and embody The Magic Of You.
This eBook is for all women, in all phases.
For mothers, who wish to give themselves permission to delight
in their own ‘me’ time, instead of giving to family before
For a mother to pass to her daughter to empower her in this rite
of passage of being a woman.
For the woman entering, during or after her menopause, this is
the holy grail for your journey of self…love and acceptance
The Sun watches everything I do, but the Moon knows all
my secrets…
Your Crone will emerge to guide you to raise in your sovereignty
Now I’ve shared all about moons, phases of woman, moon
blood, I want to close with wounds, lineage as a rite of passage.
This is huge! And deep…but so needed to heal and forgive

I am leaving this book as a Rite of Passage for all women.
If you no longer bleed, follow the New Moon as your cycle
If you bleed or your daughter bleeds then the whole new world
of becoming intimately aware of your body in her conscious
cycles, with phases, moon, seasons to reveal the many faces of
you. But remember
The diamond is excavated from deep within the earth, under
extreme pressure and heat, then polished. Life, the obstacles are
the pressure, the embodiment practices, journalling, self-
development polish you to shine in all your facets, but there is
only One diamond = YOU, Dear WOMAN. Shine sister, shine!
This is the magic, the alchemy of you!
And now to how to honour this with lineage. My lineage ends
with me. My Wise woman rivers have turned inwards. I have not
had children and my sister had boys so my matro-lineage ends.
I want to share something that may blow your mind.
When a woman is pregnant with a girl, she holds her daughter
in her womb and every egg that daughter will ever have.
Your grandmother was pregnant with your mother and you
were held in your mother's womb.
You have spent your mother's entire life until you were born with
her! There's a part of you that lived inside her.
Any turmoil she had, a piece of your DNA experienced that.
When we don't have peace we are affecting future generations.
Every experience is altering the DNA
Let's choose to honour women for the life force she is
holding within the temple of her body
I invite you to honour all women for the magic she has in her
womb, her Śakti. Gone are the days of competition, comparison,
neglect that was left over from the patriarchal paradigm.
In days of old, women would gather not only in Red Tents, to
evolve grow, heal, and kindle their power together. The power of
women when they worked/walked together was frightening to
the men and threatened patriarchal structure that kept women
powerless. And so, the women were killed. Observe your
reaction…Millions of women over the years were murdered for
being ‘witches’. Women stopped gathering.
The roots of the Sister/Witch/Mother Wounds run deep. This
hurt started the moment women were burned at the stake and
has led to the present day.
Old hurts live in the body, the issues are in the tissues.
Embodiment practices are the key to heal and rise. We must first
enter the portal of honouring the pain passed down through
generations., heal the wound, honour our Mothers, since we
were all born of a womb.

The Witch Wound

The Witch Wound is an inherited, collective trauma rooted in
the dark history of the Burning Times. Witch Wound shows up
as a fear of being seen, speaking up, stepping into your full magic
and power as a woman. Witches in today’s modern eyes are
healers, aromatherapists, medicine women, midwives, women…

The Sister Wound

The Sister Wound is connected to the Witch Wound, passed
down from women who were forced to betray or were betrayed
by another woman so she survived. Women had sisterhood
stolen from them. The pain, distrust, or dis-ease that many
women feel when relating to other women lives on. The Sister
Wound shows up in competition, comparison, judgment,
shaming, excluding, removing of another woman, insecurity,
mistrust, jealousy, fear. The Sister Wound thrives in isolation,
where you think you are better alone
The Mother Wound
The Mother Wound also comes from the patriarchy. The pain of
being a woman passed down through generations, through the
lineage, DNA. Women have used often dysfunctional coping
mechanisms to process the pain or avoid altogether. There are
many aspects of Mother Wound, what I know to be true is our
Mothers didn’t have the privilege that we have today to feel, heal
by processing the wounds. I offer Gratitude, forgiveness and do
the ‘work’ with love, prayers for my whole lineage

Journal Prompts
How to heal is to look within, confront it - observe ‘not confront
other women’ confront it, is the patriarchy, the shadows, the
shame. When we see each other without fear of judgment,
shame or competition, we clearly see and accept ourselves. We
heal collectively by honouring our lineage, sitting in a circle,
ceremony, community.
We are here to rewrite sisterhood, start by journaling with love.
Observe where do I see these wounds show up e.g see and feel a
group of women judging, gossiping, mocking another woman
▽What do I do?
The painful part of healing the Sister Wound is to admit you’re
the victim of it, but also a perpetrator.
▽Do I make a stand for a sister? Do I walk away and not
participate if they are my friends. Do I gossip?
To heal collectively each woman needs to be brave enough to
bring her entire self to the table or the circle. Be vulnerable,
learn to get honest with yourself
▽What are my current beliefs around sisterhood? Do I
believe it is safe or unsafe to be in relationship with
women? To be seen and witnessed by women?
▽Do I have a limiting belief where I’ve been giving away
my power? How can you take responsibility now? Do I
people please? What are my boundaries?
Wish to go deeper?
The moon represents your inner world.
We’ve begun to go inwards deeper into you

The moon is, in terms of distance, the closest heavenly

body to earth.
We can see it in the sky for three weeks out of four, and
for thousands of years, people have used its light to guide
them in the dark.

Now, I hope this light will guide you further on your

conscious journey into the unconscious magic within the
temple of your miraculous feminine body. The magic that is
longing to manifest

I am here as a guide, my gift, my magic is I initiate

women to connect to the feminine, the Goddess, Śakti
within the holy temple of their body. Through coaching,
movement, breath, ritual, sacred sound.

Please get in touch if you wish to go deeper on this path

About the Author
I am Michelle Cross.

I am a vessel and a voice

that inspires women to come
home to their body and their
feminine power of being.

Together, we reclaim our

innate energetic frequencies
and our magic for freedom,
wholeness and love.
We belong 🔻
I am a Yoginī, Tantrika, wife, daughter, sister.

I coach women 1:1 online, in person and VIP days and on


I desire for all women to come home to their magic,

their magni cence and shine their light in the world.
I am a lover of the dark, the unknown and that has
always been my most holiest portal to go deeper and enter
the depths of who I am. I descend into the dark and guide
other women to illuminate the dark areas of their life that
they may fear and transmute that fear to love through
forgiveness, acceptance and liberation. Its a magical
journey being a woman, live every moment, create the
moments your desire as memories, I am now…

You may read more about me

Connect with me here


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