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MCQs Revision for Research Methods: Questions and answers

From Question 1 to 50 (Multiple choice) Circle any correct option.

1. Which one among the following variables cannot be expressed in quantitative terms?
a) Numerical Aptitude
b) Marital Status
c) Socio-economic Status
d) Professional Attitude

2. What is the best-suited name for a process that doesn't necessitate experimental research?
a) Manipulation
b) Controlling
c) Content analysis
d) Observation

3. The process not needed in experimental research is

a) Controlling
b) Observation
c) Reference collection
d) Manipulation and replication

4. Which one is called non-probability sampling?

a) Quota sampling
b) Cluster sampling
c) Systematic sampling
d) Stratified random sampling

5. Which of the following is not the method of Research?

a) Survey
b) Historical
c) Observation
d) Descriptive

6. How to judge the depth of any research?

a) By research title
b) By research objectives
c) By research duration
d) By total expenditure on research
7. How is random sampling helpful?
a) Reasonably accurate
b) An economical method of data collection
c) Free from personal biases
d) All of the above

8. Research is ________________
a) Searching again and again
b) Finding solution to any problem
c) A systematic enquiry
d) None of the above

9. Which of the following is the first step in starting the research process?
a) Identification of problem
b) Searching sources of information to locate problem.
c) Survey of related literature
d) Searching for solutions to the problem.

10. A research paper is a brief report of research work based on

a) Primary Data only
b) Secondary Data only
c) Both Primary and Secondary Data
d) None of the above

11. Testing hypothesis is a ________

a) Descriptive statistics
b) Inferential statistics
c) Data preparation
d) Data analysis

12. What is the purpose of doing research?

a) To identify problem
b) To find the solution
c) Both a and b
d) None of these

13. Which method cannot be applicable for collecting qualitative data?

a) Visual
b) People
c) Media products
d) Questionnaire.

14. Which of the following is non-probability sampling?

a) Snowball
b) Random
c) Cluster
d) Stratified

15. Which of the following are associated with behavioural observation?

a) Non-verbal
b) Linguistic
c) None of these
d) All of these

16. Which of the following is not a data collection method?

a) Unstructured interview
b) Research Question
c) Postal survey Questionnaire
d) Participants Observation

17. Random sampling or probability sampling includes all the following techniques, except
a) Simple random sampling
b) Stratified random Sampling
c) Cluster sampling
d) Purposive Sampling

18. Gender, age-class, religion, type of disease, and blood group are measured on
a) Nominal scale of measurement
b) Ordinal scale of measurement
c) Interval scale of measurement
d) Ratio scale of measurement

19. Which scale of measurement has an absolute zero?

a) Nominal
b) Ordinal
c) Interval
d) Ratio
20. The variable which is influenced by the intervention of the researcher is called:
a) Independent
b) Dependent
c) Discrete
d) Extraneous

21. Which of the following methods is a form of graphical presentation of data?

a) Line Diagram
b) Pie diagram
c) Bar diagram
d) Histogram
22. All the following are measures of central tendency, except
a) Mean
b) Mode
c) Median
d) Variance

23. When the null hypothesis is rejected but it should have been retained is called _____
a) Type 0 error
d) Type 1 error
c) Type 2 error
d) Type 3 error

24. What is an example of a primary source in a literature review?

a) A review of theoretical frameworks used in nursing research
b) A video recorded interview of a nurse researcher
c) An edited textbook on nursing research
d) A critique of a nursing research study

25. What is the key difference between independent and dependent variables?
a) The independent variable should change in response to manipulation by the dependent
b) Although both the independent and independent variables are manipulated, only the
independent variable is considered an intervention.
c) The dependent variable should change in response to the manipulation by the
d) A review of theoretical frameworks used in nursing research.

26. What is the dependent variable in the following research question: "How does maternal
employment among health care professionals affect infant health during the first 6 months
a) Infant health
b) Firsts 6 months of life
c) Maternal employment
d) Health care professionals

27. What is the overall purpose of the research design in a quantitative study?
a) Objectivity
b) Specificity
c) Fairness
d) Relevant

28. What does the term 'reliability' indicate?

a) We can trust that the research has being carried out to a high standard.
b) That the results are accurate.
c) That the researcher can be trusted.
d) That the tool of data collection can be regarded as measuring accurately and

29. What is a pilot study?

a) A small scale study.
b) A study involving pilots.
c) A study to test the tool of data collection.
d) A study that is the first of its type.

30. What is a hypothesis?

a) A statement that the researcher wants to test through the data collected in a study.
b) A research question the results will answer.
c) A theory that underpins the study.
d) A statistical method for calculating the extent to which the results could have
happened by chance.
31. The most frequently occurring number in a set of values is called?
a) Mean
b) Median
c) Mode
d) Rang

32. Which section of a journal article is provided in most online electronic databases?
a) Abstract.
b) Conclusion.
c) Results.
d) Introduction.
33. In a published report of a research study the "research problem":
a) Declares what the researcher intends to do
b) Expresses what is known/unknown and answers why the study is needed
c) Is an interrogative statement expressing the relationship between variables
d) Specifies broad outcomes anticipated

34. The primary purpose of the Institutional Review Board is:

a) Review the scientific merit of completed research
b) Assure that "vulnerable" groups are never included in research
c) Protect researchers from potential litigation
d) Protect the rights of research participants

35. An important characteristic of a well done literature review as presented in a published

research report is:
a) All references should be from within the last 20 years
b) It should be comprehensive
c) Electronic databases should be searched
d) Inclusion of meta-analyses, integrated reviews and meta-syntheses should be avoided

36. Design used to describe variables and examine relationships that exist in a situation
a) Descriptive Design
b) Historical Design
c) Ethnographic design
d) Qualitative Design

37. Pieces of information obtained in a study is _______________________.

a) Statistics
b) Data
c) Question
d) Interview.

38. The following are ethical role of nurses in research expect _________________
a) Providing all information necessary to make informed decision.
b) Ensuring ethical guidelines are followed to protect research participants.
c) Participating in ethical review of research.
d) Following up the subjects even when they show no interest.

39. The following constitute International Standards Code of ethics that you were taught
except _______________
a) The Helsinki Declaration
b) The Belmont Report
c) Research Ethics Board
d) The Nuremberg Code

40. The specific query the researcher wants to answer to address the research problem is
a) Research question
b) Research Hypothesis
c) Research process
d) Research design

41. Which of the following is NOT where researchers get their ideas for research?
a) Clinical experience
b) Nursing literature
c) Theories
d) Research process

42. ______________ is the total membership of a group, universe or objects in a state or

geographical location.
a) Sample
b) Group members
c) Population
d) Focus Group

43. ____________ state that there is no relationship between the independent variables and
dependent variables.
a) Retained hypothesis
b) Alternate hypothesis
c) Null hypothesis
d) Relative hypothesis

44. The following are purpose of literature review except ________________

a) Solution to research problem
b) Identify a research problem
c) Refine research questions or hypotheses
d) Know what is known and what is not.

45. Role of theory in research does not include one of the following:
a) Provides direction for research
b) Guides the data collection process
c) Allows researchers to pull findings together in a coherent structure
d) Predict outcome

46. A problem that occurs when a sample is not representative of the population from which
it is drawn.
a) Sampling frame
b) Sampling bias
c) Sampling error
d) Sampling outcome

47. The process of dividing the population into subgroups (strata) to create a sample that
contains members of each subgroup.
a) Quota sampling
b) Simple sampling
c) Sampling population
d) Stratified sampling

48. Consists of only available member of the population (leads to biased results).
a) Stratified sampling
b) Quota sampling
c) Convenience sampling
d) Purposive sampling

49. Identify the major type of Data Collection method in quantitative research.
a) Observation
b) Questionnaire
c) Interview
c) Focus group discussion

50. One of the following is not a characteristic of questionnaire

a) A questionnaire is a set of questions aimed at eliciting data and is self-administered.
b) Simple language and brief
c) Must be applicable in health care research
d) The questions should be relevant and clear.

51. Validity based on whether the instrument looks as though it is measuring the appropriate
construct is known as _________.
a) Face validity
b) Content validity
b) Criterion-related validity
d) Construct validity

52. Which type of measurement occurs when objects are ordered on a scale that has equal
distances between points?
a) Ratio measurement
b) Interval measurement
c) Ordinal measurement
d) Nominal measurement

53. Which of the ethical principles laid out in the Belmont Report specify the need to
maximize the good in doing research?
a) Principle of beneficence
b) Principle of respect for human dignity
c) Principle of justice
d) Principle of care

54. Which of the following types of variables would you use to categorize the cause of a
patient's disease?
a) Continuous
b) Independent
c) Categorical
d) Dependent
55. When evaluating the accuracy and consistency of data, what factor are you evaluating?
a) Reliability
c) Creditability
b) Validity
d) Dependability

56. When taking a survey about safe sex practices, the researchers need to be very careful to
avoid ________, which would distort the data.
a) Generalizability
b) Transferability
c) Bias
d) Randomness

57. Which of the following sections of a research project describes the design of the study?
a) Abstract
b) Methods
c) Results
d) Discussion
58. Which section of a research project would contain a statistical analysis?
a) Abstract
b) Methods
c) Results
d) Discussion
59. Which of the following best describes a scenario in which sample members are hand-
picked by a researcher to achieve certain goals of the study?
a) Convenience (accidental) sampling
b) Snowball (network) sampling
c) Quota sampling
d) Purposive sampling

From question 60 to 101 fill the gap with correct answers

60. ____________________________________ is changing practice based on results of a

single research study.
ANS: Research utilization

61. ____________________________________ a set of concepts linked through

propositions to provide an explanation of a phenomenon.
ANS: Theory

62. ________________________________ is a systematic enquiry designed to develop

knowledge about issues of importance to midwives, including Midwifery practice.
ANS: Midwifery research

63. ___________________________ is refers to as a systematic approach to collecting

information, sometimes called data, which is then analysed to answer a question of interest.
ANS: Research Process
64. ________________________ in quantitative studies are summarized and analysed using
ANS: The numeric data

65. ______________________ is perplexing or troubling condition

ANS: Research problem

66. A research approach that uses exploratory, in-depth research involving flexible, open-
ended questions; includes: interviews, observation and focus groups is
ANS: Qualitative Research
67. ______________ refers to the consistency of measurement, specifically, the extent to
which repeated measurement of the same event yields the same values.
ANS: Reliability
68. What is the name given to a situation whereby the researcher cannot link data with a
particular participant? ___________________________________________
ANS: Anonymity
69. Formal committees that review research protocols is called _______________________
ANS: Institutional Review Boards
70. __________________ is a statement of something that requires investigation.
ANS: A Problem statement
71. Research is classified into two major categories: ___________________________
ANS: Quantitative
72 and ________________________
ANS: Qualitative
73. What is the name given to investigation or study carried out to satisfy a desire to increase
the knowledge base in an area of interest?
ANS: Basic or Pure research
74. _____________________________ is refers to the small section of the population which
is selected and from whom data is collected in a research.
ANS: Sample
75. Name two major types of sampling procedure: _______________________ and
ANS: Scientific or Probability sampling
76. ______________________________________
ANS: Non-scientific or Non-probability sampling
77. A sampling procedure where every member or element of the population has an equal
chance of being selected is _____________________________
ANS: Simple Random sampling
78. The method of data collection that involves watching and noting of behaviours or
activities of the research subjects is known as ________________________
ANS: Observation
79. The ability of the data collection instrument to measure what it is meant to measure is
ANS: Validity
80. An abstract generalization that presents a systematic explanation about how two or more
concepts/phenomena are interrelated is ____________________________
ANS: Theory
81. _________________ is the process of selecting participants for a study.
ANS: Sampling
82. What name is given to the procedure of selecting sample members to study because they
possess attributes important to understanding the research topic?
ANS: Purposive sampling
83. ________________ is the method that permits face to face contact of the researcher with
the subject in order to collect data.
ANS: Interview
84. The ability of the instrument to give the same or similar results with repeated use is
known as _______________________.
ANS: Reliability
85. _________________________ is a vertical bar graph of the frequency distribution.
ANS: A histogram
86. ______________________ employs dots connected by straight lines to show data
ANS: A frequency polygon
87. Measures that enable the researcher to describe the data or facts as contained in them is
ANS: Descriptive statistics
88. ______________________ is the difference between the highest and the lowest score in a
set of observations.
ANS: Range
89. An entity or object that can take on different values is _________________________.
ANS: Variable
90. ___________________ provides for the subjects to indicate the degree to which they are
agreeable or not agreeable to the opinion expressed in the statement.
ANS: Likert scale
91. A strategy to get the information the researcher wants in a study is called
ANS: Research design
From questions 92 to 101: fill the boxes numbered 92- 101 with appropriate sampling



93 94 98 99

83. 95 100 101

92. ANS: Probability samples

93. ANS: Systematic
94. ANS: Stratified
95. ANS: Clusters
96. ANS: Simple random
97. ANS: Non probability
98. ANS: Convenient
99. ANS: Snowball
100. ANS: Judgement
101. ANS: Quota
102. ______________ are the units, or numbers, or facts that are generated through
ANS: Data
103. ________________________ involves specific techniques that are adopted in research
process to collect, assemble and evaluate data.
ANS: A research methodology
104. The statistics that enables inferences or conclusions to be made in a study about a
population or given data from a sample is known as _____________________
ANS: Inferential statistics
105. Why is correlation coefficient called a bi-variate statistics?
ANS: It can be used for both inferential and descriptive statistics
106. What type of statistical method is most frequently used in connection with hypothesis
relating to differences in proportions?
ANS: Chi Square
107. The estimation used to assess the degree to which different observers give consistent
estimates of the same event is known as _______________________.
ANS: Inter-rater/inter observer reliability
109. The method used to assess the consistency of a measure from one time to another is
ANS: Test retest reliability
110. What type of reliability measures uses split half to correlation between the total scores?
ANS: Cronbach’s Alpha
From question 111 to 133 write “T” if the statement is “True” and “F” if the statement
is “False”
111. First step of a research process is establishing the needs for research.
ANS: True
112. Final step of research process is data collection.
ANS: False
113. A research problem is an enigmatic, perplexing or troubling condition.
ANS: True
114. Nursing literature is a source of research problem
ANS: True
115. Literature review is not an account of what has been known about a particular
ANS: False
116. One of the sources of hypothesis is real life experience.
ANS: True
117. The utilization of research findings in practice would depend on the relevance of the
research to the needs of the field or facility.
ANS: False
118. Inadequate facilities for implementation of a research findings is not a barrier to research
ANS: False
119. Nurses knowledgeable in research and who are able to read and interpret research results
is a barrier to research utilization
ANS: False
120. The policy statement by the World Medical Association was first adopted by the 18th
WMA General Assembly, Helsinki, Finland, June 1964.
ANS: True
121. The Principle of Beneficence is equitable selection of research participants.
ANS: False
122. The Principle of Autonomy states that participation in research should be voluntary.
ANS: True
123. The purpose of literature review is to convey to the reader previous established on the
ANS: True
124. The purpose of literature review is to convey to the reader previous facts established on
the topic.
ANS: True
125. Research methodology defines those tools that are used to gather relevant information in
a specific research study.
ANS: True
126. The purpose of research design include facilitating adequate sampling methods
ANS: True
127. Nurses experience does not provide problems for investigation for research activity.
ANS: False
128. The values of a qualitative variable do not imply a meaningful numerical ordering.
ANS: True
129. The level often adopted in most studies is 0.05 or 5% level.
ANS: True
130. Dependent variable is manipulated by the experimenter or researcher.
ANS: False
131. A type I statistical error that involves the rejection of a null hypothesis when it should be
rejected is a false negative.
ANS: False
132. A critique should summarize the worth of the study and the merits of the report.
ANS: True
133. Having informed consent is an ethical practice that protects the participants in a study by
ensuring they understand what they are agreeing to do
ANS: True
Questions 134 to 140, Match the types variables listed in column I with the examples
listed in column II.
Column I Column II
134. Qualitative Variables A. Children in a household
135. Quantitative Variables B. Queue to see a Doctor
136. Discrete Variable C. Religion
137. Continuous Variable D. The low intake of food
138. Discrete Variables E. No of accidents in the twelve months
139. Dependent Variables F. Problem of underweight
140. Independent Variables G. Person’s age

134. ANS: C
135. ANS: G
136. ANS: A
137: ANS: B
138: ANS: E
139: ANS: F
140: ANS: D
Answers to Mid-semester assessment Nov 2021

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