POL.SC. CH - 2

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Q.1. Define democracy. What are the features of democracy?

Ans: Democracy is a form of government in which the rulers are elected by the people. Democracy is people’s
rule, but this simple definition is not adequate. So, to clear the meaning of democracy, the study of features of
democracy is must.
 Ina democracy the final decision making power should be in the hands of the leaders elected by the
 Free and Fair elections should be where those currently in power have a fair chance of losing.
 Each adult citizen must have one vote and each vote must have one value.
 Elected rulers must rule within limits set by constitutional law and must respect citizen’s rights.

Q.2. Give points in favour of democracy?

What are the merits of democracy?
Why do you consider democracy as a better form of government?
Ans: Democracy is not a solution to all problems but it is better than other forms of government. It allows us to
correct our mistakes and offers more dignity to all citizens. That is why democracy is considered the best form
of government.
 It is a better government because it is more accountable form of govt.
 It improves the quality of decision making.
 It provides a method to deal with differences and conflicts.
 It enhances the dignity of citizens.

Q.3. Give arguments in against democracy?

What are the demerits of democracy?
 Leaders keep changing leading to instability.
 No scope for morality as it is all about political competition and power play.
 Many people have to be consulted leading to delay.
 Elected leaders do not know the best interest of people. It leads to bad decisions.
 It leads to corruption for it is based on electoral competition.

Q.4. Is China a democratic country? Give points in your support.

Ans: In China elections are regularly held after every five years but China is not a democratic country.
 Only those who are members of the Chinese Communist Party or eight smaller parties allied to it were
allowed to contest elections.
 China follows a single party system which is against the true spirit of democracy. Democracy follows
multi-party system.
 In China, the elections do not offer the people any serious choice. They have to choose the ruling party.
 The ruling party, The National People’s Congress has the power to appoint the President of the country.
Q.5. Can we call Mexico a democratic country? Give statements in your support.
Ans: Mexico got independence in 1930, since then elections are held after every six years to elect its President.
The country has never been under a military or dictator’s rule. But we can’t call Mexico a democratic
Country because;
 Until 2000 every election was won by a party called PRI ( Institutional Revolutionary Party )
 Opposition party did contest elections, but never won because PRI uses dirty tricks to win the elections.
 In practice Mexican people had no choice .There was no way the ruling party could be defeated, even
people were against it.

Q.6. Why can’t we call Zimbabwe a democratic country?

 Zimbabwe got independence in 1980. Since then the country is ruled by ZANU-PF party.
 Robert Mugabe the leader of the party has been ruling since independence.
 Elections have been held regularly and always won by ZANU-PF.
 President Mugabe is popular but uses unfair means and also has changed the constitution to increase the
powers of President.
 Public protest and demonstrations against the government are declared illegal.
W e can’t call it democratic because the state should respect the basic rights of citizen’s. They should be free to
think, to express their opinion in public and to protest.

Q.7. Was Pakistan a democratic country in the beginning of 21st century

Ans: Pakistan was not a democratic country. The reasons are:
 In Oct.1999, General Parvez Musharraf led a military coup and declared himself the ‘Chief Executive’.
 He changed his designation as President.
 In 2002 he held a referendum that granted him five years extension.
 Elections were held for national and state assemblies but those elected rulers were not given the power
to take final decisions.
 The final power rests with military officers and General Musharraf himself.


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