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YDROGEN The isotopes f hydro. are Mig (a) Protium, Dewterium, Tetum 3.9.5 (B) Protium, Deuterium, Tritium 2:3, (C)Protium, Deuterium, Tritium 3.9.4 (D)Protium, Deuterium, 7; ium 53:2; The colour of hydrogen is — (A) Blue (B) Yellow (P) Nocolour The catalyst used to increase 1 H,, by “coal gasification’ proce: (C) Orange the production of sis - (A) Copper (B) FeCr,O, (iron chromate) (C)PaC (D) None of the above. The incorrect statement among the following regarding hydrogen is - (A) Hydrogen never acts as a cation in Ionic salts (B) Hydronium ion, H,0’, exists freely in a solution (C) Dihydrogen does not act as a reducing agent (D) Hydrogen has three isotopes of which Protium is the most common ‘The role of an electrolyte in the preparation of H, by electrolytic method is: (A) It lowers the availability of ions available in the process for the conduction of electricity. (B) It makes the ions available in the process for conduction of electricity. (C) Itcools down the temperature. (D) None of the above Thaie Aantieatians: Und jerstand the different isotopes of h JIMATE HANDPICKED qusAN D S- B Loc K obtained on the completion of the tetions i) and (ii) respectively ure following rey 4 1 Saag + 3H0.9) — aul A yt 4 Net 214) + NaOH ay) SB, (A)A=CO, andj; B=Na2n0, (B)A=CO,,B=NaZn0, (C)A=CH,CH,CH,OH ;B=Zn0. @) None of the above The correct statement among the following regarding hydrogen is— (A) It can form a bond in +1 as well as -1 oxidation state (B) Itis always collected atthe cathode (C) Ithas a very low ionization potential (D)It_has the same electronegativity as halogens When substance A reacts with water, it produces a combustible gas B and a solution of substances 'C’ in water. When another substance 'D' reacts with this solution of C, it produces the same gas 'B’ on warming but 'D' can produce gas 'B' on reaction with dilute sulphuric acid at room temperature. ‘A’ imparts a deep golden yellow colour to a smokeless flame of a bunsen bumer. A, B, C and D respectively are- (A)Na, H,, NaOH, Zn (B)K,H,, KOH, Al (C)Ca,H,, Ca(OH), Sn (D)CaC,, C,H, Ca(OH) , Fe yydrogen and their applications invarlaus fields, 13, Covalent hydrideamong the following, (A)NH, and BAHL, @Cathange y ByFe+H,SO, (A)Cu+ HCL (GL ( “ cee (C)Mgtsteam (D) Na talcohol (C) NaH and Cal D)NeH andy, (e the items listed in Column 1 with sed in Column I. 14, Atomic hydrogen or oxy-hydrogen used for cutting and welding purposes beca,," (A) Atomic hydrogen converts into molec, b .d generates a large ; hydrogen and g eeamouny |’ energy. 2. Mixture of COandH; @) Atomic hydrogen converts into motes, | 3. Prolonged electrolysis of} hydrogen and generates a low amoung water energy. L [D. Sal like hydrides "4, Stoichiometric (©) Molecular hydrogen converts into atone compounds of s-block hydrogen and generates a large amount elements ee (D) Molecular hydrogen converts into atomic Codes hydrogen and generates a low amount of energy. [oa BHO) 15. Tonic hydrides react with water to give e : fala pafata ee ee ie 1 statita (A) Acidic solutions. fa lalate (B) Basic solutions. C) Hy be lo ett 5 (©) Hydride ion. pitta (D) Protons. 11. The correct statement about electron-deficient 16. ‘The correct order of increasing reducing nature hydride is that it: is- (A) Does not have sufficientelectrons to form a (A) NaH>HOMgH,> NaH (B) Cannot be represented by conventional Lewis structures, (C)H,OK (B)Na=K es (D) Liz K (C)Na, K (PK RD cl 34, A blue coluored solution of an atkay 28. Property of the alkaline earth metals that 3 eee et im increases with their atomic number is~ liq NE is due to the presence of - ‘i (A) Solubility of their hydroxides in water. (A)M atoms. (B) Solubility oftheir sulphates in water. (B)M ions. (C) lonisationencrgy. (C) Solvated anions (D) Electronegativi (D) Solvated electrons. . The incorrect statement among the following 35, . Solubility of alkaline earth metal sul is Innate, water decreascs in the sequence : (A) Ionisation enthalpy ofalkaline carth metals (A) Mg>Ca> Sr>Ba is higherthan alkali mezals (B)Ca> Sr> Ba> Me (B) Alkaline carth metal oxides are more basic ! c (C)Sr>Ca>Mg> Ba ine earth metal hydroxides are less ; seni : basic and less stable than alkali metal 3° Lithium salts are generally hydrated bev hydroxides. meyye . (D) Solubility of Alkaline earth metals and A) Highpolarizing power. alkali metal hydroxide increases down the (B) High ionization enthalpy. group. (C)High electronegativity, 30. Alkali metal with the lowest melting point is ~ (D) Low polarizing power. (A)Na (B)K 37. The correct statement(s) about the structured} (ORd ICs BeCl is 31. An alkali metals that forms only the normal a. BeCl{solid)-exists as polymer. oxide M O on heating in air ise 5. BeCl, (vapour)- exisis as chlorobridgl (A)Rb (B)K dimer. (Li (D)Na ¢. BeCly has bent structure in the vapor 32. The correct order of thermal stability of Phase. carbonates of Group 2 clements is- (Aja (Bya&b (4) BeCO, < MgCo, < Caco, < S1C0, < (yb (D) b&e Baco, 38. The correct order of increasing thera (B) BeCO, < MgC, < BaCO, < $:C0, < stability of K,CO,, MgCO,, CaCO, and BeCd] CaCo, is: (©) BaCO, < Mgco, < Caco, < siC0, < (A) BeCO, Na’ > Rb'>Cs 46. Th The in st jg, “OTTCSt Statement among the following (B)Cs > Rb’ > K'> Na! (Rb > K>Cs' >No’ yur * has minimum de f . (O)Na => Rb’ Gs! amongalkalimetalcatons, 2 Solva cess B anne carbonate, the raw materials used are. (C) Sodiumisused to make Na/Pb alloy. (A)Aqueous NaOH, NH, andco, (D) MgSO, isreadily soluble in water. 47. The cation of alkali metals are found as M(H.OY in H,0. Thevalucof'n' is maximum for- (B) Molten NaOH, NH, andCo (C)Brine NaCl, NH, and CO (D) Brine NaCl, NH, andCo. : , : " (A)Na’ @K p. Alkali and alkaline earth metals cannot be (C)RD" OL obtained by chemical reduction method 48. The correct statement(s) scaiisa dee « 7 . ct statement(s the folk bese hey are he stongest: options is/are: among the following (A) Oxidizing agents. {A)BeO is almost insoluble but BeSO, is (B) Reducing agents. sichieiwaek (C) Hydrating agents. {B) BaO is soluble but BaSO, is insoluble in (D) Drying agents. water. 43, Anamphoteric hydroxide among the following (C) Lilis more soluble than KI inethanol. is: (D) Alloftheabove. {5)Be (OH), (B) Sr(OH), 49. The chemical formula of Plaster ofParisis: (€)Ca(OH), (0) Mg(Ol), A C80, SHO 44. The ine 1 the followin _ incorrect statement among ig (8) Ca80,24,0 (A) Sodium metal is used in organic qualitative (C) CaSO,.H,0 analysis, (D)3C2S0,H,0 see a Geil Si c: i in water andit 59, The number of crystal water in Gypsum, (B} Sodium carbonate is soluble in bk 5 * Pari and Epsom salt respectively is used in inorganic qualitative analysis. Plaster of (C) Potassium carbonate can be prepared by ne ast 7.21 the solvay process. . ee (0)3,4,2 um bicarbonate is a (€)7,05,2 te (D) Aq, solution of potassi k alkaline earthmetals with water anda [kali and * Reactivity Trends: Recagnize the reactivity tends! A compound X on heating gas, The tesiduc is dissolved in water to ol ¥, Excess CO, is bubbled through an aqueous solution of Y. and Z is formed. Z on gentle heating gives back X. The compound X is~ 0. (B)Na, CO, (D)K,CO, inno! be prepared by the Wc $0, 2H,0 wo 52. Potassium ¢ Solvay proc (A) Pot and does (B) Potassium carbonate is soluble in water and does not precipitate out um carbonate is insoluble in water (ot precipitate out (C) Potassium carbonate is soluble in water and does precipitate out. (D) Potassium carbonate is insoluble in water and docs precipitate out. 53. An active ingredient in bleaching powder that aidsin the bleaching action is (A) Ca (OCD, (B)CaO, Cl (C) CaCl, (D)Ca0Ccl, 54. ABrine solution on electrolysis will not give: (A) NaOH (B)CI, (OK, (D)0, 55. Gypsum on heating can change to: (A) Orthorhombic form. (B) Plaster of paris, £OyDead plaster, ~ (D)Allofthe above. 56. Magnesia can be prepared by - (A) Burning Mg inair, (B) Heating hydroxide, nitrate, sulphate or carbonate of magnesium, (C) Heating Mg in steam. (D) Allofthe above, Uses of Alkali Metal Inderstandthe applications of alkali metals 57. ‘The suspension of slaked lime iq ‘ig known as~ (A) Limewater. (B) Quicklime. (C)Milk of lime. (D) Aqueous salution of staked lime, 58. Quick limeis heated with silica to give (A) CaSiO, (B) Casio, (C)CasiO (D)Cacsio), 59. A compound (A) is used in the preparation y washing soda to recover ammonia in Solvay, process. When CO, is bubbled through aqueous solution of (A), the solution tun, milky. It is used in whitewashing due 19 ig disinfectant nature. The chemical formula of, is: (A)Ca(HCO,), (B) CaO. (©)ca(On), (D) Caco, re ‘nu 60. An oxide that does not react with sodium hydroxide is: (A)B,0, (QSi0, (B)Ca0 (D)BeO ifferent industries.

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