Analysis of keywords in the field of crisis management using semantic network graphs _ Annals of Disaster Risk Sciences

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CASE STUDY Annals of Disaster Risk Sciences Vol 5, No 1-2 (2022)

Analysis of keywords in the field of crisis management using semantic network graphs
Nikola Bakarić, University of Applied Sciences Velika Gorica, Croatia

Address for correspondence: Nikola Bakarić, University of Applied Sciences Velika Gorica, Croatia, e-mail:


This paper attempts to use keywords in order to establish their information value in understanding main topics and trends in crisis management research on the
example of the Crisis Management Days conference proceedings. It uses natural language processing methodology, statistical analysis, and design of semantic
network graphs to investigate topics and trends in the field of crisis management in Croatia and the region over the span of 13 years. Additional goal of the paper is
establishing the validity of semantic distance analysis based solely on author keywords. The results not only reveal certain trends and clusters of conference topics,
but show that the method holds potential for further research.


semantic networks, semantic vectors, keywords, crisis management, unsupervised learning

1. Introduction
The research presented here will attempt to offer insight into the use of semantic networks based on keywords as a tool for the analysis of academic writing. First
direction of investigation is the analysis of the development of the topics and subjects addressed in the proceedings of the Crisis Management Days conferences.
This international scientific and professional conference organised by the University of Applied Sciences Velika Gorica deals with various aspects of crisis
management. The conference is a yearly event that was first held in 2007. It covers several re-occurring topics such as crisis management, communication, related
legislation, national security, risk management, critical infrastructure, public health, business continuity, information security, climate and ecology. The languages
of the conference are both English and Croatian, and most of the conference papers are written in Croatian. However, almost all papers have an English version of
the abstract and keywords. The second direction of investigation is to test the proposed natural language processing methodology used to semantically analyse and
present the extracted keywords in a semantic network.

The next chapter will provide a brief overview of related research and theoretical background of the selected approach and methodology. Third chapter will
introduce the data source and its preparation while the fourth will list the methodology and steps taken to analyse and process the dataset. Fifth chapter will provide
an overview of the results; keyword frequencies and semantic network graphs, accompanied by a discussion. Final chapter will try to offer a conclusion of the
presented work and future lines of research.

2. Related work

Semantic networks are an important tool in knowledge representation and are used for modelling sematic relationships and presenting them in the form of graphs
(Sowa, 1991). Developments in machine learning and natural language processing techniques have enabled researchers to build semantic networks on large scale
textual data. Recent developments in artificial intelligence, namely the development of large language models, are in part connected to semantic networks and their
interplay is currently an area of great interest (Tang et al., 2023).

The primary method used in this paper is based on word representation using vectors. This is an established method for determining semantic similarity or distances
between words, and building upon that, larger text entities such as documents (Manning & Schütze, 1999, p. 294). The limitations of this method are being
overcome by larger training models and increase in computing power.

In the field of bibliometrics, a combination of qualitative and quantitative content analysis using research papers’ keywords and their semantic relationships has
been detected as a tool with great potential in monitoring particular research areas by several authors (Weismayer & Pezenka, 2017a) (González et al., 2018). They
argue that a keyword analysis approach, rather than a full-text approach, simplifies the process as the keywords describe (or should describe) the content of the
article. Other researchers combine keyword analysis with bibliometric methodology in order to determine which keywords correspond to high or low citation
numbers and development of new research areas (Pesta et al., 2018). Keywords are being used as the basis for constructing knowledge structures or networks (Su &
Lee, 2010) while some researchers are designing automated taxonomy construction procedures in combination with machine learning algorithms (Song et al., 2015)
based on them.

3. Keyword extraction and dataset preparation

The keywords were extracted from 13 available proceedings of the Crisis Management Days conference. The first available proceedings were published in 2011
and the last in 2023, as open access documents available online[1]. The conference proceedings were originally PDF files which were converted to plain text. The
keywords were extracted to a separate file which contained the year of the conference and the keyword set. In total, 730 sets of keywords were extracted,
containing 3025 individual keywords. Further analysis returned 1873 distinct keywords whose occurrence was counted to create a frequency list.

Next step was the detection of similarity between distinct keyword sets. This was done by iterating through the 730 sets and comparing them with all other sets.
The algorithm used the Gensim set of libraries (Řehůřek & Sojka, 2010), firstly for preprocessing and then for calculating distance semantic between two keyword
sets. Gensim is a freely available Python library used for creating vector representations of text documents based on unsupervised machine learning algorithms
which can then be used for the creation of semantic network graphs (Řehůřek, 2022). The application of the Gensim library and its method is aimed at text
documents. However, this research intended to test its functionality with very specific and short text forms: author created keywords associated with scientific and
professional papers published in the proceedings of a conference. Since the task is rather specific and the word pool found in keywords limited, it was decided to
use a pretrained model (keyed vector) created by Gensim. The model used is the glove-wiki-gigaword-100 which is trained on 6 billion tokens collected from
Wikipedia and consists of 400,000 word vectors. The vectors represent semantic distances between the words it contains. These distances were used in the
calculation of semantic distances between keyword sets using the wmdistance method. The method observes the words individually and then as a part of a
document. It creates a vector of the document and places it in an n-dimensional space, in relation to other document vectors after which is measures the distance
between them. The result is a numerical value between 0 and 1.5 where 0 means that the compared documents are identical, and values over 1 describe documents
than have no semantic connection. Preprocessing included separating the keyword sets into individual words, changing them to lowercase, removing any spaces
and interpunction.

The semantic distances between keyword sets were constructed as a 730 by 730 matrix where all keyword sets were measured against all other keyword sets. The
resulting matrix is symmetric, and the diagonal values are all equal to zero, which denotes maximum semantic similarity and occurs when comparing a keyword set
with itself (overlapping vectors).

In brief, the dataset preparation followed these steps:

1. Convert conference proceedings form PDF to plain text.

2. Extract keywords using regular expressions.
3. Build keyword dataset and save it as a tab separated plain text file. The file is designed as a table with the headings: article serial number/year of
4. Build keyword frequency data.
5. Remove ‘crisis’ and ‘crises’ from the dataset due to high frequency.
6. Use word2vec, a Gensim library, to create a vector dataset of keywords.

4. Semantic network graph generation

Main building blocks of the analysed dataset are keywords. A keyword, in the domain of academic writing, has many definitions but most agree that it is a word or
a phrase which describes the topic of the document it is assigned to in a clear and succinct way (Lardera & Hjorland, 2021). Focusing only on keywords reduces
computer processing requirements and bypasses the need to vectorise and model entire documents (Weismayer & Pezenka, 2017b). However, it should be taken
into account that the keywords are not always the best representatives of an article's topic as sometimes authors do not follow the guidelines for creating keywords.
Additionally, it should be noted that more important data can be gained from the analysis of larger texts which can lead to more accurate and complex results. This
research attempt is deliberately focused on keywords as it tries to establish their information value in understanding main topics and trends in crisis management
research on the example of one long-running conference.

As described in the previous chapter, a dataset of vector distances between keyword sets was created using the Gensim library. The next step was to construct a
semantic network graph. This was done using the NetworkX (Hagberg et al., 2008) and Matplotlib (Hunter, 2007) Python libraries. The dataset of vector distances
was plotted onto a two-dimensional plain thus creating the network image. The image consists of nodes and edges which represent the keyword sets and the
connections between them. Larger nodes have more numerous and stronger connections with other nodes. Stronger connections (shorter semantic distances) are
represented by thicker edges connecting two nodes and the placement of the nodes themselves. A semantic network graph was created for the entire dataset and for
each year while filtering out semantic distance values which equalled 0 and those over 1. Therefore, only distances in the (0 < d < 1) interval were considered. At
this point it was noticed that the word “crisis” and its varieties was present in the keyword sets to such a degree that made visual analysis of the graphs very
difficult as it affected the semantic distance value. It was therefore decided to remove the word from the keyword sets during the dataset preparation stage which
resulted in much clearer graphs. The following step included the analysis of the frequency list and visual analysis of the semantic network graphs.

5. Results

As mentioned in the previous chapter, it was noticed that the keyword “crisis” and its varieties scored very highly on the frequency list. This can be seen when
observing the frequency lists for each individual year and in the total frequency score in Table 1. This is not surprising, since it corresponds with the conference title
and main topic. Additionally, many other keywords contain some form of the word “crisis”. However, the high frequency of these keywords reduces their
informative value when analysing the overall keyword and topic distribution.

Table 1. – Number of keywords containing the word “crisis” or “crises”.

Year Occurrence of “cris[i|e]es” Year Occurrence of “cris[i|e]es”

2011 38/209 (18%) 2018 19/208 (9%)
2012 24/152 (16%) 2019 9/138 (7%)
2013 51/346 (15%) 2020 13/162 (8%)
2014 59/406 (15%) 2021 4/83 (5%)
2015 46/374 (12%) 2022 12/202 (6%)
2016 48/318 (15%) 2023 10/131 (8%)
2017 15/296 (5%) TOTAL 348/3025 (12%)

The word “crises” or “crises” is found in 11.5 % of all individual keywords (348/3025). This has proven to be a problem in constructing a semantic network,
especially in visual representation, because the high occurrence of the word reduces the distance between keyword vectors which makes them difficult to
differentiate in graphs. The word “crisis” was therefore removed in the preprocessing stage from all keyword sets while other words were not disturbed.

Table 2. – Keywords with occurrence of 4 and higher in the overall dataset.

Year 2011-2023[2]
Keywords 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 Total
civil protection 4 4 8
communication 4 4
crisis 10 5 15 13 16 11 7 5 8 90
5 5 10
8 7 12 17 13 9 5 71
7 9 4 4 24
disaster 7 7
disasters 4 4
environment 5 5 10
management 4 5 4 4 17
national security 4 4
prevention 4 6 10
protection 5 5
risk 4 4 4 5 4 21
risk assessment 5 5
security 6 8 4 6 10 5 4 4 47
terrorism 5 5 10
Total per year 37 16 45 59 83 26 39 10 4 4 16 8 347

Table 2 presents keywords which occurred 4 or more times in any proceedings year. Already we can notice a more homogenous distribution in years 2011-2017.
Proceedings of the 2021 conference are not present here as there were no keywords which occurred 4 or more times. The 2021 conference proceeding has the
fewest papers and only 17 sets of keywords in English.

2011 2012 2013

2014 2015 2016

2017 2018 2019

Figure 1. – Overview of semantic network graphs of keywords in conference proceedings from 2011 to 2019

Figure 1 contains the semantic network graphs for years 2011 to 2019. The shapes of graphs clearly show the keyword distribution. Years 2013 to 2017 show a
more homogeneous distribution while other years contain more scattered keyword sets. While looking at conference topics and the 2013-2017 graphs, it can be
surmised that most papers dealt with semantically closer topics.

2020 2021
2022 2023

Figure 2. – Overview of semantic network graphs of keywords in conference proceedings from 2020 to 2023

Figure 2 displays the semantic network graphs for years 2020 to 2023 which have been intentionally separated from earlier years presented in Figure 1. The number
of articles in these years is somewhat lower than in the previous period (one can assume that the conference suffered lower attendance numbers during the
pandemic years 2020-2022). However, lower number of published articles makes for a less cluttered graph. It is especially interesting to look at the graph for 2021
with its low number of articles/keyword sets which are clearly grouped into several small clusters.
Figure 3. – Semantic network graphs of keywords in the 2012 conference proceedings

Figure 3 is a good example of the connections and clustering of keyword sets reflecting the conference topics which were more broadly defined this time.
Conference topics for 2012 were:

1. European union and crisis management

2. Crisis management and contemporary threats
3. Crisis management policies
4. Crisis communication
5. Critical infrastructure protection
6. Risk management
7. Public services in crisis management
8. Modern business and crises
9. IT and new crises
10. National crisis management systems

In comparison, the topics for 2015, which can be seen in Figure 4, were:

1. Contemporary Security Challenges

2. Private Sector, Public Sector and Critical Infrastructures
3. Management in Crises
4. Crisis Communication
5. Environmental Safety
6. Lessons Learned and Reform Policies

Apart from being fewer in number, conference topics in 2015 seem closer related which can be seen in the semantic network graph displayed in Figure 4.

While looking at the semantic network graphs of keyword sets for the proceedings of the Crisis Management Days conference, it can be concluded that there is an
overall tendency toward inclusion of a wider array of topics. However, it should be taken into account that in the 2020-2022 period, there was significantly lower
number of keyword sets which corresponds to the lower number of published articles.

It should be noted here that the graphs could be further streamlined and adjusted by applying different filtering methods and modifying options of
the matplotlib library used for creating them.
Figure 4. – Semantic network graphs of keywords in the 2015 conference proceedings

6. Conclusion
The presented results of the semantic network analysis show that the method is a valid tool for tracking and studying trends in a particular scientific area. The
semantic network graphs are an intuitive visual tool which can be used for topic analysis, discovering new connections, and clustering topics on the basis of
semantic distances between keywords. Using keywords reduces the computational load and the time required for processing. One additional benefit is that
keywords are often available in English regardless of the publication’s main language, as is the case here.

Regarding the analysis of the keyword sets of the Crisis Management Days proceedings, certain trends can be noticed, such as the scattering of topics over the
years. It is beyond the scope of this research to suggest what causes these trends, but there is hope that it might provide insight to other researchers in semantic
networks, bibliometrics as well as the conference organisers and crisis management experts.

Further study should apply a wider approach by including other publications in the field of crisis management. Additionally, a comparison with another field of
research could provide additional insight into the methodology and validate the results presented here. Next step in this line of research should try to use article
abstracts to build the semantic network and compare the results to keyword based semantic networks.

7. References

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[2] Data for 2021 is missing as no keyword sets occure 4 or more times

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