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Hi Laura,

I understand how challenging your situation is, and I'm sorry you're going through this. I can
see why your mom's criticisms would be hurtful, and it's important for her to understand how
they affect you on a deeper level. Talking to her about your feelings might help her see things
from your perspective.

At the same time, I recognize that managing a household alone is a tough job for your mom. It
might be beneficial for you to offer more help around the house, showing her that you're in
this together. This could not only ease her burden but also improve your relationship.

I don't think leaving home is the best solution, as it would only avoid the problem rather than
resolve it. My best friend went through a similar situation, and their family found that family
therapy helped them a lot. It gave them a space to talk things out and understand each other
better. Maybe this could be something worth considering for your family too.

It's crucial to see things from the other person's point of view and strive for mutual
understanding. I hope my advice helps, and things get better for you soon.

Best regards,
Joe Doe

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