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Page 1 of 4 Application Procedure for Chinese Government Scholarship Chinese govemment scholarships (CGS) are awarded by Chinese Scholarship count (CSC) to iterational students in Chinese universities aiated with ‘CSC. CSC online application system is started fiom OctNovember and remained open tll May-June of next yeat. CSC: ffi sted universitesembassies announced their schedule fr receiving aplication during this time period. Rests are announced in May-Fuly. Saxe students join universities fom T September. at og OAS? “These scholarships are awarded to students through egencies ic, (a) universities (b) chinese embarses in ge counts, Which have diplomatic relations ‘wth China Stents can prepare their aplistion material and submit o university cect. As tyr embassy application iv eoneemed, embasies gen ‘eecive applications in oter countries va some Higher Education Institue / Ministry of Eduction of that cosmty. Scholarship via embassy is als called Bilateral Program” Be Rene CS application procedure is very simple and students can prepare ter application easily: Studenis don’t nee to consult and pay money to any agen! conslant.CSCicinese universities don't have authorized agenonsitant ahr, if omon= aims so, he fake and doing lege! activity, a 1. University Search ee ‘ Blo sent sts schlai api roe Be sp se ome gh univenity fein CS inhi progam and sch Bl, Uniey program details canbe searched very well on CSC website (hws tse. sludvinhina/ndexen asp), For university selection, consider overall repute ‘of university, research published by univestydpartnaa group in your esearch Fld ele. A university has is own policy to give scholarship in specific brogans and subjects, Once stent selects au versity, be ean exe the website of university ohnow the CGS shel, departent and aly eal ‘of that university. Go gs" 2. Appleton Procedure x CS apptication procure consist cfiowing ps. 2A, Online appa Cyt ee 2.2. Prpaation o application mal 21. Online Application SC developed an online application system forall students wino want to apply fr scholarship in Chinese universities, Al students ned to make an acount for online aplistion on this website (ib Ishin. en, Prom one assoun, students can apply in one university ony, If somsbody want t0 appy in tmore than one university then he need io make mote accounts, To make a new account, students need ema adress Many account ean be made sing single Clave. online aplication, fst students ar required to cntr “Agency number” Agency number sce given to cach agency (eves and Chinese embassies). Students an find agency numberof diferent univers in fe setion of group Cuns/ Ana fashook com sroun/CSchina) or en google. Other notable things in online application are academic record, boda, details of program o be studied, nivesty et. while filling onlin pplication please not followings ‘When you enter agency numberof univers it wil become your “First Preftrence University” automaticaly. you are applying in university dirty, you don't need to write 2~ and 3 university preference you are applying via embassy then you will wie agency numberof embassy and also write Ure universes in preference options. Study duration wil be ike this “From | September 2015 to 15 July 2018” for 3 years PAD progiiny Duraion depends your program. it includes one year Chinese language then it wil be writen as “From 1 September 2015 taslSJuly 2019.” Check your university program details before {filling application. $9 Oe a8 tis better to fill compulsory part of application and ignore the optional art ike “Charanter ane” and “family details” ee ‘Check your university websit/intemational student office for languace requireniztdetais.I'your university has English language programs then apply fort otherwise you have fo apply for Chinese language clases of one year Ifyou ate «gow. employee and applying for shoes adependry (no via government oe), then avoid mentioning abou jb acl dont ‘wit official emi postal adress See oS 1h. Once you complete your application for one univé:sity the®- don’tue this account for another university by changing agency number. By doing so, your fist univers online deta wl be rand fe Univesity YOSC database. After completing the onlin aplication, submit this sd take se rit 3 aplication pat ile and also save this for your personal record, Print (hard cop) of snpiaton mast havea "sal munbe” and pe hte om of ach age which olen mised dso wrong sltion of page ze ng pi 2.2. Preparation of Application Maietial yo Aaplatonrteralsinealner eee SC fr ttion proce, Te dons af econ dans {and eptional documents: Deals of this given blow. 221. Compulsory Documents ‘tdent must comp and sched thse documens wih pplication aervs application wil be ejected by univensity CSC. Compulsory documents ica wigs 22.1.1, Academic Documents Stadnts should photocopy two resnly obtained degreicrifcates (For PAD these wil be Master and Bachelor degres) and transcript DMC of ighest degre and atest them. According o CSC insrtons, academic cerifcate should be notaried Here | would ike to lai ta china don't have “Gazetted ‘Orticer sytem of atextation like Indian subcontinent So they ue ter Notarization and Atesation in similar meanings. In my opinion, stents an atest, their documents ftom University asian assoiatefil) professor Students can also vst Notary Pubic ut wil est. Result awaiting student an also apy ifthe reuts wll come before May-Tune. They can attach Hope Provisional cerifate for ina semsster'year, At the tine of aplication, student dott need twats fom foreien office, o some hither education intake HEC i Paiste, 2 2. Foreigner Physical Examination Form ‘Blank Foreigner physical examination form can be downloaded from (hipl/en.ese.,nuploasforsinphy:pai). CSC/universites don't instruct students 1 visit some special hospital in their counties. Simple way to get this Examination Form isto visit some Government Hospital. They will do required tests Page 2 of 4 and then make Examination Form for you. Students are suggested to not spend to0 much money at ths stage by visiting some expensive private hospital. Later, if they succeed to get scholarship then they ean do it again, Doctor should stamp and sign both sides of Foreigner Physics} Examination Form especially front side picture must be stamped. Student will attach photocopy ofthis form with application, Photocopy don't need attestation like academic documents Recommendation Letters o% ie ‘Students required to submit two Recommendation Leters, These ltrs should be issued by wo differnt ears Ebi student previous (preferably recently attended) university. Lets shouldbe sued by Associat/Ful professor according to CSC/unversiisinvctican. Sometime hey accept Assistant Professor ised eter ae wel bu this vor and depends upon the Inetainal Student Oce (ISO) peopl, Saient ed wo ach “Original” eter wih pplication not photocopyicolor copy/atested photocopy. Sometime ISO people can favor and accept photocopy bat ths favor is cccasionally. A simple patter of Roctmmendation Lei given below. eg oe ages oP ik coe ‘Department/University Details os \> (Mostly printed on letterhead) » oo ot Recommendation 3tter Date: * % Refit It is my pleasure to write this letter of recommendation en’ichalf6f Mem)” for Chinese Government Scholarship 2015-16 program. I have known for years, since he was a student in my_c\~ 5.1 belive to be an exemplary student-scholar as well asa person of tremendous arace wh igifcant leadership tls BSP He isa truly ottanding student who hes accu elSog st oth academic hnor/chevements and ex-cuiculrsctvies, Hetas demonstrated his vray by pata in prs a ast nd eyanizr in mami of stdent' evens Tear atest (0 "smutty and his comment estate, edocs is work engrencsl, he lays secks out couse werk tha challenges him. He ae cing Sapey for ling hs oppELinG me eat sey of scr. He m xgaicod nis ghosting Tnteletually, be ore of the best sudan Veter tg upervise. He haste ability fo cay ou retearch indepeadenty, he i extremely icpined in his work, his analytical skills are highly deyetoped, and he is always thorough in what he does. highly recommend ‘Hethic@Stalntip opporunity a your exestned inition belive his proposed course of sadyesarch fled i suitable His spirit and disiplined approach to learning make him particulary well suited to take advantage ofthis opportuni Thank you for your time Sincerely, ‘Teacher name And contact details Resonant sole mi on nai ut iad wiki ot ing ous wither sme nd amp < » it a Research plan! proposal ior Phia!MS).! Study Plan (MS/BS) not less than 800 words. An preparing it, use simple aad uierstardable language, avoid unnecessary formatting ike 100 22.1.4, Research / Study Plan “According CSC/University instructions student should sub average Research / Stuy Plan of 1000-1200 words is ok, Whi many headings, colored tuff, et. and exezsive deal gre Tesch anprposl exis sud esearch backround GFkave), fare research pane lution and beckgrond, esearch methodology (methods ‘and requirement), expected results, applications, and references. While study pan (sometim called Statement of Purpose) is more general as compared to Rescarch plan It inlodes te sade’ ivoduton, educational backround mesa fr further higher edeatin, an be uur research intentions oy 22.2. Optional Documents Xs Oprional documents are not necessary to submit along with apieaticbit sonetime tee presence can be very useful Acceptance Letternvitation Letter he 99 Accepanes lee is most important oponal docu ics sogtine dale compulsory by some universe, Acceptance ele cn be obtained by contacting sme Chinee teacher who wil ages thoept You jot research grow Sadent can ind some good teacher by finding ema address om “niversty website. Students can also search teacher frit eseatch papers published by teachers. For ths, you can search in “Google Scholar” like “Topic * "university name" After you find some good research:ppers Matching your research field, you can obtain email of corresponding author and contact him. You ‘can send email to him in which you will bétfly explain your research interest, urge to study in that university under CGS and want to do research in his group. If he agrees to accept you in his group then he-will write an invitation letter ‘Acceptance Letter for you. Student will attach this letter with CGS application. Mostly Chines teachers ask for some tnt of Invitation / Acceptance Later an Ine they made ltr for you based onthe template Hee a simple tempi of nvitonAseptanee Lets exe Which ile You od Ay Department University Details (Soy primed on eteicad) Da Leter of Invitation for PAD/MS Std There con htc reser group sept Me, as PRD/MS student and am willing to et is supervor for inended PRD/MS program. Me, has completed his MS/BS degree from ‘university Pakistan, is invited to perform his full time doctoral’ master studies at Page 3 of 4 dearest University under Chinese Goverment Selah 2015 progam enon lm | September 2018 languge of istration wl teenth as "Sol langugeshileae pod enough to cary out hclaspwerk cca taking Elis Inga appreciate Mi interest in our Research group and University. Tam sured feo Westy woul be realy valud. ‘also hope that he will be successful to get Chinese Government Scholarship. ‘Yours Sincerely, Prof: Dr. Departmen Institute, University, (Address) P.R, China, Phone: Fax Email Acceptance LetterInvtation Letter should bemade int on university/ department eter head with teacher signature or on simple page with teacher signature and stamp. e 2. Passport oar? ‘Passport is optional document bui Some universities ask for his. Ifyou already have OR planning to make new one then you ean send them a photocopy ‘otherwise you can alk with them to send later. Ifa student get scholarship then university mention passport number on visa documents which is good. University issue visa documents to successful eandidate without passport number when they don’t have student passport 2 2.2.23. English Proficieney Certificate ‘Sometime Chinese universities asks for ILETS/TOFEL when students apply for English language programs. IF you have ILETS/TOFEL, you can send them ‘otherwise you can made an English Proficiency Certificate from your university/department of previous university in which they will certify that you completed ‘your MSIBS degree using English language as language of instructions. And you your English language skills are good enough to study PhDMS in English language. Others ther optional documents include research papers, awards (academic, exracurtcular activites) certificates, and ressarsh work experience cetifcate ete While ataching these documents, oly attach internationally and well recognized documents, 4. University Additional Applicaton Processor university applying candidates) ‘Above mentioned ole aplication proces and preparation of aplication mara x standard CSC quinn anos. Al C have to follow this standard procedure. Besie this standard procedure, some university have aéignct requreints hike Processing Fee, online existation cm nies webster comping CSC sand pros, sens mist chek ht nversty webs) know anvetyregurement 214. Unversity Fee ow? yo San CO pin res ft se esi se Se ig ng which an ange from 400 RMB to 6OORMB vary fom univers fo unversty. Al deta of ey nivery bank account and Thode gvenon university website Mos comveniot way fo sk some fend in china to depos ee on Your bcklf and be should mention your nse Nirieatiosine Tee. Students can also pay via VISA credit cards as wel ‘Western union cost too much when money is deposited 10 a bankatount fo other ey 3 oF oo go” 3.2 University online registration Some universities also ask students to fila regis for n SaiaSy ‘website also other than CSC online application website. Students have to fll both spit ms of eine of vein CSC 4. Dispatch of Application to Dispatching. rshatess Final step isto dispatch the scholarship. applicatot. to dispatching authorities or agencies. Dispatching authorities or agencies are universities or Chinese ‘embassies where you want apply. Seidents applying direct to university will dispatch scholarship application to university while students under bilateral program wll send ther aplication Chines» embassy in thir country or some higher education iste in thee county 4 imal check list Take the print of the online CSC application, paste photos and sign it with date. Attach above mentioned required documents. Make one complete set ofall pplication material. Similarly make another set. According to standard CSC procedure, students required to send two set of application material to university! ‘embassy. However, some universities may ask for more. You can consul ISO of universities to know exact requirement. In fist set, you can attach original Recommendation Leters while in athers set photocopies are also ok 4.2, University Address ‘Proper university address is very important in application dispatching. Its better to calli intemational student office to know addess in following format otherwise, courier service people face problem in delivering the post. 1) Province (i) b) City (ii) ©) District (02) 6) Road /Steet (with steevroad number) B/S Page 4 of 4 ©) Name of office (with officetroom numer) Ji %/ 0 1) Name of Contact Person ERA. x i ) Telephone number Hid o> Ge 1) Postal Code te} ge Ss your university address has above mentioned address details on website then send 10 ivningting ns 4.3. Courier Service Selection a9 oe Courier service selection i very important factor. A number of courier services / posal servis area lable internationally for chia Government postal sees olen cya rt ea ao on han nin cing ne ee DL; TCS an OCS a epee ne 47 working de These eure sei fer ssa nerds wi reap The roma cage gee expense. In eur opison, DHL is best because ofits own intemational network (especially in China) With rey ovine aching . Dear Students Information sen nis docamen i compte Sorel) baetok eth’ persona experiences and obervatons ding say China, Coren! ‘Shegestions are welcome a Regard sy Or ‘Shagig xeRehman C's PRB) Pre AC) Pa chine

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