Ten Ways to Up Your Visibility

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Art of Feminine Business

Ten Ways to Up Your Visibility:

1. Share what you do and why you are uniquely designed to do it on social media. Set
your post to PUBLIC.

2. Write your personal hero’s journey – the problem you had, the journey you went on
to solve it, and how life is today as a result. Share this on Social Media, with your
email list, on your blog. Add a photo of YOU to up your visibility.

3. Reach out to your favorite podcast host and ask to be a guest on their show. Share
why you would be perfect for their audience.

4. Do a Facebook live sharing a truth that you are afraid to speak publicly. Turn your
settings to public.

5. Ask a client to be a guest on a Facebook Live that you host. Share what makes your
work special.

6. Post a selfie a day, for 10 days. Be willing to share on days when you don’t feel like it
and talk about that.

7. Create a daily video for social media sharing a different piece of your work each day
for 10 days.

8. Reach out to a networking group in your area and ask to be considered as a

speaker. (Rotary groups are a great place to start as they meet weekly and are in
constant need of speakers.)

9. Attend a networking group and meet three or more new people. Find out about
their lives and their businesses. Asking about them will make you very interesting.

10. Hire a professional photographer to take photos of the REAL you. Three headshots
in the back of a Sears store does not highlight who YOU are. Play in front of the
camera, let the parts of you shine. Then share your photos across your Social Media
platforms, opening to receive all the love that will be directed at you.

Ready to free yourself from Visibility Blocks? Book a complimentary “Feminine Business
Assessment” with Julie today.


©2022 Julie Foucht Coaching www.juliefoucht.com

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