ISL202 midterm MCQS by Talha Sajid

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1. Islamic concept of honesty covers the ___________ aspects of life.

a) Personal
b) Family
c) Political
d) All of the given options

2. God created a human _____________ to herald the beginning of the life of Mankind on
a) Man
b) Woman
c) Couple
d) None of the given options

3. Islam gives the right of freedom of ______ to all citizens on the condition that it should
be used for the propagation of virtue and truth.
a) Suppression(dabao)
b) Expression(mahawra)
c) Repression(tashadad)
d) Control

4. ________ was ordered to divorce his wife?

a) Abdullah bin Umar
b) Hazrat Hussain
c) Souban
d) Ibn-i-abbas

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5. Al-Muqdisi is a famous______________.
a) Geographer
b) Mathematician
c) Scholar
d) Physician

6. _______ is one of the worst habits.

a) Proud
b) Sake of fun
c) Backbiting
d) All of the given options

7. People who are _________ will go into hell.

a) Lazy in offering prayer
b) Do not eat the meal to poor
c) Lazy in offering prayer and do not eat the meal to poor
d) None of the given options

8. The Holy Prophet Muhamamd (PBUH) was born in __________ .

a) 570 A.D
b) 671 A.D
c) 582 A.D
d) 563 A.D

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9. ________ uses inner stress to act upon its teachings.

a) Islam
b) Christianity
c) Buddhism
d) Hinduism

10. Specific act that nourish ALLAH’S love?

a) Taqwa
b) Waste
c) Oppression
d) Betrayal

11. Zakat is a kind of______.

a) Recitation
b) Fiscal worship
c) Fasting
d) None of the given options

12. Which of the following surah describes the concept of Tauheed comprehensively?
a) Al-Fateha
b) Al-Nassar
c) Al-Kousar
d) Al-Ikhlas

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13. Hajj has been declared obligatory for Muslims

a) Once in a life
b) Twice in a life
c) Thrice in a life
d) None of the given options

14. Abu-Bakar (R.A) compelled to declare war against

a) Negators of Zakat
b) Mushrikeen
c) Christians
d) Jews

15. How many Muslims are participated in the battle of Hunain?

a) 14000
b) 10000
c) 12000
d) 9000

16. At the time of treaty of Hudaibiyya, the Muslims were prevented by Qureysh from
a) Their houses
b) Their relatives
c) Kabaah
d) Their lands

17. How many Muslims are participated in battle of Badr?

a) 313
b) 300
c) 333
d) 280

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18. Who served as the nursemaid of the Holy Prophet (PBUH)?

a) Umm-e-khansa
b) Umm-e-Hakeem
c) Umm-e-Ammra
d) Umm-e-Aiman

19. At what age did the Holy Prophet (PBUH) participated in reconstruction of the
a) 35
b) 33
c) 32
d) 37

20. Allah most High ordered the believers to refer all disputed matters to___
a) Allah and angels
b) Allah and His Prophet
c) Allah and executive authority
d) Allah and saints

21. Which Surah starts without Bismillah:

a) Al-Baqara
b) Al-Nisa
c) Al-Toba
d) Al-Ikhlas

22. What is Sahihain ____:

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a) Mishkat
b) Bukhari
c) Bukhari and Muslim
d) Ibne Majah

23. Condition of the prayer is

a) Cleanliness of body
b) Cleanliness of ground
c) All of the given options
d) Cleanliness of dress

24. How many years Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) lived in Makkah after receiving
the Divine Call?
a) Ten years
b) Eleven years
c) Twelve years
d) Thirteen years

25. Which festival ends Ramadan?

a) Eid-ul-Adha
b) Eid-ul-Fitr
c) Aashura
d) Shab-i-Bara't

26. Jehad become mandatory in _______Hijra:

a) 1 AH
b) 2 AH

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c) 3 AH
d) 4 AH

27. The Zakat levied on agriculture production is__________.

a) Ushoor
b) Ushr
c) Ashroon
d) None of the given options

28. The major aim of all Ibadaat is to create?

a) Wealth
b) Property
c) Repentence
d) Allah's fear in hearts

29. Who was the first martyre in Islam:

a) Hazrat Hamza (RA)
b) Hazrat Yasir (RA)
c) Hazarat Sumaya (RA)

30. Holy prophet Muhamad (PBUH) said:

"He/She who believes in Allah, the Almighty and the Day of Judgment must
communicate, be good, courteous and kind to his______________ ".
a) Kith
b) Kin

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c) Relatives
d) All of the given option

31. When will be the day of Judgment_______.

a) Allah and prophet know
b) All of the given options
c) Prophet knows
d) Only Allah knows

32. What is Istelam:

a) Salam to Kaaba
b) Salam to Hajre Aswad
c) Kissing Hajre Aswad
d) Praying at Muqam –e-Ibrahim

33. By the_________, Muslims determine the beginning and the end of the months.
a) Sun
b) Moon
c) Stars
d) All of the given options

34. Which one is the first pillar of faith?

a) Oneness of Allah
b) Prophets

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c) Angles
d) Day of Judgment

35. Jaz’ia is a tax on?

a) Old citizens of Islamic state
b) Young citizens of Islamic state
c) None Muslim citizens of Islamic state
d) Female citizens of Islamic state

36. How much Surah the Quran contains:

a) 124
b) 109
c) 114
d) 220

37. Message of all Prophets of Allah is based upon __________ basic beliefs.
a) One
b) Two
c) Three
d) Four

38. A Verse of the Holy Quran indicates the name of:

a) Hazrat Usman
b) Hazrat Muaaz
c) Hazrat Saad
d) Hazrat Zaid

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39. _______________are integral parts of Islamic way of life.

a) Taqwa (piety), sincerity and sacrifice
b) Altruism and Fascism
c) Egoism and insensitivity
d) All of the given options

40. Obedience of Allah is not possible without the obedience of ________:

a) Quran
b) Muhammad (PBUH)
c) Hazrat Abraham
d) Hazrat Jesus

41. The Nisab of Zakat in gold is:

a) 18 Tolas
b) 24 Tolas
c) 7 ½ Tolas
d) 35 Tolas

42. Holy Prophet used to focus on

a) Brotherhood
b) Truthfulness
c) All options
d) Control of temperament

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43. What is the first demand of sincerity?

a) Believe in Faith (imaan) with worldly benefits
b) Similarity in inner and outer self
c) Efficiency
d) All of the given option

44. The original name of Imam Bukhari is:

a) Saeed bin Hatem
b) Zaid
c) Muhammad bin Ismail
d) Ismail

45. How many years Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) lived in Makkah after receiving
the Divine Call?
a) Ten years
b) Eleven years
c) Thirteen years
d) Twelve years

46. Name the place where the holy prophet Muhammad (PBUH) stayed for 14 days during
the migration to Madina?
a) Safa
b) Tabook
c) Khaibar
d) Quba

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47. Jami-i-Quran is taken for:

a) Hazrat Ali (R.A)
b) Hazrat Saad (R.A) c
c) Hazrat Usman (R.A)
d) Hazrat Masood (R.A)

48. We need a cause of ___________ to develop a society.

a) Frenzy
b) Zeal
c) Unity
d) Obsession

49. The address of Holy prophet Muhammad (PBUH) given in Quba was one of his
a) Shortest
b) Medium
c) Longest
d) All the given options

50. How many stages the Quran contains?

a) 8
b) 7
c) 9
d) 12

51. Which one is the basic factor of society?

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a) Area and assets

b) Area and country
c) Area and region
d) Area and estate

52. Taqwa is the name of specific condition of______.

a) Ears
b) Heart and soul
c) Eyes
d) None of the given options

53. Who was the first writer of "Wahi" in Quraish?

a) Harat Abdul Rahman bin Auf (RA)
b) Hazrat Zaid bin Sabit (RA)
c) Hazrat Abdulla bin Zubair (RA)
d) Hazrat Ibn Masuod (RA)

54. Islamic social system creates sense of_______.

a) Humor
b) Responsibility
c) Violence
d) Horror

55. Imam Shafi took the office of "Religious Judgment" in the age of:
a) 13 years
b) 14 years

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c) 20 years
d) 15 years

56. How many times the wife of Hazrat Abraham run between the mountains in search of
a) Five
b) Seven
c) Nine
d) Eleven

57. Name the mountains where Hazrat Abraham left his wife and son?
a) Safa and Uhad
b) Safa and Marwa
c) Safa and Jabl-e-Noor
d) Safa and Tour

58. Indulge in backbiting is________.

a) Allowed
b) Not allowed
c) Good deed
d) Strictly prohibited

59. In which surah Allah mentions about two angels who receive and record the deeds of
a) At-Tur
b) Qaf

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c) Al-Hadid
d) An-Najam

60. Gathering on Arafat during Hajj is made on:

a) 9th Zil Hajjah
b) 3rd Ramazan
c) 2nd Safar
d) 18 Shawal

61. Abul-Qasim Al-Zahrawi is a famous______________.

a) Mathematician
b) Scholar
c) Surgeon
d) Physician

62. Name the place where the holy prophet Muhammad (PBUH) stayed for 14 days during
the migration to Madina.
a) Safa
b) Tabook
c) Khaibar
d) Quba

63. Who was the first writer of "Wahi" in Quraish?

a) Harat Abdul Rahman bin Auf (RA)
b) Hazrat Zaid bin Sabit (RA)
c) Hazrat Abdulla bin Zubair (RA)

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d) Hazrat Ibn Masuod (RA)

64. Religion is a ________ matter in Non Islamic system.

a) Social
b) Civil
c) Private
d) Public

65. The word tawheed comes from the word.

a) Wa-ha-da
b) Wahe-dee
c) Wa-ha-da-hoo
d) All the given options

66. Kitab-ul-Assar is compiled by:

a) Imam Abu Hanifah (RA)
b) Imam Shafi (RA)
c) Imam Malik (RA)
d) Imam Humbal (RA)

67. Which sin can nullify all other virtues?

a) Ascribing partners with Allah
b) Disobedience of parents
c) Fleeing from Jihad
d) All of the given options

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68. All the prophets from Hazrat Adam to Hazrat Jesus sent to _________ area.
a) Specific
b) Define
c) Particular
d) All the given options

69. What was the name of faster sister of the Holy Prophet (PBUH)?
a) Hazrat Salman (RA)
b) Hazrat Raqiyyah (RA)
c) Hazrat Mariah (RA)
d) Hazrat Shima (RA)

70. The Holy Prophet Muhamamd (PBUH) was born in __________ .

a) 570 A.D
b) 671 A.D
c) 582 A.D
d) 563 A.D

71. Our worship is wholly for the fulfillment of:

a) Ethical destiny
b) Worldly destiny
c) Spiritual destiny
d) Social destiny

72. Namaz-e-Istisqa" is prayer for:

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a) Blessing of God
b) Pardon
c) Rain
d) Sleep

73. ________ uses inner stress to act upon its teachings.

a) Islam
b) Christianity
c) Buddhism
d) Hinduism

74. What two qualities of man are described in surah Al-shams verse no 8?
a) Taqwa and obedience
b) Taqwa and respect
c) Taqwa
d) Taqwa and disobedience

75. Who is called "saqi zam zam"?

a) Hazrat Abbas (RA)
b) Hazrat Hamzah (RA)
c) Hazrat Muaz bin Jabal (RA)
d) Hazrat Muawiyah (RA)

76. The term "sulosul-Quran" (one third of the Holy Quran) is applied to which surah?
a) Al-Fateha
b) Al-Kousar

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c) Al-Ikhlas
d) Al-Qadar

77. During Ascension (Miraj) the Holy Prophet PBUH did travel from:
a) Makkah to Madina
b) Makkah to Bait ul Muqaddas
c) Makkah to Quba
d) Makkah to Badar

78. What is the number of Ramzan in the Islamic Calendar?

a) 8th
b) 9th
c) 10th
d) 11th

79. Who advised Abu Bakr (R.A) to compile the Quran:

a) Hazrat Umar (R.A)
b) Hazrat Uthman (R.A)
c) Hazrat Ali (R.A)
d) Hazrat Zaid (R.A)

80. ______ Is the name to that portion of money or wealth which is given to the poor as
per Allah’s command?
a) Namaz
b) Rroza
c) Zakat

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d) Sales ta

81. Please choose one The Holy Quran aims to create an ideal society based on taqwa for
the welfare of the____
a) Muslims
b) Entire humanity
c) Christianity
d) Jews

82. The Nisab of Zakat in Silver is:

a) 40 Tolas
b) 50 Tolas
c) 50 ½ Tolas d.
d) 52 ½ Tolas

83. The delegation of Qurresh offered the king of Abyssania?

a) To become their king
b) Social reforms
c) Political reforms
d) Gifts

84. The obedience of Allah means to follow?

a) His book
b) The prophet
c) The Sunnah
d) All of the given options

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85. The Prophet made Hazrat Muaaz bin Jabal the Governor of________.
a) Kufa
b) Makkah
c) Medina
d) Yaman

86. The name of Hazrat Hajra’s son is________ ?

a) Hazrat Ishaq
b) Hazrat Yaqoob
c) Hazrat Ismaeel
d) Hazrat Haroon

87. Gathering on Arafat during Hajj Is made on . Select correct option:

a) 2nd Safar
b) 3rd Ramazan
c) 18 Shawal
d) 9th Zil Hajjah

88. Who are the “Sahibain”?

a) Abu Hanifah and Abu Yusuf
b) Abu Hanifah and Imam Shaibani
c) Abu Yusuf and Imam Shaibani
d) Abu Hanifah and Imam Shafi

89. “Obey me as long as I obey Allah and his Prophet if ever I should disobey them, then
you need no longer to obey me” it was saying of_________?
a) Hazrat Abu Bakar

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b) Hazrat Ommer
c) Hazrat Usman
d) Hazrat Ali

90. Gathering on Arafat during Hajj Is made on . Select correct option:

a) 2nd Safar
b) 3rd Ramazan
c) 18 Shawal
d) 9th Zil Hajjah

91. Hajj is not completed unless you go to:

a) Makkah
b) Medina
c) Mina
d) Arafat

92. " They are severe against disbelievers” is a very distinguished quality of the Muslims.
a) Sahaba (Companions of the Holy Prophet)A.S
b) Ta’been
c) Muslims
d) Saints

93. Zakat is a kind of _________

a) Recitation
b) Fiscal worship
c) Fasting
d) None of the given options

94. “Kitab-al-Umm” is written by:

a) Abu Hanifa
b) Imam Malik

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c) Imam Shafi
d) Ahmad bin Hamba

95. Miracle of Ascension {Mi’raj} took place during the holy prophet’s stay in____
a) Makkah
b) Madina
c) Quba
d) Khaibar

96. Holy prophet Muhammad (PBUH) brought about Moral Revolution through his_____
a) Actions and sayings
b) Actions and worship
c) Actions and battles
d) Actions and activities

97. The foundation of Bait Ul-Hikmah was laid down during:

a) Abbasid Period
b) Ummayad Dynasty
c) Fatmid
d) Sub-Continent

98. Muslims migrated to ________, due to the hardships and atrocities committed by
a) Yam an
b) Iran
c) Babul
d) Abyssinia

99.. The main purpose of the creation of human beings is to______ ?

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a) Worship of Allah
b) Worship of prophets
c) Follow the Sunnah
d) Follow the prophets

100. The foundation of Bait Ul-Hikmah was laid down during:

a) Abbasid Period
b) Ummayad Dynasty
c) Fatmid
d) Sub-Continent

101. What did the word 'Qur'an' originally means?

a) Books
b) Opening
c) Writing
d) Recitation

102. A Muslim female is coffined in:

a) Eight Sheets
b) Five Sheets
c) One Sheet
d) Ten Sheets

103. Due to the quality of Taqwa one’s not only compromise with virtues but also try to
…… it.
a) Neglect
b) Seek
c) Demolish
d) All the given options

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104. Proud on ignorance and wickedness are signs of …….?

a) Modern times
b) Pre-Islamic days
c) Westernization
d) Islamic period

105. Qurbani (Holy Slaughtering) is made during Hajj at:

a) Arafat
b) Mina
c) Muzdalifa
d) Safa

106. Obedience of Allah is not possible without the obedience of ________:

a) Quran
b) Muhammad (PBUH)
c) Hazrat Abraham
d) Hazrat Jesus

107. Who curses a thing which does not deserve it, the curse returns on ?
a) His parents
b) His own self
c) His relatives
d) None of the given options

108. Imam Shafi took the office of "Religious Judgment" in the age of:
a) 13 years
b) 14 years
c) 20 years
d) 15 years

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109. Meaning of “ikhlaas” is

a) To be purified
b) To be refined
c) To be polished
d) All the given options

110. Holy prophet Muhammad (PBUH) sent for.

a) Specific area
b) Specific nation
c) All the nations
d) All the given options

111. The delegation of Qurresh offered the king of Abyssania?

a) To become their king
b) Social reforms
c) Political reforms
d) Gifts

112. Amount of zakat cannot be used in _____.

a) Madrassah
b) Mosque
c) hospital

113. Which one is called Masha’ar-ul-Haram:

a) Mina valley

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b) Muzdalifa valley
c) Arafat

114. According to Hadith “ If the is right then every system is right"

a) Brain
b) Heart
c) Arms Head

115. Who is called the mother of all mankind?

a) Hazrat Fatima
b) Hazrat Sara
c) Hazrat Hawwa
d) Hazrat Asia

116. ________ was ordered to divorce his wife?

a) Abdullah bin Umar
b) Hazrat Hussain
c) Souban
d) Ibn-i-abbas

117. " They are severe against disbelievers” is a very distinguished quality of the Muslims.
a) Sahaba (Companions of the Holy Prophet)A.S
b) Ta’been
c) Muslims
d) Saints

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118. Who first embraced Islam among women:

a) Hazrat Fatima (RA)
b) Hazrat Zainab (RA)
c) Hazrat Khadija (RA)
d) Hazrat Ayesha (RA)

119. Gathering on Arafat during Hajj Is made on__________.

a) 2nd Safar
b) 3rd Ramazan
c) 18 Shawal
d) 9th Zil Hajjah

120. In which Surat of Quran there is mention of Zulqarnain?

a) A’ssuff
b) Alkahaf
c) Al Mujadala

121. Muslims are the best of all due to:

a) Justice
b) Moderation
c) Truthfulness

122. Sahib Us-Ser is the nickname of:

a) Hazrat Khuzaifa (R.A)
b) Hazrat Uqba (R.A)
c) Hazrat Saad (R.A)

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123. Masjide Khief is located in:

a) Muzdilifa
b) Arafaat
c) Minna

124. First verse of Quran was revealed of Sura ..?

a) Al-Fatiha
b) Al-Alaq
c) Al-Aqara
d) Al-Nisa

125. The hardest suffering fell to the lot of the holy prophet (??? ???? ???? ????) in the
battle of …..?
a) Badar
b) Uhd
c) Khyber
d) Tabook

126. The first revelation to Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) showed that how much Islam
concerns for ….?
a) Morality
b) Knowledge
c) Taqwa
d) Sincerity

127. How many aspects of Truthfulness?

a) One
b) Two
c) Three

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d) Four

128. The year in which the Holy Prophet died is:

a) 530 A.D
b) 641 A.D
c) 632 A.D
d) 653 A.D

129. The word "Ibadat" has been derived from :

a) Worship
b) Abd
c) La'il
d) Sacred

130. The number of the daughters of Holy Prophet is:

a) Two
b) Three
c) Four
d) Five

131. What are the two basic aspects of all prophets’ preach?
a) Taqwa and respect
b) Taqwa and obedience
c) Taqwa and defense
d) Taqwa and reliability

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132. Kuniyyat (family name) of our beloved prophet is ?

a) Abul Qasim
b) Abul Aamir
c) Abul Abdullah
d) Abul Toraab

133. Condition of the prayer is :

a) Cleanliness of dress
b) Cleanliness of body
c) Cleanliness of ground
d) All of the given options

134. Worship in Islam includes:

a) Prayer
b) Animal sacrifice
c) Recitation of Holy Quran
d) All of the given options

135. Who was appointed as Usher for Hijrat-e-Madinah?

a) Hazrat Saad bin Ubada (R.A)
b) Hazrat Utab bin Usaid (R.A)
c) Hazrat Abdullah bin Ariqat (R.A)

136. Soul of Fast (roza) is to avoid from

a) Eating
b) Drinking
c) Backbiting and quarreling
d) None of the given options

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137. Al-Razi, known in the West as :

a) Plato
b) Aristotle
c) Rhazes
d) Avicenna

138. When law of inheritence was revealed?

a) Three Hijre
b) Four Hijree
c) Five Hijree

139. Which word is used in surah Al-Lail as the antonym of Taqwa?

a) Badness
b) Wickedness
c) Evilness
d) Carelessness

140. ________ is a most comprehensive surah on Islamic social system.

a) Al-Nasar
b) Al-Asar
c) Al-Qadar
d) Al-Takasa

141. Who was the last Commander in Chief for Ghazwa-e-Mautah?

a) Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed (R.A)
b) Abdur Rehman bin Auf (R.A)
c) Abdullah bin Rawaha (R.A)

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142. Due to the quality of Taqwa one’s not only compromise with virtues but also try to
……… it.
a) Neglect
b) Seek
c) Demolish
d) All the given options

143. “Now We have enjoined on men goodness towards his parents” is an .

a) Divine order
b) Hadith
c) Saying of Hazrat Abu-bakar
d) Saying of Hazrat Umar

144. Imam Dar ul Hijrat is the title of:

a) Imam Ahmad bin Hunbal
b) Imam Malik
c) Imam Shafee

145. Which is the major miracle of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)?
a) Splitting of moon
b) None of the given options
c) Ascension (Miraj)
d) Holy Quran

146. Which one of the following is included amongst the Ushera-e- Mubhashera:
a) Saad Bin Ubaid

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b) Saad bin Abada

c) Saad Bin Abi waqas
d) Hazrat Hamza

147. Which of the following is the sign for the day of the Judgment ?
a) The sun will rise from the East
b) The sun will rise from the west
c) The sun will rise from the North
d) The sun will rise from the South

148. Who represented Muslims in the court of Najashi?

a) Hazrat Abdullah-bin-Masood
b) Hazrat Abdul Utbah
c) Hazrat Jafar Tayyar
d) Hazrat Sa'ad ibn Muaz

149. In which surah Allah mentioned about the pledge which has been taken right before
the treaty of Hudaybiyyah?
a) Al-Fatah
b) Al-Nasar
c) Bani Israeel
d) Al-Anfaal

150. Umm-ul-Masakeen was the title given to one of the wives of the Prophet (SAW):
a) Harat Sauda (RA)
b) Hazrat Zainab benet Jehash (RA)
c) Hazrat Zainab benet Khuzima (RA)
d) Hazrat Safia (RA)

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151. How many leaders of Makkah were imprisoned in battle of Badar?

a) Fifty
b) Seventy
c) Eighty
d) Hundred

152. When will be the day of Judgment ?

a) Allah and prophet know
b) All of the given options
c) Prophet knows
d) Only Allah knows

153. “Obey me as long as I obey Allah and his Prophet if ever I should disobey them, then
you need no longer to obey me” it was saying of ….?
a) Hazrat Abu Bakar
b) Hazrat Ommer
c) Hazrat Usman
d) Hazrat Ali

154. In which surah Allah mentions about two angels who receive and record the deeds of
mankind. ?
a) An-Najam
b) At-Tur
c) Qaf
d) Al-Hadid

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155. Ameen –ul-Umat is the title of Hazrat:

a) Emar bin Yasir (RA)
b) Suleman Farsi (RA)
c) Abu-ubaida bin Al jaraah (RA)
d) Abu Saeeed Khuzir (RA)

156. Sadaq-e-Eid-ul-fitr has been proclaimed in the year:

a) 2 Hijri
b) 3 Hijri
c) 4 Hijri
d) 5 Hijri

157. Dishonesty is one of the major signs of ….?

a) Ethical standards 
b) Ending of life 
c) Nuclear war
d) Immorality

158. The name of Hazrat Hajra’s son is…?

a) Hazrat Ishaq
b) Hazrat Yaqoob
c) Hazrat Ismaeel
d) Hazrat Haroon

159. What is the first demand of sincerity?

a) Believe in Faith (imaan) with worldly benefits
b) Similarity in inner and outer self
c) Efficiency

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d) All of the given option

160. According to hadith, the best stage of goodness (Ihsan) in worship (ibaadah) that:
a) You see Allah and He sees you
b) You see yourself
c) Allah sees to prophets
d) All the given options

161. When Sufyan ibn Umaiya embraced Islam?

a) After the battle of Badar
b) After the battle of Uhad
c) After the agreement of Hudabiya
d) After the victory of Makkah

162. Which is the harshest voice of all the voices according the Holy Quran?
a) Dog
b) Ass
c) Sheep
d) Deer

163. The hypocrite shall be cast into the level of the Hell.
a) Upper
b) Medium
c) Lowest
d) None of the given options

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164. Wealth obtained from a mine is liable to:

a) Zakat
b) Khumus
c) Sulus
d) Rubah

165. Had -e- Qazaf (False Accusation) is:

a) 50 Lashes
b) 70 Lashes
c) 80 Lashes
d) 90 Lashes

166. A ……… is a messenger of Allah who is given a new Shariat (codes of law) from Him.
a) Rasool
b) Nabe
c) Saint
d) Rector

167. What is the synonymous of “faith”?

a) Guidance
b) Believe
c) Knowledge
d) Ignorance

168. How many times the word “ilm” come in the Holy Quran?
a) 378
b) 578

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c) 778
d) 978

169. Which Surah of Quran has Bismillah twice:

a) Al Nehal
b) Al Namal
c) Al Ahzaab
d) Al Noor

170. Muslims will split up into _________ sects.

a) 70
b) 71
c) 72
d) 73

171. When we should say “yarhamuk Allah”?

a) Visiting the sick
b) Attending funeral
c) When one sneezes
d) Accepting invitation

172. The role of the executive authority in the Islamic society is:
a) To establish a stable economic system
b) To ensure the implementation of the Sharia
c) To fulfill human rights
d) To eliminate the society from the evils

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173. Single-minded devotion is the most essential part of the___________of all good and
virtuous acts and behavior.
a) Inner reality
b) Outer reality
c) World reality
d) All of the given options

174. “Ethics is the name of that condition of human nature for which a man very easily and
conveniently does any action” it was the saying of…..?
a) Allama Iqbal
b) Imam Ghazali
c) Sir Seyed Ahmad khan
d) Liaqat Ali Khan

175. __________of the Holy prophet are the highest qualities of prophet hood.
a) Patience
b) Long suffering
c) Forgiveness
d) All of the given options

176. In Hadith " The coolness of my eyes lies in _________"

a) Salat
b) Roza
c) Zakat

177. The coolness of my eyes lies in Salat" is the saying of ?

a) Prophet (S.A.W)

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b) Hazrat Abu-Bakar R.A

c) Hazrat Umer Farooq R.A
d) Hazrat Ali R.A

178. Action that keep away Man from Allah’s Love?

a) Aggression
b) Arrogance
c) Ungratefulness
d) All of the given options

179. ---------Means forbearance, fear and abstinence?

a) Justice
b) Ethics
c) Morality
d) Taqwa

180. Meaning of Akhlas ?

a) To be purified
b) To be refined
c) To be polished
d) All the given option

181. Benefits that bring out from having Taqwa?

a) His affairs will be purify
b) He will receive forgiveness for his sins.
c) He will receive mercy from ALLAH

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d) All of the given option

182. ________ uses inner stress to act upon its teachings.

a) Islam
b) Christianity
c) Buddhism
d) Hinduism

183. Name the first geographer who produced accurate maps in color?
a) Al-Khawarizmi
b) Al-Muqadissi
c) Ibn Batuta
d) Christopher Columbus

184. Body of the Fast (roza) is to avoid from.

a) Eating and drinking
b) Backbiting
c) Quarreling
d) Spitefulness

185. Islamic doctrine of tuhaeed describe that Allah alone is ----------of the world.
a) Authority
b) Sustainer
c) Creator
d) All of given option

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186. In which surah Allah mentions about two angels who receive and record the deeds of
a) An-Najam
b) At-Tur
c) Qaf
d) Al-Hadid

187. __________was the first person who confirmed the miracle of Ascension {Mi’raj}.
a) Hazrat Abu-baker
b) Hazrat Ommer
c) Hazrat Usman
d) Hazrat Ali

188. Which is the oldest Islamic university?

a) Darul Uloom Deoband
b) Bologna University
c) Al- Azhar University
d) Istanbul University

189. The first revelation was revealed in cave of …?

a) Sura
b) Namal
c) Hira
d) Taif

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190. Who run between the mountain in search of water?

a) Hazrat Hajra
b) Hazrat Saira
c) Hazrat Asia
d) Hazrat Ayesha

191. Quality of being truthful and able to be trusted is called?

a) Upright for tuousness
b) Dedication
c) Honesty
d) Peacefulness

192. Two basic elements for honest livelihood are?

a) Contentment and Carelessness
b) Contentment and Personal integrity
c) Contentment and heedlessness
d) Contentment and enjoyment

193. How many sacred months were in pre Islamic era?

a) 4
b) 5
c) 7
d) 2

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194. What is called the obligation on every individual Muslim?

a) Fard Ayan
b) Fard Kifayah
c) Mustahab
d) Nafal

195. Which one of the following is included amongst the Ushera-e- Mubhashera:
a) Saad Bin Ubaid
b) Saad bin Abada
c) Saad Bin Abi Waqas
d) Hazrat Hamza

196. Imam-e-Dar-ul-Hijrat was a title of:

a) Imam Ahmad
b) Imam Malik
c) Imam Shaafi
d) Imam Muhammad

197. The Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: “May his _______ rubbed(hath malna)
in dust, (He said this thrice), who found his parents, one or both, approaching old age, but
did not enter Paradise."
a) Hand
b) Forehead
c) Nose
d) Foot

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198. Semitic religions are:

a) Islam, Christianity, Judaism
b) Hinduism, Islam, Christianity
c) Judaism, Islam, Hinduism
d) Judaism, Christianity, Hinduism

199. Jaz’ia is a tax on …?

a) Old citizens of Islamic state
b) Young citizens of Islamic state
c) Female citizens of Islamic state
d) None Muslim citizens of Islamic state

200. _______name of the fourth kalimah.

a) Kalimah Tauheed
b) Kalimah Shahdat
c) Kalimah Tamjeed
d) Kalimah Risalat

201. On which mountain Hazrat Moses stayed?

a) Safa
b) Marwa
c) Uhad
d) Toor

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202. Al-Idrisi is a famous______________.

a) Physician
b) Scholar
c) Mathematician
d) Geographer

203. Islamic social system creates sense of?

a) Humor
b) Responsibility
c) Violence
d) Horror

204. Al-Qanun fi al-Tibb is a famous book by __________.

a) Ibn Batuta
b) Khalaf Abul-Qasim Al-Zahrawi
c) Ibn Sina
d) Al-Razi

205.The effective Zakat System can ensure the elimination of:

a) Poverty
b) Interest
c) Class Distinction
d) Ignorance

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206.Hazrat Umer (RA) appointed as custodian of Bait-ul-Mal:

a) Abdullah bn Irqum (RA)
b) Abdullah bin Umar (RA)
c) Abdullah bin Abbas (RA)
d) None of these

207.Respect comes from the _______ word ehrfrucht.

a) Persian
b) English
c) German
d) Greek

208. The__________ are the basis and foundation of the family.

a) Parents
b) Children
c) Relatives
d) Kin

209.Khateeb –ul-Anbia as a title of:

a) Hazrat Ibrahim (AS)
b) Hazrat Yaqoob (AS)
c) Hazrat Shoaib (AS)
d) None of these

210. Gathering on Arafat during Hajj Is made on__________.

a) 2nd Safar

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b) 3rd Ramazan
c) 18 Shawal
d) 9th Zil Hajjah

211.Fasting is called in Arabic _______.

a) Sumer
b) Sesame
c) Sabat
d) Soum.

212. Sahifa Hammam bin Munabih was found by:

a) Mufti M. Abduhu
b) Rasheed Ahmad Raza
c) Dr. Hamidullah
d) Dr. Zakir Naik

213. Single-minded devotion is the most essential part of the___________of all good and
virtuous acts and behavior. ?
a) Inner reality
b) Outer reality
c) World reality
d) All of the given option

214. In Hadith " The coolness of my eyes lies in _________"

a) Salat
b) Roza 61
c) Zakat
d) Hajj

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215. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) said that the effort of a man in acquire knowledge is a kind
of _______ in the path of Allah.
a) Hajj
b) Jihad
c) Zakat
d) None of the given options

Best of Luck

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