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Faculty of Engineering

Port Said university

Chemical Engineering Department

Heat transfer and its applications

Prepared by
Maged Husain Abdelhamid
2nd year – chemical engineering department
19 February 2024

Presented to
Dr. Ahmed Abdallah
Difference between heat transfer and thermodynamics

1. Introduction
Heat transfer and thermodynamics are two complementary branches of
science. Thermodynamics is the branch of physics that deals with the re-
lationships between heat and other forms of energy. It primarily focuses
on macroscopic systems and their behavior, rather than the microscopic
details of individual particles. It focuses on how energy is converted to
and from other forms of energy and how it affects matter.
On the other hand, Heat Transfer is a discipline of thermal engineering
that concerns the generation, use, conversion, and exchange of thermal
energy (heat) between physical systems. It focuses on the microscopic
interactions of particles and energy transfer at the molecular level. Heat
transfer is specifically concerned with the rate at which heat is trans-
ferred, and the mechanisms through which this transfer occurs – conduc-
tion, convection, and radiation.

2. Scope of Study
Thermodynamics covers the overall energy changes and conversions in a
system, including work and heat interactions.
Heat transfer focuses on the movement of heat from one place to another
and the rate at which this process occurs.
3. Equilibrium State
Thermodynamics deals with systems in an initial and final equilibrium
state, without specifying the time it takes for the process.
Heat transfer is interested in the time-dependent aspect of how quickly or
slowly heat moves through materials or between different objects.

4. Energy Conversion
In thermodynamics, heat can be converted into work using engines or
other devices in a process known as heat transformation.
Heat transfer does not involve the conversion of heat into work; it simply
describes the flow of heat from higher to lower temperatures.

5. Conclusion
While both thermodynamics and heat transfer deal with heat and energy,
they approach these topics from different angles. Thermodynamics pro-
vides a broad overview of energy interactions within a system, whereas
heat transfer gives a detailed account of the energy’s journey and the
speed of its movement. Understanding both fields is crucial for designing
efficient thermal systems and processes in various engineering applica-

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