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Q: Difference between Operational Systems (OS) & Information Science (IS).

Ans: Certainly! Here are definitions of Operating Systems (OS) and Information
Systems (IS), followed by a table highlighting the differences between them:

 Operating System (OS): An Operating System is a software program that

manages computer hardware and software resources and provides services for
computer programs. It acts as an intermediary between computer hardware and
user applications.

 Information System (IS): An Information System is a set of interconnected

components working together to collect, process, store, and disseminate
information to support decision-making, coordination, control, analysis, and
visualization in an organization.

Key differences between Operating Systems and Information Systems:

Aspect Operating System (OS) Information System (IS)

Manages computer hardware and Manages information resources to
resources, provides a platform for support decision-making and
Purpose running applications organizational processes
Manages computer operations and Manages information flow and
Focus interactions with hardware processing within an organization
Kernel, device drivers, user interface, Hardware, software, data, people,
Components file system procedures
Controls hardware resources, Data collection, storage, processing,
Functionality multitasking, memory management analysis, reporting, decision support
Computer users, system Managers, executives, analysts,
Users administrators decision-makers
Management Information Systems
(MIS), Decision Support Systems
(DSS), Enterprise Resource Planning
Examples Windows, macOS, Linux (ERP) systems
Data analysis, reporting, decision
Task scheduling, file management, support, collaboration,
Key Features security, device management communication

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