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GDB Solution

Certainly! I would rather use a NoSQL database than RDBMS to efficiently manage patient
records and take account of data security, scalability, flexibility, performance, availability & cost
efficiency. Following are the Reasons Mention Below:

NoSQL: Scalability and Flexibility

NoSQL databases are perfect for managing a large and growing number of patient records
because they are very flexible and scalable. These databases can easily handle informal or
unstructured data, which is common in healthcare settings where patient information changes
frequently. In addition, NoSQL databases include impressive features for horizontal scaling,
allowing healthcare firms to smoothly expand their systems as patient data requirements grow.

NoSQL databases include advanced security features such as access control and encryption to protect
the privacy and security of medical records.

NoSQL database perform effectively in read and write heavy tasks, with low latency and high
efficiency, which are essential to immediate use of patient records and fast data processing. This
performance feature allows medical staff to quickly access and update patient information,
improving overall working efficiency and patient care efficiency.

Availability and Cost-Effectiveness

NoSQL databases use availability and partition durability, allowing for continuous access to
patient records even during system failures or network partitions. Furthermore, many NoSQL
databases, especially those that are free to use, are less expensive than traditional RDBMS
alternatives. They can run on inexpensive technology and grow horizontally more efficiently,
reducing startup and continuing costs for healthcare organizations.

A NoSQL database system for patient record management provides security, scalability,
performance, availability, and cost-effectiveness, making it the better option for healthcare
businesses more than RDBMS.

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