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Name: …………………… Grade: 8

Subject: Computer
Understanding Sound Card Software
1. What is the purpose of a sound card software?

a. To display images on the screen

b. To operate the mouse and keyboard
c. To record and play audio on a computer
d. To connect to the internet

2. How should one configure VGS settings in Windows 10?

a. Change the screen resolution settings

b. Adjust the sound volume of the computer
c. Modify the video graphics accelerator settings
d. Update the keyboard drivers

3. When installing software related to the sound card, what are you likely to

a. Gaming software
b. Graphics design software
c. Audio drivers
d. Antivirus software

4. What settings might you need to adjust for a sound card in Windows 10?

a. Screen brightness settings

b. Audio volume settings
c. Printer properties
d. Mouse sensitivity

5. Which feature is NOT typically associated with a sound card?

a. Surround sound capabilities

b. Video editing tools
c. Equalizer settings
d. Audio recording options

6. Which of the following can enhance the audio quality on a computer with a
sound card?

a. Installing a graphics card

b. Updating software drivers
c. Disabling all sound enhancements
d. Decreasing the RAM

7. In Windows 10, where can you find the sound card settings?

a. Control Panel
b. Microsoft Word
c. Taskbar
d. Recycle Bin

8. What happens if the sound card software is not properly installed?

a. The computer will not turn on

b. No sound will be played on the computer
c. The internet connection will be lost
d. The display will not work

9. Which of the following is an essential step in installing sound card software?

a. Connecting to a printer
b. Restarting the computer after installation
c. Unplugging all peripherals
d. Deleting system files

Answer Key

1. c - To record and play audio on a computer

2. c - Modify the video graphics accelerator settings
3. c - Audio drivers
4. b - Audio volume settings
5. b - Video editing tools
6. b - Updating software drivers
7. a - Control Panel
8. b - No sound will be played on the computer
9. b - Restarting the computer after installation

Computer Skills: Installing Audio Card

Program Quiz
1. What is the first step to take when installing an audio card program?

a. Restart the computer

b. Insert the installation CD
c. Place the volume icon on the taskbar
d. Check for software updates

2. Which of the following is a common reason for installing a sound program?

a. Increasing screen brightness

b. Improving graphics quality
c. Enhancing audio output
d. Expanding RAM capacity

3. Where is the recommended location to place the volume icon for easy access?

a. Desktop
b. Taskbar
c. Control Panel
d. System Tray

4. What should you do before installing a program on your computer?

a. Delete all files

b. Run a virus scan
c. Remove the battery
d. Change the desktop background

5. What is the opposite process of installing a program on a computer?

a. Downgrade program
b. Uninstall program
c. Update program
d. Restart program

6. Which of the following is NOT a step in installing a program?

a. Accepting terms and conditions

b. Creating a new user account
c. Choosing installation location
d. Selecting additional components

7. What is the purpose of uninstalling a program from a computer?

a. Removing temporary files

b. Freeing up disk space
c. Speeding up the internet connection
d. Upgrading system performance

8. What is a potential consequence of not properly installing a program?

a. Computer running faster

b. Program crashing frequently
c. Increased storage capacity
d. Enhanced security features

9. How can you troubleshoot issues with a newly installed program?

a. Restart the computer

b. Unplug all cables
c. Delete system files
d. Overclock the processor

10. Where can you find helpful guides on troubleshooting common installation

a. Social media
b. Software documentation
c. Online shopping websites
d. Video streaming platforms

Answer Key

1. b
2. c
3. b
4. b
5. b
6. b
7. b
8. b
9. a
10. b

Steps of Problem Solving Assessment

1. What is the first step when solving a problem using an algorithm?

a. Identify the problem

b. Brainstorm solutions
c. Choose the best solution
d. Implement the solution

2. When referring to previous solutions to similar problems, you are using:

a. Algorithm
b. Problem-solving skills
c. Referencing
d. Investigation

3. Which step involves breaking down a problem into smaller parts for easier

a. Referencing
b. Algorithm
c. Decomposition
d. Solution selection

4. Which of the following best describes the final step in solving a problem?

a. Evaluate the solution

b. Choose the first option
c. Stop thinking about it
d. Revisit the problem later

5. In problem-solving, what does Evaluation involve?

a. Ignoring the outcome

b. Checking if the solution works
c. Implementing multiple solutions
d. Avoiding the problem

Answer Key

1. a
2. c
3. c
4. a
5. b

Short Answers:

1.What is mean by Referencing the problem?



Fill in the Blank: Fill in the blank with the correct words.

1. An __ is a set of instructions that a computer follows to solve a problem.

2. Algorithms are used to __ complex tasks into smaller, more manageable steps.
3. __ is the order in which the steps of an algorithm are executed.
4. The __ of an algorithm is the input data that the algorithm uses to produce an output.
5. The __ of an algorithm is the result or solution that the algorithm produces.

Word bank: input, output, break down, sequence, algorithm

Multiple Choice Questions: Choose the correct answer from the choices for each question.

1. What is the main purpose of an algorithm?

a) To create a computer program
b) To solve a problem
c) To design a user interface
d) To store data
2. Which of the following is not a characteristic of an algorithm?
a) Unambiguous
b) Efficient
c) Finite
d) Random
3. What is the term used to describe the order in which the steps of an algorithm are
a) Input
b) Output
c) Sequence
d) Process
4. Which of the following is an example of an algorithm?
a) A recipe for baking a cake
b) A mathematical equation
c) A database management system
d) All of the above
5. What is the term used to describe the data that an algorithm uses as input?
a) Variable
b) Constant
c) Input
d) Output

Open Ended Questions: Answer the following questions in complete sentences:

1. Identify the input and output in the following algorithm:

 Insert the length of the triangle (L)

 Insert the height of the triangle(H)
 Calculate the Area of the triangle( L *H )
 Print the length of the triangle (L ) and its Height(H)
 Print the area of the triangle.

The input:


The output:




2. Describe the key characteristics of a well-designed algorithm.

3. Write an algorithm for calculating areas of square and print the length of the square and
its area, given the area of the square is length × length




Answer Key:

1. An algorithm is a set of instructions that a computer follows to solve a problem.

2. Algorithms are used to break down complex tasks into smaller, more manageable steps.
3. Sequence is the order in which the steps of an algorithm are executed.
4. The input of an algorithm is the data that the algorithm uses to produce an output.
5. The output of an algorithm is the result or solution that the algorithm produces.
6. b) To solve a problem
7. d) Random
8. c) Sequence
9. d) All of the above
10. c) Input

11. Key characteristics of a well-designed algorithm include being unambiguous (each step
must be clearly defined), efficient (using the minimum amount of time and resources),
and finite (having a clear ending point).

Flowchart Quiz
1. What is a flowchart commonly used for?

a. Sewing instructions
b. Programming algorithms
c. Cake recipes
d. Athletic training plans

2. Which of the following symbols represents the start or end of a flowchart?

a. Rectangle
b. Diamond
c. Oval
d. Parallelogram

3. Which type of flowchart symbol is used to make decisions?

a. Rectangle
b. Diamond
c. Circle
d. Pentagon

4. In a flowchart, what does a rectangle symbol usually represent?

a. Input/ Output
b. Process
c. Decision
d. Start/End

5. What type of flowchart symbol is typically used to show input ?

a. Oval
b. Hexagon
c. Parallelogram
d. Pentagon

Answer Key

1. b - Programming algorithms
2. c - Oval
3. b - Diamond
4. b - Process
5. c- Parallelogram

Open Ended Question:

1.What are the different types of flowchart?




Draw a sequential flowchart to insert and print the area of circle and circumference:

Draw a sequential flowchart to insert and print the average and sum:


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