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uuc Siewhites wy Sarees es So TNR DD He DD = pat | international Islamic University Ghittazons ¢ (FSE) QWs Faculty of Science and Enginee Department of Civil Engineering (CE) MID - TERM-SEMESTER EXAMINATION SEMESTER SPRING 2023 SESSION Programme |: Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering | Level ofStudy | : UG 1 Time $9.15 am Date + February 18, 2023 Saturday Duration #1 hour 30 minutes Course Code __| : CHEM- 1205 Section(s) 2AM Course Title hemistry This Question Paper Consists of Two (02) Printed Pages (Including Cover Page and Appendix) with Three (03) Questions. ‘Course Learning Outeome(CLO) CLO-1 | Understand about basic information of chemistry on structure and quantum theory ‘CLO-2_| Identify and formulate the problems for analysis CLO-3 | Understand and evaluate the sustainability and impact of professional engineering work CLO-4 | Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent leaning ‘Bloom’s Levels of the Questions Letter Symbol R U A ANA. E c Remember | Understand | Apply Analysis | Evaluation | Create (3) 3) 0) 9) @) G) TI 1D, e DO NOT OPEN UNTIL YOU ARE ASKED TO DO SO This is a Closed Book, Closed Notes Examination. Do not open until You Are Asked to Do So. Total mark of this examination is 100 for two sections A &B and is worth 50% of the total course, Attempt All Questions. Only approved calculator with ‘FSE-CE sticker is allowed (Use of non-Programmable or non- Graphical Calculator) Mobile Phones and Other Electronic Devices are Prohibited in the Exam Hall. * Workout Can Be Done Using Pencil Or Pen. Note: Any form of cheating or attempt to cheat is a serious offence, which may lead to dismissal Section -A (There three questions, answer all Three Questions) QUESTION 1 (10 marks)_ LO BL a) Fill in the gaps of the following table 1 and find out the isotopes, (Smarks) 10 A isobars and isotones from it and also write their chemical formula Table 1 Name ‘Atomic | Mass Proton | Neutron Number | Number | Number | Number (2) (A) (p) (n) A 7 7 B 28 36 ic 14 16 D 6 14 E 30. 34 F 32 16 b) Write down the postulates of Bohr Model. (marks) 1 RK ¢) Evaluate the significance of Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle for (2marks) 1 E small and large particle. QUESTION 2 (10 marks)_ a) Arrange the following orbitals according to order of higher energy (3marks) 1 A 64, 6s, 5f, 7p, 34, 48 b) Investigate which of the following sets of quantum number are (2 marks) 1 A allowable or not allowable and why. N A ©) Explain why 2f is not possible? (2marks) 1° A N ae a Es d) Explain ionic, covalent and coordinate covalent bonding. (Bmarks) 1° U QUESTION 3 (10 marks) a) Explain the bonding in the following molecule, (Smarks) 1 AN NaCl, MgCh, CHs, Hz, NHs-BFs A b) Explain the difference between P type and N type semiconductor (2marks) 1 A c) What is P-N junction. Create I- V diagram of P-N Junction at forward (3 marks) 1 c bias. eresetifees Serra Reais erst saat eS Be OD OO => International Islamic University Chittagong ence and Engineering (FSE) x Faculty of S zincer ee Department of Civil Engineering (CE) MID TERM EXAMINATION SEMESTER SPRING, 2023 SESSION Programme [7 Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering [ Level of Study | :UG 1 Time @ | #2.30-4.00 pm Date + 25/02/2023 Saturday Duration 71 hour 30 minutes Course Code _| : PHY-1205 Section(s) 7 2AM Course Title]: Physies-I Giructure of matter, Electricity and Magnetism, Modern and Quantum Physies) sists of Two (02) Printed Pages (Including Cover Page and This Question Paper Con: Appendix) with Three (03) Questions. Course Learning Outeome (CLO) CLOT] Understanding the faformation about the structure of the matter; ‘CLO-2_| Remembering the various equation about the problem solution; ‘CLO-3 | Investigate and team work about the complex engineering problems and design systems CLO-4 | Apply the knowledge to solve the engineering problems Bloom’s Levels of the Questions Letter Symbol R U A ‘ANA E c Remember | Understand | Apply ‘Analysis_| Evaluation | Create (0) (ut) (7) (0) (12) @ RUC’ (Ss) T DO NOT OPEN UNTIL YOU ARE ASKED TO DO SO This is a Closed Book, Closed Notes Examination. Do not open until You Are Asked to Do So. Total mark of this examination is 100 for two sections A &B and is worth 50% of the total course. Attempt All Questions. Only approved calculator with *FSE-CE sticker is allowed (Use of non-Programmable or non- Graphical Calculator) + Mobile Phones and Other Electronic Devices are Prohibited in the Exam Hall. * Workout Can Be Done Using Pencil or Pen. Note: Any form of cheating or attempt to cheat is a serious offence, which may lead to dismissal (Chere are three questions, answer all Three Questions) QUESTION 1 (10 marks) _ CLO] BL @D | Draw a schematic diagram of the unit cell for a simple cubic, body | (3marks)| 1 | A center cubic and face center cubic lattices. }) | Calculate the dimension of unit cell fora body centered cubic atice. | (4 marks) | 1 @ | if density of NaCl is 2.163 gles and its molecular weight 58.45, | (3 marks) | 2 Determine the spacing between planes parallel to the cubic lattice faces fof the NaCl crystal. Given that Avogadro's number is 6.021023 molecules /g-moie. QUESTION 2 (10 marks) _ 4) | Discuss the various defects in a crystal Gmarksy| 1] U Dy | Derive an expression for the packing fraction of face center cubic erystal | (4 marks) | 1 ] A structure, Z| Fora simple cubic latice of lattice parameter 2,04 Ao, Caleulate the Gmarksy [2 | E spacing of lattice planes (212) ‘QUESTION 3 (10 marks) _ a) | Explain the following : Gmarksy 1 | U §) Ionic bond (ii) Covalent bond ({ii) Van der waal’s bond. By | Explain the formation of different energy bands in a solid and hence | (Smarks) | 1] U istinguish between an insulator, a semiconductor and a conductor. [nan orthorhombic erysial a lattice plane cuts intercepis of lengths 3a, -2b | (2 marks) [2 | E and 3c/2 along three axes. Determine the miller indices of the plane. a, b, ive vectors of the unit cell etrectifess Soret Reais CATT i ee eee oe 35 p22 y_ international Islamic University Chittagone Faculty of Se neering (FSE) = ence and Eng 1 wes Department of Civil Engineering (CE) MID TERM EXAMINATION SEMESTER SPRING, 2023 SESSION Programme] Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering [ Level of ‘Study Time £2.30 Pm Date e Saturday Duration 71 hour 30 minutes ‘Course Code _| : Math-1205 Section(s) :2AM Come Title [+ Math-It (Differential Equations & Partial Differential Equations) ‘(Including Cover Page and This Question Paper Consists of Two (02) Printed Pages ‘Appendix) with Three (03) Questions. Course Learning Outcome(CLO) CLOT] Meet the requirement of engineering of solution for various mul them TLOZ_ | Identify, formutate, research relevant ier ‘CLO-3_| Design solutions, exhibiting innovativeness, CLO-4 | Create, select and apply appropriate techniques, resources, including prediction and modelling Ttifaceted problems that faced by ature and analyze complex engineering problem Tor complex engineering problems and design systems ‘and modem engineering and IT tools, Bloom’s Levels of the Questions U A ‘ANA E c ‘Apply ‘Analysis | Evaluation | Create Letter Symbol R Remember | Understand INSTRUCTION(S) TO CANDIDATES DO NOT OPEN UNTIL YOU ARE ASKED TO DO SO This is a Closed Book, Closed Notes Examination. Do not open until You Are Asked to Do So. ‘Total mark of this examination is 30 and is worth 30% of the total course, Attempt All Questions. Only approved calculator with ‘FSE-CE sticker is allowed (Use of non-Programmable or non- Graphical Calculator) «Mobile Phones and Other Electronic Devices are Prohibited in the Exam Hall. © Workout Can Be Done Using Pencil Or Pen. Note: Any form of cheating or attempt to cheat is a serious offence, which may lead to dismissal here are three questions, answer all Three Questions} ‘QUESTION 1 (10 marks) @logx+l) | (marks) °)| Define differential equation with classifications and Solve: aGbex+I) | G de siny+ycosy B) Define order and degrees of differential equations with examples. Form the |” (5 marks) differential equation by eliminating arbitrary constants from y? = Ax? + Bx+C and write down the order and degree of that. ‘QUESTION 2 (10 marks) @) | Define general solution and particular solutions of differential equations with | (3 marks) examples. }) | Define linear differential equation with examples. Solve a differential equation | (7 marks) a_,)v 2 59x) -x)2-(x? -1 = 2x? +. (2-2) be ipest-2e +s QUESTION 3 (10 marks) a] The growth of a population was described by differential equation] (5 marks) anon", the initial solution that N=, and 1=0, find the total population. b) | Define Bernoulli equation. Solve: x?dy + y(x+ y)dx = 0 (5 marks) OR @ | Define Exact differential equation. Discuss the methods for solving an e€act | (5 marks) differential equation B)| Solve: (52° +3x7y? —2xy te + (2x°y 3x7? —5y")=0 (5 marks) International Islamic University Chittagong Center for General Education (CGED) Midterm Examination, Spring-2023 Course Code: UREL- 1205 Course Title: Developing English Language Skills 5 Hours Full Marks: 30 Reading Part Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions. US-based artificial intelligence company Open Al's Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3 (GPT-3) technology, including ChatGPT, has brought about a revolution in the field of Al with its advanced language processing capabilities. Its widespread availability and accessibility bring both benefits and risks. There is potential of misuse, and educators and researchers must be aware of the risks associated with this technology. One of the ways in which students may misuse the GPT-3 technology is by using it to complete their assignments without actually understanding the concepts or the problem-solving strategies involved. This can lead to a dependency on technology and a lack of critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Developing these skills is essential for success in both education and professional career, and their absence can have a significant impact on a student's future prospects. Another way in which students may abuse GPT-3 is by using it to plagiarise their assignments. Its advanced language processing capabilities make it possible to generate high-quality text, which can be tempting for students to copy and paste into their own work. This undermines the educational process and devalues the efforts of those students who complete their work independently. Plagiarism is a serious offence and can result in academic dishonesty charges, which can have a lasting impact on a student's future. Researchers may misuse the GPT-3 technology by using it to manipulate or fabricate data, which can ‘compromise the integrity of research and lead to significant consequences for both the individual researcher and the wider scientific and research community. In addition, GPT-3 has the potential to perpetuate biases and harmful stereotypes. The technology is trained on a large amount of text data, which includes both explicit and implicit biases. If these biases are not addressed, they can be amplified and perpetuated through the technology's outputs. This can have serious consequences for marginalised groups and undermine the efforts to address societal inequalities. To testrict the misuse of GPT-3 technology by researchers, strict ethical standards and guidelines have to be installed to ensure adherence to ethical data collection and analysis, as well as prohibition of data manipulation or fabrication. Researchers should also be required to engage in even deeper and heavily engaged peer review and collaboration to ensure that their work is transparent, accurate, and reliable. On the flip side, language models such as ChatGPT can help improve students’ writing and communication skills, as long as it is used as a tool to support learning, rather than a replacement for it. First, the University Grants Commission (UGC) as well as all the education boards must make the use of plagiarism software mandatory, Second, there must be new measures to prevent copy-pasting texts from Al-generated content. Thesis and assignments should be defended through new mechanisms to evaluate the students’ understanding of the subjects as well as their critical-thinking capabilities, ‘The UGC can create a dedicated national consortium body with subject matter experts from all fields of education Bangladeshi educational institutions. This body can ensure that none of the undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate research topics is partially duplicated and mirrored at the national level. The body can also monitor and nurture the quality of Bangladeshi thesis, journals and research papers, 1, Answer the questions as directed 0.5x6=3 8) GPT-3 technology (has opened potential threats in researchvhas brought about changes in the use of artificial intelligence/is used as a calculating tool.). Choose the best answer from the alternatives, b) Agreat revolution form of verb, ¢) The noun form of advanced is 4) Write a synonym of mandator €) Developing these skills is esse for success... Here the skills refer to f) Our education system frame policy so as to use Chat GPT. ( True/ False) 2. Answer the questions. (bring) about in the field of communication by ChatGpt-3,Use right 4xl=4 a) How can this new technology affect the researchers? ») What is meant by academic dishonesty in the passage? ¢) | Which two skills are mentioned as essential in the passage? 4) What has the author suggested the University Grants Commission to do? 3. Write 3 potential impacts of Chat GPT in our education sector. 3 Grammar Part 4. Answer the question as per directions. 0.5x10=5 2. Your cold sounds (terrible/terribly). Choose the correct word to complete. b. received from my aunt a nice gift. Re-arrange word order correct sentence? © The headmaster I have seen him just now. Re- write the sentence removing repetition of word. 4 He told me that he __ (see) me the day before yesterday. Use right form of verb to complete the sentence. e. The guide briefed us everything (what/which/that) was very necessary for the tour. Select the best relative pronoun. £. Hello, Tahmid. I (was looking/ am looking / have been looking) for you all morning. Where have you been? Choose the suitable phrase from the brackets, 8. Read the situation and make a sentence from the words in the brackets. Iwas very tired when I arrived home, (Vwork/ hard/all day.) The man spoke very slowly. He wanted me to understand what he sai i, Tasked the assistant, ‘What’s the price of the washing machine?” Lasked the assistant what - (Complete the indirect speech) J. We didn’t give him nothing. (Correct the sentence if necessary) Writing Part 5. Write a paragraph about merits and demerits of ChatGPT-3. id. (Use so that to join) Or Write report for your newspaper with information (fake) given in the box. Event-Inter-semester football tournament, date 6.02.2023, time 3 pm, duration 1 hour, organizer — Civil Engineering dept., Winner- 2" semester, runer-up- 4" semester, Chairman of the dept. handed over the trophy. 6. Speaking testit willbe taken by the course teacher in a convenient time) 5 7. Listening test(it will Wen by the course teacher in aconvenient time) ss § a International Islamic University Chittagong Center for General Education (CGED) ‘Midterm Examination, Spring-2023 Course Code: URED-1201 Course Ti asic Princi of I: Full Marks: 3 Time: L hour & 30 minutes “Answer all questions. The right side columns contain marks, CLOs and Bloom's taxonomy domain for each question. # ‘Questions Marks | CLOs | Bloom's taxonomy domain 17 |"islam is the guarantee of peace for whole ] of the world”- explain this statement | Remember rentioning the definition and characteristics || 10 | & of Islam. | Create 5] "Shirk is the ereatest sin which destroys our | “ihadali"- evaluate this statement explaining | | Evaluate come types and examples of Shirk in our) 10 2 & contemporary lives. | Create 5. Ta "Muhammad (SAAS) is the greatest and | the last of all Prophets”- prove this | statement with proper evidence. | | or | Evaluate | wo | 3 & b “The life of Akhirah is an eternal and Create endless life”. explain this statement | mentioning the logic and impact of | | Akhirah. | | | nS arestifes Seen Reva erst waa ; ene TEND ee DD OD fe> 9 international islamic University Chittagone neering (FSE) fy Faculty of Science and En SF Department of Civil Engineering (CE SEMESTER END EXAMINATION | SEMESTER - SPRING 2023 Programme |: Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering Level of Study GI Time 71.30 pm Date july 3, 2023 Saturday Duration __| 2 hours 30 minutes Course Code _ |: CE-1205 ‘Section(@) 72AM Course Title | : Engineering Materials _ This Question Paper Consists of Three (03) Printed Pages (Including Cover Page ‘and Appendix) with Five (05) Questions. ‘Course Learning Qutcome(CLO) CO-l] Understanding of advanced concepts and theories; computational methodologies. Ability to apply Knowledge in a rational way to analyse a particular problem; TOI | Describe Imperfections in Solids: What are the solidification mechanisms? What types of defects arise in solids? How do defects affect material properties? Derive and describe, formulate, and solve di problems: How does diffusion occur? Why nd te Describe the mechanical properties of materials: Stress-strain (What are they and why are they instead of load and deformation?); Elastic behaviour (When loads are small, how much deformation ‘occurs? What materials deform least?); Plastic behaviour (At what point does permanent deformation occur? What materials are most resistant to permanent deformation?); Toughness and ductility (What are they and how do we measure them?) is it Bloom's Levels of the Questions Letter Symbol R U A ‘AN E c Remember | Understand | Apply | Analysis | Evaluation | Create (10) (04) (03) (a2) a3) (08) INSTRUCTION(S) TO CANDIDATES DO NOT OPEN UNTIL YOU ARE ASKED TO DO SO This is a Closed Book, Closed Notes Examination. Do not open until You Are Asked to Do So. Total mark of this examination is 50 for two sections PART-A & B a Attempt All Questions. Mobile Phones and Other Electronic Devices are prohibited in the Exam Hall Workout Can Be Done Using Pencil Or Pen. Note: Any form of cheating or attempt to cheat is a serious offence, which may lead to dismissal. ‘worth 50% of the total course. ‘here are five questions. ve PART-A QUESTION T (10 marks) CO] BL a) | What are the factors you will consider before fel Gmarks){ 1] E » fference between endogenous and exogenous tree? (marks) [1] AN ©) | What do you mean by seasoning? Natural seasoning is beter han | (3 marks) | 1] E other types of seasoning. Justify your answer. QUESTION 2 (10 marks) co] BL | What i the impact ofthe water-cement ratio on concrele durbilig? | @ marks) [3 | U b) | What are the factors affecting durability of concrete? G marks) | 1 R ¢)| What is the difference between ordinary concrete and special | (5 marks) |” 1 AN concrete? PART -B QUESTION 3 (10 marks) co! BL a) | What is the mix design of concrete? (2 marks) | 3 R b)| Design a concrete mix Using ACI method for a multi-storied [(8 marks) |_3 Cc building for the following data: A mix with a mean 28-day compressive strength of 30 MPa with a 2% defective rate (K=2) and a slump of 90 mm is required, using OPC. The maximum size of well-shaped, angular aggregate is 20mm, its bulk density is 1650 kg/m3 and its specific gravity is 2.75, The available fine ageregate has a fineness modulus of 2.4 and a specific gravity of 2.6. No air-entrainment is required. CA absorbed 4% moisture and sand contains 2% free surface moisture. Standard deviation from past records = 5 MPa. Assume any other’ essential data. QUESTION 4 (10 marks) . co | BL a) | State different types of special concrete, (marks) [1 |_U ') | What is the difference between thermo plastics and thermo-setting | @ marks) | 1 | -AN plastics? ©) | How lightweight concrete can be achieved and why Wis used for? | (S marks) | 1 TE QUESTION 5 (10 marks) CO] BL a) | Write a short note analyzing the carbonation of concrete. Gimarks) 2 [Re b) | What steps would you take to deal with chlorides in conerete? | (2marks)| 2} -R Explain. ¢) | Prepare a list of the destructive and nondestructive tests done on (2 marks) | 1 E hardened concrete. 4) | Give your thoughts about green concrete or workable concrete, Gmarks) [1 [A Appendix Tatle 11.6. Requirements of C1 310.89 towies Oe = i ecmcpeteie |e 2 pcudinetiusaasaiuamms sian | Srovmeesgtomeenen “First estimate of density (unit welght) of reshconerate Te 14. Bry Bu teen ae Us oan of ae sion by ACLat Tot Cnc Goan TTMaamomFirt extte of consiy (unt weDr fae Te eeen seer tan concue oe saeoeee wagngae —VenaFowahor —— Branrared Tar a me hae es oa 7% 2285 2180 ts is * ms 2 bass fen 3 Fs ne. is a 0 ben ass 2 Be ai ” 70 2463 2400 an pa nl pata Sena ered moe cone Pee uo 20s bas esse aw een creas le 14.8. Approximate requirements f rmixing water and aie content fo ‘and neminal maximum size of Aggregates according to ACI 211.191 Teaay Tae COTE RGD SER TESTO POM PORTE ae corte Bn 125mm 2onm ~ 25mm domm fmm Tm 150mm Tena eee Samp 30:50mm 0s 20 1s 10 169 ws fuss 20-100 mm 2 2S 0 m5 v0 1 Wo 180-180 am 20 230 20 185 180 v0 : entrapped at 5 25 2 1s 1 os os 30-00 1 18 " 1 v0 1s 10 50-108 men wow 180 ? S ea 150-180 m9 se 190 35 10 - Recommended id owns as “0 28 ° 2 2e o Tine Siestivs Sern Params esas DD te OD OD pay International Islamic University Chittagong Faculty of Science and Engineering (FSE) Department of Civil Engineering (CE FINAL EXAMINATION SEMESTER - SPRING 2023 Programme | : Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering | Level of Study G1 ; jay 16, 2023 Time + 10.30 AM Date Tuesday Duration £3 hours Course Code _| : CE-1206 Section(s) :2AM Course Title Concrete Sessional This Question Paper Consists of Two (02) Printed Pages (Including Cover Page and +— Appendix) with Five (05) Questions: Course Learning Outcome(CLO) ‘CLO-1 | Evaluate properties of materials used in construction. ‘CLO-2 | Prepare concrete mix design and evaluate their fresh and hardened properties. ‘CLO-3 | Evaluate the engineering properties of bricks. Bloom’s Levels of the Questions Letter Symbol R U A AN E c Remember | Understand | Apply ‘Analysis Evaluation | Create TRI ID. DO NOT OPEN UNTIL YOU ARE ASKED TO DO SO This is a Closed Book, Closed Notes Examination. Do not open until You Are Asked to Do So. Total mark of this examination is 30 and is worth 30% of the total course. Attempt All Questions. Mobile Phones and Other Electronic Devices are prohibited in the Exam Hall. Workout Can Be Done Using Pencil Or Pen. Note: Any form of cheating or attempt to cheat is a serious offence, which may lead to dismissal. 1 (There are five questions, answer all Five Questions) QUESTION 1 (06 marks) a) Write the necessity and use of normal consistency of cement, b) What are the factors affecting the normal consistency of cement? QUESTION 2 (06 marks) 8) How does the fineness affect the time of setting? b) What are the ASTM standard requirements for initial and final setting time? QUESTION 3 (06 marks) a) Why do we measure the soundness of cement? b) The following data was recorded during the soundness test of a given cement sample by Le-Chatelier method, Determine whether the cement is sound or not. Li=Measurement taken after 24 hours of immersion in water at a temp. of 27+ 20°C 18mm Lo=Measurement taken after 3 hours of immersion in water at boiling temperature. 22 mm QUESTION 4 (06 marks) a) What is meant by ‘good grading” for aggregate? 'b) What are the types of gradation? Explain with the qualitative sketch, QUESTION 5 (06 marks) a) Explain the significance of the specific gravity of aggregate. b) Determine the absorption capacity of the brick using the given data, Sample ] SSD Weight | OD Weight | Absorption ‘Avg. No. qb) (ib) Capacity | Absorption (%) Capacity (%) i 31 42, 55 45 3 57 43 (3 marks) (3 marks) (3 marks) (3 marks) (3 marks) (3 marks) (GB marks) (3 marks) (3 marks) (3 marks) SSS emern Frafansirra vaaTst TT ee ee NAD ete 9 gong [== inte mational Islamic University Chittagong i nd Engineering (FSF) gE fx Faculty 0 ne dae” Department of C 1 Engineerin: CE SEMESTER END EXAMINATION SEMESTER - SPRING 2023 Programme |: Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering | Level of Study _| ¢ UG-1 Time 710.00 AM- 1.00 PM Date + 19.06.2023 Duration = | :3hours Course Code _| : CE-1208 Section(s) 72AM, Course Title |: Practical Surveying “This Question Paper Consists of Two (02) Printed Pages (Including Cover Page and “Appendix) with Five (05) Questions. Course Learning Outcome(CLO) GO-L | Apply the principles of Surveying in field and prepare field notes. G02 | Prepare contour map of a given area and can handle basic Survey instruments including, leveling. GOS] entity the postion of column center Tine of a proposed Duilding a5 per plan of the building and mark the excavation lines. Bloom’s Levels of the Questions Letter Symbol R U A AN E c Remember | Understand Apply ‘Analysis Evaluation Create ION pn DO NOT OPEN UNTIL YOU ARE ASKED TO DO so «This is a Closed Book, Closed Notes Examination. ‘© Donot open until You Are Asked to Do So. ‘© Total mark of this examination is 50 for two sections PART-A & B and is worth 50% of the total course. © Attempt All Questions. {Mobile Phones and Other Electronic Devices are prohibited in the Exam Hall. «Workout Can Be Done Using Pencil Or Pen. Note: Any form of cheating or attempt to cheat is a serious offence, which may lead to dismissal. 1 Ans + Chain Surveying is suitable for a) All types of ground ») Fairly level ground c) Uneven ground 4) Lands contains huge numbers of details - Chain surveying uses the principle a) Traversing b) Chaining c) Ranging 4) Triangulation . The line joining two main station is known as a) Chain line b) Subsidiary line c) Tie line 4) Check line |. The purpose of a tie line is a) To check accuracy of the work b) To locate interior details ©) Both (a) and (b) 4) None 5. Gunter’s chain consists of links 2) 500 b)50 c) 1000 4) 100 .. The biggest of the survey line is called: a) First line __ b) Base line ) Tie line d) Main survey line |. The book in which chain measurements are entered is called: a) Field book b) Record book all PART-A juestions (Marks — 10) ©) Study book 4) Chain book 8. What are used to mark the positions of the stations or terminal points of survey line? a) Arrows: b) Pegs c) Ranging rods 4) Plumb bob 9. What is the lateral distance of an object or ground feature measured from a survey line? a) Offset ) Perpendicular distance ©) Side distance 4d) Perpendicular offset 10, What triangles are generally preferred to get good results in plotting? a) Isosceles b) Obtuse angled ©) Equilateral 4) Acute angle ML. instrument is used to sight to an object. a) Compass b) U-frame c) Plumbing fork 4) Alidade 12, How many methods of plane table surveying are there? a)2 b)4 1 43 13. Plane table (PT) surveying is a method. a) Graphical b) Linear c) Circular 4) Angular 14. Which of the below is used for levelling a plane table? a) Plumb bob ») Spirit level c) Compass d) U-frame 15, Which*of the below is not an advantage of PT survey? a) Used for accurate works b) Less costly ©) Field book is not required 4) Rapid method 16. A plumbing fork is used to the plane table, a) Focus b) Centre ©) Orient 4) Level 17. In the method of an intersection, only one linear measurement is made. a) True b) False 18. Which of the following must be checked at every station? a) Values obtained b) Traverse area ©) Points to be sighted 4) Orientation of table 19, Which of the following can cause more damage while using a plane table for surveying? a) Climatic changes b) Instruments used ) Sighting error d) Inaccurate centring 20. instrument is used to mark north direction on drawing sheet. a) alidade ») spirit level c) u fork 4) through compass 1. Aman standing at a point A is watching the top of a tower, which makes an angle of Clevation of 45 degree. The man walks some distance towards the tower to watch its top and the angle of elevation become 61 base of the tower and point A? (0 degree, What is the distance between the 03 2. Aand B are standing on ground 50 meters apart. The angles of elevation for these two to the top of a tree are 60° and 30°. What is height of the tree? 02 3. Prepare a field-book usin, g the following data given in the figure and determine the Reduced Level of each px int using Rise & Fall method, 05 ony Direction of Leveing 4. Draw in ¢ ‘ontour lines at the following elevations (all numbers are given in meters above sea level): 450, 400, 350, 300, and 250, 10 > ne ey . ev oe ~ = xe 120 ae ® ° . . . = e ° ° ° 200 se ako Py a6 Fj ° ° es Po xe Po A . . . . . Pa ee 2 Pe 0 ° ° ° . . . . 362 xo ea 2a xe 10 ob . . . . = ™ te 1 Ss oem sem TO kr STesstifes Seren Reka Sas oS eS OSD ee eee [== } international Islamic University Chittagong x Faculty of Science and Engineering (FSE) OF Department of Civil Engineering (CE) SEMESTER END EXAMINATION SEMESTER - SPRING 2023 Programme [+ Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering | LevelofStudy [:UG 1 Time £9.30 am Date May 23, 2023 Tuesday Duration * | :2 hours 30 minutes ‘Course Code | : CHEM-1205 Section(s) 7AM Course Title | : Chemistry (Inorganic and Quantitative Analysis) This Question Paper Consists of Two (02) Printed Pages (Including Cover Page and ‘Appendix) with Five (05) Questions. Course Learning Outeome(CLO) CO-1_| Understand about basic information of chemistry on structure and quantum theory (©O-2 [Identify and formulate the problems for analysis ‘CO-3 | Understand and evaluate the sustainability and impact of professional engineering work CO-4 | Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent learning ~ cf fs a Letter Symbol R U A ‘AN E i Remember | Understand | Apply ‘Analysis | Evaluation | Create (3) (6) (12) (9) (9)__-|__) INSTRUCTIONS) TO CANDIDATES DO NOT OPEN UNTIL YOU ARE ASKED TO DO SO This is a Closed Book, Closed Notes Examination. il You Are Asked to Do So. is examination is 50 for two sections PART-A & B and is worth 50% of the total course. Mobile Phones and Other Electronic Devices are prohibited in the Exam Hall. + Attempt All Questions. ‘Workout Can Be Done Using Pencil Or Pen. Note: Any form of cheating or attempt to cheat i offence, w! ‘may lead to dismissal, (There are five questions, answer all Five Questions] PART -A QUESTION 1 (10 marks) co | BL a) | State old concept of acid and bases and give example. (marks) | 2 | C b) | Discuss the alkali and non-metals. (6marks) | 3 | AN ©) | Apply conjugate acid base theory to identify strong and weak acid and | (2 marks)] 1] C bases : QUESTION 2 (10 marks) CO] BL a) | Show chemical equilibrium in rate vs time graph @marks) | 1 | C b) | deduce the mathematical relationship between Kpand Ke fora general | (5 marks) | 2] A reaction aA +bB=cC+dD ©) | How do you find-out effective atomic number from a molecule? Give | @ marks) | 2 | © appropriate example. PART-B QUESTION 3 (10 marks) co} BL a) | what is difference of Normality, Molarity and Mole Fraction G marks) [1 [AN b) | How do you prepare 0.5 Molar and 1.5 Normal NaCl and CaCl2 | (3 marks)| 1] -R solution? ¢) | State Raults Law. Show the Pressure vs composition curve ofa binary |(1+3=4] 2 E mixture of ideal solution, positive deviation and negative de marks) QUESTION 4 (10 marksy CO] BL a) [ Name the colligative properties of solution G marks) [2 [0 b)| What do you mean by Chromatography technique? Discuss the | (3 marks)| 3] ~U classification of Chromatographic methods. c) | Name different type of radiation sources used in the spectrometer (4 magks) |_4 A QUESTION 5 (10 marks) COT] BL a) | What do you mean by Beer-Lambert’s law and spectrometer? ‘(Qmarks)| 1 [-R b) | state beer lamberts law and give its mathematical expression. Explain | (2+3=5] 2] E how beer lambert law is used in determining concentration of marks) substances in sample. ©) | give an outline of different components of an spectrometer (Gmarksy) | 2 [A End of Questions Paper MSstiSs Ser Peers vB Ba DD ty ‘DS serie Dy reste IH | Internationa: Islamic-University- Chittagong“ FINAL EXAMINATION SEMESTER - SPRING 2023 Programme |: Bachelor of Science in CE Level of Study :UGI Time t Date + May 17, 2023, Wednesday Duration = T hour Course Code + CHEM - 1206 Course Title : CHEMISTRY SESSIONAL This Question Paper Consists of ONE (01) Printed Pages (Including Cover Page and Appendix) with EIGHT (08) Questions. INSTRUCTION(S) TO CANDIDATES DO NOT OPEN UNTIL YOU ARE ASKED TO DO SO ‘This is a Closed Book, Closed Notes Examination. Do not open until You Are Asked to Do So. Total mark of this examination is 30 Attempt All Questions. Mobile Phones and Other Electronic Devices are prohibited in the Exam Hall. Workout Can Be Done Using Pencil Or Pen, Note: Any form of cheating or attempt to cheat is a serious offence, which may lead to dismissal. Section(s) Short question / Quiz test for chemistry sessional final examination ‘SI question Marks no. 1 | calculate, how much (in gram) of NaOH is required to prepare 250 ml of 0.1 N NaOH 5 solution 2_| pH of a substance is found as 6. Is this substance a acid or alkali? 2 . 3 | Calculate, how much (in gram) NaxCOsis required to prepare 250 ml of 0.1 N 5 solution. 4 _| Which metal ion is present in Mohr’s salt 5 5_| Write differences between primary and secondary standard substance 3 6_| Define standard solution? 2 7 | Calculate pH of 0.1M HCL solution considering HCL fully dissociates at this 4 concentration. 8 | write a difference between catalyst and indicator 2 (iy Stestt es Sern frre: evans eS es ee DS poe Y international Islamic Universit Chittagong x, x Fs nee and Engineering (FSE) SEMESTER END EXAMINATION SEMESTER - SPRING 2023 Programme |; Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering | Level of Study | :UG1 Time +130 pm Date June 7, 2023 Wednesday. Duration +2 hours 30 minutes Course Code |: MATH-1205 ‘Seetion(s) 2AM Course Title |: Math-II (Differential Equations and Partial Differential Equations) This Question Paper Consists of Two (02) Printed Pages (Including Cover Page and Appendix) with Five (05) Questions. Course Learning Outcome(CLO) CO-T ] Meet the requirement of engineering of solution for various multifaceted problems that faced by them ‘CO-2 | Identify, formulate, research relevant erature and analyze complex engineering problem CO-3 | Design solutions, exhibiting innovativeness, for complex engineering problems and design systems (CO-4 | Create, select and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools, including prediction and modelling Bloom’s Levels of the Questions Letter Symbol R U A AN E c Remember | Understand | Apply Analysis | ‘Evaluation | Create (0) (08) 0) | _ (08) (24) i__(10) INSTRUCTION(S) TO CANDIDATES DO NOT OPEN UNTIL YOU ARE ASKED TO DO SO * This is a Closed Book, Closed Notes Examination. Do not openuntit'¥ou-AreWsked'to'Do So: Total mark of this examination is 50 for two sections PART-A & B and is worth 50% of the total course. Attempt All Questions. Mobile Phones and Other Electronic Devices are prohibited in the Exam Hall Workout Can Be Done Using Pencil Or Pen. Note: Any form of cheating or attempt to cheat is a se us offence, which may lead to dismissal, f her uestions, ans PART-A QUESTION 1 (10 marks) a) | Define linear differential equation. [2 marks) b) | Solve: (D‘-3D? -4)y =Ssin2x-e™" [_@ marks) ©) | Solve: y"—2y' +2y =e* cosx [G marks) ‘QUESTION 2 (10 marks) co | BL a) | Define homogeneous linear differential equation. @maksy | 1] U | DY sotve: x22 4x%+ y=sin(log x’) (maria) | 3] F 2 P Lar Frye x atta” 8 © | Solve y"+4y'—2y= 2a? —3x+6by using undermined coefficient | (+ marks) | 3 | E | method. J PART-B QUESTION 3 (10 marks) CO | BL 5) ay : [@marks)| 3 | E Solve T+ y= coseex by using variation of parameter method | | Dp | Define Bessel differential equation with its application @maksy | 1 | U c) z (marks) 3 E Prove that J, (x)= ¢ sin | | i 2 | QUESTION 4 (10 marks) | CO] BL a) | When a cake is removed from an oven, is temperature is measured | (Smarks) | 4] € at300°F. Three minutes later its temperature is 200° F . How long | | will it take to cool off to a room temperature of 70°F ? | | By | Bacteria in a certain culture increase at a rate proportional to the | (S marks) | 4) C present, If the numbers double in one hour, how long does it take | * for the number to triple? QUESTION 5 (10 marks) [CO] BL a) | Deseribe Lagrange’s method for solving Tinear partial differential | (marks) [TU ‘equations. 4 b) | Solve: yep?xzq=xy _ Gmarksy) | 3_[E ©) [ Solve: xzptyzq=2* (4marks) | 3 E | International Islamic University Chittagong ' Civil Engineering Department Final Examination , Spring -2023 Program: B.Sc. Engg. (Civil) Course Code: PHY-1206 : physies sessional Time: 2hours 30 minutes. Full Marks: 50 ‘Answer the one experiment from the following experiments. Figures in the right margi marks, 1) To determine the modulus of rigidity of a wire by the method of oscillation (Dynamic method). 40 . 2) To determine the spring constant and effective mass of a given spiral spring and hence to calculate the rigidity modulus of the material of the spring. 40 3) To determine the moment of inertia of a fly wheel about its axis of rotation. 40 4) To determine the value of g, acceleration due to gravity, by means of a compound pendulum. 40 5) Determination of unknown resistance of the material of a wire by a meter bridge. 40 6) Determination of specific resistance of the material of a wire by a meter bridge. 40 7) Viva 10 International Islamic University Chittagong Center for General Courses (CGED) Final Examination, Spring 2023 Course Code: UREL 1205 Course Title: Developing English Language Skills Time: 2 Hours Full Marks: 40 Reading-20 Read the passage carefully and answer the relevant questions: It is worrying that, according to an assessment report prepared by the Monitoring and Evaluation Wing of the Directorate of Secondary and Higher Education, Bangladeshi students are found to be very weak when it comes to proficiency in mathematics and English, two of the most important qualifiers of employment, business, and higher education. Our education system has long been criticized for its many failings, from questionable content in textbooks to question paper leaks, but one of the more fundamental problems lies within the very way our children are taught. All too often, our education system concerns itself with rote learning instead of practical experiences which can truly take a student's understanding to the next level, and when it comes to learning languages and understanding subjects such as mathematics methods such as memorization will never achieve anything. To that end, the new school curriculum has much hope riding on it that it would finally put an end to our education system's culture of relying on rote learning by focusing on creative work and critical thinking. However, education experts have identified that lack of qualified teachers for these subjects is one of the biggest reasons behind the apparent weakness in these two important subjects. As things stand, one of the biggest impediments to training skilled teachers is the centralization of the training process itself, The training process needs to be decentralized and sped up, needless to say. Our education system's faults can be traced down to a cultural level. If we wish to sce u truly prosperous Bangladesh [ur our future generations, we will need to leave the old ways behind. We wholeheartedly agree to the recent call of our honorable President when he asked the universities of the country to focus more on job-oriented education and research to cater to the needs of the employment market. Despite our stellar progress as a nation, we have the extremely ambitious task of becoming not just a middle income economy this decade and fulfill the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030, we also intend to become a high-income and prosperous nation by 2041 -- Smart Bangladesh. ‘As such, with Bangladesh enjoying a period of demographic dividend, and with the job market changing before our very eyes at an unprecedented pace as a result of automation and AI, itis our education system -- long been rightfully criticized for not keeping up with the times ~ that must equip today's students and tomorrow's leaders with the right skillset to navigate Bangladesh's future. Universities, as outlined by the President, must do more to encourage the students to take up research. In fact, if we are to build a knowledge-based economy that is honed by innovation, then encouraging students to take more risks and step out of their comfort zones has to be practiced. While we have started seeing widespread changes being implemented in schools, the same cannot be said of our tertiary education. Nevertheless, it would also not be wise to simply rush into changes without having concrete plans. Understanding the needs of the job market -- not just local but global -- and preparing our students accordingly is the best chance we have of utilizing our demographic dividend. With technology becoming more and more prevalent, we hope the appropriate stakeholders are paying attention to ensure our education is not one for the Past or even the present, but for the future. It is the only way we can ensure that we are successful in achieving all of our goals. 1, Decide whether the following statements are true or false. If false, give the correct information. 1*5=5 a. The way our children are taught is beyond criticism. b. The culture of rote learning is doing great harm to the children. ¢. Job-oriented and research based education for future generation is a crying need. 4. Bangladesh has already achieved Sustainable Development Goals. e. We have to utilize our demographic dividend. 2. Answer the following questions in one complete sentence. 1x5=5 a, What weakness has the report brought to light? b. Why do you think that the President has directed the universities to introduce job oriented education? ¢. How can research help in our education sector? 4d. Mention 3 scopes /areas of criticism in our present education system. e. What is the obstacle towards the teacher training in the country? 3. Find words in the passage to complete the following sentences. 0.5x4=2 a. Our students of future leadership should be equipped with b. A knowledge based may help us to tum into a prosperous country. ©. the needs of the job markets is best way to utilize our huge demographic dividend. 4 of the orders and directives should be monitored strictly. 4, Find synonyms of the following words from the passage. 0.5x6=3 i, ability, ii. find the way, iii, widespread, iv. novelty, v. people directly involved , vi. exceptional 5. Write a summary of the passage in no more than 60 words, 5 | Grammar Part- 10 6. Complete the sentences according to directions. 10«1=10 a. Complete the indirect question reading the given one. Lasked the boy, “How much did you pay for the bicycle?” asked the boy how much. . b, Put the verb into the most suitable form (past progressive/past perfect/past perfect progressive.) When I arrived, everybody was sitting round the table with their mouth full. They (cat). c. Write the sentence in another way showing passive form. It is expected that the strike will end soon. The strik 4d. Use the words in the brackets to complete with the structure ‘have something done’. We (the house /paint) al this moment. ©. Mareiea isa scholar, an athlet, and artistic, (Correct the sentence if necessary) f. Join the pair of sentences using so ...that/ so that. The foreigner spoke very slowly, He wanted me to understand what he said. g, Read the situation and use the words in the brackets to write a sentence with afraid. h, Join the pair of sentences with perfect participle (having + verb in past participle) Shamim retuned the book. Then he went home. Having, i. Having apprehended the hijackers, they were whisked off to FBI headquarters by the security guards. (Correct the sentence if necessary) j. Complete the sentence using (all of them/ some of them/ none of them.) These books are all Jahid’s. . belong to me. Writing Part -10 7. Write an argumentative essay focusing the statement- job oriented knowledge based education should be introduced in our universities in the country. 5 8. Write a report to publish in the newspaper about the severe affects of the cyclone Mocha that has recently attacked the south-eastern part of the country. 5 N.B. Speaking test and listening test were taken before the exam. International Islamic University Chittagong Center for General Education (CGED) Semester End Examination, Spring-2023 Course Code: URED-1201 : Basic Principles of Islam Full Marks: 50 Time: 2:30 Hours (Answer all questions; the columns on the right-side indicate the marks, CLOs and Bloom’s taxonomy-domain for each question): # Questions Marks [CLOs| Bloom's taxonomy domain la) “Ibadah is a comprehensive and phenomenon term that Remember includes all aspects of human life"- explain this statement & Create describing the definition and Conditions of Ibadah. 3 Or, 10 Remember lb) Who are “/badur Rahman (Allah's believers)? Explain & Create their characteristics in the light of Surah Al-Furgan. 2 a) “Salah is the key to Paradise”- explain this Hadith Remember mentioning the Shurut (prerequisites) and Arkan (pillars) 3 | & Create of Salah. or, 10 b) Ilustrate a picture of how the Salah changes our Analyze individual and collective life. 3 | Provide a scenario of the Zakah distribution culture of your society. Outline a proper method of distribution of Zakah to | 10 3 | Understand eradicate poverty from your society. & Analyze 7 | “Fasting is only for me and T will give reward for it”-| 10 3 | Evaluate & justify this Hadith explaining the importance of Sawm Create elaborately. %. | “Take the method of Hajj from me”- justify this Hadith Evaluate & explaining the impact of Hajj on our present life as the| 10 3 Create revival of Muslim Ummah.

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