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Sigve Solvaag
Revenant’s Dice rolls
The Referee should only call for dice rolls if
Items can be useful in various situations. A
Some NPCs have special rules, which apply
under certain conditions. Most NPCs come
with descriptions that are meant to be useful

it is unclear if the player character’s action rifle can be useful for hunting, while a toolkit
for the Referee to describe their behavior.
could succeed. Do not make dice rolls if the could be handy if a machine breaks down.
Referee does not know how the outcome of When items are used as part of an action,
A Free Kriegsspiel roleplaying game written Fighting NPCs
the action would look like, nor if the action they provide a number of bonus dice (use
by Sigve Solvaag. Since some NPCs are dangerous, the player
is routine or safe to perform multiple times. separate colors). Most items have a Quality
characters may attempt to defeat them. To
stat, which determines how often it can be
attack an NPC, the player should roll using
How the game is played If the Referee calls for a dice roll, the player used before it must be repaired or replaced.
Cunning for ranged attacks, or Strong for
Revenant’s Hack requires 2 to 5 players and a should roll an amount of dice equal to their When an item’s bonus dice show the
relevant ability. The Referee rolls an amount melee attacks. If the player beats the
handful of six-sided dice. One player takes numbers 1 or 2, the item loses 1 Quality.
of dice equal to the difficulty they set for the Referee’s roll, the NPC loses an amount of
the role of a Referee. The Referee describes Items break if they are reduced to 0 Quality.
action. The player character’s action Luck based on the weapon’s Harm value, or
and controls the world and its non-player just 1 Luck if the PC is unarmed.
beings. The remaining players create player succeeds if the player’s highest dice is equal Weapons
characters (or PCs), which they play within to or higher than the Referee’s highest dice There is no detailed list of weapons. Referees
Fights are played in rounds. The participants
the Referee’s world by describing their roll. If the player character’s action does not are encouraged to judge how much Harm a
in the fight can do two unique actions in a
actions and rolling dice when called for. succeed, the Referee should narrate an weapon should do. Generally, weapons have
round, including moving, attacking,
approriate outcome. 3 Quality and add 1 bonus die to actions
drinking a potion, using an item or drawing
If the rules are unclear or come in the way, when fighting. The following are guidelines
Difficulty a weapon. All the players get to play their
the Referee can make a ruling and decide for how much Harm a weapon should deal in
actions first, and afterward, the Referee plays
how something happens in the game. Some actions are more difficult than others. fights:
the actions for the NPCs.
Rulings are not set in stone and may be As mentioned, the Referee rolls an amount
revised between sessions or replaced with a of dice based on the difficulty they set. Some • Unarmed - 1 Harm
Morale Tests
better way of playing. sample difficulties can be found below: • Hand to hand weapons - 2 Harm If the NPCs suffer setbacks, such as losing a
• Pistols, bows, slings - 3 Harm lot of Luck or sustaining casualties, the
Player Characters • Simple - 1 die
• Two-handed weapons, rifles - 4 Harm Referee should make a Morale test and roll
• Moderate - 2 dice 2d6. If the sum of the dice is higher than the
Player characters have three abilities, • Cannons, bombs, explosives - 8 Harm
starting with 1 point in each. Players are free • Demanding - 3 dice NPC’s best Morale value, they will surrender
to distribute 2 points over the abilities. • Hard - 4 dice Inventory or flee from the situation.
Players must describe where their PCs store
• Cunning: How good the character is at Dangerous actions Companions
their items. Referees should penalize PCs
sneaking, aiming, balancing and If the action is dangerous, then the player with more than 12 items in their inventory. If there are fewer than 3 player characters in
jumping out of or into danger. character loses 1 Luck for each die roll the the group, the Referee should consider
• Smart: How good the character is at Referee makes that is higher than the Non-Player Characters adding some NPC companions to the group.
reading, talking, perceiving and player’s best die roll. The players should control the companions,
Players will likely encounter Non-Player but if the companion is faced with
recalling things.
Using items Characters (or NPCs). NPCs can be friends dangerous situations it cannot handle, the
• Strong: How good the character is at and allies, enemies and neutral creatures.
When asked to make a dice roll for an action, Referee should make a Morale test.
hitting things, heavy lifting or resisting NPCs have the following statistics:
the player can include extra dice based on Companions will often ask for a fair share in
harmful effects.
items being used. These dice should have a the valuables the group finds, and they will
Player characters start with 6 Luck. If • Ability - how capable and dangerous the abandon the player characters if they feel
separate colors. The player does not have to
someone’s Luck is reduced to 0, they fall NPC is. they are not rewarded properly or the
use all of the bonus dice an item provides.
unconscious or possibly die. If a player • Morale - how brave the NPC is. adventures are too dangerous.
character spends the night resting in a safe
• Luck - works in the same way as the player
location, they regain all lost Luck.
character’s Luck.

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