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Sample Paper

Terminal Examination 2017-18

1st Semester

Paper Biochemistry-I

Multiple Choice Question.

1. Milk is deficient in which vitamins

(A) Vitamin C (B) Vitamin A (C) Vitamin B2 (D) Vitamin K
2. HDL is synthesized and secreted from
(A) Pancreas (B) Liver (C) Kidney (D) Muscle
3. Which one is the heaviest particulate component of the cell?
(A) Nucleus (B) Mitochondria (C) Cytoplasm (D) Golgi apparatus
4. The most active site of protein synthesis is the
(A) Nucleus (B) Ribosome (C) Mitochondrion (D) Cell sap
5. The fatty acids can be transported into and out of mitochondria through
(A) Active transport (B) Facilitated transfer (C) Non-facilitated transfer (D) None of these
6. Which one is the largest particulate of the cytoplasm?
(A) Lysosomes (B) Mitochondria (C) Golgi apparatus (D) Entoplasmic reticulum
7. Mitochondrial DNA is
(A) Circular double stranded (B) Circular single stranded

(C) Linear double helix (D) None of these

8. The average pH of Urine is

(A) 7.0 (B) 6.0 (C) 8.0 (D) 5.0
9. The ability of the cell membrane to act as a selective barrier depends upon
(A) The lipid composition of the membrane (B) The pores which allows small molecules
(C) The special mediated transport systems (D) All of these
10. Carrier protein can
(A) Transport only one substance (B) Transport more than one substance
(C) Exchange one substance to another (D) Perform all of these functions

11. The Golgi complex

(A) Synthesizes proteins (B) Produces ATP

(C) Provides a pathway for transporting chemicals (D) Forms glycoproteins

12. Genetic information of nuclear DNA is transmitted to the site of protein synthesis by

(A) rRNA (B) mRNA (C) tRNA (D) Polysomes

13. The following substances are cell inclusions except

(A) Melanin (B) Glycogen (C) Lipids (D) Centrosome

14. The power house of the cell is

(A) Nucleus (B) Cell membrane (C) Mitochondria (D) Lysosomes

15. The digestive enzymes of cellular compounds are confined to

(A) Lysosomes (B) Ribosomes (C) Peroxisomes (D) Polysomes

16. The general formula of monosaccharides is

(A) CnH2nOn (B) C2nH2On (C) CnH2O2n (D) CnH2nO2n

17. The aldose sugar is

(A) Glycerose (B) Ribulose (C) Erythrulose (D) Dihydoxyacetone

18. One of the following is not double membranous structure

(A) Mitochondrion (B) Vacuole (C) Chloroplast (D) Nucleus

19. Modification of proteins and lipids as glycopeptides and lipo-proteins occur in

(A) Ribosomes (B) Golgi apparatus (C) SER (D) All A, B and C

20. Detoxification of harmful drugs is the function

(A) RER (B) SER (C) Both A and B (D) None of the above
21. Cell wall consist of
(A) One main layer (B) Two main layers (C) Three main layers (D) Four main layers
22. In which organelle following reaction takes place
6 CO2 + 6 H2O + energy (from sunlight) ---------> C6H12O6 + 6 O2
(A) Mitochondrion(B) Peroxisome (C) Chloroplast (D) Glyoxysome
23. SER is abundant in cells that are involved in
(A) Lipid metabolism (B) Protein metabolism (C) Glucose metabolism
(D) Calcium metabolism
24. The door to your house is like the __________________ of a cell membrane?
(A) Phospholipid bilayer (B) Integral protein (C) Recognition protein
(D) Peripheral protein
25. Within chloroplasts, light is captured by
(A) Grana within cisternae (B) Thylakoids within grana (C) Cisternae within grana
(D) Grana within thylakoids
26. Which of the following correctly matches an organelle with its function?
(A) Mitochondrion . . . photosynthesis (B) Nucleus . . . cellular respiration
(C) Ribosome . . . manufacture of lipids (D) Central vacuole . . . storage
27. The microfilaments composed of
(A) Actin protein (B) Gelatin protein (C) Keratin protein (D) Tubulin protein
28. Which of the following would you NOT find in a bacterial cell?
(A) DNA (B) Cell membrane (C) Golgi apparatus (D) Ribosomes
29. According to mosaic model by Singer and Nicholson plasma membrane is composed of
(A) Phospholipids (B) Extrinsic proteins(C) Intrinsic proteins (D) All of these
30. Basic solutions are also called as ____________.
A) Proton B) Doner C) Alkaline D) Both a and b
31. Cell was for the first time discussed by __________________.
A) Watson b) Schwann C) Crick D) none of these
32. _______ to ________of the human body consists of water
A) 40 to 60 B) 50 to 70 C) 65 to 75 D) 50 to 75
33. It is recommended that teens drink ____ to ____ glasses of water each day.
A) 2 to 4 B) 4 to 6 C) 6 to 8 D) 5 to 7
34. ____________ of the earth's surface is water.
A) 70% B) 65% C) 75% D) 80%
35. Water is made up of hydrogen and oxygen molecules in the ratio ________.
A) 1:2 B) 1:1 C) 2:1 D) none of these
36. An Acid is a substance which, when dissolved in water, releases___________.
A) H+ B) OH - C) Alkaline D) none of these
37. The hydrogen ion is called ___________.
A) Electron B) Bases C) Proton D) Acids
38. A _______is a substance that releases OH-or hydroxyl ions when added to water.
A) Acids B) Bases C) Alkaline D) Both b and c
39. Each pH unit represents a factor of _______ difference greater in [H+].
A) 20 times B) 10 times C) 30 times D) none of these
40. ___________ are used for the maintenance of pH.
A) Buffer B) water C) Hydrogen D) Hydroxyl ions

41. If concentration of H+ is greater than 1 x 10-7 then solution is

A) Neutral B) basic C) acidic D) aqueous
42. Which of the following is a non-reducing sugar?
(A) Isomaltose (B) Maltose (C) Lactose (D) Trehalose
43. Which of the following is a reducing sugar?
(A) Sucrose (B) Trehalose (C) Isomaltose (D) Agar
44. The sugar found in DNA is
(A) Xylose (B) Ribose (C) Deoxyribose (D) Ribulose
45. The sugar found in milk is
(A) Galactose (B) Glucose (C) Fructose (D) Lactose
46. Sucrose consists of
(A) Glucose + glucose (B) Glucose + fructose
47. The constituent unit of inulin is
(A) Glucose (B) Fructose (C) Mannose (D) Galactose
48. Starch is a
(A) Polysaccharide (B) Monosaccharide (C) Disaccharide (D) None of these
49. Worldwide, the most common vitamin deficiency is that of
(A) Ascorbic acid (B) Folic acid (C) Vitamin A (D) Vitamin D
50. Bence-Jones protein precipitates at
(A) 20°–40° C (B) 40–-60° C (C) 60°–80° C (D) 80°–100° C
51. All proteins contain the
(A) Same 20 amino acids (B) Different amino acids (C) 300 Amino acids occurring in
nature (D) Only a few amino acids
52. The optically inactive amino acid is (A) Glycine (B) Serine (C) Threonine (D) Valine
53. The functions of plasma albumin are (A) Osmosis (B) Transport (C) Immunity (D) both
(A )and (B)
54. An essential amino acid in man is (A) Aspartate (B) Tyrosine (C) Methionine (D) Serine
55. Non essential amino acids (A) Are not components of tissue proteins
(B) May be synthesized in the body from essential amino acids (C) Have no role in the
metabolism (D) May be synthesized in the body in diseased states
56. Which one of the following is semiessential amino acid for humans?
(A) Valine (B) Arginine (C) Lysine (D) Tyrosine
57. An example of polar amino acid is
(A) Alanine (B) Leucine (C) Arginine (D) Valine
58. A ketogenic amino acid is
(A) Valine (B) Cysteine (C) Leucine (D) Threonine
59. After releasing O2 at the tissues, hemoglobin transports
(A) CO2 and protons to the lungs (B) O2 to the lungs
(C) CO2 and protons to the tissue (D) Nutrients
60. The protein present in hair is
(A) Keratin (B) Elastin (C) Myosin (D) Tropocollagen
61. Net protein utilisation of egg protein is
(A) 75% (B) 80% (C) 91% (D) 72%
62. Net protein utilization of milk protein is
(A) 75% (B) 80% (C) 86% (D) 91%
63. Pulses are rich in
(A) Lysine (B) Methionine (C) Tryptophan (D) Phenylalanine
64. Milk is deficient in
(A) Vitamin B1 (B) Vitamin B2 (C) Sodium (D) Potassium
65. An example of a hydroxy fatty acid is
(A) Ricinoleic acid (B) Crotonic acid (C) Butyric acid (D) Oleic acid
66. An example of a saturated fatty acid is
(A) Palmitic acid (B) Oleic acid (C) Linoleic acid (D) Erucic acid
67. The number of double bonds in arachidonic acid is
(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 4 (D) 6

68. Dietary fats after absorption appear in the circulation as

(A) HDL (B) VLDL (C) LDL (D) Chylomicron
69. The deficiency of both energy and protein causes
(A) Marasmus (B) Kwashiorkar (C) Diabetes (D) Beri-beri
70. Kwashiorkar is characterized by
(A) Night blindness (B) Edema (C) Easy fracturability (D) Xerophthalmia
Biochemictry Ans Key

Terminal Examination 2017-18 (MLT+MIT)

1 A 29 D 57 C
2 B 30 C 58 C
3 A 31 D 59 A
4 B 32 D 60 A
5 B 33 C 61 C
6 B 34 C 62 A
7 A 35 C 63 A
8 B 36 A 64 C
9 D 37 C 65 A
10 D 38 B 66 A
11 D 39 B 67 C
12 D 40 A 68 D
13 D 41 B 69 A
14 C 42 D 70 B
15 A 43 C
16 A 44 C
17 A 45 D
18 B 46 B
19 B 47 B
20 B 48 A
21 C 49 B
22 C 50 B
23 A 51 A
24 A 52 A
25 B 53 A
26 D 54 C
27 A 55 B
28 C 56 B

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