questions 3

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For Building Characters 3
Self-reflection is important.

Each of these questions implies

something about your character.

It's true.

Your answer is also true. Make it good.

I believe in you. Have fun!

Tell us...

Roll two d12s and use each result as a digit

instead of adding them together.
(Ex: A roll of 6 and 5 is 6.5, not 11.)
1.1 How big is your bounty?
1.2 How big is your ransom?
1.3 Why did you cut off your horns?
1.4 How often do you water your cactus?
1.5 How long has it been talking to you?
1.6 What did you see in the cards that worried you?
1.7 How did you win the favor of the Vespid Queen?
1.8 Where have you been hiding the last five years?
1.9 Why did you leave before completing your training?
1.10 What story always gets you free drinks?
1.11 What true story always gets you free drinks?
1.12 How are you sure your sword is magic?
2.1 Why do you dread your birthday?
2.2 Who has your eyes?
2.3 Why do you always carry chalk?
2.4 How long were you asleep?
2.5 Why do you insist on making your own equipment?
2.6 What did you sacrifice for revenge?
2.7 Was it worth it?
2.8 How many of your school friends do you keep
in contact with?
2.9 Why are you always taking notes?
2.10 Why do you think reading tea leaves is bullshit?
2.11 What's in the little cardboard box you carry?
2.12 Who put the bounty out on you?
3.1 Why didn't you take over the family business?
3.2 Why can't you trust your family?
3.3 Who's watching you through the birds?
3.4 How's your apprentice doing?
3.5 What was the seventh language you learned?
3.6 Why do you always carry incense?
3.7 Why does light hurts your eyes?
3.8 How did you lose your pilot's license?
3.9 When did you realize you can't get drunk?
3.10 How did you discover you can touch ghosts?
3.11 When did you get that autopsy scar?
3.12 Why can't the gods hear you?
4.1 Why do you watch sunsets even though they make you sad?
4.2 Who are you always writing letters to?
4.3 How many autopsies have you performed?
4.4 Where did you put your keys?
4.5 Why did you start keeping chickens?
4.6 Why do you always carry a brick?
4.7 What's the weirdest thing you've found during an autopsy?
4.8 Why do you hate rats?
4.9 Why are you afraid of thunderstorms?
4.10 Why do electronics malfunction around you?
4.11 Why do you admire spiders?
4.12 What did you find floating in the rain barrel?
5.1 What was the last diplomatic incident you were involved in?
5.2 Where did you get your gun?
5.3 Who got you hooked on soap operas?
5.4 Which of your uncle's tall tales turned out to be true?
5.5 What was your favorite movie when you were little?
5.6 What's your favorite book?
5.7 Who's your favorite author?
5.8 What happened after you fell overboard?
5.9 How many times has the cursed necklace saved you?
5.10 What does the scent of lavender remind you of?
5.11 Why did you drive them all away?
5.12 Why did you go into cryosleep?
6.1 How far away is your homeworld?
6.2 What's your favorite band?
6.3 Who called you here from your original dimension?
6.4 What happened to your wings?
6.5 What's your favorite opera?
6.6 When did you lose your powers?
6.7 Why can't you wear your colors in public?
6.8 How many times have your eyes grown back?
6.9 Why do you have that jar of tadpoles?
6.10 Why is fall your favorite season?
6.11 What instruments do you play?
6.12 Where were you stationed during the war?
7.1 What's your preferred firearm?
7.2 Why did you open the door?
7.3 How do you deal with the assassination attempts?
7.4 Why did you abdicate?
7.5 What power protects you from fire?
7.6 Who broke you out of prison?
7.7 Why do fires extinguish themselves around you?
7.8 What do your rings really do?
7.9 What do you wish you had said?
7.10 Who taught you to tie a cravat?
7.11 Why were you pulled from your own time period?
7.12 Who didn't you expect to see at the funeral?
8.1 What's carved on your cenotaph?
8.2 Who forged your daggers?
8.3 Who forged your signature?
8.4 Why do fruit flies follow everywhere you go?
8.5 Who set the shadows after you?
8.6 How did you start your career as a pro athlete?
8.7 Why did you abandon your career as a lawyer?
8.8 How long until you open your bakery?
8.9 Where did you learn the Name of goats?
8.10 How did you lose your ship?
8.11 Why do you wear a mask?
8.12 How do you feed your riding snail?
9.1 How did you celebrate your 300th birthday?
9.2 Why is a folding chair your weapon of choice?
9.3 Why did you break up?
9.4 Where did you get so many dice?
9.5 What did your great aunt leave you?
9.6 How often do you shed your skin?
9.7 When did you learn to control the transformations?
9.8 Where are your family's estates?
9.9 Who can lift your curse?
9.10 Where do you go every new moon?
9.11 When did you start drawing?
9.12 When was the last time you finished a book?
10.1 When was the last time you saw a concert?
10.2 Where did you first meet the bear?
10.3 Where did you find the bell?
10.4 When was the last time you spoke to your parents?
10.5 How did you lose your fortune?
10.6 Where did you meet your rival?
10.7 Why do you refuse to take shelter in caves?
10.8 What's your favorite game?
10.9 When was the last time you bought new clothes?
10.10 Where do you get your grenades?
10.11 What was it like growing up underground?
10.12 Who actually slew the dragon?
11.1 When did the ravens start bringing you gifts?
11.2 What do your keys open?
11.3 When was the last time you got a full night's sleep?
11.4 What's your favorite flavor ice cream?
11.5 When was the last time you were sick?
11.6 Why didn't they heed your warnings?
11.7 How many kids do you have?
11.8 Where are your kids staying while you travel?
11.9 How's your daughter doing in school?
11.10 Where do you stay when you're in town?
11.11 Where do you get your burner phones?
11.12 What's on your to-read pile?
12.1 When are you going to pay your library fines?
12.2 How do you keep your rage in check?
12.3 Why did they give you the key to the city?
12.4 Where do you wish you were right now?
12.5 Where'd you learn to disable explosives?
12.6 Who taught you to hotwire cars?
12.7 When did you start collecting shells?
12.8 Why did you burn your house down?
12.9 What did you discover in the sewers?
12.10 How many times have you lived through this day?
12.11 How close to full lichdom are you?
12.12 When will you finally forgive yourself?
What Else?
1 ?
2 ?
3 ?
4 ?
5 ?
6 ?
7 ?
8 ?
9 ?
10 ?
11 ?
12 ?
Thriftomancer, 2024

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