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VOL 1. NO.

12 December 5, 2011

A publication of the Bowie County Republican Party

Bowie County Blade

Cutting through to the truth.

December 5, 2011

Statement from the Chairman

Wow who would have thought that the Republican Party in Bowie co would ever have so many candidates for a primary election. The first full week of filing has passed and the list of candidates is growing ! The following people have filed to have there name placed on the ballot.: Judge Leon F Pesek Jr. 202 ND District Court (Incumbent) Michael Dale Landers Bowie Co Sheriff Toni B Barron Tax Assesor Collector (Incumbent) Lisa Rachel Griffin Tax Assessor Collector Mark Alan Hawkins County Commissioner Precinct 1 Ken Autrey Republican Party Chairman Lester Clark Colley Constable Precinct 7 (Incumbent) Darrell Truman Cox Constable Precinct 1 (Incumbent) Chris Taillon Constable Precinct 4

VOL 1. NO. 12 December 5, 2011

A publication of the Bowie County Republican Party



Brice Feasel, our Bowie County Treasurer has been hard at work saving our county resources with no fanfare. Since his inauguration in January, he has identified several ways to save our money: 1. He found $47,000 in an old Macedonian school fund established many years ago. He distributed it to Bowie County schools. 2. The Tax Assessors office in Texarkana had no access to debit or credit cards thus requiring transactions in cash or check only. They are now able to accept payments with debit or credit cards thus saving on paperwork and cash handling time and trouble. 3. Our county banking had been with a bank charging for the services. We now have our funds in a bank with no service charges. 4. Brice lowered the budget and still returned funds to the County. And he is now working on several projects for next year. Its time for us to say Thanks, Brice. ************************ HERMAN CAIN BOWS OUT After weeks of unsubstantiated charges of sexual harassment by very questionable accusers, presidential candidate Herman Cain has suspended his campaign. The liberal media are frantically trying to pick the Republican presidential nominee as someone they think Obama can beat. Lets not allow them to do that. Do your homework on the candidates and work hard for the one you would like to see as our nomineethen support our nominee, no matter who it is. After all, anyone is better than Obama and his wrecking crew. ************************ RIVERBEND ROLLING ALONG

VOL 1. NO. 12 December 5, 2011

A publication of the Bowie County Republican Party

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