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One day there was a child who was not asleep, it was a quiet night, with

no one awake. Then all of a sudden, loud footsteps could be heard

coming from outside. There was no time to waste. I quickly ran to the

door and locked it, just as something started banging on it. The door

was too weak and it broke down. Someone or something was trying to

get in. I could sense it. It felt like hours until the banging finally

stopped. I hid myself under the bed, scared and confused. I could

hear heavy breathing outside my room, right near the door. It had got

inside! I tried not to make any noise, hoping it would forget about me

and leave. Then suddenly, I felt something touch my leg. I froze up in

fear, holding back tears. Please go away, please go away, I repeated

in my head. The breathing grew louder and heavier, almost as if it was

trying to scare me. The touch on my foot was light, but I could feel

the presence of something. But then a voice spoke. It said, "I know

you're here." I felt the coldness of its presence move closer to me

until I felt its breath right behind my ear. "Don't try to breathe, don't

make any noise. You're mine now." I was frozen in fear, helpless to do

anything. Whatever this thing was, it was not human.

DATE : 4th May 2024
CLASS : XC (Elementary)

1. What kind of experience that the writer tells to us?

2. What will you do if you face the same situation as the writer?

3. Have you ever face a similar situation as the writer? could you tell

your experience to your friends?


1. The writer describes the terrifying and stressful, facing an unknown

and frightening presence trying to enter their home.

2. If faced with a similar situation, I would probably do the same

thing as the writer, i'll hide, cover my body with a blanket and then

remain motionless or run away if possible.

3. I have never experienced anything similar to what the writer


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