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Company Name SAPAC

Version Date
23 JAN,2024
Neom Project(s)
Excavation and Early Work For Magna Development



Document Control
Title Worker Welfare Management Plan
Version 01
Date Issued 10-January-2024
Creator name Waseem Ullah Khan
Creator organisation name SAPAC

Document Revision History

Version Date Author Summary of changes


Confidential NEOM® i

ABBREVIATIONS & ACRONYMS.....................................................................................................................iv

1. Management.........................................................................................................................................1
1.0 Executive Summary.....................................................................................................................1
1.1 Organisation Chart.......................................................................................................................1
1.2 Key Roles and Responsibilities........................................................................................................ 2
1.3 Incident Reporting and Escalation Matrix...................................................................................................
1.4 Monthly Reporting............................................................................................................................9
1.5 Worker Welfare Minimum Standards in Procurement................................................................9
1.6 Self Audit Process...........................................................................................................................10
1.7 Inspections and Observations......................................................................................................10
1.8 Performance Monitoring................................................................................................................10
1.9 Worker Welfare Officer Contact Details and CV.........................................................................10

2. Employment Practices.......................................................................................................................11
2.1 Worker Welfare Communication Matrix.......................................................................................12
Picture..................................................................................................................................................... 12
2.2 Worker Welfare Forum....................................................................................................................12
2.3 Worker Welfare Committee............................................................................................................12
2.4 Worker Feedback and Consultative Process..............................................................................13
2.5 Recruitment Policy..........................................................................................................................13
2.6 KSA Labour Law and Employment Contracts............................................................................15
2.7 Fair Treatment..................................................................................................................................15
2.8 Wage Structure................................................................................................................................16
2.9 Personal Documents – Storage and Retrieval...........................................................................16
2.10 Employee Records........................................................................................................................16
2.11 Grievance Policy............................................................................................................................17
2.13 Worker Orientation and Induction..............................................................................................19
2.14 Communication of Policies.........................................................................................................19
2.15 Human Resources Manager Contact Details...........................................................................20

3. Accommodation.................................................................................................................................20
3.1 Physical Location and Description..............................................................................................20
3.2 Estimated Travel Time and Distance...........................................................................................20
3.3 Accommodation Induction............................................................................................................20
3.4 Room Specifications (Law and Standard Requirements)........................................................21
3.5 Room Condition and Amenities....................................................................................................21
3.6 Kitchens (Catered and Self-Cooking)..........................................................................................21
3.7 Cleaning and Sanitation.................................................................................................................21
3.8 Mess/Dining Hall..............................................................................................................................22
3.9 Recreation and Sporting Facilities...............................................................................................22
3.10 Laundry Facilities (Personal and Work Clothes).....................................................................23
3.11 Fire and Life Safety Equipment...................................................................................................23
3.12 Medical Services and Supplies...................................................................................................23
3.13 Cleaning Schedule........................................................................................................................23
3.14 Health, Safety, Security and Emergency Planning..................................................................24
3.15 Accommodations Manager Contact Details.............................................................................25

4. Transportation....................................................................................................................................26
4.1 Worker Transportation to Site.......................................................................................................26
4.2 Transport to Shopping or Casual Activities (on off days)........................................................26
4.3 Fleet Management and Inspection................................................................................................27
4.4 Fleet Manager Contact Details......................................................................................................27

NEOM® ii
NEOM® iii

Abbreviations & Acronyms Definition

CEO Chief Executive Officer
SAPAC Saudi Pan Kingdom Company
CD Civil Defence
GPS Global Positioning System
H&S Health & Safety
HR Human Resource
HSE Health, Safety and Environment
JD Job Description(s)
SMA Site Management
TBD To Be Determined
KSA Kingdom of Saudi Arabiya
WW Worker Welfare

NEOM® iv
1. Management
1.0 Executive Summary

Saudi Pan Kingdom Company (SAPAC) is a premier construction and engineering firm
based in Saudi Arabia, recognized for its excellence in delivering large-scale infrastructure
projects across the region. Established in 1990, SAPAC has developed a reputation for in-
novation, quality, and adherence to the highest safety standards. The company's diverse
portfolio includes residential, commercial, and industrial projects, showcasing its capability
to handle complex and demanding assignments. With a commitment to sustainability and
cutting-edge technology, SAPAC consistently meets and exceeds client expectations, con-
tributing significantly to the Kingdom's development goals.

SAPAC's mission is to provide superior construction solutions through a blend of ad-

vanced technologies and a highly skilled workforce. The company places a strong empha-
sis on quality assurance, safety, and environmental stewardship. By fostering long-term
partnerships with leading global firms and adhering to stringent project management prin-
ciples, SAPAC ensures timely and cost-effective project delivery. As a key player in the
construction industry, SAPAC is poised for continued growth and success, aligning its
strategies with Saudi Arabia's Vision 2030 to support the nation's ambitious infrastructural
and economic objectives.

We are committed to making worker welfare an integral component of our operations at


1.1 Organisation Chart

1.2 Key Roles and Responsibilities



Designation Responsibilities
Head of people –  The content of the Contractor’s Worker Welfare Management
Plan (WWMP) must include specific elements that demonstrate
the contractor’s and its subcontractors’ ability to implement and
deliver the Standards.
 The contractor must have completed, to the client’s satisfaction,
all worker welfare related obligations prior to starting on site.
 Workers must be employed in accordance with the KSA law and
NEOM-specific requirements for minimum age.
 Recruitment of newly hired workers to the Neom site will be con-
ducted in a fair and ethical manner. The responsibility for follow-
ing these recruitment practices rests with the employer of the
worker (i.e., contractor and subcontractor). For contractors, this
includes the recruitment practices of their subcontractors.
 Recruitment of newly hired workers to the Neom site, shall fully
understand the terms and conditions of their employment.
 Workers must benefit from the full protection of KSA Labour Law
and must not be coerced into signing unfavourable employment
 Workers receive a fair wage and that all payments and transac-
tions are auditable and comply with KSA law and NEOM specific
 Workers shall be provided rest and leave in accordance with KSA
Labour Law as a minimum.
 Workers must be treated fairly and must not suffer abuse of their
human and labour rights. Employers must understand that forced
labour is unlawful in the KSA and will incur prosecution under KSA
 Clients lead a Worker Welfare Forum to facilitate effective com-
munication between the client and its contractors with regards to
worker relations and compliance with the Standards.
Project Director  Contractor and subcontractor capability to meet the Standards is
assessed through prequalification and the tender process to en-
sure that worker welfare assessed contractors and subcontractors
are awarded contracts.
 The content of the Contractor’s Worker Welfare Management Plan
(WWMP) must include specific elements that demonstrate the
contractor’s and its subcontractors’ ability to implement and de-
liver the Standards.
 The contractor must have completed, to the client’s satisfaction,
all worker welfare related obligations prior to starting on site.
 Contractors must take responsibility for ensuring compliance with
the requirements of the Standards within its own organisation and
that of its subcontractors and all subsequent levels of subcontract-
ors employing workers within the Neom site.
 Workers must be employed in accordance with the KSA law and

NEOM-specific requirements for minimum age.
 Workers must be treated fairly and must not suffer abuse of their
human and labour rights. Employers must understand that forced
labour is unlawful in the KSA and will incur prosecution under KSA
 Clients lead a Worker Welfare Forum to facilitate effective commu-
nication between the client and its contractors with regards to
worker relations and compliance with the Standards.
GM - Human Recourses  The content of the Contractor’s Worker Welfare Management
Plan (WWMP) must include specific elements that demonstrate
the contractor’s and its subcontractors’ ability to implement and
deliver the Standards.
 Workers must be employed in accordance with the KSA law and
NEOM-specific requirements for minimum age.
 Recruitment of newly hired workers to the Neom site will be con-
ducted in a fair and ethical manner. The responsibility for follow-
ing these recruitment practices rests with the employer of the
worker (i.e. contractor and subcontractor). For contractors, this in-
cludes the recruitment practices of their subcontractors.
 Recruitment of newly hired workers to the Neom site, shall fully
understand the terms and conditions of their employment.
 Workers must benefit from the full protection of KSA Labour Law
and must not be coerced into signing unfavourable employment
 Workers receive a fair wage and that all payments and transac-
tions are auditable and comply with KSA law and NEOM specific
 Workers shall be provided rest and leave in accordance with KSA
Labour Law as a minimum.
 Adequate healthcare must be provided to workers.
 Workers must be treated fairly and must not suffer abuse of their
human and labour rights. Employers must understand that forced
labour is unlawful in the KSA and will incur prosecution under KSA
 Effective communication between workers and management must
be in place.
 Employee records shall be kept and maintained in a safe and se-
cure location.
 Clients lead a Worker Welfare Forum to facilitate effective com-
munication between the client and its contractors with regards to
worker relations and compliance with the Standards.
Project Manager  The content of the Contractor’s Worker Welfare Management
Plan (WWMP) must include specific elements that demonstrate
the contractor’s and its subcontractors’ ability to implement and
deliver the Standards.
 The contractor must have completed, to the client’s satisfaction,
all worker welfare related obligations prior to starting on site.
 Contractors must take responsibility for ensuring compliance with
the requirements of the Standards within its own organisation and
that of its subcontractors and all subsequent levels of subcontract-
ors employing workers within the Neom site.
 Contractors must undertake regular inspections and audits to as-
sure compliance with the Standards.
 Adequate healthcare must be provided to workers.
 Workers must be treated fairly and must not suffer abuse of their
human and labour rights. Employers must understand that forced
labour is unlawful in the KSA and will incur prosecution under KSA

 All workers are responsible for the safekeeping of their personal
documents including passports, identification cards, driving li-
cences, bank cards and health insurance cards.
 Internal processes that cover grievance management must be in
place and understood by all workers including subcontractors.
 Contractor Worker Welfare Committee shall be established to fa-
cilitate effective communication with contractors and subcontract-
 Adequate laundry facilities must be available to residents and ac-
commodation staff.
Operation Director  The content of the Contractor’s Worker Welfare Management
Plan (WWMP) must include specific elements that demonstrate
the contractor’s and its subcontractors’ ability to implement and
deliver the Standards.
 The contractor must have completed, to the client’s satisfaction,
all worker welfare related obligations prior to starting on site.
 Contractors must take responsibility for ensuring compliance with
the requirements of the Standards within its own organisation and
that of its subcontractors and all subsequent levels of subcontract-
ors employing workers within the Neom site.
 Contractors must undertake regular inspections and audits to as-
sure compliance with the Standards.
 Adequate healthcare must be provided to workers.
 Workers must be treated fairly and must not suffer abuse of their
human and labour rights. Employers must understand that forced
labour is unlawful in the KSA and will incur prosecution under KSA
 All workers are responsible for the safekeeping of their personal
documents including passports, identification cards, driving li-
cences, bank cards and health insurance cards.
 Internal processes that cover grievance management must be in
place and understood by all workers including subcontractors.
 Employee records shall be kept and maintained in a safe and se-
cure location.
 Contractor Worker Welfare Committee shall be established to fa-
cilitate effective communication with contractors and subcontract-
 Adequate laundry facilities must be available to residents and ac-
commodation staff.
Worker Welfare Manager  The Standards are contractual obligations placed on all clients,
contractors, and all subsequent tiers of subcontractors.
 The content of the Contractor’s Worker Welfare Management
Plan (WWMP) must include specific elements that demonstrate
the contractor’s and its subcontractors’ ability to implement and
deliver the Standards.
 The contractor must have completed, to the client’s satisfaction,
all worker welfare related obligations prior to starting on site.
 Contractors must take responsibility for ensuring compliance with
the requirements of the Standards within its own organisation and
that of its subcontractors and all subsequent levels of subcontract-
ors employing workers within the Neom site.
 Contractors must undertake regular inspections and audits to as-
sure compliance with the Standards.
 Workers must be employed in accordance with the KSA law and
NEOM-specific requirements for minimum age.
 Recruitment of newly hired workers to the Neom site will be con-

ducted in a fair and ethical manner. The responsibility for follow-
ing these recruitment practices rests with the employer of the
worker (i.e. contractor and subcontractor). For contractors, this in-
cludes the recruitment practices of their subcontractors.
 Recruitment of newly hired workers to the Neom site, shall fully
understand the terms and conditions of their employment.
 Workers must benefit from the full protection of KSA Labour Law
and must not be coerced into signing unfavourable employment
 Workers receive a fair wage and that all payments and transac-
tions are auditable and comply with KSA law and NEOM specific
 Workers shall be provided rest and leave in accordance with KSA
Labour Law as a minimum.
 Adequate healthcare must be provided to workers.
 Workers must be treated fairly and must not suffer abuse of their
human and labour rights. Employers must understand that forced
labour is unlawful in the KSA and will incur prosecution under KSA
 All workers are responsible for the safekeeping of their personal
documents including passports, identification cards, driving li-
cences, bank cards and health insurance cards.
 Internal processes that cover grievance management must be in
place and understood by all workers including subcontractors.
 Effective communication between workers and management must
be in place.
 Employee records shall be kept and maintained in a safe and se-
cure location.
 A mechanism to report performance against the requirements of
the Standards must be developed and implemented by the Con-
tractor and the Subcontractor.
 Clients lead a Worker Welfare Forum to facilitate effective com-
munication between the client and its contractors with regards to
worker relations and compliance with the Standards.
 Contractor Worker Welfare Committee shall be established to fa-
cilitate effective communication with contractors and subcontract-
 Employers must take responsibility to ensure that the location of
housing it provides to workers are safe, suitable, comfortable and
as close as reasonably practical to the place of work so as to avoid
excessive journey time to the work site.
 Bedrooms in the accommodation facilities shall provide residents
with sufficient space to move freely about the bedroom and to
sleep comfortably as well as have suitable storage and personal
 Kitchen facilities must have sufficient equipment and resources.
Adequate facilities for food storage, preparation and cooking must
be available, hygienic and well maintained.
 All accommodation facilities must include a mess/dining hall with
sufficient seating space for residents to comfortably eat their
 Accommodation must have adequate leisure and general facilities.
 Adequate laundry facilities must be available to residents and ac-
commodation staff.
 Sufficient hot and cold-water supply is available to the accommod-
ation facility at all times.
 Adequate drinking water supply must be available to the accom-

modation facility, and it conforms to local requirements.
 Sufficient internet services must be installed for the use by resid-
 Adequate medical services must be included within the accom-
modation facilities and provided with professionally trained staff,
equipment and medical supplies.
HSE Manager  Contractors must take responsibility for ensuring compliance with
the requirements of the Standards within its own organisation and
that of its subcontractors and all subsequent levels of subcontract-
ors employing workers within the Neom site.
 Contractors must undertake regular inspections and audits to as-
sure compliance with the Standards.
 Adequate healthcare must be provided to workers.
 Kitchen facilities must have sufficient equipment and resources.
Adequate facilities for food storage, preparation and cooking must
be available, hygienic and well maintained.
 All residential buildings must be supplied with a sanitary drainage
system that is compliant with the regulations of the local municip-
ality and the laws and standards of the KSA.
 The firefighting systems must be adequately designed, installed
and maintained to deal with all fire hazards within accommoda-
tions facilities in line with legal requirements, including Neom
rules or relevant KSA laws (where applicable).
 The firefighting prevention, detection and alarm systems, includ-
ing the monitors, electric installations and sprinkler systems are
designed and installed in accordance with the KSA laws or Neom
rules (where applicable).
 Firefighting equipment and emergency exits must be provided in
accordance with local regulatory requirements to effectively assist
in the fighting of any outbreak of fire and to expedite the success-
ful evacuation of residents from an area where fire the has broken
 Adequate medical services must be included within the accom-
modation facilities and provided with professionally trained staff,
equipment and medical supplies.
 Adequate controls shall be in place for the prevention of any
health hazard.
 Health, safety and security measures must be in place to prevent
injury to residents, protect their health and guard against theft,
trespassing and vandalism.
Accommodation Manager  Workers must be treated fairly and must not suffer abuse of their
human and labour rights. Employers must understand that forced
labour is unlawful in the KSA and will incur prosecution under KSA
 Group Labour Accommodation must be designed in accordance
with Neom standards/ rules or KSA Law.
 Employers must take responsibility to ensure that the location of
housing it provides to workers are safe, suitable, comfortable and
as close as reasonably practical to the place of work so as to avoid
excessive journey time to the work site.
 The air conditioning and ventilation systems shall be appropriate
for the local climate and provide residents with a comfortable and
healthy environment.
 Accommodation facility must include sufficient sanitary facilities
that are kept clean and serviceable.
 Bedrooms in the accommodation facilities shall provide residents
with sufficient space to move freely about the bedroom and to

sleep comfortably as well as have suitable storage and personal
 Kitchen facilities must have sufficient equipment and resources.
Adequate facilities for food storage, preparation and cooking must
be available, hygienic and well maintained.
 All accommodation facilities must include a mess/dining hall with
sufficient seating space for residents to comfortably eat their
 Accommodation must have adequate leisure and general facilities.
 The accommodation facility must have adequate lighting to en-
sure safe operation of the facility and provides residents with
levels of lighting for them to be able to conduct leisure activities
and necessary domestic duties within the facility.
 All residential buildings must be supplied with a sanitary drainage
system that is compliant with the regulations of the Neom rules,
local municipality and the laws and standards of the KSA.
 Adequate water supply must be available to the accommodation
 Sufficient hot and cold-water supply is available to the accommod-
ation facility at all times.
 Adequate drinking water supply must be available to the accom-
modation facility, and it conforms to local requirements.
 Sufficient internet services must be installed for the use by resid-
 Supply of electricity must be strictly in accordance with local re-
quirements. Sufficient number of electrical outlets must be in-
stalled for all residents.
 Gas supply must be designed in accordance with civil defence re-
 The firefighting systems must be adequately designed, installed
and maintained to deal with all fire hazards within accommoda-
tions facilities in line with legal requirements, including KSA Fire
Life Safety Code of Practice of 2011, Cabinet Decision (13) of 2009
(where applicable) or Ministerial Resolution No. 212 of 2014
(where applicable).
 The firefighting prevention, detection and alarm systems, includ-
ing the monitors, electric installations and sprinkler systems are
designed and installed in accordance with the KSA Fire Life Safety
Code of Practice of 2011, Cabinet Decision (13) of 2009 (where ap-
plicable) and/or Ministerial Resolution No. 212 of 2014 (where ap-
 Firefighting equipment and emergency exits must be provided in
accordance with local regulatory requirements to effectively assist
in the fighting of any outbreak of fire and to expedite the success-
ful evacuation of residents from an area where fire the has broken
 Adequate medical services must be included within the accom-
modation facilities and provided with professionally trained staff,
equipment and medical supplies.
 Adequate controls shall be in place for the prevention of any
health hazard.
 Adequate accommodation management teams must be available
at all facilities. Such teams must be staffed by competent man-
agers to fully manage all aspects of the accommodation facility.
 Health, safety and security measures must be in place to prevent
injury to residents, protect their health and guard against theft,
trespassing and vandalism.

Transportation Manager  Vehicles used in the transportation of workers must have suffi-
cient equipment to ensure comfort of the passengers and assist in
preventing accidents and injuries while travelling.
 Health, safety and security measures must be in place to prevent
injury to residents, protect their health and guard against theft,
trespassing and vandalism.
 The drivers operating vehicles need to a valid driving licence for
the type of vehicle they are driving.
 All transportation vehicles must be regularly maintained.
 Ensure the vehicles have air-condition and they are effective.
Workers  Workers must be treated fairly and must not suffer abuse of their
human and labour rights. Employers must understand that forced
labour is unlawful in the KSA and will incur prosecution under KSA
 Health, safety and security measures must be in place to prevent
injury to residents, protect their health and guard against theft,
trespassing and vandalism.

1.3 Incident Reporting and Escalation Matrix

An incident managing system use by SAPAC where all incidents are detected, reported,
investigated, and managed.
A central reporting facility that enables communication across the whole of the SAPAC
business bringing a commonality of approach. Its function is based on three simple tenets:
 Simplicity:
• One common, global reporting format,
• One central reporting location
 Speed:
• 24/7 Availability,
• Defined communication lines,
• Predetermined ‘Bridge lines’ for Level 3 and 4 incidents.
 Reliability:
• Robust facility to support business continuity.
• A trained team dedicated to facilitating the incident:
• Resolution,
• Review,
• Prevention

Information needs to be passed during the first contact.

1. Time and Date of the incident
2. Unit Name, Site Location and Client’s name/designation
3. Incident reporter and contact information.
4. Description of the incident:
a. What has happened? (actual occurrence) stick to the facts and be brief.
b. Has business been disrupted in any way?
c. If so, has service been resumed and when? (time/date)
d. Has more than one location been disrupted? Could the disruption spread?
e. Who are the parties involved in the incident?
f. Has the client been informed, if so whom, by whom and when?

g. What mitigating actions are being taken?
h. What are we going to do to prevent recurrence?
i. Are any third parties involved in assisting with the incident?
j. Is this an HSE related incident?
k. Has the HSE manager been notified?
l. Who is leading the incident Investigation?
m. Is it an HSE reportable/recordable incident?

It is faster because it makes use of a central reporting location.

All worker welfare incidents are also reported to Neom as required by Neom standard, and
an investigation and closure report is also will be updated to the share folder (Appendix -
A). All staff are trained on reporting and the contact number is also displayed in the notice

All incidents involving Neom workers, including and not limited to strikes, worker deaths (in
accommodation), sudden termination of employment, Police involvement (off-site), worker
arrests, media contact, food and water shortage, transportation accidents, mass non-
payment of wages, etc. must be notified in email to ( )and
then a summary report issued via the same email within 24 hours of first notification.

1.4 Monthly Reporting

Monthly reports will be submitted to the client within the agreed time as per the service
plan, unless otherwise advised. Apart from this reports, details of worker welfare issues
(shown below) will be forwarded every month.


1.5 Worker Welfare Minimum Standards in Procurement

Considering the fact that Subcontractor’s compliance is as important as ours, SAPAC en-
sures that all the subcontractors which SAPAC requires to work with us for Neom projects
are selected carefully and will check their ability to comply with the requirement of Neom
Worker welfare standards in starting stage of procurement.

An inspection of the accommodation facilities and employment conditions will be

undertaken by Sapac to verify the information provided by subcontractors wishing to
prequalify. This inspection will take place during prequalification but may be undertaken
during the tender process. Subcontractors that fail to meet the prequalification
requirements may be disqualified. It is, however, possible for the subcontractor to develop
and agree an improvement action plan to address all non-compliances. This will be
accompanied by a formal worker welfare commitment statement, signed by the
contractor’s most senior company representative. Where improvements are required, prior
to award, all outstanding serious non-compliances will be closed out. In the event the
subcontractor has acted but is unable close out all serious non-compliances prior to award
for reasons beyond their control, evidence will be provided to substantiate the actions
taken and assurance obtained that the serious non-compliance(s) will be closed out prior
to mobilization. All these will be following Worker Welfare Assurance standard.

1.6 Self Audit Process

Neom audit tools and templates will be used for measuring worker welfare compliance for
both SAPAC and its subcontractors. Neom Worker welfare assurance standards will be the
base for all audits against the requirements of the Worker Welfare Minimum Standards for
Employment Practices, Accommodation and Transportation. Internal audits will be also
taken place.

The Scoring of audits will share with Neom to ensure the effective usage of Worker welfare
Compliance performance and its transparency for both SAPAC and the subcontractors.

1.7 Inspections and Observations

WWM and team shall carry out regular inspections to cover the process, activities and
services provided in Neom project.
Inspections will be conducted by the Worker Welfare Manager and team in accordance
with the compliance of Neom Worker Welfare Standards and requirements.
Inspection will be conducted on staff accommodations, transportation facilities, site welfare
facilities, employee relations and all observations will be communicated to Neom WW

1.8 Performance Monitoring

The WWM shall monitor the performance and compliance of Neom Worker Welfare
Standards and Requirements of Neom Project. Regular Audits will be conducted, and the
noncompliance will be notified to the Leadership team. Reports will be shared to the
Project Leadership to rectify the highlighted issues.
All the non-compliance issues will be highlighted in weekly and monthly meetings and will
ensure that the issues are closed out on the time frame provided.

When subcontractors complete their project, they will be off boarded using the Neom off
boarding template and get a commitment letter covering the residual risks.

1.9 Worker Welfare Officer Contact Details and CV

Name : Abdul Basit soomro

Worker welfare officer
Phone: +966 501509709
Appendix B- CV – Worker welfare officer cv will be submitted

2. Employment Practices
SAPAC believes that the fair and ethical approach is important for a winning business, and
we maintain the high transparency level in terms of employment practices.
All our new joiners sign an official offer letter which contains all details of the terms and
conditions, Salary, contract duration, working hours, over time, gratuity, etc… and all other
terms and conditions. All these processes are aiming the important point that all our
employees understand the terms and conditions of their employment contract; and this
process will be part of the induction by a trainer who can communicate to the candidates in
different languages.

SAPAC starts the worker welfare form the very first stage of manpower planning, our
trained representative meets and greet all our new joiners at airport, they are provided with
their offer letter copy and contract copy for their records so that they can check and verify
the employment conditions and wages are the same as they agreed during the recruitment
process an verbal translation of employment contact is being done by a senior staff to the
staff in a language they understands (Appendix C) .

Phone Back Home is an SAPAC employee welfare initiative, were all our newly arrived
employees get free of charge calling facility to their home country to communicate with
their family about their safe arrival. this is an important step on our welfare program to
make our staff feel that “they and their feelings” are important to us.

SAPAC respects employees right to keep their personnel document like passports,
identification cards, driving licences, bank cards and health insurance cards under
employee’s possession, and will not confiscate Passport or other personal documents for
any employees. personal secure lockable facilities will be provided to all staff to keep the
passport under self-custody. SAPAC will only keep the passports during the visa stamping
process. After the visa stamping process passports will be issued to the staff immediately.
A monthly sample check will also take place to verify the passport distribution and the
procedure had been followed as intended.

At present SAPAC is not using any sub contactors and will make sure that all contractors
SAPAC use will have the same compliance as SAPAC. As a reputed establishment in the
market, we are following all Neom requirements such as accommodation, fire & Safety etc.

SAPAC manage a workforce of diverse nationalities is achieved through providing a

framework of robust policies and procedures across the business combined with a strong
focus on career development, welfare and recreation. We consider all the factor
concerning the employees such as away from families, working at unfamiliar environments
and experiencing different country and cultures must be managed effectively to keep the
morale, productivity motivation and happiness of our work force.

All staff will be provided with their copy of offer and contract to make sure they are aware
about their labor rights and the terms and conditions of the contract. Our issue escalation
mechanism (HR Help Line / Speak Up) provides the staff the comfort and confidence to
make sure that they are treated fairly and do not suffer abuse of their human and labor

Be A Star is one of the important initiatives from SAPAC to recognize and reward our
employees, it is unique as anyone can nominate the best practice / best employee to
become the STAR “everyone can be a star and anyone can nominate colleagues when
they see examples of star quality at work”

2.1 Worker Welfare Communication Matrix


On site supervisor / Manager will be the first point of contact for all staff and all staff will
have direct access to supervisors / Managers. All SAPAC staff can raise any type of
issues/ grievance without any fear of reprisal. Worker welfare manager is always
accessible for any kind of support, alternatively the staff can use SAPAC HR help line
number, Speak up number and the Neom worker hotline. all these contact numbers are
accessible 24/7. All joiners are informed about the communication process while
induction / on toolbox also displayed on the notice board. This process will be in place for
per, event and post event.

2.2 Worker Welfare Forum

SAPAC’s Worker Welfare Manager, Senior HR personnel and the contractor’s Project Manager will
participate in the Neom Worker Welfare Forum, held at least once every two months. The partici-
pants on these programs will have the authority to make decisions related to: -

• Existing or potential employee relations problems as well as possible solutions

• Sharing information and ideas to improve worker welfare
• Supporting the implementation of a common strategy to solve issues
• Issues arising from inspections and audits
• Issues of non-compliance to the standards

Information from the worker welfare form will be cascade accordingly by the attendees.

2.3 Worker Welfare Committee

Worker Welfare Committee meeting will take place once every month. SAPAC Project
manager will lead the meeting with the active participation by SAPAC and subcontractor’s
Worker Welfare Managers and contributions from Accommodation Managers and other
relevant staff. One representative for every 50 staff will be elected till the staff number
reaches 250 on-site, and one representative for every 300 staff. After that, representatives
will be selected by the voting process and will be changed every 6 months to extend this
opportunity to more staff members. Meeting minutes will be recorded, and the issues will
be transferred to the internal issue log and will be followed until closure. Copies of meeting
minutes will be submitted to the client within a week of the Worker welfare committee

2.4 Worker Feedback and Consultative Process

• Regular toolbox talk

o Regular toolbox talks will be the main medium for consulting staff about all
changes and information on accommodation, food, transportation, employ-
ment policies and other related matters and all these toolbox talks will be

• Notice boards
o Accommodation, on-site notice boards will have information’s posted about
o welfare, and other relevant subjects

• Worker Welfare Committee.

o Worker welfare committee meeting will be held every six weeks and this
o will be an important process for worker’s consultation.

2.5 Recruitment Policy

As a leading presence in the market, we understand that the world of work is changing,
and labour mobility is now part of an increasingly dynamic and globalized world. Everyone
recognizes the importance of dealing with companies and people who are open, honest,
transparent, and professional. In the world of recruitment, the importance of those qualities
can have a major impact on lives of individuals and companies. We, SAPAC are proud to
be an ethical recruiter with “Zero” recruitment charge for all employees. We developed a
trusted employment market with consistent recruitment approach by following our standard
operating procedure for both local and overseas recruitment. All requirement agencies we
use are approved by the relevant authorities and proper checks and audits done by
HRD /HR Manager and HSEQ team.
Recruitment process and its different levels as mentioned below.

Recruitment Initiation:
a) Staff Request received from operations for procurement requirements.
b) Overseas agencies are informed on the requirements.
c) Overseas agencies advertise the requirements provided by SAPAC.
d) Overseas agencies conduct initial screening of the applicants.
e) SAPAC team will conduct the interviews for shortlisted applicants.
Additional Note:
a) Only pre-approved & registered agencies are authorized to conduct interviews for
b) Annual agency audits are conducted by SAPAC.
c) Agency to conduct basics of work-related training before deployment.
d) Operation / HR representative visits source country for face-to-face discussion

e) Company offer letters issued to selected candidates.
f) HR representative conducts briefing
g) SAPAC team will conduct the interviews for shortlisted applicants.
Additional Checks:
1. Trade Tests conducted for production staff
2. Physical assessment is conducted by SAPAC OHS team.
3. Communication skills are evaluated for frontline staff.

a) Joining documents received from overseas agencies for the selected candidates.
b) Upon verification / approval, recruitment team reconfirms with the agency for can-
didate availability.
c) Upon confirmation, SAPAC initiates employment visa process.
d) SAPAC team forwards the employment visas to overseas agency to arrange for and
arrange deployment to KSA.
e) SAPAC to provide joining air ticket.
f) Agency to obtain pre deployment approvals and conduct briefing on KSA culture,
company profile & Do's / Don't and contact number of SAPAC representative wel-
comes at airport.
On boarding:
a) Staff arrives in the KSA and Company Representative receives the staff from air-
b) Staff moves to company staff accommodation after arrival.
c) Staff signs the original offer and contracts.
d) Visa medical process is initiated.
e) Residence Visa application is submitted in immigration.
f) Residence Visa is stamped on the passport.
Pre-Deployment Trainings:

a) Basics of work-related training is provided.

b) Essential Food Safety (for catering staff)
c) Induction training which provides the below information:

1. Company Profile
2. KSA Culture
3. IMC Policies
4. Basic Health & Safety
5. Terms & Conditions of employment contract
6. Company Accommodation rules
7. Disciplinary process
8. Mechanisms to obtain support or advice.
9. Working hours, overtime policy, holidays, vacation, sick leave
10. Protections provided by the NEOM specific requirements.

11. Passport retention and personal documents rights Safeguarding passports
and personal documents
12. Worker Welfare Committee
13. Recruitment fees payment assessment
All employees are provided with training passport where it records all the training details
and included the basic information about policies, procedures.

a) HR allocates staff to operations.

b) After receiving allocation notification from HR, operation coordinates with accom-
modation team
c) Accommodation team arrange transport for location pick up.
d) The operations team will coordinate with Neom WW for registration of the candidate
and obtaining the Neom identity card.

1. SAPAC pays minimum wages as per source country embassy.
2. SAPAC pays salary on time into account of employees.
3. Accommodation standards and employee welfare is of high importance to SAPAC.

Worker Welfare Manager or representative will be present at all interviews to ensure the
efficiency of ethical recruitment process. All newly recruited employees will be informed by
the SAPAC representative about the “No recruitment fee” worker welfare policy. Agency
briefing will be recorded for further reference in the form of staff / Agent declaration and
video recordings.
Check will also take place after arrival of staff (Appendix D)

2.6 KSA Labour Law and Employment Contracts

Being an ethical recruiter, SAPAC always adhere the Law of the Nation to ensure the
employee get full protection. The terms and conditions of the contract will be exactly the
same as the offer letter received by the employee during the interview process. No force
will be applied to sign any kind of unfavourable contract with the employee; employees are
free to approach Speak Up and another grievance mechanism to highlight these issues.
also, the contract is explained in the employee’s native language to avoid any kind of
communication gaps. “Zero” recruitment cost will be explained to all new joiners at various
stages of the recruitment process.
KSA Law and Neom worker welfare manual will be the guideline to ensure that all workers
are employed in accordance with the requirements of Neom, regular staff interviews,
Speak Up, and regular updates on the notice board will also be in place to educate the
worker on their rights and responsibilities according to KSA Labour law and Neom worker
welfare requirement.

2.7 Fair Treatment

SAPAC shall not Discriminate against any Worker based on age, disability, ethnicity,
gender, marital status, national origin, political affiliation, race, religion, sexual orientation,

gender identity or any other status protected by applicable national or local law, in hiring
and other employment practices. SAPAC will not require pregnancy or Medical Tests,
except where required by Applicable Laws and Regulations or Prudent for Workplace
Safety and will not improperly Discriminate based on test results.

If an employee is involved in litigation, Sapac will ensure that they have their rights under
KSA Law, including the accused is innocent until proven guilty, no detention without
warrant, right to an attorney and right of speedy trials (where applicable).

All staff will be provided with a copy of the offer and contract to make sure they are aware
of their labour right and the terms and conditions of the contract. Our issue escalation
mechanism (HR Help Line / Speak Up) provides the staff with the comfort and confidence
to make sure that they are treated fairly and do not suffer the abuse of their human and
labour rights.

2.8 Wage Structure

SAPAC follows the legal salary stipulated by each country in order to make sure the
worker receives a fair salary. All our demand letters are attested by individual embassies
before the recruitment process. All SAPAC staff are regularly paid their salaries on the first
working day of every month to their bank account (Ratibi Account) to ensure a fair and
transparent process, and no cash salary has been paid to any worker at any time.

All workers are supplied with their pay slips every month, and the translation of pay slips
into different languages is also available to verify the details of payment. The supervisor
will check each and every staff on their team for any salary issues after the pay date of
every month, and Random pay slip checks will take place each month by the Worker
Welfare Manager to make sure there are no unfair deductions from the employees.

2.9 Personal Documents – Storage and Retrieval

SAPAC respects the rights and confidentiality of each of our employee and fully aware of
the law on passports and personnel documents, however considering the safety of original
passport SAPAC took the initiative and responsibility to keep all our staff passports into
safe custody. All our staff are informed about this on the language they understand.
A passport return procedure that defines the process to return passports within a
maximum of 24 hours of a request, and within six hours or less in the event of an
emergency had been clearly explained to all the staff and passports and personal
documents have been retained without duress and workers understand that they can
unconditionally request the return of personal document. Additionally, an individual locker
had been provided to all staff po keep their other valuable items.

2.10 Employee Records

All employee records are kept separately at SAPAC Head office, and the soft copies are
also available on online. Alternatively, these soft copies are also kept on site on cloud-
based storage.

The staff will have the following documents:

i. passport
ii. a valid work visa (which should be transferred into a valid resident permit)
iii. original contract
iv. Saudi ID card
v. NEOM Worker Registration Identification Card
vi. health insurance card, either physical or electronic (free of charge)
vii. bank card(s).
viii. Certifications and qualification certificates

2.11 Grievance Policy

The intent of this policy is to provide a mechanism for redressal of the employees’ griev-
ances in the shortest time possible. For this purpose, a clear, confidential, consistent, and
quick procedure for settling of grievances should be followed. Negotiated solutions will aim
to address the key issues and be acceptable to all individuals or parties involved without
ascribing blame, victimization or discrimination. Complainants will not suffer any disadvant-
age or discrimination because of raising a grievance, with minimum stress and maximum
protection for all concerned. Every employee of the SAPAC has a responsibility to comply
with this policy and to treat everyone who works here with dignity and respect. SAPAC will
also provide an assurance to its employees that they can report a grievance without fear of
penalty or repercussions from the Employer.


The scope of the policy encompasses all operations and workforce of SAPAC as well its
subcontractors. This policy will also cover any new legal branches opened in the future.
Required reports should be prepared and submitted to relevant stakeholders at defined

Employee Relations and Welfare Policy

Grievances are likely to arise due to several factors. To reduce instances of grievances, all
employees must be made aware of the SAPAC policies, rules, regulations and procedures
for handling the problems. The common reasons for grievances are, but not limited to:

Living conditions
Working conditions
Problem with colleagues and superiors
Salary and benefits
Perception of an employee regarding any management decision as being unfair.
Any other related issue such as transfers and promotions.

It is important that the management and the heads of departments / Business Units under-
stand the sensitiveness of employees towards grievances and therefore must ensure
speedy redressal. Communication, at all stages of grievance redressal, should be confid-

ential, clear and decisive. At any level of the grievance procedure, the employee has a
right to additional support such as interpreters and counselling, either provided by the Em-
ployer or by the employee himself.

All grievances shared by the employees must be kept confidential and it is the responsibil-
ity of both respective department line managers and welfare team to protect the interest of
the employee reporting or escalating his/her grievance. All persons have the right to make
a complaint to their direct manager or another member of the company at an appropriate
level. Be treated with respect and impartiality and provided with support throughout the
process. All parties to the complaint must have the right to be heard.

This is a five-level procedure.

Level 1
The employee attempts to resolve the complaint as close to the source as possible, gener-
ally by discussing the issue with the person involved. This level is quite informal and
verbal. Should the employee not feel confident in discussing the matter, they should pro-
ceed immediately to Level 2.

Level 2
The employee notifies their line supervisor (in writing or otherwise) as to the substance of
the grievance and states the outcome sought. Discussion should be held between the em-
ployee and any other relevant party. This level will usually be informal but either party may
request written statements and agreements. Should the person who is the subject of the
complaint be the employee’s supervisor, the employee should notify another supervisor, or
another member of the company at an appropriate level. This level should not exceed one
If the matter is not resolved, proceed to Level 3.

Level 3
The line supervisor must refer the matter to the immediate Manager. A grievance taken to
this level must be in writing from the employee. The immediate Manager will provide a writ-
ten response to the employee. The manager also communicates with any other parties in-
volved or deemed relevant. This level should not exceed one week. If the matter is not re-
solved, proceed to Level 4.

Level 4
The employee notifies direct to HR (in writing) as to the substance of the grievance and
states the outcome sought. If the matter is not resolved, proceed to Level 5.

Level 5

The employee has the right to appeal for unfavourably resolved grievances. If both parties
fail to reach an amicable settlement, the employee will be advised of his/her rights to pur-
sue the matter with external authorities if they so wish. The employee will have the option
of filing a complaint with Ministry of Human Resource and Social Development. Employees
may also access the Ministry of Human Resource and Social Development through mobile
application “Nafath”.

SAPAC will ensure that the subcontractor will also have the effective grievance mechanism
and all our subcontractors will follow the communication process shown below.

2.13 Worker Orientation and Induction

All new joiners will have induction and other relevant trainings prior joining to Neom site.
The training details are recorded ant endorsed in training passports. Few important points
included in the trainings are below.

• SAPAC Employment Polices

• Disciplinary/Grievance procedures
• Mechanisms to obtain support or advice (Speak up, IMC etc…)
• Working hours, overtime policy, holidays, vacation, sick leave
• NEOM specific requirements
• Safeguarding passports and personal documents
• Worker Welfare Committee
• Social and cultural awareness
• Other relevant employment practices, policies and procedures
• Passport retention and personal documents rights
• Recruitment fees payment assessments

2.14 Communication of Policies

New joiners are informed about the policies during various inductions. Regular toolbox talk
will be the main medium for communication on employment policies and other related
matters and all these toolbox talks will be documented. Accommodation notice boards will
have information’s posted about worker welfare, and other relevant subjects.

2.15 Human Resources Manager Contact Details

Nofal Nagi ASSIRI

Phone: +966 55659355

3. Accommodation
All Sapac Accommodations will be in accordance with Neom Rules or as per local laws
and as required by Neom Worker welfare assurance standard. SAPAC will take
responsibility to ensure that the location of housing it provides to workers are safe,
suitable, comfortable, and as close as reasonably practical to the place of work so as to
avoid excessive journey time to the work site. All accommodation will have access to
medical, retails and other basic facilities at a minimal distance. Free Wi-Fi will be provided
to all employees residing at the accommodation.

The air conditioning and ventilation systems will be appropriate for the local climate and
provide residents with a comfortable and healthy environment.

SAPAC will conduct regular checks and audits based on various criteria to ensure that the
standards are followed and to provide a healthy environment for the work force.

3.1 Physical Location and Description

Current accommodation is at AL BADA – Neom

3.2 Estimated Travel Time and Distance

SAPAC will be following the travel time to and from the workplace as mentioned in WW

Current traveling time is less than 30 minutes to the workplace from staff accommodation.

3.3 Accommodation Induction

All Employees receives an induction prior joining to the accommodation, where the camp
in charge clearly communicate all the rules and regulations to each and every staff

Accommodation induction document (Appendix F) provided for reference.

3.4 Room Specifications (Law and Standard Requirements)

Bedrooms in the accommodation facilities will provide residents with sufficient space to
move freely about the bedroom and to sleep comfortably as well as have suitable storage
and personal security. All requirements as per Neom WW standard will be followed such
as 6 (six) m2 Space for each staff, maximum 4 persons per room etc.

3.5 Room Condition and Amenities

All residents will have individual bed, mattress, bedside table and all rooms are air-
conditioned. Lockable closet and individual power socket will be provided to all staff.

3.6 Kitchens (Catered and Self-Cooking)


Kitchen facilities will have sufficient equipment and resources. Adequate facilities for food
storage, preparation and cooking will be available. Kitchen will be managed by licenced
food service company or by professional catering staff, which is registered and licenced in
compliance with local authority and ministry of health requirements.
The kitchen is compliant with the public health standards of the concerned authority and
different choices of food will be served to take into consideration cultural and religious
background, dietary requirements, and the need for a balanced and healthy diet. 3 meals
will be served a day. Kitchen staff will be provided free of charge laundry service and
provided at least 2 sets of work clothes, suitable stores to preserve dry, refrigerated, and
frozen food will be available at kitchen and separate food preparation areas (meat, fish
and vegetables), each with a double stainless-steel sink, separate cutting tools, fridge and
a preparation table of stainless steel will be also available at the facility. The kitchen and
other related facilities will be kept clean at all the times.


If Self cooking facility is provided SAPAC will ensure twice daily cleaning of all cooking
stations, food preparation surfaces, sinks and floors; a deep cleaning also will take place
every 3 months at the self-cooking area. Along with an adequate number of stoves and
Gas supply, suitable stores to preserve dry, refrigerated, and frozen food will be available
at the self-cooking area, and separate food preparation areas for raw meats and other
foodstuff will be available. A stainless-steel sink and a table of stainless steel will also be
available at the facility.

3.7 Cleaning and Sanitation

Room, Toilet are cleaned at regular intervals, and all are functional; toilets are with
lockable doors and individual partitions to ensure the privacy of staff members.

All washrooms and showers will be provided with hot and cold water. number of toilets and
showers will be as required by the standard. Pest control sessions were carried out on a

monthly basis by the SAPAC pest control team. A pest control schedule for every month is
prepared monthly by the pest control team, which is followed each time.

3.8 Mess/Dining Hall

Mess Hall, dining hall / Cooking facility will be provided to the residents as required by the
standard. SAPAC currently providing catering service to the staff working at Neom. The
dining hall is designed to occupy enough staff at the same time, and food service staff is
also available for the same. The dining facility will have water coolers, hand washing facilit-
ies, liquid soap and hand drying facilities. We conduct periodic inspections to make sure
that the facility is not overcrowded and that employees are able to enjoy their meals. Meal
timing is displayed at the dining hall.

Proposed Workforce Break Areas

3.9 Recreation and Sporting Facilities

Social Well-being is an important part and we, SAPAC are committed to ensure the social
wellbeing of all our employees. accommodation has additional leisure and general
facilities, indoors and outdoors. Our staff accommodation has various recreational facilities
with regular activities for all the residents. Basketball area, Cricket practice area and
football ground available at our accommodation.

Health Camps, worker entertainment programs, staff parties & Recognition parties and
special day celebrations are also in place as part of employee wellness and recreation

3.10 Laundry Facilities (Personal and Work Clothes)

Free of charge laundry facility had been provided to all employees for uniforms (twice a
week) and a common laundry area provided with adequate facilities are provided for
personal cloths. Both these facilities are free of coast for all Neom staff. A dedicated staff
member will be available to handle the laundry service.

3.11 Fire and Life Safety Equipment

SAPAC accommodations area are fully covered with Surveillance cameras and fulltime
monitored by the Camp Management. Complying with the KSA Fire & Life Safety Code of
Practice requirements all rooms are equipped with smoke detectors and corridors are
equipped with Fire Hose reels and Fire extinguishers. Assembly Point is placed near the
main entrance of SAPAC accommodation. Evacuation Plans are placed on all corridors
and the Emergency Evacuation drills are conducted on regular intervals. SAPAC
accommodation has trained emergency response team leaded by the Accommodation
Manager. Emergency response team included the First Aiders and Fire wardens.
Emergency contact numbers are displayed on all corridors.
All staff occupied in accommodations are inducted with Camp Safety rules and Emergency
Management Procedure. Daily checks of all firefighting equipment’s are done by
accommodation team, Monthly inspection carried out by HSEQ team and quarterly deep
dive inspection carried out by third party agency.

3.12 Medical Services and Supplies

A required number of first aiders and adequate first aid boxes are available at the
accommodation. Dedicated first aid rooms are also available to make sure all our staff gets
immediate attention in case of a medical emergency. An isolation room is also kept in the
building for emergency use.
Free pick-up and drop-off are available from the accommodation to the nearest Hospital.

AL BADA GENERAL HOSPITAL are the nearest hospitals.

3.13 Cleaning Schedule

All accommodations are neat and clean for the purpose, as SAPAC give high priority for
the workforce wellbeing. Current cleaning schedule as shown below.

Area Specification Frequency

Scrub and Wash
Trash Cans Thoroughly All Trash Can Re- Daily
move from Base
Wash Down Thoroughly with
Walkways / Stair-
Sprint Flower Using High Pres- Daily
sure Washer
Boundary Walls Wash Thoroughly Weekly
Exterior Windows Clean Where Accessible and Re-
Ledges Frames move Debris
Interior Windows Clean Thoroughly Glass and
Ledges Frames Surrounding Areas
Toilets, Showers Floors Walls Doors+ Fixtures Daily
Recreation Office
Furniture Daily
Fixtures Fitting Wash / Shaving
Hand Wash Station Daily
Doors, Floors Tables, Chairs
Dining Room Daily
Drink Dispensers and Fitments
Hallways Floors Shoe Racks Trash Cans Daily
Laundry Washing Machines Daily
Doors, Floors Working Tables
Cookers Grease Trap Refrigera-
Kitchen Daily
tors Grocery Cupboards Drains,
Walls Fly Catcher
All Building Removal of garbage bags &
garbage Bags Cleaning of all Bins
Garden Landscape at Garden area Daily
Daily by staff and
Daily Cleaning Furniture like Ta-
Bedrooms Quarterly by AEcom.
bles, Chairs, Lockers etc..

All these above tasks are done by cleaning team.

3.14 Health, Safety, Security and Emergency Planning

SAPAC recognizes that a formalised Emergency Preparedness and Response Procedure

(EPRP) is essential to provide practical guidelines on how to deal with serious incidents
and crises that have the potential to affect the safety of staff working in the Neom Project
and / or the reputation of SAPAC.
SAPAC will ensure that all staff working in Neom project are trained and competent to
institute when and if required measures to professionally manage emergency situations as
they arise implementing actions that promote:
• The health and safety and wellbeing of all involved.
• The protection of the environment.
• The speedy resolution of the emergency.
• The normalisation of business services.
• The protection of SAPAC business reputation.
• Fulfils all Neom Health & Safety Assurance Standards, regulatory and third-party
• Accurately documents all the casual factors and response steps

SAPAC Emergency Response Procedure defines the methods for effectively planning for
staff working in Neom Project and acting during emergencies that actually or potentially
impact the Health, Safety, Environment and food safety of the company’s services /
activities / products or personnel.

SAPAC Emergency Process (Appendix G)

Accommodation also has the security management plan to emphasis this requirement.

3.15 Accommodations Manager Contact Details

NAME: Mohmoud Mohamed Shaltout

Accommodation manager

4. Transportation

SAPAC gives first priority to Safety, the transportation is an important part of our business.
100 staff are being transported every day to and from their workplace and 21900
kilometres are driven per year. SAPAC will make sure the safety and quality of
transportation for Neom completely as per the standard, SAPAC will know exactly how
many staff are on each bus and attendance will be visible on our live integrated system.
Any “no shows” can be back filled before the bus has reached the Neom.

4.1 Worker Transportation to Site

Inbound & Outbound Access route (Appendix - H)

Brand new vehicles are being used and will be changed every 3 years.

Vehicles are comfortable to travel as it meets all traffic department requirement as well as
SAPAC Road Safety Standard requirements. Vehicles have A/Cs, comfortable seats with
3-point seat belts, first aid boxes, hammers, fire extinguisher, overhead luggage carrier
etc. safety stickers are displayed inside and outside the vehicle.

Drivers are hired as per SAPAC Road Safety Standard. Drivers are being evaluated by
SAPAC transport team before hiring. All drivers are provided with uniform and safety
shoes. Driver’s grooming is also being monitored during our spot inspections. All drivers
are provided with defensive driving training by a third party before assigning to driver our
vehicles. Training passports are provided to record all training attended. Drivers will do the
pre-start inspection and keep the record. A defect will be reported immediately and get it
rectified. All drivers will be licensed by the competent authority to drive a particular vehicle.

4.2 Transport to Shopping or Casual Activities (on off days)

A vehicle is already in use to take the staff from camap 8 al bada to bada market every

4.3 Fleet Management and Inspection

Vehicles maintenance is being carried out as per vehicle show room schedule. Every
month inspection will be done in workshop. SAPAC transport team and HSE team does
the vehicles sweep every quarter and spot inspections are conducted regularly.

We are monitoring vehicles movement, over speeding and rash driving etc. violations will
be recorded, and necessary disciplinary action will be taken. The process will be followed
through pre, event and post event.

Conducting seat belt awareness

Creating seat belt awareness in SAPAC staff accommodations to understand the
importance of wearing seat belts. We have conducted seat belt convincer demo in staff
accommodations to understand the impact of not wearing seat belt.

4.4 Fleet Manager Contact Details

NAME Mamdouh Alsharari

Transport Manager - KSA
Mobile: +966 552637647


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