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Compare movie verses stage versions of three plays

The Tragedy of Macbeth is one of the most faithful cinematic adaptations that makes

film-making award-worthy. Both the stage and movie versions of Tragedy of Macbeth have

clearly outlined how Macbeth's ambitious nature cost him the crown. This is shown by the

presence of witches that advised him on how to gain the crown. The prophecies given by the

witches have been used to show how he truly desired to be powerful. At the beginning of

Shakespeare, Macbeth is described as a noble, brave, and honorable man. However, his urge for

a desire for power consumes his abilities. In addition, both the stage and movie have shown how

Macbeth gives in to Lady Macbeth after he teases him on how to be a man.

Numerous differences are evident in the stage and movie versions of Tragedy of Macbeth

with Denzel Washington. The first difference is the age of the Macbeths. The lead actors in the

film, Denzel Washington and Francis McDormand, are of the advanced ages. Therefore, the film

director, Coen, chose to acknowledge the latter's inability to bear children. This made Lady

Macbeth's inability to bear children for her husband an important part of their relationship and

destruction. This is a clear indication of the Shakespeare play that was changed into past tense to

express the troubles that they encountered in their marriage.

Surname 2

The second difference is the three witches that were used in the film. The three witches

were used in the movie to tell Macbeth about his king. This set various events that were in the

story. However, there is a clear difference that comes out in the play. For instance, the director

used a weird representation of the Weird Sisters using the image of Samara from the Ring to

display how they bend their bodies. In addition, they took the form of a raven that often appeared

in the play to showcase the characters' doom and add a horrific feeling such as the one in the

film. The witches in the play were depicted to meet Macbeth in uninhabited areas such as forests,

while in the movie, the witches were depicted as nurses.

The third difference is the identity of the third murderer (Taormina). This is a character

who joined the assassination of Fleance and his father, Banquo. In the film, there is a highly

debatable mystery surrounding the character. On the other hand, Coen has revealed who the

surface could be. For example, Macduff's cousin, Ross, a frequent messenger evident throughout

the story, could be the Third Murderer. The scene where Banquo is murdered and the hunt for

Fleance, who was expected to be found in a wheat field, depicts the horror movie. It displays the

evil behind Macbeths and his actions.

The fourth difference is the diverse cast. The actors were mainly considered from

Scotland and of the same identity in the film. In the play, the role of Macbeth is played by an

African American. In addition, Macduff, the wife, and son were also African Americans. Coen

produced a diverse production of the film, unlike other directors. His adaptation was set in

Scotland, making the cast more diverse. Moreover, Denzel Washington said, "in my humble

opinion, we ought to be at a place where diversity should not even be mentioned like it's

something special."
Surname 3

The Joel Coen film has proved to be a better film production. First, the clear use of

nightmares has been demonstrated in the movie with the help of various illustrations. For

example, the use of cawing blackbirds, the witch, and the translucent white fog. The images in

the film are quite ingenious, sensual, enveloping, and expressive. Second, the film was shot in

black and white using a framework that clearly outlines the images. This creates a highly

heightened cinematic feeling that becomes an emotional playground for every audience. In

addition, the images in the film make you feel the main message of the movie. Therefore, it

displays a hermetic feeling that coaxes its humanity. The director echoed the atmosphere

bringing out every character's state of being.

Third, there is fine acting throughout the movie. The characters have brought the drama

into a ravishing deep focus. For instance, the film has brought out how Macbeth and his wife

made themselves social psychopaths by trying to murder. This is evident in the film's final

moments when Macbeth is killed. The crown he had lost his soul to had finally left through a

flung of a sword. The cast was also tuneful. The jazz used in the film is also used to emphasize

the evident mood. For example, jazz emphasized Lady Macbeth's body at the bottom of many


The best way that I could use to make the film different is by introducing a fourth witch

in the movie. After the three witches assured Macbeth that he would become a great king, they

forget that this urge could affect his ambitions. The fourth witch could be used to ensure that

Macbeth is aware of his fat if he performs things that are not expected as a king. The other way I

could use to make the film different is by making it scarier. For instance, the nurses are known to

be kind and good. However, the film depicted witches as nurses, challenging to bring out their

scary nature. It could be better to depict them with an evil nature.

Surname 4

Hamilton is a streaming movie that is available on Disney. There are clear differences

that can be seen in the staged and movie version of the film. The first difference can be seen in

the scale of production. The stage production of Hamilton involves the use of an expensive

musical. The vast music allows various characters to take the stage together (Hunt). The

enormous size of the play is rarely fully shown on the streaming service.

Second, the choreography of the stage version is backgrounded in the movie version.

Therefore, it cannot be captured properly in person as it could be captured live. The stage is full

of performers; hence easy to take in everything going on at once. This has a dazzling effect since

the performers twirl and spins around each other. Third, the movie version of Hamilton is

censored. By censoring, some curse words are hidden. Words such as shit and motherfucking are

censored and hidden. As a result, they do not fit with the song's rhythm. Lastly, the movie

version of Hamilton covers the intimacy of the performances better than the seats in the theatre.

A good sense of Hamilton's cast performers and their dancing and singing abilities are on full


Watching Hamilton on Disney Plus was far more amusing than the theatre. In the film, all

the characters could be seen up close, and the emotional experience from the music was quick

amusing. The subtitles allow engagement and freedom to sing along while making comments. In

addition, the accessibility of the movie and the clear relation between the characters and the

musical were exemplary. Hamilton works better as a film. However, there is a need to address

the ignorance of major slave ownership. Many enslaved people, Indigenous Americans, and

Black people were omitted.

Surname 5

Wicked is a musical by Stephen Schwartz and a book by Winnie Holzman. The first

difference is that in the musical, Elphaba is misunderstood, excellent and intelligent, while in the

novel, Elphaba has a more developed character and is darker while in touch with her inner

demon. Secondly, there is a clear difference between Glinda's and Elphaba's friendship in the

Play and the Novel. The musical is mainly set during the years Elphaba spends in the University

and how he meets with Glinda and shares a room, while the novel captures this is only a small


The third difference is that in the film, the witch instructed Dorothy to kill Elphaba, while

in the story, it happened as an accidental event that Dorothy did not intend to do. The fourth

difference is that the music speaks of Elphaba's siblings but does not make the appearance of a

shell. In the novel, they are clearly stated. Wicked is better as a Novel since it is pretty amusing

to read the clear explanations. I would make the Musical different by using different perspectives

and not just using the perspective of Glinda the Good Witch.
Surname 6

Works Cited

Apple TV. The Tragedy of Macbeth. 6 January 2022.


Hunt, James. Hamilton: Biggest Differences Between Broadway & The Disney+

Movie. 10 July 2020. <


Taormina, Anthony. The Tragedy of Macbeth Review. 18 January 2022.


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