_ UTS_05_Task_Performance_1

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Self-Care Plan


1. Create a self-care plan using the template on pages 2-3.

2. Refer to the rubrics below for grading.

5 (Excellent) 4 (Good) 2-3 (Fair) 0-1 (Poor)

Content Selected essential items Selected items that are Select items and details Select items and
(x10) that help make the content important in discussing that discuss the week's details that are not
interesting; the details the activities for the activities but are not important or relevant.
focus on the essential weeks very important.
Organization Self-care plan entry is Self-care plan entry is Self-care plan entry is Self-care plan entry
(x6) logical and effective. generally logical and somewhat illogical lacks logical order and
practical, with a few and confusing in organization.
minor problems. places.

Effort Exceeds the assignment's Fulfills all of the Meets some of the Fulfills a few of the
(x2) requirements and put care requirements of the needs of the assignment requirements of the
and effort into the process. assignment assignment

Grammar Self-care plan is highly Self-care plan is Self-care plan is Inadequate

(x2) polished; no grammar or polished; maximum adequate; maximum discussion; more than
spelling errors. of one grammar or of two grammar or two spelling or
spelling error. spelling errors. grammar errors

05 Task Performance 1 *Property of STI

Page 1 of 3
Janilla S. Treveles BSA 1B

Feel more productive Thinks positive things I’m in good mood

Getting enough sleep Meditating I’m talkative

Have energy to exercise Thinking about my future I can show my real self

Feeling relaxed Enjoying life Can socialize to many people

I do extra work Having focus Smiling throughout the day

No energy to exercise I think I’m useless Avoiding people

No enough sleep Absent minded Always on the phone

Loss of appetite Thinking negative things Being rude to people

Always want to lay on bed Making bad decisions No energy to talk to anyone

Feeling lazy Breakdown Overthinking

Proper sleep routine Meditating Hanging out with friends

Exercising Listening to my favorite music Going to church with my family

Take a cold shower Pray Going on a date with my loved one

Eating nutritious foods Motivating myself Staying calm

Do sports Thinking happy memories Quality time

Doing household chores Thinking positive things Communicate

I will do this because I want to be more productive and better person. I want to maintain
calmness in any kind of situation. It emerges as a cornerstone of a holistic approach to my well-being,
encompassing my physical health, emotional resilience, mental clarity, and positive relationships.
Self-care practices I use: Self-care practices I use:
I listen to my favorite music to
start my day as productive one. Always taking a bath and having
skin care routine.
New self-care ideas: New self-care ideas:
Looking for calming views and I will do workout everyday.
unwind to have a peace of mind.

Barriers: Barriers:
I’m an overthinker so I can’t make I go to school everyday.
sure to always have a postive mind.

Self-care practices I use: Self-care practices I use:

Watching movies to make me Doing my school acitivies one day

laugh. before the deadline.

New self-care ideas: New self-care ideas:

I will learn to control my Having time management and

emotions when I’m mad. allocate few days to do my
activties before deadline.
Barriers: Barriers:

I’m getting mad easily that will annoyed I’m forgetful person which will cause to
me even smallest things. cram before the deadline.

Self-care practices I use: Self-care practices I use:

I do socialize more with other people.

Spending quality time.

New self-care ideas: New self-care ideas:

Avoiding toxic people. I want to spend my time with others

so that I will get to know them better.

Barriers: Barriers:

I’m easy to get along with and fear I’m ambivert type of person so sometimes
of being left behind. I’m shy to talk with others.

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