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How does it feel to be unlucky

Maturing yourself through unlucky moments

Basically, it’s part of natural human behavior that all of life’s conditions have ups and downs.
It feels sucks and terrible when we face that part. Everyone has a different part of their life, but
everybody could have been in this part. There’s opportunity and miss the chance. And that
part is called UNLUCKY.

What makes you feel unlucky and how does it feel?

Have you ever thought that every decision you made or every opportunity you take has zero
value or is viewed? Or maybe got smacked with an overnight thought that made you overthink
and realize your life is spinning around the circle. The feeling is nothing. Nothing to surprise
you. Unlucky means you tried to be the best version of yourself but it feels nothing and
wasteful. It’s like throwing rocks into the water. All you tried was unlucky.

For example, you’re the most diligent person and try many times to get the best mark on your
exam or career. But, the guy who didn’t try passes you in all categories. Maybe in your deep
heart, you said “Oh he must be cheating or he has a lot of money to get that” It’s called
assertive talks. But believe me in that time zone for a few moments you feel “How unlucky
me”. For super tight moments you think like that. And if you review it again, you indeed feel

You imagine a beautiful career with supportive co-workers, having a great discussion, having
best job, and having healthy relationship around you. The fact is the first job you entering was
a toxic people around you. Didn’t make great time with your co-workers and friends. The
second job you entering have the same condition with the first job but had more complicated.
Again, you think it’s unlucky moments in my life.
I remember when life teach me each of beautiful memories I’ve ever had. I was cheerful and
make a lot of jokes and fun around my friends. But then I realize that nobody really listening
me in my hardest time. No one cares. Even I start telling my stories they didn’t make a time
for that. They didn’t excited about it. So that I change my way to listening them while they
have best or worst day, and I just keep lock mine.

Somebody told me that they never get any birthday surprise or say a magical words. Their
bestfriend even don’t know the birthday. So, they keep quite and make a wish for themselves.
It’s irony when you have anything to do; like time, money, and body but no one make a single
call with you in your hardest time or maybe in your recent life just asking your day. But when
they had worst day, you open your arms and be like a pawns who ready to take battle.

How does it feel being understood and listened to?

It’s magical. You feel more comfortable with yourself. Every words are meaningful for you
and your listener. You feel have more passion. Your inner colour change and spread positive
impact. The only way is you gain a lot of respect and respect each others.

Maybe some people say that you should respect first before earn it. Oh come on, how does it
feel when you do some respect to people but the people didn’t respect you? It’s not a
mutualism. The world is too cruel. The fact is people change their behaviour. The only way to
save yourself is you. Just go with you, and take yourself everywhere to make some

It’s unlucky when you have a partner but never happy with that. It’s unlucky when you got
cheated so many times behind you. It’s unlucky when you try not to text first but no one text
you in the next time. It’s unlucky when you got betrayed by your friends. It’s unlucky when
you try to approach a girl but you realize that you can’t approach her. Life has lucky and
unlucky moments. If you got your lucky present, spread kind to everyone who didn’t get.

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