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The Bellman-Ford Shortest Path Algorithm

Class Overview
➢ The shortest path problem

➢ Differences

➢ The Bellman-Ford algorithm

➢ Time complexity

Shortest Path Problem
➢ Weighted path length (cost): The sum of the weights of all
links on the path.

➢ The single-source shortest path problem: Given a weighted

graph G and a source vertex s, find the shortest (minimum
cost) path from s to every other vertex in G.

➢ Negative link weight: The Bellman-Ford algorithm works;
Dijkstra’s algorithm doesn’t.

➢ Distributed implementation: The Bellman-Ford algorithm

can be easily implemented in a distributed way. Dijkstra’s
algorithm cannot.

➢ Time complexity: The Bellman-Ford algorithm is higher

than Dijkstra’s algorithm.

The Bellman-Ford Algorithm

t x
6 ,nil -2 ,nil
0 8
s -4 7
,nil 9 ,nil
y z

The Bellman-Ford Algorithm
t x t x
5 5
6 ,nil ,nil 6 6,s -2 ,nil
-3 -3
0 8 0 8
s -4 7 s -4 7
2 2
7 7
,nil ,nil 7,s 9 ,nil
y Initialization z y After pass 1 z
t x t x
5 5
6 6,s -2 4,y 6 2,x 4,y
-3 -3
0 8 0 8
s -4 7 s -4 7
2 2
7 7
7,s 9 2,t 7,s 2,t
y After pass 2 z
y After pass 3 z
The order of edges examined in each pass:
(t, x), (t, z), (x, t), (y, x), (y, t), (y, z), (z, x), (z, s), (s, t), (s, y)
The Bellman-Ford Algorithm

t x
6 2,x -2 4,y
0 8
s -4 7
7,s 9 -2,t
y z

After pass 4

The order of edges examined in each pass:

(t, x), (t, z), (x, t), (y, x), (y, t), (y, z), (z, x), (z, s), (s, t), (s, y)

The Bellman-Ford Algorithm
Bellman-Ford(G, w, s)
1. Initialize-Single-Source(G, s)
2. for i := 1 to |V| - 1 do
3. for each edge (u, v)  E do
4. Relax(u, v, w)
5. for each vertex v  u.adj do
6. if d[v] > d[u] + w(u, v)
7. then return False // there is a negative cycle
8. return True
Relax(u, v, w)
if d[v] > d[u] + w(u, v)
then d[v] := d[u] + w(u, v)
parent[v] := u

Time Complexity
Bellman-Ford(G, w, s)
1. Initialize-Single-Source(G, s) O(|V|)
2. for i := 1 to |V| - 1 do
3. for each edge (u, v)  E do
4. Relax(u, v, w)
5. for each vertex v  u.adj do O(|E|)
6. if d[v] > d[u] + w(u, v)
7. then return False // there is a negative cycle
8. return True

Time complexity: O(|V||E|)

Bellman-Ford Algorithms

• Simple and efficient algorithm to find

the shortest paths
• Shortest Path is from a single source
vertex to all other vertexes
• Used for a weighted, directed graph
• Weights may be negative
Bellman-Ford Algorithms
• Bellman-Ford algorithm returns a Boolean
value indicating whether or not there is a
negative-weight cycle that is reachable from
the source
• If there is such cycle, the algorithm
indicates that no solution exists
• If there is no such cycle, the algorithm
produces the shortest paths and their
• Like Dijkstra’s algorithm, the Bellman-Ford
algorithm uses the technique of relaxation
• The algorithm initializes the distance
to the source vertex to 0 and all other
vertexes to ∞
• It then does V-1 passes (V is the
number of vertexes) over all edges
relaxing, or updating, the distance to
the destination of each edge
• Finally it checks each edge again to
detect negative weight cycles, in
which case it returns false
Bellman-Ford Algorithm - Operation
• Initialize d and Π
• For each vertex, v, in V
• d[v] = ∞ (is the shortest path estimate)
• Π[v]= Nil (is the predecessor)
• Source distance, d[s] = 0
• Repeat the following process |V| – 1 times:
• For each edge (u, v) in E, relax on the edge (u, v)
• Check for the negative cycle:
• If there exists an edge (u, v) such that
d[v] > d[u] + w[u,v]
there exists a negative cycle containing (u, v)
• Initial estimates are all ∞
• No connections
BellmanFord(graph (G,w), vertex s)
InitializeSingleSource(G, s)
for i ← 1 to |V[G] − 1|
do for
For each
each edge(u,v)
vertex ∈ E[G]
v ∈ V[G]
do Relax(u,v,w)
for each ← ∞ ∈ E[G]
do d[v]
do if d[v] > d[u] + w(u,v)
Π[v] ←Nil
then return false
return true
d[s] ←0

BellmanFord(graph (G,w), vertex s)

InitializeSingleSource(G, s)
for i ← 1 to |V[G] − 1|
do for each edge(u,v) ∈ E[G]
do Relax(u,v,w)
for each edge(u,v) ∈ E[G]
do if d[v] > d[u] + w(u,v)
then return false
return true

• For Each Vertex v Є V d[v] is

• d[v] is a shortest path estimate
• Relax(u,v,w)
If d[v] > d[u]+w(u,v)
then d[v] ←d[u]+w(u,v)
Π[v] ←u

• Progressively decreasing an estimate d[v]

on the weight of a shortest path from the
source s to each other vertex v Є V until it
achieves the actual shortest-path weight
• The algorithm returns TRUE if and only if
the graph contains no negative-weight
cycles that are reachable from the source.
Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display.
Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display.

• Each of the |V|-1 passes:

• “For” loop: O(E)
• Overall-running-time: O(VE)

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