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Subject + verb BE


Basic: Short form:

I am English. I am a boy. (I'm English. I’m a boy)

You are from Poland. (You're from Poland.)
He/she is a student. (He's a student. She’s guilty)
It is an egg (It's an egg.)

We are from the USA. (We're from the USA.)

You are late. (You’re late.)
They are too fast for me. (They’re too fast for me.)


Yes / No Questions (zamena mesta glagola i subjekta):

Am I a student? Yes, I am. No, I am not No, I’m not. ---

Are you a student? Yes, you are. No, you are not No, you aren’t No, you’re not.
Is he/she a student? Yes, he is. No, he is not No, he isn’t No, he’s not
Is it an egg? Yes, it is. No, it is not No, it isn’t No, it’s not

Are we students? Yes, we are. No, we are not No, we aren’t No, we’re not
Are you students? Yes, you are. No, you are not No, you aren’t No, you’re not.
Are they students? Yes, they are. No, they are not No, they aren’t No, they’re not.

For example:

• Am I next in the queue?

• Are you from Tokyo?
• Is he at the library at the moment?
• Is it cold outside?
• Are we still friends?
• Are they all yours?
‘Wh’ Questions (dodaje se upitna reč ispred upitnog oblika):

Where am I?
What are you?
Why is he?
Who is she?
When are we?
How are they?

For example:

• Where am I right now?

• Where are you from?
• Who is that girl?
• What is the weather like today?
• When are we meeting?
• Why are they still at work?

NEGATIVE FORM (dodavanje negacije “not”):

Basic: Short form:

I am not English. I am not a boy. (I'm not English. I’m not a boy)
You are not from Poland. (You're not from Poland)
He/she is not a student. (He's not a student.)
It is not an egg. (It's not an egg.)

We are not from the USA. (We're not from the USA.)
You are not guilty. (You’re not guilty.)
They are not hungry. (They’re not hungry.)
PRESENT SIMPLE TENSE - sa drugim glagolima

Subject + verb


I play
you play
he/she/it plays

we play
you play
they play

For example:

• I play tennis every week.

• You read every day.
• He likes chocolate.
• We like pizza.
• They usually go to the cinema on Fridays.


Yes / No Questions (koristimo “do” / “does” pre subjekta)

I play Do I play? Yes, I do. No, I do not. No, I don’t.

you play Do you play? Yes, you do. No, you do not. No, you don’t.
he plays Does he play? Yes, he does. No, he does not. No, he doesn’t.
Yes, she does. No, she does not. No, she doesn’t.
she plays Does she play?
Yes, it does. No, it does not. No, it doesn’t.
it plays Does it play?

we play Do we play? Yes, we do. No, we do not. No, we don’t.

you play Do you play? Yes, you do. No, you do not. No, you don’t.
they play Do they play? Yes, they do. No, they do not. No, they don’t.

For example:

• Do I have to pay?
• Do you work in an office?
• Does John play football every weekend?
• Does it snow in Spain?
• Do they like travelling? *
‘Wh’ Questions (dodaje se upitna reč ispred upitnog oblika):

Where do I play?
What do you play?
Why does he play?
Who does she play with? She plays with her brother.
Who Does she play with her brother?
When do we play?
How do they play?

For example:

• Why do I feel tired all the time?

• Who do I look like?
• Where do you live?
• What does she like to eat?
• Where does it snow in Spain?
• When do we use the Present Simple Tense?
• Why do they work so hard?


3. lice jednine: glagoli koji se završavaju sa 'y' često menjaju 'y' u 'ie' pre dodavanja 's':

study - she studies

try - he tries
marry - she marries
fly - it flies
cry - he cries

Kada je ispred 'y' samoglasnik ('ay', 'ey', 'oy', 'uy'), ne dolazi do promene:

play - he plays
say - she says
buy - he buys
enjoy - he enjoys
stay - it stays

Glagoli sa završetkom: 'ss', 'sh', 'ch', 'x' : dodaje se 'es'

pass - passes
kiss - kisses
wash - washes
teach - teaches

For example:

I study
you study
he/she/ it studies y postaje i + es

we study
you study
they study

Irregular verbs: have, do, go

I have I do I go
you have you do you go
he/she/it has he/she/it does he/she/it goes

we have we do we go
you have you do you go
they have they do they go
Present Simple Tense - upotreba:

1. za upoznavanje, da kažemo svoje ime, godine, svoja osećanja, nacionalnost i profesiju, posebno
kada govorimo u presentu (verb TO BE).

- How are you? Are you from Belgrade? Are you a student? Are you alone? Are you happy? Are
we here? Are you a doctor? I am from Serbia. I am 12 years old. I am happy. I am not a doctor, I am
a teacher. I am not alone. I am here.

2. Opšte istine ili nešto što je uvek tačno

- People need food.

- It snows in winter here.
- Two and two make four.

3. Slično tome, koristimo za situaciju za koju mislimo da je manje ili više trajna:

- Where do you live? I live in Puerto.

- She works in a bank.
- I don't like mushrooms.
- He works in a hospital.

4. Za navike ili stvari koje radimo redovno. Često uz priloge za učestalost: ‘often’, ‘always’,
‘sometimes’, ‘ever’, ‘never’, zatim ‘every winter’, ‘every day’, ‘every year’, ‘every Sunday’ or ‘twice
a month’, ‘twice a day’, ‘twice a year’…

- Do you smoke?
- I play tennis every Tuesday.
- I don't travel very often.
- I wake up at 6:00 every morning.
- I go to sleep at 11:00
- I usually have breakfast in my office.
- We sometimes watch TV in the afternoon.

5. Za učestalost neke radnje; koliko često se nešto dogadja. Često ide sa adverbs of frequency:
never once in a while (rarely) sometimes often always
0% 10-20% 50% 75% 100%

- She never goes by car, she always takes the bus.

- I sometimes go shopping with my sister.
- We often go to the cinema on Sundays.
The adverb of frequency je između subjekta i glagola.

6. Za kratke akcije koje se događaju sada. Radnje su tako kratke da su završene skoro istok trenutka
dok govorimo rečenicu. Često se koristi na primer u sportskim komentarima, objašnjavanju
postupaka… kao i za opisivanju događaja (narativno: pričam ti priču), kao istorijski prezent

- He takes the ball, he runs down the wing, and he scores!

- First I put some butter in the pan and turn on the cooker.
- He enters the room, takes off his coat, and puts it in a closet.

Buduće vreme:

7. kada govorimo o nekom budućem utvrđenom rasporedu ili fiksnom planu. Obično je plan određen
od strane neke organizacije, kompanije i sl. Često ide sa: „starts“, „leaves“, „goes“

- School begins at nine tomorrow.

- What time does the film start?
- The plane doesn't arrive at seven. It arrives at seven-thirty.
- Our class starts at 10:00
- The flight to London leaves in the afternoon.

8. Takođe za buduće događaje, posle reči 'when', 'until', 'after', 'before', 'as soon as'

- I will call you when I have time.

- I won't go out until it stops raining.
- I'm going to make dinner after I watch the news.

9. Kondicional:

- If it rains, we won’t come.

- If you heat water to 100 degrees, it boils.

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