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From Molecular Sensing to Disease

Edited by
Bioengineering Graduate Program
University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame
United States
Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering
University of Notre Dame

Mechanobiology ISBN: 978-0-12-817931-4
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To Marcia and Max
List of Contributors

Daniel P. Ahern, MCh, MRCSI, PhD Joseph S. Butler, PhD, FRCS

Candidate Clinical Associate Professor
Trinity Centre for Biomedical Engineering School of Medicine
Trinity Biomedical Sciences Institute Trinity College Dublin
Trinity College Consultant Surgeon
Dublin, Ireland National Spinal Injuries Unit
Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Department of Trauma & Orthopaedic Surgery
Engineering Mater Misericordiae University Hospital
School of Engineering Dublin, Ireland
Trinity College Dublin
Dublin, Ireland Weitao Chen
Department of Mathematics
Department of Surgery
University of California
School of Medicine
Riverside, CA, United States
Trinity College Dublin
Dublin, Ireland Center for Quantitative Modeling in Biology
University of California
Mark Alber Riverside, CA, United States
Department of Mathematics
University of California David T. Corr
Riverside, CA, United States Biomedical Engineering Department
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Center for Quantitative Modeling in Biology
Troy, NY, United States
University of California
Riverside, CA, United States
Matthew E. Dolack
School of Medicine Department of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering
University of California The Pennsylvania State University
Riverside, CA, United States University Park, PA, United States
Department of Bioengineering
University of California Henry J. Donahue, PhD
Riverside, CA, United States Alice T. and William H. Goodwin Jr.
Professor and Distinguished Chair
Johana Barrientos Department of Biomedical Engineering
Department of Biological Sciences Virginia Commonwealth University
Wright State University Richmond, VA, United States
Dayton, OH, United States
Michael P. Duffy, MSc, PhD
Michael T.K. Bramson Candidate
Biomedical Engineering Department Department of Biomedical Engineering
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Columbia University
Troy, NY, United States New York, NY, United States


Michael A. Friendman, PhD Ethylin Wang Jabs

Department of Biomedical Engineering Department of Genetics and Genomic Sciences
Virginia Commonwealth University Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Richmond, VA, United States New York, NY, United States

Diego A. Garzón-Alvarado Reuben H. Kraft

Biomimetics Laboratory Department of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering
Instituto de Biotechnología The Pennsylvania State University
Universidad Nacional de Colombia University Park, PA, United States
Bogotá, Colombia Department of Biomedical Engineering
Numerical Methods and Modeling Research Group The Pennsylvania State University
Universidad Nacional de Colombia University Park, PA, United States
Bogotá, Colombia
Chanyoung Lee
Damian C. Genetos, PhD Coulter Department of Biomedical Engineering
Associate Professor Georgia Institute of Technology/Emory University
Anatomy, Physiology, and Cell Biology Atlanta, GA, United States
UC Davis
Davis, CA, United States Jiun Liou, Jr., PhD
School of Veterinary Medicine Department of Bioengineering
Baton Rouge, LA, United States Swanson School of Engineering
University of Pittsburgh
M. Goelzer, MS Pittsburgh, PA, United States
Department of Mechanical and Biomedical
Engineering Jing Liu, PhD
Boise State University Department of Physics
Boise, ID, United States Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis
Indianapolis, IN, United States
David A. Hoey, PhD
Associate Professor Maureen E. Lynch, PhD
Biomedical Engineering University of Colorado Boulder
Trinity Centre for Biomedical Engineering Boulder, CO, United States
Trinity Biomedical Sciences Institute
Trinity College Arsalan Marghoub
Dublin, Ireland Department of Mechanical Engineering
University College London
Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing
London, United Kingdom
School of Engineering
Kaitlin P. McCreery, BS
Trinity College Dublin
University of Colorado Boulder
Dublin, Ireland
Boulder, CO, United States
Advanced Materials and Bioengineering Research
Centre Megan R. Mc Fie, MSc, PhD
Trinity College Dublin & RCSI Candidate
Dublin, Ireland School of Engineering and Materials Science
Queen Mary University of London
Minyi Hu, PhD London, United Kingdom
Stony Brook University
Stony Brook, NY, United States Mehran Moazen
Department of Mechanical Engineering
University College London
London, United Kingdom

Corey P. Neu, PhD Clare L. Thompson, PhD

University of Colorado Boulder Postdoctoral Researcher
Boulder, CO, United States School of Engineering and Materials Science
Queen Mary University of London
Glen L. Niebur, PhD London, United Kingdom
Tissue Mechanics Laboratory W.R. Thompson, PhD
Bioengineering Graduate Program and Department of Department of Physical Therapy
Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering Indiana University
University of Notre Dame Bloomington, IN, United States
Notre Dame, IN, United States
G. Uzer, PhD
Yi-Xian Qin, PhD Senior Author
Stony Brook University Department of Mechanical and Biomedical
Stony Brook, NY, United States Engineering
Boise State University
Joan T. Richtsmeier Boise, ID, United States
Department of Anthropology
The Pennsylvania State University Sarah K. Van Houten
University Park, PA, United States Biomedical Engineering Department
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Ying Ru Troy, NY, United States
Department of Genetics and Genomic Sciences
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Jonathan P. Vande Geest, PhD
New York, NY, United States Department of Bioengineering
Swanson School of Engineering
Benjamin Seelbinder, MS McGowan Institute for Regenerative Medicine
University of Colorado Boulder Department of Ophthalmology
Boulder, CO, United States School of Medicine
Louis J. Fox Center for Vision Restoration
Jason A. Shar, BS University of Pittsburgh
Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering Pittsburgh, PA, United States
Wright State University
Dayton, OH, United States Vijay Velagala
Department of Chemical and Biomolecular
Jason E. Shoemaker, PhD Engineering
Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering University of Notre Dame
Swanson School of Engineering Notre Dame, IN, United States
Department of Computational and Systems Biology Bioengineering Graduate Program
School of Medicine University of Notre Dame
McGowan Institute for Regenerative Medicine Notre Dame, IN, United States
University of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, PA, United States Jeremiah J. Zartman
Department of Chemical and Biomolecular
Philippe Sucosky, PhD Engineering
Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering University of Notre Dame
Wright State University Notre Dame, IN, United States
Dayton, OH, United States
Bioengineering Graduate Program
University of Notre Dame
Notre Dame, IN, United States
Preface: Mechanobiology, why not?

HISTORY OF MECHANOBIOLOGY Roux. Wolff published his monograph “Das Gesetz der
Mechanobiology is, in some ways, a new field. The first Transformation der Knochen” (“The Law of Bone
reference to the term mechanobiology in the US govern- Remodeling”)5,6 in 1892, and Roux published “Der
ment’s PubMed database was by Marjolein van der Kampf Der Theile im Organismus” (“The Challenges to
Meulen in 1993.1 Indeed, the term mechanobiology was the Parts in the Organism”) in which he proposed the
coined specifically for this paper at a meeting of the idea of functional adaptation to external stimuli in
Stanford-Palo Alto Bone Remodeling club. The group 1881.4 In 1885, Roux published a second treatise on
had realized that biomechanical neither was the correct developmental mechanics (“Die Entwicklungsmecha-
description for the phenomenon they were describing nik; ein neuer Zweig der biologischen Wissenschaft” or
nor was it sufficient to use the adjective “mechanical” to “Developmental mechanics: a new branch of biological
modify biological terms.2 They noted science”).7,8
The term mechanobiological is used to emphasize Before the emergence of the term mechanobiology, a
that the mechanical effects we are modeling are also significant amount of research was described by the
dependent upon a biological response.1 ubiquitously applied misnomer “Wolff’s law for .”,
Within a few years, a number of papers from labo- which was used to describe the concept of tissue adap-
ratories at Stanford and the Palo Alto VA adopted the tation or healing under the influence of mechanical
term. It came into more widespread use throughout the loads in tendons, ligaments,9e11 and skin,12 among
1990s. One of the seminal definitions of the term other tissues.13
appeared in the article “Why Mechanobiology?” published “Wolff’s law” has certainly seen its share of criticism
in the Journal of Biomechanics in 2001.3 In this article the for its simplicity, conflation of differing processes, over-
authors laid out the central precept of mechanobiology reliance on mechanics relative to hormonal and nutri-
for the skeleton: tional factors, and incorrect understanding of
mechanics.14,15 Similarly, Roux’s writings intermixed
The premise of mechanobiology is that these biological pro- concepts of heredity and adaptation, using examples of
cesses are regulated by signals to cells generated by me- ducks and cows. However, one must remember that the
chanical loading, a concept dating back to Roux.4 The existence of cells had only been known for a few decades
relevant questions include how external and muscle loads are at the time, Charles Darwin was a contemporary, and the
transferred to the tissues, how the cells sense these loads, and discovery of DNA was far in the future. In this context,
how the signals are translated into the cascade of biochem- these researchers established concepts and asked ques-
ical reactions to produce cell expression or differentiation. tions that remain at the heart of mechanobiology today,
Ultimately, we want to predict growth and differentiation in even if their initial hypotheses have been superseded and
augmented with newly discovered biological structures
quantitative terms, based on a given force exerted on a given
and phenomena over time.
tissue matrix populated by cells.3
Much of the early work in mechanobiology focused
This definition has been readily adapted to other on the musculoskeletal system, formalizing the ideas
tissues by changing “muscle loading” to a variety of force and incorporating growing knowledge of cellular pro-
generators and “tissue matrix populated by cells” with cesses. Advanced mechanical analysis, made possible by
any number of tissues or even cells themselves. At the the finite element method, provided a means to calculate
same time that a new field was being defined, the authors the spatial distribution of the mechanical signal, which
noted that it was in some ways a very old field. The un- was correlated to locations of bone formation or
derlying principles of mechanobiology were outlined a resorption or to changes in the local density of the
century earlier in the work by Julius Wolff and Wilhelm bone.16e18 Similarly, cartilage19 and tendon20e22


adaptation and remodeling were simulated using algo- Mechanobiology is now studied as an inherently
rithms that incorporated mechanical cues. Cardiovas- multiscale phenomenon. Starting from the cell scale, the
cular mechanobiology research also grew, leveraging role of mechanotransduction in sensing the presence or
similar computational methods but applying differing localized motions of surrounding cells or ECM is the first
theories of cellular response and remodeling.23 As stage in the mechanobiological cascade. At this level, it is
computational power has grown, cell and molecular essential to understand how forces are transmitted to the
level knowledge has been incorporated into simulations physiologic structures that connect the cells to the ECM
to include the local cell density, the density of local or to other cellsdthe integrins and the adherens,
signaling molecules, and nutrient diffusion.24,25 respectivelydas well as the cytoskeleton and cell mem-
brane, and how they are transduced into biochemical
actions within the cell. Forces on these structures can
MECHANOBIOLOGY ACROSS LENGTH induce gene translation, post-translational modification
SCALES of proteins, or upregulation of secondary messengers
At the largest length scales, mechanobiology has been that drive protein translation and cell differentiation
used to explain how activities of daily living and envi- through both autocrine and paracrine signaling. This
ronment affect the composition, geometry, or healing of signaling may alter local cell phenotypes, cell signaling,
the tissue. For example, multiple mechanobiological further ECM production and degradation, or the orga-
models have attempted to predict the shape and scaling nization of ECM molecules.
of bones with respect to mechanical loading26,27 or to
investigate rehabilitation regimens that can best rees-
tablish normal function.28 WHY NOT MECHANOBIOLOGY?
At the tissue scale the focus is often on the changes in Most cells contain the machinery necessary to sense and
extracellular matrix (ECM) properties. In these models respond to loads, even if other factors may dominate
the cell populations can often aggregate as concentra- their function. While mechanical loading is obviously an
tions. The interactions of cells with the matrix are essential part of the function of musculoskeletal and
quantified by the local strain or fluid flow. The choice of cardiovascular tissues, almost all tissues are subjected to
constitutive model has proven to be important in many some mechanical forces and deformation. Both epithe-
instances, with fiber-reinforced or poroelastic de- lial and endothelial surfaces can be subjected to fluid
scriptions improving the fidelity of calculations of the flows and stretching. Even baseline respiration in
mechanical behavior. The mechanobiological processes mammals causes cyclic motion and pressure changes in
are hypothesized to alter the mechanical properties by the thoracic and abdominal cavities, which would
defining rate laws for any or all of the constitutive pa- induce mechanical stress in the organs. For example,
rameters that depend on the number and the state of the mechanobiology plays a role in liver regeneration30 and
various cells. Nutrients or signaling molecules can also normal kidney function.31,32 Interestingly, molecules
be described by concentrations. Their diffusion and involved in mechanosensing in the kidneyd
convection are typically governed by classical laws, but yes-associated protein (YAP) and transcriptional coac-
additional production and consumption laws must also tivator with PDZ-binding motif (TAZ)dalso play a role
be postulated based on the cell populations present. in bone mechanobiology33,34 and many other cell line-
In parallel with these macroscopic phenomenological ages.35 Identification of this and other molecular targets
models, novel methods were being developed to deter- may provide a link to mechanobiological functions in
mine whether cells actually sense and respond to me- other tissues and organ systems.
chanical cues. Flow chambers, stretched surfaces, Over the past 25 years, mechanobiology has grown
patterned surfaces, and materials of varying mechanical into a distinct field with research centers, journals, and
properties were all used to determine whether cells conferences dedicated to its study. It is a uniquely
altered gene or protein expression in response to me- interdisciplinary field that rests at an interface between
chanical cues. Lower and upper bounds of shearing engineering, biology, materials science, and physics. It
stresses, stretches, and pressures have since been estab- relies on many other new and growing fields such as
lished for mechanobiological response of a range of cell bioinformatics, gene editing, and high-resolution imag-
phenotypes. In a seminal paper, Engler and colleagues29 ing to achieve its aims. Mechanobiology is now firmly
showed that culturing stem cells on materials with established in the biology and bioengineering lexicon,
differing constitutive properties alters their differentia- and in 2018, 308 articles indexed in the PubMed data-
tion fate. base specifically used one of the terms mechanobiology

or mechanobiological in the abstract or title. There is an powerful experimental platforms for mechanobiology,
excellent textbook on mechanobiology,36 and courses especially when coupled with genetically engineered cell
are offered at many universities. A multisite National sources37 or small molecule activators or inhibitors of
Science Foundation is highly active, and there are other pathways of interest. Underlying biological mechanisms
institutes and centers at universities throughout the can be further probed by cell culture using reporter cells
world. to quantify the mechanics of individual cells.
New technologies, including animal models, organ-/ The final two chapters consider modeling of mecha-
tissue-on-a-chip, and engineered tissues, coupled with nobiology in development and tissue morphogenesis.
gene editing and cellular level probes, have opened Computational modeling can provide the best approach
endless possibilities for mechanobiology research. It is to develop and test hypotheses in mechanobiology.
now much easier to probe the mechanical response of Multiphysics modeling software allows researchers to
systems and to understand how they are coupled to both explore the interactions of mechanics, transport, and
health and disease. As such, we have entered the era of growth and to explore scenarios that lead to experi-
“why not mechanobiology.” mentally testable hypotheses. Development provides a
unique model with which to study mechanobiology
because the tissue and organ morphology can change
rapidly, and the effects of interventions are easily
OVERVIEW observed. Researchers have studied the mechanobiology
In the first five chapters of this book, mechanobiological of development using animal38,39 and even human
effects in different tissues are reviewed and discussed. As models.40,41
mechanobiology has taken root in various fields, the
theories and methods have evolved independently. It is Glen L. Niebur
often valuable to look across fields to understand new Tissue Mechanics Laboratory, Bioengineering Graduate
potential pathways and molecules that may play similar Program, Department of Aerospace and Mechanical
or differing roles in other systems. Across these chapters, Engineering, University of Notre Dame, IN, USA
we can see the recurring themes of understanding the
mechanical environment of the tissue and how that is
translated to the cells. Many themes are repeated across REFERENCES
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Osteocyte Mechanobiology in Aging

and Disease

1. INTRODUCTION necessary to serve the functions of other organs.6 As

Advances in healthcare enable longer lives, although the such, postnatal changes in bone mass, diameter,
proportion of quality living years has not kept pace.1,2 length, etc. were attributed to variations in hormonal
Thus a longer lifespan frequently engenders adverse ef- milieu or serum ion concentration, rather than a
fects, including loss of muscle mass and function (i.e., response to the mechanical loading environment.7
sarcopenia), idiopathic or senile osteoporosis, reduc- Motivated by serendipitous observations on the rela-
tions in joint mobility, and osteoarthritis. These disor- tionship between trabecular alignment in the femoral
ders promote physical inactivity, which reduces bone neck and the estimated principal stress directions
mass, microarchitecture, and strength, to increase frac- therein,8 skeletal adaptation as a consequence of me-
ture risk. Although fractures may be successfully chanical loading gained support and acceptance. Skel-
repaired, the adverse effects, such as decreased mobility etal adaptation to the mechanical environment may
and loss of independence, increase postfracture be most easily observed in conditions of disuse:
morbidity and mortality. In the United States, musculo- decreasing externally applied loadsdthrough casting,
skeletal diseases affect half of the persons aged 18 years limb immobilization, or microgravitydreduces bone
or older and three of four people over the age of 65 mass via periosteal and endosteal resorption.
years.3 Because women are at a greater risk of osteopo- Conversely, dynamically applied external loads in-
rotic fracture, osteoporosis diagnosis and treatment crease bone mass through concerted reductions in
often focus on women; however, mortality rates due osteoclastogenesis, conversion of bone-lining cells to
to fractures are greater in men within 1 year post frac- osteoblasts, and osteoblast formation and activation.9
ture.4 Moreover, the incidence of osteoporosis and in- Many bones are naturally curved, owing to the com-
creases in skeletal fragility are exacerbated by lifestyle bined influences of chondral growth and bone
choices, including type 2 diabetes, smoking, and low modeling.8 Applied loads transiently exacerbate their
physical activity. The current frequency of osteoporotic inherent curvature, generating compressive and tensile
fractures, projected future fracture rate, and associated stress gradients perpendicular to the bone surface. The
socioeconomic burden5 demand a means to reduce, if differential stresses promote site-specific bone resorption
not eliminate, osteoporosis. However, this is unlikely (at areas of tension) and formation (at compressive sites)
without a thorough understanding of the cellular pro- to reduce the magnitude of the applied strain. Yet any
cesses that contribute to, and are dysregulated by, aging compression or tension does not, nor should it, elicit a
and disease (Fig. 1.1.1). mechanoadaptive response. Rather than simply respond
to any nonzero strain, Frost proposed that time-averaged
2. MECHANICAL LOADING EFFECTS ON mechanical strains within or on a bone elicit a skeletal
BONE: MECHANOTRANSDUCTION response if they occur above or below a specific strain
Historically the skeleton was considered a mineral threshold.10 Analogous to using a thermostat to establish
reservoir, storing calcium and phosphorus until the temperature of a house, the mechanostat is a

Mechanobiology. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-817931-4.00001-7
Copyright © 2020 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 1
2 SECTION I Mechanobiological Basis of Diseases

FIG. 1.1.1 (A) Depiction of osteocyte morphology, lacunocanalicular organization, and interaction with other
osteocytes, surface osteoblasts, bone marrow, and the vasculature. From S.L. Dallas, M. Prideaux, L.F.
Bonewald, The osteocyte: an endocrine cell . and more, Endocr. Rev., 34 (2013), pp. 658e690. (B) Scanning
electron microscopic image of an acid-etched resin embedded murine osteocyte demonstrating its numerous
and tortuous canalicular network. From Lynda F. Bonewald, Osteocyte Biology In Robert Marcus, David
Feldman,... Jane A. Cauley Eds. Osteoporosis (Fourth Edition), (2013), pp. 209e234. (C) Mechanisms whereby
osteocytes regulate remodeling within and throughout a bone. From Sakhr, A. Murshid, The role of osteocytes
during experimental orthodontic tooth movement: A review, Archives of Oral Biology, 73, (2017), pp. 25e33,

theoretic set point that must be surpassed or unmet skeletal response to externally applied load include the
before initiating structurally appropriate alterations to nature of the strain (dynamic vs. static) and the time
bone mass and architecture. In this model, strains below over which it is applied.9
a set point promote osteoclast formation and bone Mechanotransduction refers to the complex interac-
resorption in order to reduce bone mass, thereby mini- tions whereby tissue-level strains are converted to local-
mizing the metabolic cost of unnecessary mass, and ized biophysical signals that ultimately promote skeletal
strains above the set point increase bone mass and the adaptation; per Duncan and Turner, it consists of four
strength to prevent pathologic fractures. Feedbackdin unique stages12:
the form of increased bone cross section that reduces (1) Mechanocoupling: Conversion of tissue-level loads
bone straindthereby limits the adaptive response.11 into localized mechanical signals perceived by
Beyond strain magnitude, other critical determinants of mechanosensitive cells.
CHAPTER 1.1 Osteocyte Mechanobiology in Aging and Disease 3

(2) Biochemical coupling: Transduction of localized Because of their frequency and localization
mechanical signals into biochemical responses in throughout bone, osteocytes are currently considered
mechanosensitive cells. the primary mechanosensory cell within a bone. Based
(3) Signal transmission: From mechanosensory cell to on in vitro studies of osteoblast mechanosensitivity, os-
effector cell. teoblasts (and, by inference, osteocytes) require
(4) Effector cell response: Initiation of tissue-level >5000 mε in order to elicit second messenger activation
response. and gene transcription,18,19 the magnitude of which in-
Within this model, the strain induced by bone duces pathologic fracture. Therefore it has been pro-
bending during physical activity or exercise, approxi- posed that osteocytes possess an ability to amplify the
mately 400e3000 microstrain (mε), induces a plethora applied tissue-level strain into a localized strain suffi-
of biophysical signals within the bone tissue, consisting cient to elicit osteocyte activation.20 In this model, cana-
of interstitial fluid flow, direct mechanical strain, hydro- licular tethering elements, such as integrins and the
static pressure, and electrokinetic effects on bone hyaluronan-rich glycocalyx, connect the osteocyte cell
cells.13,14 Rapid responses (0 se1 min) to biophysical membrane to the extracellular matrix,21e24 which gen-
forces include the generation or liberation of second erates drag forces across the canalicular cell process to
messengers such as Ca2þ, cyclic AMP, diacylglycerol, amplify the tissue-level strain to a level sufficient to
and inositol triphosphate. Over the course of minutes induce an osteocytic response.
to hours, such messengers subsequently promote the Tremendous efforts have identified potential and
synthesis and secretion of autocrine/paracrine factors functional biochemical coupling mechanisms in bone.
(e.g., NO, prostaglandin [PG] E2, and ATP), kinase acti- Thus there are several mechanisms by which osteocytes
vation, cytoskeletal rearrangement, transcription factor may detect mechanical signals, and it is likely that most,
(nuclear factor [NF]-kB, b-catenin) activity, and gene if not all, of these mechanisms contribute to mechano-
transcription and translation. Concomitantly, gap junc- transduction in osteocytes.
tional intercellular communication (GJIC) and juxta- a) Integrins. Integrins are heteromeric membrane-
crine signaling amplifies the local signal among spanning proteins composed of a- and b-chains.
effector cells for initiation of appropriate tissue-level re- Integrins bind focal adhesion kinase (FAK) and
sponses (Fig. 1.1.2).15e17 transmit force to ERK, Src, and RhoA, leading to
stress fiber formation.25 Fluid-flow-induced shear

FIG. 1.1.2 (A) Mechanistic model for osteocyte mechanocoupling, wherein fluid shear stress and/or tissue
deformation promotes integrin engagement, ion channel activation and opening, and cytoskeletal alignment.
From M. Prideaux, D.M. Findlay, G.J. Atkins, Osteocytes: The master cells in bone remodeling, Curr Opin
Pharmacol 28 (2016), pp. 24-30. (B) Proposed influence of mechanical loading or disuse influences bone
modeling via sclerostin, osteoprotegerin, and Rankl. OPG, osteoprotegerin. T. Moriishi, R. Fukuyama, M. Ito, M.
Myazaki, Y. Kawai, H. Komori, T. Komori, Osteocyte Network: a Negative Regulatory System for Bone Mass
Augmented by the Induction of Rankl in Osteoblasts and Sost in Osteocytes at Unloading, PLoS ONE (2012).
4 SECTION I Mechanobiological Basis of Diseases

stress causes conformational changes in integrins mechanotransduction, but there has only been one
that likely activate downstream signaling.26 study describing their role in osteocyte mechano-
Furthermore, recent evidence suggests that pan- transduction: Miyauchi38 demonstrated that
nexin 1, which is implicated as an ATP-releasing gadolinium chloride blocked hypoosmotic stretch-
channel; the ATP-gated purinergic receptor P2RX7; induced increases in intracellular Ca2þ (Ca2þi) in
and the low-voltage transiently opened T-type cal- rat osteocytes, as well as inhibiting expression of the
cium channel Cav3.2 co-localize with b3 integrin pore-forming a1c subunit of the Cav1.2 calcium
attachment foci on osteocyte processes, suggesting a channel.
specialized mechanotransduction complex at these Similar to the case with gadolinium-sensitive
sites.27 Thus integrins are well positioned to stretch-activated channels, there are limited studies
contribute to osteocyte mechanotransduction not on the role of TRP channels in osteocyte mecha-
only through mechanocoupling of direct substrate notransduction. However, in a comprehensive
strain into an intracellular response but also as a study Lyons et al. demonstrated that TRPV4 was a
node that integrates multiple mechanocoupling critical component of the mechanism by which
mechanisms. fluid-flow-induced shear stress increases cytosolic
b) Cilia. Over the past several years, the role of cilia in Ca2þ levels, which then reduces sclerostin expres-
osteocyte mechanotransduction has begun to sion.39 As sclerostin inhibits bone formation, these
emerge. Cilia are long antennalike structures that results suggest that osteocytic TRPV is involved in
have been implicated in mechanotransduction in the bone anabolic effects of mechanical signals.
several cell types including osteocytes. It has been d) Gap junctions. Abundant in vitro data suggest that
demonstrated that lengthening primary cilia en- GJIC, largely through gap junction composed of
hances cellular mechanosensitivity. Osteocytic cells Cx43, plays a critical role in mechanotransduction
designed to have longer cilia displayed greater in bone. In vitro experiments, largely with osteo-
increased expression of COX-2 and osteopontin blasts, demonstrate that gap-junction-deficient cell
messenger RNA in response to fluid flow than did ensembles are less responsive to mechanical sig-
cells with normal length cilia.28 Furthermore, Lee nals40 and that mechanically induced signals travel
et al. demonstrated that the primary cilium function from bone cell to bone cell via gap junctions.41 This
as a mechanical and calcium signaling nexus in suggests that gap junctions sensitize bone to me-
osteocytes. Additionally, removal of polycystins chanical signals. However, in vivo studies do not
(Pkd1 and 2 in osteoblasts and osteocytes) or support the concept. For instance, bone from mice
ciliary proteins (Kif3a) impairs specifically deficient in osteoblast and osteocyte
mechanotransduction.29e31 However, while abun- Cx43 (Gja1) is actually more responsive to the
dant data suggest a role for cilia in osteocyte anabolic effects of mechanical loading42,43 and less
mechanotransduction, the biochemical coupling responsive to the catabolic effects of unloading.44,45
linking cilia movement to osteoanabolism remains The mechanism underlying these rather counterin-
elusive. Furthermore, cilia are located on cell bodies tuitive results is not known. However, a nonca-
rather than on dendritic processes, the more ideal nonical function of Cx43, that of a molecule that
location of mechanosensors in osteocytes. binds b-catenin, has been proposed.46,47
c) Membrane Channels. Osteocytic cells express Gap junction hemichannels may also play a role in
gadolinium-sensitive stretch-activated channels, bone mechanotransduction. Mechanical signals,
transient receptor potential (TRP) channels, and including fluid-flow-induced shear stress, increase
voltage-sensitive calcium channels.32e36 Brown the release of ATP48 and PGE249 via Cx43 hemi-
et al. elegantly demonstrated that Cav3.2 T-type channels and, in the case of PGE2 release, this may
voltage-sensitive calcium channels mediate shear- involve activated AKT kinase.50 However, one study
stress-induced cytosolic calcium in osteocytes has demonstrated that, at least in osteoblasts, fluid-
through a mechanism involving endoplasmic re- flow-induced PGE2 release occurs in Cx43-deficient
ticulum calcium dynamics,37 and Thompson et al. osteoblasts and is dependent on the expression of
found that the auxiliary a2d1 subunit of the Cav3.2 pannexin 1.51 Similarly, Genetos et al.48 found that
channel complex is involved in osteocytic stretch- osteocytes transfected with Cx43 small interfering
activated release of ATP. Regarding gadolinium- RNA were still capable of PGE2 release in response
sensitive stretch-activated channels, there is to purinoceptor activation, supporting a mecha-
considerable evidence for their role in osteoblast nism wherein ATP is released via Cx43 or
CHAPTER 1.1 Osteocyte Mechanobiology in Aging and Disease 5

pannexins, which subsequently binds to purino- Unloading of bones because of disuse, weight loss,
ceptors to induce PGE2 secretion. or exposure to microgravity during spaceflight causes
Initial consideration of bone mechanobiology focused relatively rapid decreases in bone mass and mineraliza-
on the effects of diverse biophysical forces on osteoblast tion. Humans in space suffer bone loss of 0.5%e1.5%
or osteoclast function, as these are the primary effectors of bone mineral density (BMD) per month from expo-
of bone adaptation. Furthermore, osteocyte isolation pro- sure to microgravity, even when using a light exercise
cedures were time-consuming, and the ignorance or un- program of 3e4 days per week.63,64 Unloading from
availability of osteocyte markers prevented procurement immobilization also causes similar amounts of bone
of pure populations. The development of fluorescent re- loss in human and animal studies on Earth.56,65e67
porter mice and improved primary osteocyte enrichment Bones exposed to extended periods of unloading have
approaches have overcome this burden, enabling investi- increased numbers of empty lacunae and lacunae size,
gators to directly assay the effects of biophysical forces on increased porosity, and increased endosteal resorption.
osteocytes. Although osteocytes recapitulate many of the These changes make bone more susceptible to fracture
biophysical load-induced responses as observed in osteo- and less sensitive to changes in mechanical loading.
blasts, for example, rapid and transient increases in Ca2þi; Noting variations in lacunar shape, Marotti68 pro-
release of PGs, nitric oxide, and ATP; and OPG/RANKL, posed that osteocytes secrete an inhibitory factor that
there exist fundamental differences between osteoblastic limits bone deposition by nearby osteoblasts; this hy-
and osteocytic responses to in vitro mechanical loading. pothesis was refined by Martin,69 whose model pre-
For example, fewer primary osteocytes than primary oste- dicted tonic suppression bone-lining cell activation by
oblasts responded to shear stresses of 1.2e2.4 Pa by the said inhibitory factor. Furthermore, the funda-
mobilizing Ca2þi.52 Similarly, the molecular mecha- mental necessity of osteocytes for mechanosensing is
nisms whereby localized biophysical signals are trans- observed in their absence: targeted deletion of osteo-
duced into intracellular responses can alter as a cytes increases porosity and microdamage and de-
function of osteolineage state, with osteoblasts reliant creases bone formation, strength, and
on Cav1.2 calcium channels, and osteocytes reliant on mechanosensitivity.70 Sclerostin (product of the Sost
Cav3.2 calcium channels, to mobilize Ca2þi.53 Further, gene), an inhibitor of Wnt signaling expressed primarily
osteocyte-specific responses to mechanical load are in osteocytes, represents such an osteocyte-expressed in-
observed in the context of osteocyte-specific or -enriched hibitor of bone formation. Nonsense mutations in Sost
proteins, which are mechanoregulated in osteocytes, but produce the sclerosing bone dysplasia sclerosteosis,71
not mechanoregulated in osteoblasts. and a related syndrome, van Buchem disease, results
from the deletion of a noncoding distal enhancer.72e74
Murine models of Sost or ECR5 deletion phenocopy the
3. EVIDENCE FOR OSTEOCYTE-DIRECTED high bone mass phenotype observed in humans,75,76
SKELETAL RESPONSES enabling thorough evaluation of the molecular mecha-
Exercise has many long-lasting benefits to bone, nisms of Sost transcriptional regulation. The mechanical
including increasing bone volume, bone strength, and environment reciprocally influences sclerostin expres-
bone tissue quality.54e57 Bones respond to dynamic, re- sion, which decreases in limbs of loaded animals and
petitive loading with increased periosteal bone forma- increases following disuse.77,78 Load-induced changes
tion, bone mineralization, and tissue quality. This in Sost expression are required for skeletal adaptation:
response strengthens the areas of bone tissue exposed transgenic mice that increase Sost expression in response
to the highest amounts of loading.58 Periosteal bone to loading, rather than the natural downregulation that
formation increases linearly with increasing applied occurs after load, are incapable of an osteoadaptive
strain,59 loading frequency, and daily loading cycles.9 response,79 and pharmacologic or genetic inhibition
However, bone becomes desensitized to prolonged of Sost function protects mice from disuse-induced
loading, after approximately 40 high-magnitude bone loss.80,81 Mechanoregulated Sost expression ap-
loading cycles per day.60 Effects of increasing loading pears independent of the ECR5 enhancer, as, despite be-
on bone are also dependent on age and skeletal devel- ing mechanosensitive in vitro, ECR5/ mice
opment. Exercising when young and still undergoing demonstrate equivalent bone formation or loss
skeletal development offers the greatest benefits to compared to wild-type mice in response to loading or
bone mass and bone strength.61 Benefits to bone mass unloading, respectively.82 In contrast, the inhibitory ef-
from exercise decrease throughout adulthood such fect of parathyroid hormone (PTH) (1-34) requires
that, in the elderly, exercise only helps to attenuate ECR5.83
bone loss from aging.62 Osteocytes also have the ability to regulate bone
resorption by secreting receptor activator of NF-kB
6 SECTION I Mechanobiological Basis of Diseases

ligand (RANKL). RANKL is also secreted by chondrocytes the transcription factor b-catenin. Mice lacking b-catenin
and osteoblastic cells and is required for differentiation in osteocytes do not fully develop bones and die prema-
of osteoclast progenitor cells into osteoclasts.84 Osteo- turely,86 and heterozygous b-catenin osteocyte cKO mice
cytes also secrete osteoprotegerin (OPG) that works as reveal decreased trabecular bone volume and fail to lose
a decoy receptor,85,86 binding to RANKL and preventing cortical bone in response to unloading.100 Furthermore,
its osteoclastogenic effects. RANKL and OPG are closely constitutively active b-catenin in osteocytes has an
regulated, and the RANKL/OPG ratio is used as an indi- osteoanabolic effect resulting from the increasing bone
cator of osteoclastogenic activity.87 Osteocyte apoptosis formation and osteoblast differentiation.101 Yet, other
induces RANKL and decreases OPG expression in neigh- factors that exert osteotropic effects, beyond Wnt
boring osteocytes, thereby promoting pro-resorptive signaling, are capable of activating b-catenin signaling
adaptation.88 Thus reciprocal modulation of OPG and and eliciting osteoanabolic effects: load-induced b-cate-
RANKL by osteocytes provides a means to target bone, nin signaling in osteocytes is also driven through auto-
damaged from overuse, for replacement and subse- crine PGE2 function102 and PTH independent of
quent reduction of fracture risk.89,90 Lrp5,103e105 as well as fibroblast growth factor
In addition to regulating bone tissue remodeling, os- signaling.106
teocytes possess the capacity to remodel the perilacunar Osteocytes release many factors that work together to
area in which they reside. Perilacunar remodeling al- regulate bone remodeling. Communication between
lows for more rapid mobilization or storage of minerals neighboring osteocytes and the extracellular environment
from bone, as the osteocytes’ perilacunar networks is crucial for osteocytes to release and propagate these sig-
contain far more surface area of mineralized tissue nals in response to changes in mechanical loading. For
than the periosteal and endosteal bone surfaces. example, skeletal response to increases in mechanical
Enlarged lacunae, indicative of perilacunar bone resorp- loading is independent of osteocyte density in areas of
tion, are observed in patients with mineral metabolism maximum loading, supporting the concept that signal
disorders,91 in rats exposed to unloading during space- propagation from a modest few mechanoactivated osteo-
flight,92 in hibernating animals,93 and in lactating ani- cytes is necessary to promote skeletal adaptation.
mals.94,95 Perilacunar remodeling is activated through Membrane-bound connexins help osteocytes to propa-
tumor growth factor (TGF)-b96 or PTH95,97 signaling gate signals released in response to mechanical loading.
and, thus, is sensitive to both changes in both the hu- Mechanical loading increases expression and activation
moral milieu (PTH) and factors released from bone ma- of connexin 43, allowing for greater release of signals
trix during resorption (TGF-b, PTH-related protein such as PGE2 that affect bone metabolism. Deletion of
[PTHrP]). Furthermore, changes in lacuna size from per- connexin 43 in osteocytes causes early onset osteopenia,
ilacunar remodeling affect fluid-flow-induced shear weak bones, and high porosity, properties usually seen in
stress forces sensed by osteocytes.98 Thus conditions older bones or following increased osteocyte
that change the lacuna size can also change the mecha- apoptosis.107,108 This change in phenotype is not seen
nosensitivity of the bone. in osteocytes with normal connexin 43 hemichannels
To limit osteocytic influence on bone remodeling to and defective connexin 43 gap junctions,109 suggesting
a few scant proteinsesclerostin, OPG, and RANKLeor hemichannels play a predominant role in the response
via perilacunar remodeling minimizes the tremendous to changes in mechanical loading. Connexin 43-
influence that osteocytes have on skeletal development deficient osteocytes are more responsive to increases in
and repair. Dickkopf-1 (Dkk1) functions similar to scle- mechanical loading, increasing production of PGE2 and
rostin to inhibit bone formation by inhibiting activation decreasing Sost expression to a greater extent than in
of the Wnt pathway. However, the absence of Dkk1 does wild-type osteocytes.110 Connexin 43-deficient osteocytes
not influence bone mass and strength to the extent are less responsive to unloading, although these bones
observed in SostKO mice: neither osteocytic Dkk1 cKO already have signs of bone loss seen after wild-type bones
mice nor mice in which Dkk1 is systemically neutralized are exposed to microgravity.44,45 Yet, while cell-cell
by an antibody reveal a robust skeletal response to these communication, or release of paracrine factors, is attrib-
interventions, in contrast to the dramatic skeletal pheno- uted to Cx43 function in bones, evidence indicates that
type in animals deprived of sclerostin expression or func- the Cx43 carboxy terminus, independent of gap junction
tion. Instead, absence of Dkk1 expression or function signaling, is obligate for normal skeletal development.47
increases sclerostin expression, indicating a compensa- Alternately, direct cell-cell interactions, rather than
tory mechanism between the two Wnt antagonists.99 secretion of soluble factors, reveal tremendous influ-
Osteoanabolic effects of Wnt signaling appear to require ence on skeletal form and function; this is observed,
CHAPTER 1.1 Osteocyte Mechanobiology in Aging and Disease 7

for example, in the context of Notch signaling, which is many studies designed to interrogate the effect of chro-
activated by direct interactions between a Notch ligand nologic age on osteoanabolic response to loading. Yet,
and a Notch receptor in neighboring cells. Notch rather than suggest failures in various models, the
signaling imparts osteolineage-specific effects on the inability to answer such a facile question may underlie
skeleton: in osteoprogenitors or immature osteoblasts, the complexity of organism aging viz. redundancy in
activation of Notch signaling through overexpression mechanoresponsive or mechanoadaptive mechanisms.
of the Notch1 intracellular domain (NICD) reduces Indeed, rather than posit a specific defective signaling
osteoblast differentiation, whereas in osteocytes the pathway in osteocytes as the cause for primary osteopo-
same model increases cancellous bone volume through rosis, it is necessary to consider osteoporosis as the
increased bone formation and reduced bone resorp- result of changes in the interaction of osteocytes with
tion.111 Notch activation in osteocytes promotes Wnt their matrix, osteocyte abundance, the hormonal
signaling through reductions in expression of the Wnt milieu, and cell-autonomous deficits in osteocyte func-
antagonists Sost and Dkk1; mice expressing constitu- tion (Fig. 1.1.3).
tively active b-catenin show increased Notch receptor
expression,101 and osteocytic Notch activation pro- 4.1. Osteocyte Number
motes Wnt signaling, creating a positive feedback be- The ability to perceive biophysical signals and transduce
tween Notch and Wnt signaling.112 them to tissue-level responses is predicated upon the
presence of an osteocyte, such that alterations in osteo-
cyte number may contribute to osteoporosis. Indeed, re-
4. OSTEOCYTES, ductions in osteocyte number and lacuna are observed
MECHANOTRANSDUCTION, AND AGING in human specimens and murine models, although
The existence of skeletal involution with increasing this highly depends on the anatomic location and
chronologic age is without dispute, but attributing type of bone (cortical vs. trabecular). For example, oste-
this tissue-level response to deficits in specific cells, or ocyte lacunar density decreases exponentially with
specific signaling mechanisms, is nigh impossible advancing chronologic age in human mid-diaphyseal
owing to the rich diversity of changes in, for example, cortical bone in specimens from both men and
the hormonal milieu, attenuation of cell function, and women,119 whereas lacunar number in iliac trabecular
increases in the inflammatory environment. Murine bone decreases linearly120; yet it was reported that in
models of inbred mice can identify quantitative trait the femoral head trabecular bone, there is no decrease
loci to map genes that influence BMD or other parame- in osteocyte density until 70 years of age, after which
ters113 or adaptation to mechanical loading,114 either a sharp decline in osteocyte lacunar density appears.121
confirming candidate genes or identifying novel genes Osteocyte density is also a function of distance from
for susceptibility to osteoporosis. Similarly, human ge- the bone/haversian surfacesdthat is, as a function of
netic diseases can reveal novel genes involved in causing bone agedwith superficial osteocytes (<25 mm from
osteoporosis (e.g., LRP5 or CYP17), but such variants surfaces) resistant to age-related decreases in osteocyte
that have a large effect are rare, whereas common allelic density, whereas osteocyte density in deep bones
variants have a small effect.115 Provided the evidence (>45 mm from surfaces) decreases with age in both
for skeletal adaptation to a changing mechanical envi- men and women.122 Osteocyte density in both superfi-
ronment, the question whether age influences the ca- cial and deep bones is reduced in vertebral iliac trabec-
pacity of an osteoanabolic response to age, seemingly ular bone from individuals with osteoporotic
a simple question to resolve with murine models, has fractures,119,123 and the endosteal cortex appears more
inconsistent results. For example, Rubin et al.116 re- sensitive to age-dependent osteocyte loss than the peri-
ported that greater strain was required for the initiation osteal cortex.124 As osteocytes are mechanosensory
of an osteoanabolic response in the ulna of aged (19- cells, their reduction secondary to aging removes a
month-old) turkeys versus younger (9-month-old) tur- means through which skeletal integrity may be interro-
keys, whereas Järvinen et al.117 found no overt effect of gated and improved.
age on the influence of treadmill-running on the
femoral neck, and Brodt and Silva118 reported 4.2. Changes in Osteocyte
enhanced endocortical response to axial tibial compres- Microenvironment
sion in aged mice. Stark differences in animal models, The mechanosensory role of osteocytes is grounded in
age ranges, experiment duration, and method of me- localized biophysical signals that are engendered during
chanical stimulus prevent direct comparison among locomotion or exercise. As described earlier, such signals
8 SECTION I Mechanobiological Basis of Diseases

FIG. 1.1.3 Age-related changes in osteocyte networks. (A) Scanning electron microscopic images of
acid-etched resin embedded human bone sections, revealing decreased osteonal width, osteocyte
frequency, and canaliculi in aged bone. From L.M. Tiede-Lewis, S.L. Dallas, Changes in the osteocyte
lacunocanalicular network with aging, Bone 122 (2019), pp. 101-113. (B) A model for osteocyte-mediated
effects of age on bone quality and fragility. From B. Busse, D. Djonic, P. Milanovic, M. Hahn, K. Püschel, R.O.
Ritchie, M. Djuric, M. Amling, Decrease in the osteocyte lacunar density accompanied by hypermineralized
lacunar occlusion reveals failure and delay of remodeling in aged human bone, Aging Cell 9 (2010), pp. 1065-
1075From B. Busse, D. Djonic, P. Milanovic, M. Hahn, K. Püschel, R.O. Ritchie, M. Djuric, M. Amling, Decrease
in the osteocyte lacunar density accompanied by hypermineralized lacunar occlusion reveals failure and delay of
remodeling in aged human bone, Aging Cell 9 (2010), pp. 1065-1075. (C) Alterations in osteocyte
microenvironment via perilacunar remodeling associated with pharmacotherapy, disease, and age. From L.F.
Bonewald. (2011) Osteocyte Mechanosensation and Transduction. In: Noda M. (eds) Mechanosensing Biology.
Springer, Tokyo, 2011, pp. 141-155.

include the shear stresses of interstitial fluid flow across canaliculi and thereby generating a “wall,” a “sink,” or
the plasma membrane of osteocyte dendrites and cell a “reservoir” to mitigate interstitial fluid flow and
body, microperturbations in osteocyte plasma mem- mass transport within bone.125 Thus microdamage
brane integrity, and tethering of osteocyte dendritic pro- effectively decreases the concentration of osteotropic
cesses to the canalicular wall.21,23 Thus it is axiomatic agents, from the vasculature or osteocytes within the
that age-related alterations to the microenvironment in LCN to osteocytes distal from the microdamage.
which an osteocyte resides would subsequently alter Furthermore, compromised transport and exchange of
the biophysical signals experienced by an osteocyte. nutrients in response to microdamage would decrease
The integrity of the lacunocanalicular network osteocyte viability, as is observed in vivo.126 Occlusion
(LCN) is diminished by microdamage, severing of the LCN can also occur with aging, a process termed
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8) ***




(Amstelland, Weesper Kerspel,

Gooiland, de Loosdrecht enz:)

Het spinwiel, weefgetouw, de drokke

De baggerbeugel, ploeg, de nutte
En vischvangst, doen ons Gooi- en
Amstelland beschouwen,
Wier staat en lot dit boek ons duidlijk zal

te Amsteldam, bij H. A. BANSE, in de



Ofschoon wij hier en daar in ons werk reeds iet van Amstelland in ’t
algemeen gezegd hebben, ter oorzaake wij ons werk stukswijze, ja
zelfs bij zeer kleine gedeelten in ’t licht doen komen, en des
genoodzaakt zijn op deeze of geene plaats zo veel van een Land of
district in ’t algemeen te zeggen, als tot het wèl verstaan der
beschrijvinge van een bijzonder pleksken deszelven vereischt wordt,
zullen wij echter, om aan onze gewoone orde in het zamenstellen van
de boekdeelen des geheelen werks, te blijven beantwoorden, ook hier
de in het hoofd deezer Inleiding gemelde algemeene beschrijving,
laaten voorafgaan.

Wat dan vooreerst betreft de


Van Amstelland, deeze kan gezegd worden te zijn grenzende ten

noorden, of liever noord-oosten aan het IJ, ten oosten aan de
Muiderban, Weesperkerspel, en de Bijlmermeir; ten zuiden,
zuidoosten, en zuidwesten paalt het aan de Provincie van Utrecht; ten
westen heeft het een gedeelte van Kennemerland: in onze
beschrijving van Amstelveen, bladz. 2. tekenden wij [II]reeds aan hoe
Amstelland, door de rivier den Amstel, in twee deelen gescheiden, en
aan de westzijde Nieuwer-Amstel, aan de oostzijde Ouder-Amstel
genoemd wordt: gezegde rivier neemt zijnen aanvang omtrent drie
uuren ten zuidwesten der stad Amsteldam, naamlijk aan de
zamenvloejing der watertjens de Drecht, de kromme Mijdrecht, of
Miert, loopende voorbij Ouderkerk in en door Amsteldam voornoemd,
in het IJ.

De gezegde ligging is bepaaldlijk die van het Bailluwschap, dat niet

verward moet worden mee het Dijkgraafschap, waarvan nader.

De eigenschap van den grond deezer Landstreek, hebben wij in onze

gemelde beschrijving van Amstelveen reeds opgegeven, men voege
nog bij het geen wij aldaar wegens de voordbrengselen van
Amstelland gezegd hebben, dat er veel moes op gewonnen wordt, die
men meestal te Amsteldam vertiert.


Deeze moet zekerlijk gezocht worden in de ligging, naamlijk, gelijk wij

gezegd hebben, ter wederzijde van de rivier de Amstel, betekenende
de naam Amstelland derhalven, Land aan den Amstel gelegen; doch
wat de oorsprong van den naam der rivier zelve, (Amstel,) aanbelangt,
desaangaande vinden wij niets aangetekend.


In onze meergemelde beschrijving van Amstelveen, (bladz. 2.) zagen

wij reeds hoe Amstelland van ouds niet behoorde onder de
eigendommen van de Hollandsche Graaven, maar eene bijzondere
Heerelijkheid van den huize Van Amstel was, en de Heeren, uit dit
huis, worden reeds op het jaar 1019 genoemd, weshalven men kan
bepaalen dat Amstelland reeds langer dan zeven en een halve eeuw
onder dien naam bestaan heeft. [III]

Wat deeze betreft, alvoorens dezelve zo na mogelijk te bepaalen,
moeten wij aantekenen, dat de grootte van Amstelland alleenlijk moet
verstaan worden van het Bailluwschap van dien naam, waarvan wij
ook eigenlijk thans spreeken: want het Hoogheemraadschap van
Amstelland, (waarvan, gelijk gezegd is, straks nader,) beslaat eene
veel grootere uitgebreidheid: onder het Bailluwschap dan behooren de
volgende Ambachten, als dat van

Morgen. Roeden. Huizen.

Ouderkerk beslaande 3504 527 249
Amstelveen 4076 — 1167
Diemen en Diemerdam 1426 367 113
Waverveen 1 114 450 93
Zamen 9122 M. 144 R. 1622 H.
behalven verscheidene Molens.

Men kan derhalven Amstelland, na genoeg, bepaalen te beslaan

eenen grond van meer dan 9100 morgen groot; waarop 1600 huizen
en veele molens gevonden worden.

De gemelde deelen, waaruit Amstelland bestaat, bevatten ieder weder

eenige onderdeden, en wel als volgt: [IV]

Het Ambacht van

Ouderkerk, wordt verdeeld in de Ronde hoep, Groot

Duivendrecht, Klein Duivendrecht, Holendrecht.
Amstelveen, in de Buitenveldersche polder, de Amstelveensche
of Middenpolder, de Bovenkerker polder, de Legmeer, voords in
de buurten, Over Ouderkerk, Waardhuizen, Zwaluwen buurt, de
Nes, de Overtoomsche of Heilige weg, tot aan het gebied van
Amsteldam, de Noorddammer brug, en de Hand van Leiden.
Diemen, in Diemen, Overdiemen, Diemerdam, en Diemerbrug: ten
aanzien van de gadering wordt dit Ambacht ook verdeeld in de
buurten: Bovenkerk, Buitenkerk, Overdiemen en Outersdorp, bij
Zeeburg, of Jaap hannes.
Waverveen, wordt verdeeld in drie polders, naamlijk de Gemeene
polder, of Beoosten Bijleveld, de Hollandsche polder, en
Benoorden de Zuwe.

De gezegde dorpen, hebben, ieder op zig zelf, hooge Jurisdictie, en zit

de Bailluw van Amstelland te recht met Schepenen van ieder dorp,
uitgenomen dat Waverveen, in ’t Crimineele, onder Ouderkerk



Van het Bailluwschap van Amstelland, is denkelijk geweest dat van het
geslacht van Amstel: voor het Hoogheemraadschap wordt gebruikt
een rond wapenschild, met een keizerlijke kroon er boven; van achter
hetzelve vertoonen zig de koppen, vleugels en pooten van een
dubbelden arend: in het schild zijn geplaatst de wapens van
Amsteldam, Weesp, Ouderkerk, Amstelveen, Diemen en Waverveen,
als leden van het Hoogheemraadschap.


Hier onder moeten wij brengen het Gemeenelandshuis, staande op

den dijk bij Jaap Hannis, niet ver van de IJperslooter sluis; wij hebben
hetzelve in onze aantekeningen wegens Diemen, reeds ten breedsten
beschreven: zie aldaar, bladz. 8. enz. [V]

In Amstelland liggen verscheidene

Van welken de voornaamsten zijn

De IJperslooter
zie over dezelven gemelde onze beschrijving van

Diemen. bladz. 9.


De Graaflijkheid stelt over het Bailluwschap van Amstelland een’

Bailluw aan, zijnde thans (sedert 1787,) de Wel-Ed. Gestr. Heer Mr.
Pieter Elias, Schepen en Raad in de Vroedschap der Stad
Amsteldam, Bewindhebber van de O. I. Compagnie, enz. deeze
vordert, als elders, recht van ’s Heeren wege, gelijk men zulks noemt,
doch omtrent deeze Heerelijkheid is zijne regeering daarin bijzonder,
dat bij geene algemeene vierschaar spant, over het geheele
Bailluwschap, maar in ieder Ambacht der algemeene Heerelijkheid
afzonderlijk, met de Schepenen des Ambachts, die aan hem wegens ’t
Crimineele den eed doen, en wegens het Civile aan den
Ambachtsheer: in de dorpen heeft de Bailluw niets omtrent de
middenbaare of laage jurisdictie te zeggen.

Oudtijds was er een Pluimgraaf over de zwaanen, en een afzonderlijke

Rentmeester; de Bailluw voerde alleen het recht van de jagt, zo als
thans over geheel Amstelland door hem wordt geëxerceerd.

Op wat wijze de Bailluw verkozen wordt, is in onze beschrijving van

Diemen, bladz. 9. reeds gezegd.

Zie wegens de Regeering van het Watergerecht, vervolgends onder

onze afdeeling, ten opschrifte voerende: Het Dijkgraaf- of,
Hoogheemraadschap van Amstelland.
Van de


Van Amstelland in ’t algemeen, hebben wij in onze beschrijving van

Amstelveen, meergemeld, (bladz. 2.) reeds iet gezegd; thans zullen
wij er breeder van spreeken: op het jaartal, onder ’t voorgaande art.
Oudheid, genoemd, naamlijk 1019, vindt men wel, gelijk aldaar
gezegd is, van de Heeren Van Amstel gemeld, doch niet in
hoedanigheid van vrije bezitters der [VI]Heerelijkheid van hunnen
naam, maar als Leenmannen der Utrechtsche kerk: in 1155 bezat
Egbert van Amstel de Heerelijkheid van Amstel nog als zodanig,
naamlijk als Leenroerig van Utrecht; hij werd, om zekeren twist met
den Bisschop, gebannen, doch verzoende zig met hem op bevel van
den Keizer, welke zoen echter weder tot nadeel van hem was, want
daarin werd bepaald dat hij het geen hij in Amstel leenroerig bezeten
had, nu slechts als Stedehouder des Bisschops zoude behouden:
deezen zijn zoon, Gijsbrecht de Eerste, Heer van Amstel, vinden
wij echter weder als Leenman van den Bisschop van Utrecht vermeld;
onder de regeering van deezen moest Amstelland, om zijn gedrag in
het bekende geval van Graave Lodewijk van Loon, veel lijden; want
het werd om die reden in 1204, door de Kennemers, die den
Amsteldijk doorgestoken hadden, met rooven en branden geheel
verwoest; dit echter moesten zij naderhand door eene somme gelds
boeten: na dien tijd vinden wij bestendig de Heeren Van Amstel, als
Leenmannen van de Utrechtsche kerk, met betrekking tot hunne
Heerelijkheid Amstelland, genoemd, tot op Gijsbrecht, van wien wij
onder Amstelveen, ter bovengemelde plaatse, gesproken hebben, als
deelgenoot aan den moord van Graave Floris, om welke reden zijne
goederen een volstrekt eigendom van den Graaf werden; daarna is,
gelijk wij ter gemelde plaatse ook zeiden, Amstelland nu eens een
eigendom van de Utrechtsche kerk en dan weder van den Graave van
Holland geweest: Graaf Jan van Avennes gaf ze (gelijk wij in onze
meergemelde beschrijving van Amstelveen, bladz. 12. reeds zeiden,)
aan zijnen broeder Guido van Henegouwen, naderhand Bisschop
van Utrecht, doch na den dood van deezen, trok Willem, de zoon van
Graaf Jan voornoemd, de Heerelijkheid weder aan Holland: in 1346
verklaarde Keizerin Margariet Amstelland nimmer van de
Graaflijkheid te zullen scheuren, gelijk het sedert ook daaraan is
gebleven—De verdere lotgevallen der Heerelijkheid in ’t algemeen, is
vervat in die van de bijzondere deelen derzelve, aangetekend in onze
beschrijvingen dier deelen, art. Geschiedenissen. [VII]


Ten deezen opzichte beslaat Amstelland, gelijk reeds gezegd is, een
vrij ruimer grond, dan met betrekking tot het Bailluwschap zelf: de weg
langs welke de schouw over de wateren, die het recht hebben om over
Amstelland uittewateren, vinden wij bij Wagenaar, (en waarmede
onze ingewonnene berichten, desaangaande, overeenkomen,)
beschreven te gaan „van Amsteldam af, langs den Heiligen of
Overtoomschen weg, de Veendijk of Amstelveenschen weg, door
Amstelveen over de nieuwe sluis in de Bovenkerkerpolder, langs den
Bovenkerkerdijk, tot aan de Hand van Leiden; van hier de
Legmeerlaan op, tot aan de Noorddammerbrug; verder langs den
Noordveenderdijk naar en door Kudelstaart, tot aan en door
Kalslagen, van waar de ring heen loopt langs den Bilderdammercade,
en over het water de Drecht, langs den Wassenaarschen polderdijk,
naar en door Nieuwveen, alwaar de ring gebroken wordt door een
brug, en weder vervolgt langs de Nieuweveensche vaart, en voords
over den Zeevenhovenschen weg, naar Zevenhoven; van daar naar
Noorden; van Noorden naar Slikkendam, en langs de Hollandsche
Meent naar het Woerder Verlaat; van dit Verlaat strekt de weg langs
de Hollandsche Kade, die tot aan den Ouden dam, en voords met
verscheidene keeren tot door Teccop, en langs Gervershoop loopt, tot
aan de westzijde van de watering de Bijleveld, langs welke de ring
voordgaat tot aan den Broe- of Brenidijk; zig van dien dijk over een
voetpad keerende, door ’t oude land, naar Harmelen, en voords tot
aan en over het Haanwijker sluisjen, gelegd in den Haanwijker dam,
tot over den Rhijn, en over deezen stroom naar Haanwijkerdam, en de
Haanwijker kade; langs deeze benevens de Kattenbroeker kade, ter
zijde de landen van Haanwijk, Bijleveld, Reijers-koop, Kattenbroek en
Mastwijk, tot aan den IJsseldijk, niet verre van Montfoort, en langs
deezen, daar zij heenen loopt, ter zijde van het zuidelijkste gedeelte
van Mastwijk en Agthoven, tot aan den Meerendijk, en noordwaards
[VIII]langs denzelven, tot aan de Leidsche vaart, of Ouden Rhijn;
nevens welke de ring de zuidzijde heenen loopt tot aan den Heldam,
daar hij zig noordwaards keert, loopende ten westen van de Heikoper
watering, door Kockingen tot aan Joostendam, en verder langs de
Portengensche kade, tot aan de Rondeveensche polderkade, daar de
weg van den ring te rug keert, door ’t achterste en voorste bosch, en
zig uitstrekt tot over den dam Ter Aa, tot aan de kromme Angstel, die
met de nieuwe vaart bij Nieuwersluis, onder den schouw behoort tot
aan den Indijk, en zoo verre deeze dijk loopt tot aan de westzijde van
de Vecht, door Nichtevecht, Weesp en Muiden, daar de ring door den
Muider- of Diemer Zeedijk gesloten wordt, tot aan Amsteldam toe.”

De Bailluw van Amstelland, is tevens algemeen Dijkgraaf, en kiest,

ingevolge eenen last van Keizer Karel den Vijfden, uitgedrukt in
eene handvest van den jaare 1553, jaarlijks zes Hoog-Heemraaden,
naamlijk uit de Gerechten van Amsteldam, Weesp, Ouderkerk,
Amstelveen, Diemen en Waverveen, ieder één, ten einde met twee of
drie derzelven, den bovengemelden ring van de gemeene
waterschutting van Amstelland te schouwen, onverminderd de
schouwen, die de Schouten en Ambachtsheeren in hunne districten
hebben, en bij ons ieder op haare plaats aangetekend zijn, onder ons
art. Wereldlijke regeering: thans echter worden gezegde Hoog-
heemraaden van Amsteldam en Weesp, gesteld door Burgemeesteren
en Regeerders der gemelde Steden respective, en die van Ouderkerk,
Amstelveen, Diemen en Waverveen, ingevolge de verkoopconditien
der Ambachtsheerelykheden onder Amstelland, door derzelver

Het gezegde Collegie vergadert gemeenlijk op de eerste maandagen

in Maart, Mei, Julij, September, en November; ook wel tusschentijds,
zo dikwijls de Dijkgraaf goedvindt hetzelve te beschrijven in ’t vertrek
van Heeren Burgemeesteren der stad Amsteldam, en over judicieele
zaaken in de kamer van Heeren Commissarissen van de kleine
zaaken derzelver stad.——Het heeft zijn eigen Secretaris en Bode. [IX]

Wegens het Dykcollegie, dat nog in Amstelland voorhanden is, zie

men onze beschrijving van Diemen, bladz. 11.

Dit Collegie vergadert gewoonlijk op den 12 en 13 Mei, den 24 en 25

Julij en 17 Augustus, dat de Schouwdagen zijn, als mede op den 1
September: des zomers wordt de vergadering gehouden in het
Gemeenelandshuis aan den dijk, bij Jaaphannes, alwaar, een
Castelein is, die mede ’t opzicht over den dijk heeft; als de wegen
derwaards, des winters, onbruikbaar zijn, vergadert het Collegie te
Amsteldam in een der Doeles of een ander voornaam Logement ter
dier stede.

De dijk waarover dit Hoog-Heemraadschap het bewind heeft, is van de

grootste aangelegenheid voor Amstelland, Muiden en
Weesperkerspel, enz.: als dezelve doorbreekt, of doorgestoken wordt,
overstroomt het platte land van Utrecht, tot boven Breukelen en
Portengen toe: kort voor den jaare 1509 schijnt dezelve op twee
plaatsen doorgebroken te zijn geweest: in 1598 en 1675 mede op
twee plaatsen; in 1702 ter lengte van ruim 31 roeden; in laatere jaaren
is hij dikwijls in groot gevaar van doorbraak geweest: om het nut dat hij
doet, zijn er door ’s Lands Graaven, en vervolgends door de Staaten
van tijd tot tijd breede handvesten en voorrechten vergund, wegens
ondersteuning van gelden uit ’s Lands Casse ter versterkinge van
denzelven: na de plaag van het paalgewormte, is hij ongemeen
versterkt; „een werk,” lezen wij, „’t welk aan arbeidsloon, aard,
plempen van zand, puin, het heiën van een regel paalen, enz. vijfmaal
honderd negen-en-dertig duizend, agt honderd, vier-en-negentig
guldens gekost heeft.”

Bij sommigen, onder anderen in den Tegenwoordigen staat van

Holland, vinden wij dit Collegie mede Hoogheemraadschap genoemd;
doch in onze beschrijving van Diemen hebben wij reeds doen zien, dat
de beheering aan dat Collegie niet is toegestaan over den geheelen
dijk, en dat zij des zouden kunnen doen en handelen als het
Hoogheemraadschap van Amstelland kan doen: „hetzelve”, voegt men
in aan ons gunstiglijk toegezondene berichten daarbij, „hetzelve is
bepaaldlijk ingesteld tot beschouwing van het ijzer- en houtwerk dat
toen aan [X]den dijk was, en de Graaf zegt met zo veele woorden in
zijn privilegie, dat zo lang men IJpesloot, (dat toen beplaat wierd, en
des niet de geheele dijk,) met ijzer en hout houden zou, dat zo lang
die schouw zou duuren; doch zo dat weggenomen wierd, zou de
schouw dood en te niet zijn—naderhand is wel dat Collegie
gemagtigd, om den geheelen houten dijk te beschouwen, doch dit
privilegie werd onder hetzelve verband gegeeven—nu het hout weg is,
is des dat geheele Collegie te niet, en heeft niets meer als eene
superintendentie over het schouwen, dat Diemen en Muiden doet; bij
resolutie van 1678 is dit Collegie genaamd een Hoogendijk-
Heemraadschap, en hetzelve mag niet vergaderen dan met den
Bailluw van Amstelland, die het hoofd is—men kan met geene
mogelijkheid sustineeren”, gaat onze begunstiger voord, dat het
Collegie van Zeeburg en Diemerdijk, een tweede
Hoogheemraadschap is, hoe zeer sommigen het daarvoor trachten te
debiteeren; dit Collegie is zelfs subject aan het Hoogheemraadschap
van Amstelland——misschien zal men zeggen: „in plaats van het hout
en ijzer zijn nu de steenen”, (zie onze beschrijving van Diemen, bladz.
12.) „en hierover voeren die Heeren echter hun gezach; ’t is waar dat
zij zulks doen; maar ’t is ook waar dat zij er eigenlijk geen recht toe
hebben: toen het paalwerk van den worm werd doorvreeten, verzocht
dat Heemraadschap van de Staaten de magt en de faculteit te mogen

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