Notes in Ge 8 (Mmw) - Normal Curve

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Normal Distribution
Data can be "distributed" (spread out) in different ways. It can be spread out more on the left or more
on the right, or it can be all jumbled up
Figure 2 Figure 2 Figure 3


But there are many cases where the data tends to be around a central value with no bias left or right,
and it gets close to a "Normal Distribution" like this:

Source: Google Image

The normal distribution is a bell-shaped curve called the normal curve which shows the probability
distribution of a continuous random variable. Some examples that follow a normal distribution are heights of
people, size of things produced by machines, blood pressure, and many more.

The normal curve has the following characteristics:

1. The curve is symmetric.
2. The values of the mean, median, and mode are the same.
3. The curve represents a unimodal distribution.
4. The area under the curve is 1 or the probability under the curve is 100%.
5. The tails are asymptotic to the horizontal line and they extend to infinity.

The empirical rule in a normal distribution is

source: google image

● 68% of the data will fall within 1 standard deviation of the mean
● 95% of the data will fall within 2 standard deviations of the mean
● Almost all (99.7%) of the data will fall within 3 standard deviations of the mean

Standard Score (z – score) specifies how many standard deviations an observation is from (above or below) the mean.
It can be calculated using the formula.

z= or z=

where z is the z-score, X is the value of the element, μ is the population mean, σ is the population standard deviation,
is the sample mean, s is the sample standard deviation. Z-scores are also a way to compare results from a test to a
“normal” population.


1. Convert the following scores to z-scores where and :

(a). 55 (b). 70 (c). 85




2. A standard score of 1.2 was found from an observation coming from a normal distribution with
mean 16 and standard deviation 5. Find the raw score.

Given: z = 1.2, μ = 16, σ = 5.
Rq’d: X

❖ From , we can derive the formula for X which is X = .

❖ By substitution we’ll have,

X = 6 + 16
X = 22

In this example, the score is 22 standard deviations above the mean.

3. Adriel Josh takes two exams in Accounting. He scored 72 in the first exam where the mean was
65 with a standard deviation of 8. He got a score of 60 in the second exam where the mean was
45 and the standard deviation was 12. In which exam did Adriel Josh do better?

Given: First exam: = 65, s1 = 8, X1 = 72

Second exam: = 45, s2 = 12, X2 = 60

Rq’d: to determine which between the two exams did Adriel Josh do better.

❖ Exam 1: Using , we’ll have

❖ Exam 2: Using , we’ll have

Comparing the two results, we can say that Adriel Josh did better in the second exam
because he has a higher standard score in the second than in the first exam.

4. A consumer group tested a sample of 100 batteries. The mean life expectancy of the batteries
was 842 hours with a standard deviation of 90 hours. One particular battery from the BAT
Company had a z – score life expectancy of 1.2. What was the life span of this battery?


Given: z = 1.2, = 842, s = 90.

Rq’d: X

❖ From , we can derive the formula for X which is X = .

❖ By substitution we’ll have,

X = 108 + 842
X = 950

This shows that the life span of the battery is 950 hours.

Areas under the Normal Curve

The area under a normal curve can be calculated using a z -score table where the left most column
tells you how many standard deviations above the mean to 1 decimal place, the top row gives the second
decimal place, and the intersection of a row and column gives the probability.

1. Given a standard normal distribution, find the area under the curve that lies:
a. to the right of z = 1.84 b. between and .

a. P(z > 1.84)
Illustrate the problem using the bell-shaped curve to better visualize it.

First, plot 1.84 in the curve as in a Cartesian plane then shade the area to the right of 1.84.

To find the probability, use the Table for Area under a Normal Curve (see back of the book)
and determine the value that corresponds to z = 1.84. So we will then have,

P(z > 1.84) = 0.5 – P(z = 1.84)

= 0.5 – 0.4671
= 0.0329 or 3.29%

Therefore, the probability under the curve is 3.29%

b. P(-1.97 < z < 0.86)

Illustrate the problem using the bell-shaped curve.

Plot –1.97 and 0.86 in the curve then shade the area between the two points.

Then use the Table for Area under a Normal Curve (see back of the book) to find the probability.
Determine the value that corresponds to z = –1.97 and z = 0.86. So we will then have

P(–1.97 < z < 0.86) = P(–1.97 < z < 0 ) + P(0 < z < 0.86)
= 0.4756 + 0.3051
= 0.7807 or 78.07%

Therefore, the probability under the curve is 78.07%

2. Say that you will have to wait for a bus. Assume that the amount of waiting time is normally
distributed between 0 and 15 minutes. Suppose that the mean waiting time of a person is 8 minutes
and the standard deviation is 1.8. What is the probability that you will wait for less than 12.5 minutes?
Waiting Time: The normal distribution can be used to calculate
problems on probability like the probability of waiting for
a bus for a an amount of time

Let x be the number of minutes it will take you to wait for a bus.
x = 12.5 mean = 8 mins. S = 1.8 mins.
We need to find P( x < 12.5).
First, convert x = 12.5 to a z – score. Hence


Next, we find P( z < 2.5 ) using the table. We’ll have

P( z < 2.5 ) = 0.5 + 0.4938

= 0.9938 or 99.38%

This means that the probability that you will wait for less than 12.5 minutes is 0.9938 or

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