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Exercise 1.8A Wi each of these as a single surd or integer answer. Lai 2. vB xi 32 4. 10 = 2 8 6. Vix V7 1.5 + V5 8. V2 x VB x V5 9. (Vea) 10. 5V2 x 3V7 11. 2020 = 4V4 12r2V5\x 320 13. 10V8 = 5V2 14. (V8) 1503V3 x 10014: 6V6 16. Work out the area of these shapes. a) aya em 2y5em 17. Given that a = V2, b= ¥30 and c= ib. Work out the value of ab © Wisem Simplifying surds Asurd is in its simplest form when the number inside the square root sign is as small as pdssible. To simplifv.a surd, write the number being squate rooted as a product of tivo numbers where one is the largest square number possible, theh simplify. Simplifying surds can make multiplying or dividing calculations easier. Example Simplify, using the rules of Surds: ; viz ay ¥50 b) 63 oS Bi6 ° d) 75 x \8, °) iH 32 x 47 So) WE = Bee =5x VB x7 x V2 =5x7x VB x V2 =35x V6 = 356 3 VB6 x6 ina V6 x V2 x Ja9 x 13 ___ 6x6 4x2 x7x V3 ___ 6x6 4x 7x2 x18 _ 6x V6 ~~ 28x V6 é =f ~ 28 =2 “14 okey 4] 1. Find the value of & in each of these. a) V60 = Vkx15 b) V20°= hve c) VI8 = 3Vk 2, Simplify: ) > a) J45 : by) 28 ove a) V0» ye St oN oe 3. Explain why 30. cannot be simplified. “teShow that its simplest form is 10V3. 5. Sinfplify: a) VB. b) Vi80 ©) 350 a) 2Vi8 6. Simplify: a V8 x VEA wy VRB x6) Og VR VT 162 x J45 60 x V20, i 7. Here is Kyle’s method to simplify 215 x 25 4V75 _ 4V75 _ 2V75 75 NAB X2N5 _ ANTS _ ANT NT Lg (TB = 995 = 2x5 =10 PNY ws wa VB 3 Amir says, ‘Sometimes it is easier not to simplify the surds before multiplying 60x20 . a Here is Amir’s method to simplify vi200 = ¥100 = 10 viz 12 Comment on whose method might be easier in different situations. 8. Find the value of k for each of these. a) 25 x 3y2 = Vie pe 5 9° 3 Adding and subtracting surds Algebraic terms must be like terms before théy can beadded or subtracted. For example, 2x + 7a Simplifies to 9°but 28+ Ty cannot be simplified. It is the same With surds’ 2V5.+ 7V5 simplifies to 9V5 but 2V5«+ 7N6 catnot be simplified. Sometimes surds need to be simplified before they can be'added or subtracted. Example Simplify: a) 10V2 ~ 792 by, Jos V24 ©) v27 - Viz 4) f63 & V28 - Vi75 ey’ V20 + V45 + V48 a).10V2- 72 =8y2" b) ¥6 + 24 =J6+W4x6 = V6 + 2V6 = 36 @) J27 -/19/-N9 x3 - V4 x3 = 3V3 - 2V8 = 3 N63 28 - V175 = V9xT + 4x7 - VBE xT = 3y7 + 27 - BVT = 0 e) Ve0, 2 45 + J48 = J4x5 + V9x5 + VI6 x3 = 2N5 + BV5 + 43 = 5v5 + 4B Note that part (e) cannot be simplified any further as ¥5 and V3 are not like surds. ri Give each answer in this exercise 's simplest form. 1. Simplify: a) 2v5 + 10V5 b) 8y3 + 2V3 - 6V3 ©) 10¥3 + V75 d) V50 + 18 ©) 20 + 45, £200 - Vi8 + /72 g) Via + 3V48 - 75 h) 80 - 545 + 620 2. Write V44 + J99 in the form avb where a and b are integerst 3. Find the value of & in each of these. a) V27 + 2V75 = kV b) Vk + V24 = 126 co) V45 + 2Vk = 15 d) V1 + N75 S113 4, Find the perimeter of this rectangle. ' Vivien 5. Show that (/i2 + VB) = 27 6. Find the integer value of (x + y)® where x=y2 "and y = VB: 355 em 7. Simplify. ay AT + 67 py V5 x20, y VB Aen oe 80 vas V2 600 + V24 8. Write ~ oss inthe form Rationalising the'denominator When a fraction contaifis’a surd in the denominator, make the denominator rétignal using theserules: 7\. ke 6 vo + For fraétion’:in the form ¥, fhultiply by 22 vb. ee For fractions in the form, atv k *SBot fractions in the form —"r, multiply by * ~vb +6 In each'easé, multiplying the fraction by a number equivalent to a value of 'L,theans the fraction remains equivalent but no longer contains a surd in the denominator. Example Rationalise the denominator. Ve 1 2 a) = b) = B » a0 9 3 a) V24V5 245 5 —V2 Note: it is usefil to use bfackets to remember to multiplybotlterms in the first denominator by both ferms in the second denominator. __3(2-ve) 6-3N5 “eve)Q- 8) t2ben5-5 6 + 3y5. Bae _ (v2 +5) (VE >2) We—WB ” (5 sB) (Ws + 2) _ A2VBl 2 + 5,4 VB VEN “7+ 210 da) SENG No 3 Give.each angweftin this exercise in their simplest form. “1, Copy and complete these calculations. i » of e x 2 2 10. . Rationalise the denominators of these fractions. oe b) z oF v5 57 ° 6 ° 5 Work out the integer answers for these calculations. a)(3-V7)(3+ V7) b)(6+ v5) (6-5) 9 (7-8) Gas a) (v2 + V50)" ©) (V2 -av8) . Find the value of (a + 6)(a- 6) when a= 7 and b = Vi1. (6+ v3)(4- v3) = a+ bv3 Find the value of a and the value of 8. Rationalise the denominators of these fractions? 1 1 = yp — 8 IE Qa 2+vB 1 16 d) e) f) v6 -V3 vb-1 y Bai on B . The area of this rectangl&is 80 cm*. Find the value of x. ayeem| Give your answer in théform aV6 where'wand b are son integers. Write each ofthese in'the fotm ny6 , where n is an integer. ay YO x50, pole Vis 9 ns A VB 32 - Vis Square.A and rectarigle Bare equal in area. (2 + V8) cmt A 2y2em B Bem Calculate the value of m. Expand and simplify (2 - 2V5 ) (1+3V5 ) For Question 11, use AB* = AC? + BC* Give your answer in the form avb ~ c. This is Pythagoras’ theorem, which you will use in Chapter 4. Pere g 11. Triangle ABC has a right angle at C. All lengths are measured in centimetres. Find the value of x. vi5-vi2 12. Write 2-1 as a fraction in its simplest form. Vi5+V12 300 | 1 stom j + —~ can be written in the vB 13. Show that the expression ‘ ; form avb,where a and b are integers. 14. Show that these expressions can be written in the form a where a, b and c are integers. “(3-0 3 3 : . 1 16 \? > b) et -(2) + 2B Calculator In this book, the keys are described thus: [EXP] numbers in standard form (eg 4 |EXP},7 is 4 x 10") add | square root J subtract x’] sqtiare 5] multiply f/x] reciproéal [| divide {Jor [y3] raise'ntimber y to the power x Eleatiais’ “) ~ []}rackets ‘Your calculator will also Haye a fraction button that usually looks os Pl Tikke:this; | Oh your caleulator ‘the [EXP], [17 x] and [y*] might look like [x10"], [x] and [x4], respectively. Using the |ANs| button ‘The [ANS] button can be used as a ‘short term memory’. It holds the answer from the previous calculation. Ce ccunie) 6.1 Factorising In Chapter 2 you expanded expressions such as x(3x — 1) to give 3x? — x. The reverse of this process is called factorising. When you factorise an expression, you look for the highest common factor of all terms. Example Factorise: a) 4x + 4y b)x+ Tx oe) 3) 12y 4) 6a" — 10ab* e) 12ax? + dax + 8a . a) 4 is common to 4x and 4y b) xis commion to x° and 7a dx + dy = 40 +9) x Texte $7) ©) 3y is common to both terms 4) Zab is tommon toboth terms 3y* — 12y = By — 4) 6a°b— 10ab? = 2ab(3a — 56) €) dax is common to all three terms Lax? + dax + 8a%x = dax(3x + 1 +a) When a question asks you to factorise, you must factorise fully. This means all common factors willbe written outside ‘of the brackets. In part (c) of the’example above, ifyou had just written 3G" — 4y) this would not be correct as it is only partially factorised. Exercise 6.1A EA] Factorise: 15a +5BN 2. 7a Ty" 8. 7x +22 A. y? + By 5, Bye By 6/6)" - 4y 7.8x? - 21x 8. 16a - 2a” 9. 6c! = 21e 10. 15x — 9x% 11. 56y ~ 21y® 12. ax + bx + 2ex UB. tay Baz 1A wy ty + 22 15. 3a°b + 2ab? 16. x°y + xy" 17. 6a? +\4ab+2ac* 19.2kx + Gky+4ke 20. ax’ + ay + 2ab 2, ath RAE 22. ab + 2ab? 23. abe — 3b*c 24, 2a%e — 5ae* 25. ath ab® 26. xy + x°y? 27. Gry? = 4x°y 28, Sab’ — 3a% 29. 2a%b + 5a°b* 80, ax*y - 2ax’z 31. 2abx + 2ab? +207) 82. ayx + yx* — Qy%a" EVE Example 1 Factorise ah + ak + bh + bk. Divide into pairs: (ah + ak) + (bh + bk) ais common to the first pair. b is common to the second pair. ath +b) + b(h +b) (h +R) is common to both terms. Therefore, the answer is (h + k)(a + 6) Example 2 Factorise 6mx — ny — 3nx + 2my. ‘You may need to rearrange the expression first. In his case, rearrange to 6mx — 3nx + 2my — ny so that theré are terms next to each other with common factors. (Gmx — 3nx) + (2my — ny) = Bx(2m — n) +y@mt — yn) = Qm — n)x+y) ea) ZS) Factorise’ Lax + ay + bx + by BS xm taht men 3. ah — ak + bh — bk 4. am — bn - bm 4an Bohs 4 ht ks + kt 6. ax + by — ay — bx 7. xs — xt —ys hyt Bt he hy — bx + by = bm —an+bn 10. xk < xm — k2+ mz U1. 2ax + Gay + bx + 3by 12, 2ax + 2ay + bx + by 13. 2mh >2mk —ht+k 14. 2mh + 3mk — 2nh — 3nk 15, Gax + 2bx + 3ay + by 16, Tex =2ay - b+ By) 17. 8a + 2b + ya + yd 18. ms + 2mt? = ns — 2nt™ Quddratic\expressions When factoriing.a quadratic expression, first look at the constantitérm,and identify pairs of numbers that multiply to make that term. For example, if you were trying to factorise x* + 6x + 8, you would be looking for pairs of numbers that multiply to give +8. Ce ccunie) These would be: 1 and 8, 2 and 4, 1 and —8, —2 and —4. Then find out which of these pairs add together to make the coefficient of x, which in this case is 6. In this case, the pair is 2 and 4. ‘Those are the two numbers that you put into your brackets, therefore: + 6x +8= (e+ 0044) Example Factorise: a) x? + 2x — 15 b)a?-6x+8 c) a - 25 a) Two numbers that multiply to give -15 and add #6 give ¥2 are. —3 and 5. x + 2x — 15 = (x — 3x +5) b) Two numbers that multiply to give +8 and ad@'t) give ~6 are “ahd 4. x = 6x + 8 = (x — Q(x 4) ©) Think of this as x? + Ox — 25 ‘Two numbers that multiply to give 425 and addto Biye0 are ~5 and 5. x = 25 = (x - 5)(x +5) » Exercise 6.1C Factorise: yw) att Te +0 Mx? Hix + 12 3.x? + 80415 4.22 + 10x R21 Bux? + Bvt 12 6.9" + 12y +35 7.62.4 11y } 24 8.9? + 10y +25 9.9? + Ly + 36 10; a 3a - 10 l.a?-a-12 12.2°+2-6 TSP= 2x — 36, 14. x2 - Bx - 24 15. x2 - 6x + 8 16. 9° - by #6 17.28 = 8x4 15 18.a*-a-6 19.0" + 14a +45 20, b — 4b - 21 21x? - 8x +16 22, yt BVH 1 23, y? — By — 28 24. x2 — x20 25. Bx — 240 26, x° — 26x + 165 27. y® + By — 108 28. 2° — 49 29.229 30. x - 16 aT} EVE Tf the coefficient of x* is not 1, there are two main methods you can use to factorise a quadratic. The first is by inspection. Example 1 Factorise 2x* + Tx + 3. Since 2 is a prime number, you know that the brackets must start with 2x and x. This means that 2x? + 7x + 3 = (2x + a)(x + 6), for some a and b. Since the constant term is 8, you know that a and b must be either 1 and 3 (in some order) or ~1 and ~3 (in some order). Ifyou expand (2x + a)(x + 6) you get 2x? + 2bx + ax + ab = 2x? + (a + 2b)x + ab. This means that a + 26=7 ‘The pair of values for which this is true is a = 1 and’ =8, The factorisation of 2x¢ + Tx + 3 is therefore (2x 4 1)(e 3). Sometimes it may be too difficult to factorise@ quadratic expression by inspection. This could be becausé the coefficient Of 2° or the constant term (or both) has a lot ef factors, which means, there are too many possible options to’theck.'In these (instances, there is a second method that can be ised: If the quadratic expression to be fattorised is of the form ax? + bx + ¢, this method Starts by looking for two nlimbers whose product is ac and whose sum is.b: Example 2 Factorise 3x° + D8x + 4 Here, a€ 3/6 = 13 and c = = 3 x 4 = 12 Find two nunibets that multiply to give 12 (ac) and add to 13 (6). In this case the numbers you want are 1 and 12. (First, you split the 18x’ tefm into x and 12x: \ Bet tx + 12x44 ‘Then you factérise.the first and second terms as a pair followed by the third and fourth as a pair: x(8x +4 48x + 1) Note that at this stage the brackets in both factorisations will always be the same. Finally, factorise one more time: (x + 4)(3x + 1) sire AP Factorise: 1.22 + 5x +8 2.20 + Tx +3 8. Bx? + Tx + 2 4, 2x? + 11x + 12 5. 30° + 8x44 6. 2x? + Tx + 5, 7. 8x2 — Bx 2 8.2% x15 9, 2x? + x 52 10. 3x® — 17x - 28 11. 6x2 + 7x +2 12. 12x* # 284440 18, Bx® -11x + 6 14, 3y* — Ly + 10 15f4y9— Bay + 15 16. 6y? + Ty - 3 17. 6x? — 27x + 30 18. 10x? + 9x 42° 19. 6x? — 19x + 3 20. 8x? - 10x - 3 21. 12x? + 425, 22. 16x? + 19x +3 23.4a°-4a+1 2d) 128 PATIOS 14 25. 15x + 44x — 3 26,480" + 460+ 0 5 27. 6h2 +4y—3 28. 120x° + 67x — 5 29.9x°- 1 30.4a" - 9 The difference of two squares” When an expression can be seen a8ithe difference of two perfect squares, for example x?—"ye, then it ofin be factorised as (x= @+y). ; i — 9" (x - yxy) Remember this result. Example yo Factorise;.a) 4q* — b* ‘b) 25m? - 81n* ) 3x" — 27y* a) 4a" 26° (2a) - 5 \ = @a-B)Qa+ b) ‘b) 25m? - sin® ‘= (m)’ - (9n)* = (Sm — 9n)(5m + 9n) ©) 3x _— 27y"= 3(x* - Oy") = B(x" — By)*) = B(x — By)(x + By) Py) EVE Ori aaly y)5) Factorise the followi Ly-@ 2m? — n? axe 4.7-1 5.x°-9 6.a? — 25 aol axl 4 9 9. 4x2 — 92 10. a — 4b? 11. 2522 — Ay? 12, 9x2 6y2 2 14, 9m? — 15.162 - 4 5! 2 100 Ine -x 18. a — ab? 19.435 — x 20. 8% — 2xy? 21, 12x" — Bxy* 22.18m*—Smn® 28. 5x” —1 ; 24, 50a" — 18ab* 25, 12a%y — yz? 26. 36a°b — dab 27.5045. — said 28, 36¢4y — 225xy" Evaluate: . 29, 81° — 80 30. 102* — 100% 31,226°2215 B2a1211 — 12108 38, 723° — 720° 34, 3.8 — 3.7 85. 5.24? ~ 4.76% _\ 86. 1234? — 12352 37. 3.812 — 3.8% 38. 540° — 550° 397.68" — 282.40. 0.003 — 0.002% Cubic expressions ‘The techniques you have leartied Soar inean that you can now also factorise many simple cubic expréssions of the fornP@st’ + bx? + cx. Because there is no constant'term and every térm contains x, you can simply take x, or a multiple of x, out_as @ factor, leaving you then with only a quadrati@to factorisé Example Factorisey a)x° 4+ 7x” + 10% b) 2x* + 10x” - 12x a) whdda?% 10x\e #(x7 Box +10) = a(x + Q(x +5) [by Bx° 4 10x% — 120% 22x" + Bx — 6) = 2x(x -1)(x + 6) Exercise 6.1F Fa, Factotisé the following: 1, x? + 3k + Ox 2. x9 - x? - 6x 8. x9 + 8x7 - de 4, x' + 8x" + 15a 5. x" + 4x" — 60x 6, x7 + 3x* - 28x 7. x? - 8x" + 15x 8. x? - 15x" + 44x 9. 2x° — 3x" — 2x Ce 10. 8x° + 5x* = 2x 11. 2x* +x” - 8x 12. 4x* + x* - 3x 13, Bx? + 17x" - 12x 14, 6x? +x" =x 15. 8x° - 2x* - x 16. 15x? + 18x + 2a 17, 128° + 40x? — Tx 18. 6x? + x* — 40x 19. 2x° - 2x 20. 3x° — 3x° — 6x 21, 15x° + 50x” - 40% 22, 12x — 20x — 48x 23. -2x° — 32x - 126x 24, -30x° + 5x” HVBX) 6.2 Quadratic equations A quadratic equation is an equation of the form ax? + bx +c = 0, Unlike linear equations, which only have one solution, quadratic equations can have zero, one, or two solutions. For an equation ax’ + bx + ¢ = 0 to be quadratic, aeainot be Zero, but b and care allowed to be zero. There must be,an'x? térm, but there cannot be any terms containing a higher, powenof'x than 2. Example Which of the following equations are quadratic? Explain your reasoning. a) x’ -7x+12=0 b) 3x°4 140 ©) “8x7=0 d) -13x+4=0 e)uic® Aa*'+ 4x 49 =0 a) Yes. It is of the form at} bi c= 0, and wisshot zero. b) Yes. It is of the form x? + bx + ¢ =(0."Uhe value of bis zero, but this is allowed. ©) Yes. It is of theYorm ax? + bx +0, The values of b and ¢ are zero, but this is allowed, 4) No. It hasno x°¥érm. ©) No. Ivha8\a ‘term with.a Power of « greater than 2. Solution by factorising Tf.the product of two numbers is zero, then one of those two numbers must bezero. "You can use this.fact to help you solve some quadratic equations. Example 1 Solve the equation x? + x - 12 = 0. Factorising, this becomes (x ~ 3)(x + 4) = 0 ‘The product of the two brackets can only be zero if one of the brackets equals zero. 8 PL] EVE @| This could be because x — 3 = 0, which is the case if x = 3. Alternatively, it could be because x + 4 = 0, which would be the case if x= —4, The solutions to this equation are therefore x = 3 or x Example 2 Solve the equation 6x? + x- 2=0. Factorising, this beeomes (2x — 1(8x + 2) = Either 2x — 1 = 0, which is the case if x Or 3x +2 = 0, which is the case if x= The solutions to this equation are therefore x = Example 3 Solve the equation 3x* — 2x = 14x - 5. First, rearrange to get all the terms on onéide-of the eau i sign. 3x? - 16x+5=0 ‘Then solve in the same way as Example2. Factorising gives (3x — 1)(x —) =. Therefore x= 4 or x= 5. Exercise 6.2A Solve the following equiation: we 1.x yx £1240 Wea Tx + 10=0 3.224 2x15 =0 4.22 PR B=O Bix? — 8x4 12=0 6.22 + 10x + 21=0 7. 250+ 6 =0, Baa dnt 5 922+ 5x—14=0 10. 3.= 2x - 3x 11. 3x2 + 10x - 8=0 12. 2x? + Ix - 15 =0 13/6x° — 13x4 6=0 14, 4x - 29x + 7=0 15. 10x°- 2=1+« 16. 922 15) "R36 = 0 17. 12y* - 16y +5 =0 18. y° + 2y - 63 =0 19. 22 SQL 4 2x 20. x? — Bx = 34-9 21. a° + 10x +25=0 220° Tx+5=7x—44 — 28.6a?—-a-1=0 24, 6a? — Ba — 11 = 2a? — 1 25. 27-82-65 =0 26. x? + 17x +6 =9 — 52? 27. 10k? + 19k -2=0 28.9? - 2y+1=0 29. 36x°+x-2=0 30. 14x° + x — 3 = 8x — 6x? BLY Example 1 Solve the equation x? — Tx = 0. Factorising, x(x — 7) = 0 Eitherx=0 or x-7=0 xa7 The solutions are x = 0 and x = 7. Example 2 Solve the equation 4x* — 9 = 0. a) Factorising, (2x — 3)(2x + 3) =0 Ce Hither 2x-3=0 or 2x+3=0 2x =8 2x = re3 re-3 “2 "2 b) Alternative method: 4x? -9=0 4x2 =9 ‘You must give a both the solutions. 2 wet Acommon error 4 is to only give eee! oreee the positive 2 2 square root. Tr) i) Solverthe following equ! 1ga*&3r=0 22+ Txr=0 8. 2x? — 2 =0 4.3% -x=0 5.2°-16=0 6.x°-49=0 1. 4x - 140 8.9x°-4=0 9. 6y* + 9y =0 10,6a%.— 9a = 11. 10x? - 55x = 0 12. 16x - 1 =0 thy-7- 14, 56x? — 35x = 0 15. 86x? — 8x = 0 16. x°= 6x 17.02 = 11x 18. 2x2 = 3x 19.2 =x 20. 4x = 22 21. By — x2 =0 205 EVE 22. 42 =1 23. 927 = 16 24,.2°=12-x 25. 12x = 52? 26.1-9x°=0 28, 2x2 = © 29, 4x" = 2 3 4 Solution by the quadratic formula ‘The solutions of the quadratic equation ax? + bx + ¢ = 0 are given by the quadratic formula, one of the most well-known formulae in mathematics: -b + (6° - 4ac) 2a You need to learn this formula, but you should only usesit ifyou are unable to solve the equation by factorisation. Noté thatif you use the formula and discover that the number under'the Square root is a square number, then you could have solved thé equation by factorising. The factorisation, however, méy Hot Have been.ca8y. to spot. Example Solve the equation 2x° — 3x 4 50, giving your answers: a) in surd form 7 b) accurate to 2 decimal platess a) Comparing with the general forma bx + ¢ = 0, you have a = 2, b= -3,¢= Using the quadratic. formula gives a = CECH ay S32 oro2 _ 3 eV 4 2x2 4 | he potutons isin fof are x = aay or x= 3 =v |b) Accurate to 2deeimal places: 23 pall = 2.35 or x= oa -0.85 Ce Exercise 6.2C For Questions 1 to 27, solve the equ: your answers in surd form where necessary. 1. 2x? + llx+5=0 2.30 + Ux+6=0 3. 6x? + Tx + 2=0. 4, 3x*- 10x+3=0 5. 5x*- Tx +2=0 6. 6x* — 11x + 3=0, 7. 2x8 + 6x +350 8.27 + 4x+1=0 9. 5x? - B+ = 0 10. x? - 7x+2=0 11. 2x? + 5x-1=0 12,38 42-320 18. 3x° + 8x - 6 =0 14. 3° — 7x — 20=0 1522x? - 7x - 15 =0 16. x° - 3x-2=0 17. 6x? - 11x-7=0 18. 3x%+ 25x + 8 0 19. 3y* - 2y -5 =0 20.2 -x-6x°=0_ 21. 20x? + 1x -"63 = 0 22. x* + 2.5x-6=0 23. 0.39" + 0.4y — 1.5% ON 24. 10- x 32%= 0 25. x* + 3.3x-0.7=0 26, 12 — 5x* - i= 27, Bx 2x34 187 = 0 For Questions 28 to 36, solve the equations and give your answers correct to two decimal places. 28, 2x* + 6x-1=0 29. 2° Sy + 1=0 80. Sy? +8y+1=0 31.34 4x -2x°=0 32.1% 5x — 2x= 0 33. 3x -1+4x=0 84, 5x- 92 +2=0 85. 24x° — 22e— 35 =0 36. 36x - 17x — 35 =0 ‘The solution to a problem may involve"an equation which does not at first appear to be quadratic. Theterms iff the equation may need to be rearranged as shown in the next example. Example Solvet 2a(a.= 1) = (x +1)¥ 95 Dr 2x" = 13% Dos 1 D6 De? 2x - rien he T+ 5 = 0 # -4x+4=0 (x P2)@<¥) =0 Qg In thiséxample the quadratic has a repeated solution of x = 2. EVE LIfe iB) Ey Solve the following, giving answers to two decimal places where necessary: Lv=6-x 2. x(x + 10) = —21 3. 8x +2 = 22? 4x +4=5x 5. 6x(e+ 1) =5-x 6. (2x)? = a(x - 14) - 5 7. (x-3)'=10 8. (x + 1)? — 10 = 2x(x — 2) 9. Qx- 1 = (= 1 +8 10. 3xG¢ +2) — ae 2) +6=0 11, 2x = 7x 12,16 = 4 x Solution by completing the square Another way to solve a quadratic equation of the font x? + bx + ¢=0 (a= 1) is to rearrange the equation to make x the subject. This, however, appears to be tricky at,firstbecause x appears twice in the equation and in one of those instancessit, is squared. The key here is to notice that (x + n)* & ¥*)2nx + n° Where Wis a number. ; Rearranging this gives x” + 2iix = (w + h)* — n® ‘This means that if you have an eXpression of the foFfi x° + 2nx you can swap it for an expression of the forim (a+ n)* — n°. ‘This turns out to be veryuseful. Suppose you want to Solve'the equation x” + 6x + 4=0. Note that x* + 6x'is,an expression of the form x? + 2nx where m= 3: This means you can swap x*+,6xfor (x + 3) - 3°. Note that the 3 is just halfiof the 6. This fiitns? + 6x A4 50 into (x + 3)’ - 3° +4 Rearranging this givesus (x +3)” = 5 ‘Note-that on the left-Hand side of the equation you now have a perfect square. For thi§ reason, this method of solving quadratic equations is called ‘completing the square’. Now you can finish solving the equation: x +3 = +V5 x=-34V6 BL} Ce Example 1 Solve the quadratic equation x2 ~ 12x = 0 by completing the square. x? —12x = (x - 6) -36=0 (x - 6 = 36 x-6=46 | x=6+6=12 or x=6-6=0 N Example 2 Solve the quadratic equation x* — 10x — 17 = 0 by completing the square, giving your answers in surd form. ° ' x -10x-17=0 - (x -5) -5°-17=0 (x — 5) = 25417 = 42 e-5 = +V42 5+ V42 or x = 5-42 Example 3 Solve the quadratic equation x? + 3x“11 20 by completing the square, giving your answers corréct to 2'decimal places. x + 8x —1 30 (x 41,57 -i\s"-11=0 (x 6/196)? 2.25 + 1= 18,95 PS 6-= +V1325 P= 15+ VB 265.14 @d.p) or 1.5 - V3 = -2.14 (2 dp.) Tf in ax? s/bx + in Exaniple 4. 0, a 1, the method can be adapted, as shown 209 EVE Example 4 Solve the quadratic equation 2x — 12x + 7 = 0 by completing the square, giving your answers correct to 2 decimal places. 2x? -12x+7=0 Xx? - 6x) +7 =0 (x - 3% -9]+7=0 Ax -3)?-18+7=0 Ax - 3) =18-7=11 (x -3)) = 5.5 x-3=4VB5 x= 3455 =5.35 dp) or x =3-V55 = 0.65 (2dp.) Example 5 Given that y = x2 — 8x + 18, show that J*>.2 for all values,oPx: Completing the square, y = (x +4)’ 316 +18 = (PEAR +2 Now (x - 4)? is always greater than or equaMo zero because it is ‘something squared’. ‘Therefore, y > 2 FB, Fc ‘or Quéstions..o 10, complétéithe square for each expression by writing them in the formi(x + a)* + 6, where’a and b can be positive or negative. Tax’ + 8x BAe — 12x Batt 4.844041 5.2 - 6x +9 6. x24 2x15 7. Wx? + 16x +5 8. 2x? — 10x 9.6 tac x8 10. 3-2x-2¢ 11. Solverthese equations by completing the square. a) 44x —3=0 b) x — 38x-2=0 oe) 4+ 12e=1 12, Try to solve the equation x? + 6x + 10 = Explain why you can find no solutions. 13, Given y = x° + 6x + 12, show that y > 3 for all values of x. by completing the square. PAC) CES Cee ce cad 14. Given y = x? — 7x + i, show that the least possible value of y is -12. 15. Ify = 0° + 4x + 7 find: a) the smallest possible value of y b) the value of x for which this smallest value occurs ©) the greatest possible value of een 6.3 Solving problems using quadratic equations Example ‘The area of rectangle A is 16 cm? greater than the area. of rectangle B. Find the height of rectangle A. Tom ’ (e+ 3)em be— 1) em (eFBem Area of rectangle A = T(t 3) Area of rectangle B =(x + 2)(x > 1) You are given (x + 2)(x 1) + 16 = 70 3), Solve this equatiofiy” + 2x — x — 24. 16.= 7x +21 a+ x +14 Q7x $21 x -6RE TSO (x YI RA) = 0 w= Torx =-1 However, x isa length $0 must be positive; therefore x = 7. ‘The height of rectangle A, x + 3, is therefore 7 +3 = 10 em. Berea SKvgtel Problem by formi arati ti LY in Question 2, let nlve*tach problem by forming a quadratic equation. zamthe firetodd 1. Iwo positive numbers that differ by 3, have a product of 88. number, and then Find these numbers. express the second odd number in terms of x. 2, The product of two positive consecutive odd numbers is 143. Find the numbers. Ply EVE 3. The length of a rectangle exceeds the width by 7 em. If the area is 60 cm’, find the length of the rectangle. . The length of a rectangle exceeds the width by 2 em. If the diagonal is 10 cm long, find the width of the rectangle. Questions 4, 6 and Tuse Pythagoras’ theorem. = 5. The area of the rectangle exceeds the area of the square by 24 m*. Find the value of x. (x~3)m ws _] oom ede 2 ‘The perimeter of a rectangle is 68 cm. If the diagonal is 26 cm, find the dimensions of the rectangle. x . Sang Jae walks a certain distance due north and then the same distance plus a further 7 km due east. If the’final distance from the starting point is 17 km, find thedistances' he walks north and east. @ . A farmer makes a profit of x cents on eadhcof the (x +95) eggs her hen lays. If her total profitwas 84 cents,find the number of eggs the hen lays. 2 Sirak buys x eggs at (x 8) Gents ach and (x ~ 2),bread rolls at (x ~ 3) cents each. Ifthe total bill is $1:75, how many eggs does he buy? 10. In Figure 1, ABCDiis a rectangle withAB = 12 cm and BC =7 cm. AK = BL= CM = DN = xem. If the area of KLMN is 54,cm*\findthe value of x. 11. In Figure 1,AB'= 14 cm,BO% 31 cm and AK Bl ©M = DN = »cm, If the area of KLMN is now 97\cm*\find the possible values of x. Figure 1 12, The perimeters of a square and a rectangle are equal. One side of the rectangle is 11 cm and the area of the square is 4 cm? more than the area of the rectangle. Find the possible lengths of the side of the square. 212 a Cae 4 Nonl ear simultaneous equa Laks) Sometimes you may be given a pair of simultaneous equations where one equation is linear and one is nonlinear, When this happens, you will not be able to use the elimination method that you sometimes used in Chapter 2 when both equations were linear. In these instances, you have no choice but to use substitution. Example 1 Solve the simultaneous equations y = x +1 andy =x" + 3x —2 yextl ) ysxt3x—2 2) Substitute (1) into (2): xtl=24+3x-2 O=x°+2x-3 Solve the resulting quadratic equation bf'factorising: 0=(@+3)@-1) x=-30rx=1 Substitute the x-values into (1): When x = -3, y =-2 When x=1,y=2 Example 2 Solve the simultaneous equations 2x= y = 3 and y = 2x° + 9x — 1. 2x wy =B a = 96 Not y= 2B PoeA 1 (2) If you have Rearrange (1),to makely the subject: to solve the Benya quadratic a equation by using mae the formula, use Substitute into (2): the exact x-values Ox Sex" + 9x -1 when finding y, ee then round both, . answers at Solve the resulting quadratic equation using the formula: the end. 7? — 4(2)(2) 2(2) + 33 213 EVE or 3.18614... = y = 9.3722... The solutions are: x = -0.31, y = -3.63 and x = -3.19, y = Boren cr) Solve the following pairs of simultancous equations. Giye Your answers toltwo decimal places where necessary. 1. y = 20-2 2. y =6x-8 y =x" 16x +68 y ant + Or 4, y+2x=9 5. y+ 10x +8V 0 6, PRA = x? +40 y=x-6x+12 Yor 6 = x y+ 8x = 38 Ly-Tax 42x 8. pW Tax = 54 Oy +2e+7=4 y-9=4x 43 Dy - 6x y-8=x° 46x42 10. 2y- 3x =1 10 89 + 4x = 15 12. 3y-2x +5 =0 you +3x-7 y = 2xt- 3g 5 y = 7-2x - 3x 13. y=x+1 14. y #x%3 15. x° +9 =6 x+y =6 pen 4x +3y =2 x Revision exercise 6 | i) 1. Ractorise these expressions. 2. Solve these equations. a) 4x? — 9? a) 2x? — T= 0 B) 2x? + 8x46 b) x? + 5x+6=0 c) 6m + 4 9km — 6kn o) i412} d) 22% Bx — 3 3. Factorise these expressions. e) 4x® + 10x* + 4x a) 2 16z b) xy? tatty? +1 ce) 2x?+ 1lx+ 12 Par) 4, Solve these simultaneous equations. 9. ABCD is a rectangle, where AB = x cm and BC is 1.5 cm less than AB. a)y=x+4 yoxt+4xt4 A b) 2y-8x-1=0 y = 2x? -4x+3 B 5. Solve these equations. a) 4(y+1)= xs De 7 7, ° a If the area oftthé rectangle is 52 cm’, b) x2 = 5x is ; form an equation in'x and solve it to © 6. Solve these equations, giving your find the diménsions of the rectangle. answers correct to two decimal places. > 8) 24 ar -120 . Solve. 50, A diamond of valite $5000 has a massof 50 grams. Exercise 8.3A 1. Rewrite the-statement cohnécting each pair of variables using a constant k instead of ‘@’, a) Sxe b) y ave ©) TxVE d) Car Aare Nh var 2c is directly proportional to t. If y = 6 when t = 4, calculate: a)/the Value of y, when t = 6 b) the value of ¢, when y = 4 3.z is Wirectly proportional to m. If z = 20 when m = 4, calculate: a) the'value of z, when m =7 b) the value of m, when z = 55 4.A is directly proportional to r*, If A= 12, when r= 2, calculate: a) the value of A, when r= 5 b) the value of r, when A = 48 CR ca) 5.Given that z « x, copy and complete the table. 6. Given that V « r°, copy and complete the table. r|1|2 1 vi4 256 7. Given that w x Vh, copy and complete the table. 1 h 4 9 25 w | 6 15 8. The pressure of the water P at any point bélow the suface of the sea is directly proportional to thedepth of the point below the surface d. If the pressure is:200,newtons/em? aia depth of 3 m, calculate the pressure at a depth of 5 im. 9. The distance d through Whichia stone falls front¥est is directly proportional toth@ square of the.time'taken 1. If the stone falls 45 m imi seconds, how far will it fall in 6 seconds? How long také'tofall 20 m? 10. The energy E’stored in an elastic band is directly proportional to thé squafe oftthe extension x. When the clastic is extended by 8m) \the energy stored is 243 joules. What is the'energy stored when the extension is 5 cm? Whabis the extension When the stored energy is 36 joules? 11,In the first few days ofits life, the length of an earthworm [ris thought tolbe ditectly proportional to the square root of the number of hours n which have elapsed since its birth. If a worm is 2 cm long after 1 hour, how long will it,be after 4 hours? How long will it take to grow to a length of 14 cm? 12,.The number of eggs which a goose lays in a week is directly proportional to the cube Yot of the average number of hours of sleep she has. When she has 8 hours Sleep she lays 4 eggs. How long does she sleep when she lays 5 eggs? PE? 13. The resistance to motion of a car is directly proportional to the square of the speed of the car. If the resistance is 4000 newtons at a speed of 20 m/s, what is the resistance at a speed of 30 m/s? At what speed is the resistance 6250 newtons? 14. A road research organisation recently claimed that the damage to road surfaces was directly proportional to the fourth power of the axle load. The axle load of a 44-tonne HGV is about 15 times that of a car. Calculate the ratio of the damage to road surfaces made by a 44-tonne HGV: damage to road surfaces made*by a car. Inverse proportion If xis inversely proportional to y, you write x « 4, again using\the ‘is proportionalhto’ symbol «. y The ‘s’ symbol can he replaced hy ‘= k’ where k is apo MW alicl{mean init x = * a Suppose you are told that x = 4 when y = 5. Then 4 = 2 5 and k = 20 You can then write x = 29, and this agatinallows you'fo find'the value of x for any y value of y and vice versa. Example zis inversely proportional tot®, and z =4 when ¢ = 1. Calculate: a) zwhen t=2 b) t when Z=16. Write yz ae t 1 ‘ or (25 kx a (his Mednstant) zZ=4whent=1, wala so R=4 zute z 264 CR ca) ° 1 a) When t = 2,2 = 4x55 =1 b) When z = 16, 16 = 4x5 rR) 1. Rewrite the statements connecting the variables'using’a constant of variation, hk. a)xat bysx ote y é Na ) mis inversely proportional to w ¢) zis inversely proportional to 2. bis inversely proportional td ¢, Ih + 6 when e=2, éaléulate: a) the value of 6 when e =12 b) the value of e when 6 = 3 3. q is inversely proportional'to r: If ¢ = 5 when r= 2, calculate: a) the value of q when r 34 b) the value of r when g = 20 4, xis inversely"proportiorial to y*. If = when y = 3, calculate: a) the value 6f x When y = 1 b) the value of y when x = 24. 5. Ris inversely proportional\to Writ R = 120 when v = 1, calculate: a) thévaluebf R when v10 b) the value of v when R= 30 6. DM itversely proportional to x’. If 1"= 36 when x = 2, calculate: fa) the value of’ when x = 3 b) the value of x when T'= 1.44 Z. pis inversely*propértional toy. If p =1.2 when y = 100, calculate: a) the value 6f p when y = 4 b) the value of y when p = 3 8. pisinversély proportional to 2. If y = z when z = 4, calculate: a)‘the value of y when z= 1 b) the value of z when y = 10 Pa PE? 9. Given that z « +, copy and complete the table. y 1 yf2]4 re z|8 16 10. Given that v « 4 copy and complete the table. t}/2)5 10 1 25 a ° 4 11. Given that r « — copy and complete the table. © x]il4 3 r | 12 a|2 12, Mis inversely proportional to the square of J, ' If M=9 when / = 2, and if Mand! are always positive, find: a) Mwhen /= 10 b)whén M= 1 13. Given z = find b addyAand thep(Coby and complete the table. x 15. The volume V of a given mass of gas is inversely proportional to the pressure P. When V = 2 m', P= 500 N/m®. Find the volume when the pressure is 400 N/m’, Find the pressure when the volume is 5 m°. 16. The number of hours N required to dig a certain hole is inversely proportional to the number of workers available, x. When 6 workers are digging, the hole takes 4 hours. Find the time taken when 8 workers are available. If it takes + hour to dig the hole, how many workers are there? 17. The force of attraction F between two magnets is inversely proportional td the square of the distance d between them. When the magnets are 2 em apart, the force of attraction is 18 newtons. How far apart are they if the attractive force is 2 newtons? 8.4 Indices 2 In Chapter 1 you learned how to use indices when dealing with numbers. The Same rules for indices apply when working with algebra. Here arewules you need to remember. 1. a'xan=anem 2. a"sa"=a"n 3) @" Sa" Also remember that: -n 1 art et a” means ‘the nth root of a’ a" means ‘the nth root of a raisédto the power m’, a’ =1 whenever a + 0, sine = ye Do? Example Simplify: a) x! xx" b) ex! ©) (x d) (32")° e) Ox Prag f) By°x dy" b) x* S x d) (3x) = 3° x (°)' = 27x" f) By? x dy? = 129° ~ come from\or 20. The value of a car $v is related to the number of kilometres n that it has travelled by the equation v = 4500-2 20 Draw the graph for 0 < n < 90000, From the graph find: a) the value of a car that has travelled 3700 km. b) the number of kilometres travelled by a car valued at $3200. Gradients of straight lines The gradient of a straight line is a measure of how Bteep itis. ‘You can find the gradient of a line passing target? ‘points &. ») apd Ye,, 9,) using the formula Example 1 Find the gradient of the lingjoinihg ff? the points A(1, 2) and B@,5). gradient of AB Bg _ NS 3 ACN GF1 5 They ertien can also Be éalculated using the formula: gradient = 2+—22 ae whén you do the subtractions. @) fotice the oder 0 the coordinates (x, y,) ei (x,, 9,) used in both forms of the formula: the first number in the numerator and the first number in the denominator of the points. The second numbers are from the other point. Wh yfinding the gradient using either (1) or (2), just be sure that you are consistent Eee oe arid Example 2 Find the gradient of the line joining 947 the points D(1, 5) and E(5, 2). “bas gradient of DE = Notice that: + Lines which slope upward to the right have a positive, gradient, and lines ih Slope downward to the right have a negative gradient. ° + Horizontal lines have a gradient of zero because-all Whe Points they pass through will have the same y-coordinate, making the gradight = Ho». NA &-%, &-% + Vertical lines do not have a gradient becati8e athe points*they, pass through will have the same x-coordinate, making thé gradient = an 32452. since you cannot divide by zero the gradient is undefined) \s Y + Parallel lines have the samegradient. Re Calculate the gradientof the ining the following pairs of points. 1.8,1,6,4) ¢\ 2.0/9), 8,5) 3. (-1, 3), (1, 6) 4. (-2, -1),(0, On, 5. (785), (1, 6) 6. (2, -3), (1, 4) 7.0, 2.620 © «(5 1} (2.2) a(-4, 10.9 10. (8215 2), 8.2, 25)» 11. (-7, 10), ©, 0) 12. (3, 4), (-2, 4) 13. 2, 5), (1.3, 5) \ 14, (2.3, -2.2), (2.3, 1.8) 15. (0, 2), (0, 8) NB64om, m), (ad oY 17. 2a, f), (a, -f) 18. (2k, ~h), (k, 3h) 19. (ut an, eam, 3n) 20. (g.-<). (¢.2) 3) Eee oe arid In Questions 21 and 22, find the gradient of each straight line. at o 2 4 6 & Wo 23. The line joining the points (8a, 4) and (a, ~3) has a gradient of 1. Find t the vale of a 24. a) Write down the gradient ofthe line joining the points 2m,‘n) and (3, “a: b) Find the value of n if the line is parallel to the x-axis. c) Find the value of m if the line is parallel to'the y-axis. Midpoints and lengths of line segments The midpoint of the line segment joining the two points (wny,hand (x,, y,) can be found using the formula: 2 ‘The length of the line segment joining the tWo poifits(x,, y,) and (x,, y,) can be found using the formula: midpdine & (Eas, a) 7 - lehgth of line segprent = (x, a) + Oh Notice that this is an application of Pythagoras’ theorem. Example a) ind thé ¢odrdinates of the midpoint of the line segment Joihing point P(2, 1) to point Q(6, 4). b) Fina the length of'theline segment PQ. “a) Add the x-coordinates of P and Q and then divide by 2. Add the§-e0brdinates of P and Q and then divide by 2. /rémidpoint has eordinates= (22, a2) = (4, 2.5) °° 283 @| b) Method 1 Draw triangle PQR. PR = 4 units . and QR = 3 units. Pythagoras . . theorem states ae pee theoren that, for a fay Waste = angled tfiangley” PQ =5 units eye Method 2 where is the Alternatively, put the coordinates into the formula. jor “hypotenuse Length of PQ = (6 - 2) + (4-1)? = V4? 43° »s = Vi6 +9 = V25 = 5 units rl) For Questions 1 to 12, find the midpoint and length of the line segment joining each pair of points. Leave lengths in simplified surd form wherever. possible. 1.6, 0), 6,4) 2.1, D, YY (3,6, 0), 4,3) 4. (-1, 3), (1, 6) 0,0) NET, 5), (1, 6) 7.@, -3), (1, 4) so 7c2d5 (5, 1), (3. 2) 10. ( > 1} (0, =1) . - ‘11, (3.1, 2), @a2, 2.5) 12. (-7, 10), (0, 0) 13. One end of a ling segment is at (-2n3)."Its midpoint is at (3, 1). Find the coordinates of the point ab the other end? 14. The distance between the\péints (x) and (10, -10) is 2V122 . Find thé two\possible values'of.«. of straight lines When the equation, 6a Straight line is written in the form y=ix + c, the gradient of the line is m and the intercept on the praxis is. * If you khoWw the gradient and y-intercept, you can quickly sketch the graph. f a sketch for a straight-line graph, you just need to. draw the line with roughly the correct gradient, and then label the x- and y-intercepts. It does not need to be precise. PRT eae dd Example 1 Sketch the line y = 2x +3. ‘The line y = 2x + 8 has a gradient of 2 and intercepts the y-axis at (0, 3). The word ‘sketch’ implies that you do not need’to plot a sefies.of pdints Joubsimply show the position and slope of the line. Example 2 Sketch the line x + 2y - 6 = 0. Rearrange the equation to make y the subject. x+2y-6=0 ‘ Qy =-x+6 The line has a gradient of ~ } aiid fhtereepts the y-axis at: (0, 3). You can recognise when two lines ate parallel from their equations because they will have the Sam@ gradient. Example 3 : From the three Straight lines represented by these equations, which two aré paPallel? y= RT 2y 22x =10 6x-3y-9=0 Reartange-each equation/soiit is in the form y = mx +c, and then read off the yalu@of'm. y=2x+7 \\Gs already in the required form with m = 2) 2y - 2x $70, jo 2y = 2% +40 0 048 (is now in the required form with m = 1) \6xr— By- 9 =0 3n=6x-9 ya 2x-3 (is now in the required form with m = 2) ‘The lines y = 2x + 7 and 6x - 3y-9=0 have the same gradient, so they are parallel. 285 Exercise 9.3A For Questions 1 to 10, find the gra then sketch the graph. int of the line and the intercept on the y: Ly=x43 Qy=x-2 B. y=2v41 dy =2x-5 ae 6.y= 5946 Ty =Br-2 8.9 =2x | Sy=te x-4 10.y=-x43 "4 For Questions 11 to 20, find the gradient of the line and the intéreept ofthe y-axis Identify any pairs of lines that are parallel to each other. U1. y =6- 2x 1y=2-x 13% y+2x=3 \ eT 15. 2y - 8 =6 16.3y+x-9=0 17.4x-36_ 19. 10x + 10y =0 20.y-4=0 \ Finding an equation of a straight line Equations of straight lines can be written in different forms@As wéllas the familiar y= mx +e form, sometimes you may,be asked to-write the Ngusfiondt the line in the form ax + by =e. ) f— ) , Example Find an equation of the Araight ine which, passes S through (,3)and@,7 ' a) in the form y = mt Ae \ b) in the form ax by se. a) Let the equation of the line fake the form y = mx +c. The wradient’m = 2=2 . So, you fan write the equation as y= 2x + ¢ (a) / Since the line passeSithrough (1, 3), substitute 3 for y and 1 | forxinG@). ‘The equation of the line is therefore y = 2x + 1. b) The equation of the line y = 2x + 1 can be rearranged and written as 2x + y=1 PET) PRT eae dd PRES} ) e which passes through the given point with the given gradient. Give your equations in the form y= mx +c. For Questions 1 to 6, find an equation of the 1. Passes through (0, 7), gradient of 3 2, Passes through (0, -9), gradientof 2 3. Passes through (0, 5), gradient of-1 _ 4. Passes through (2, 3), gradient of 2 5. Passes through (2, 11), gradient of 3 6. Passes through (4, 3)@radient of -1 For Questions 7 to 11, find an equation of the line as described. Give younéquations in the form ax + by =c. 7. Passes through (6, 0), gradient oft 8. Passes through (2, 1) and (4, 5) 9. Passes through (5, 4) and (6, 7) 10. Passes through(0, 5) and\@, 2) 11. Passes through (3, -3) and (9, -1) ( In lines of the form y = mx + ¢, the letter m fepresents the gradient, What expression represents the gradient ifthe line is in the form ax + by = ¢? 13. The only straight-line equations that carinot be written in thé'form y = mx + ¢ are vertical lines. Why is this? 14, Find an equation of a line that passes through the-two points (1, ~4) and (1, 6). 15, a) Find an equation of the line that passes through the two points (4, 3) and (7, 3). b) Is this line in the form y = mx + ¢? Explaih your answer. L ¥ Parallel lines — ‘You may be asked to find a linie that passes throtigh a certain point and is parallel to another line, Example Find an equition of the lingwBigh Passes through (8, 4) and is parallel fo the line y = 2x— 7s ‘Theling J=2x - 7 has afgradient of 2, and because parallel lines have thesame gradient, the required line will also have a sgradient of 2. Let the equation of the line take the form y = mx +c, where You! knéwethe equation is y = 2x + ¢, where c is to be determined. Sineé the line passes through (3, 4), substitute 4 for y and 3 for x into thé equation. 4=2x34e c=2 ‘The equation of the line is therefore yy = 2x - 2. PLY] ol isieg >) For Questions 1 to 5, find an equation of the line passing through the given point, and which is parallel to the given line. ; 1. Through (1, 6) and parallel to y = 2x~5 2. Through (8, 5) and parallel to y = x1 8. Through (12, -1) and parallel to x + 3y = 12 4, Through (4, -2) and parallel to y= 8 5. Through (-6, 9) and parallel to x = 3 6. a) Find equations of the lines A and B. b) Find an equation of the line which is parallel to line’ and which passes through the point (0, 1). . c) Find an equation of the line which is parallelfo lineB and which passes through the point (0, -2) 2 ‘The graph shows intersecting lines A and-B,, a) Find an equation of the line aralle\ih fing, passing through (0, 5). ) Find an equation of the line patel to line, passing through (0, 3). Perpendicular linés. If two lines are perpehdicular; the product of their gradients is equal to -1. This is offentwritten as mpm, %s -1, where m, and m, are the gradients of thé two perpendicular lines. ‘This means that.if you know thégradient of one line, you can easily find the graldient of a Jime perpendicular to it. Example N eee /AY Bind the gradient oflines A and B. \.b) Show that lites’A ahd B are perpendician, |'a) Th gpadieht of line A: m, = 2, and A S the sraaiént of line B: m, == ee by 2x-2 =—t,and therefore thetwo =f lines are perpendicular. PET} PRT eae dd Example 2 Find an equation of the line perpendicular to y = 3x ~ 5, ~1 is sometimes passing through (2, 2). e called the*negative ‘The gradient of line y = 3x5 is 3. reciprocal 6F 3. ‘Therefore the gradient of any line perpendicular to it is + Let the equation of the line take the form y = mx +c, where You know the equation is y = 3 + ¢, where cis to be determiniedé Since the line passes through (2, 2), substitute 2 for y and\2 for x” into the equation. a=-1 x24 3 c=22 At 2 IN 52 The equation of the line is therefore y #—E2% 25 Alternatively, this could be written as x +"3y = 8. ‘The perpendicular bisector of a/line Begmenti€ a line whichis perpendicular to it and whickipassés through its midpoint. Example 3 Find the perpenditular bisector of the line Segment joining the points (0, ~4) and (6, 4). ‘The line has agradient of. 3 = < 4 and therefore the gradiénbof the perpendicular is -2 The lin@has a midpoint of (48 eS +) = (3,0) Fie where c is to be “You know the*equation is y = determined. Since the line passes through (3, 0), substitute 0 for y and 3 for x‘intorthe equation. Axsee 4 See 40°54 3 1 ‘The equation of the line is therefore y = — Tx +27 289 ‘The shortest distance from a point to a line is the perpendicular distance. Example 4 Find the shortest distance from the point (1, ~4) to the line y = 2 xt u The line perpendicular to y = 3 x41 q has a gradient of — : Now find the line with a gradient of — é that passes through (1, ~4): ~4=-45 14 ewhich means ¢= -44 4 = 3 and the line is A F +e . ts 2. Basses chro NS -1) and is perpendicular to x + 2y = 2 “Ss¢passes though, 6) and is perpendicular to y = 4x 3 4, passes thFough (5, 0) and is perpendicular to x + 6y = 24 5. passes through (7, 2) and is perpendicular to y = 5x — 2 6. passes through (—1, 0) and is perpendicular to the line through (3, 1) and (5, 7). ac 7. Find the perpendicular bisector of the line segment joining the points (1, 4) and (5, 0). Give your answer in the form yemx+e. 8. Find the perpendicular bisector of the line segment joining the points (0, 1) and (4, 9). Give your answer in the form ax + by =e. 9. Find the perpendicular bisector of the line segment joining O the points (0.5, 6) and (7.5, 6). fX 10. a) Find an equation of the line which is perpendicular to”) the line y = 0.5x + 3 and passes through (1, -1). S b) Hence, find the shortest distance from the line y = 05x + 3 to the point (1, -1). Give your answer correct to 2°d.p. 11. Find the shortest distance from the point (2, 8),to'the line ye- z x +4, Give your answer correct to2@p\ * 12. Find the shortest distance from the point (4, <1) to the line —5x — 3. Give your answer correctto 2ed.p. 9.4 Plotting curves Graphs of polynomig! a8 recfprocat functions Example . J Draw the graph of the funtion y es oe 6, for -3

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