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Surname Forename(s) Class


General Certificate of Education Ordinary level

BIOLOGY 4025/2
PAPER 2 Theory Structured
JULY 2022 SESSSION 2 hours

Additional materials
Answer paper
Calculator (optional) Form 4 Mid-Year exams 2022

TIME 2 hours

Write your name and class in the spaces at the top of this page.
Section A
Section A Section B
Answer all questions.

Write your answers in the spaces provided on the question paper.

Section B

Answer any four questions.

Write your answers on the separate paper provided. TOTAL

At the end of the examination,

1. fasten all separate answer paper used securely to the question paper,

2. enter the number of each Section B question you answered in the grid.


The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of the question or part question.

This question paper consists of 7 printed pages.


Section A
Answer all questions in the spaces provided
1. a) Fig 1.1 shows a group of specialized cells.

i) Identify the specialized cells in Fig1.1.

_____________________________________________________ [1]
ii) State any three ways in which these cells are specialized for their function.

______________________________________________________ [3]
b) i) State any three factors that influence the rate of photosynthesis.

________________________________________________________ [3]
ii) Explain the importance of photosynthesis in a natural ecosystem.


_______________________________________________________ [3]

“Each man for himself but God for us all”


2. There are many methods of contraception used by humans.

a) Give one example of each of the following contraception methods.
i) natural
_____________________________________________ [1]
ii) chemical
______________________________________________ [1]

iii) barriers
_______________________________________________ [1]
b) State any three signs or symptoms of syphilis.
_____________________________________________________ [3]

c) Suggest options available to women with fertility problems.

_____________________________________________________ [4]
3. a) Define the terms
i) gene mutation
________________________________________________ [2]
ii) chromosomal mutation
_____________________________________________ [2]

“Each man for himself but God for us all”


b) State any two factors increasing the rates of mutations.

___________________________________________________ [2]

c) Describe how Down’s syndrome occurs.

_________________________________________________________ [4]
4. a) State any two types of medicinal drugs.

_________________________________________________________ [2]
b) Suggest any three ways in which medicinal drugs may be abused.
_________________________________________________________ [3] `
c) Name the causative agent of cholera.

______________________________________________________ [1]
d) State the two reasons why cholera is an infectious disease.

_________________________________________________________ [2]

e) Explain why cholera is common during the rainy seasons in Zimbabwe.


“Each man for himself but God for us all”


__________________________________________________________ [2]

5. a) Fig 4.1 shows the structure of a microorganism.

i) State with a reason , the type of micro organism shown.

type of micro organism_________________________________


____________________________________________________ [2]
ii) Identify the part labeled A.
_______________________________________________ [1]

iii) Name the biological molecule that makes up A.

“Each man for himself but God for us all”


____________________________________________________ [1]

iv) State the function of the

1. slime capsule


2. flagellum

_________________________________________________ [2]
b) Explain the role of bacteria in the carbon cycle.
__________________________________________________________ [4]
6. a) Define the term
i) biodiversity

__________________________________________________ [2]
ii) diagnostic feature

__________________________________________________ [1]
b) Explain how climate change is a threat to biodiversity.
__________________________________________________________ [4]
c) State any three ways of maintaining biodiversity in Zimbabwe.

“Each man for himself but God for us all”


__________________________________________________________ [3]

Section B
Answer any four questions on a separate answer sheet

7. a) State and explain any three properties of enzymes [6]

b) Explain the importance of enzymes to living organisms. [4]

8. a) Outline the differences between monocotyledonous plants and dicotyledonous
plants [6]
b) Explain the importance of plants in the human diet. [4]
9. a) Describe the flow of energy in an ecosystem. [6]
b) Suggest ways of adhering to the carrying capacity. [4]

10. a) Describe how natural selection can lead to evolution. [6]

b) Explain the role of animal breeding [4]
11. a) Describe the risk of drinking alcohol during pregnancy. [6]
b) Explain why antibiotics are ineffective in treating diseases caused by viruses and
protozoa. [4]

12. Fig 11.1 shows a longitudinal section of a flower

“Each man for himself but God for us all”


a) Describe the changes that occur to X, Y and Z after fertilisation. [6]

b) Explain the mechanism adapted by flowers to promote insect pollination. [4]

Compiled by S Ngwenya at Minda High School, 2022

“Each man for himself but God for us all”

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