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Hasibullah Fazli

 Teething?
 Order of teeth Eruption
 Signs & Symptoms
 Teething Vs Ear infection
 How to Ease?
 What not to do?
 When to call Doctor?
 Dental care after Eruption
• The process of teeth growing and breaking through the gums.
• Teething is a normal yet uncomfortable part of baby’s growth & development
• Also called Odontiasis
• Starting at 6-12months
• Effect of hormones cause pain and discomfort
Order of Teeth Eruption
• Some born with 1st teeth, others in 4months old but most around 6months
• For every 6 months of life about 4 teeth will erupt
• Lower before upper
• Usually in pairs
Importance of Primary Teeth
• Reserve space
• Give typical shape o face
• Aid in development of clear speech
• Help attain good nutrition
• Give a healthy start to permanent teeth
Signs & Symptoms
 Sometimes no pain or discomfort
• Gum sore and red
• Mild temperature increase, less than 38C
• Flushed cheek
• Rash on face
• Rubbing Ear
• Gnawing & chewing on a lot
• Fretfulness
• Not sleeping very well
• Drooling
• Putting fingers & fists constantly in mouth
• Irritability, loss of appetite & crying
Teething Vs Ear Infection
 Some symptoms are common but:
• High fever
• Severe pain
• Fluid coming from the ear
• Balance problems
How to Ease?
• Giving hard rubber toys & teething rings to chew on
• Rub their gums with clean fingers(best solution)
• Wipe their face with a cloth to remove drool & prevent rash
• Giving a cool object like cold apple
• Feed him cool & soft foods(fruits & vegetables)
• Use a bottle filled with water
• Stay all the time with the child
• Medicines: a dose of acetaminophen or ibuprofen(older than 6m)
• Gels if 2 years old or more
(drooling shortens its effect)
What Not to Do?
• Don’t tie teething ring or any other object around child’s neck
• Do no place frozen things on gums
• Never cut the gums to help tooth grow
• Avoid teething powders
• Never give/use aspirin
• Do not rub alcohol
• Avoid homeopathic teething tablets
• Teething gels
When to Call Doctor?
 Usually can be handled at home
 Contact doctor if teething process is interfering with
child’s eating or drinking
 When you see symptoms not associated with teething:
• Fever
• Facial rash
• Congestion
• Diarrhea or vomiting
Dental Care After Eruption
 Brush as soon as first tooth erupts
• Twice a day
• With a small & soft bristles tooth brush
 Using dental floss when possible
 Avoiding excess sugary foods and drinks
 Regular dental check ups
• Nikhil, M.(2019). Textbook of Pediatric Dentistry.4th ed. Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers.
• NHS.(2022, Aug 9). Baby teething symptoms. Retrieved from
• Johns Hopkins Medicine. (2024). Teething. Retrieved from
• Cleveland Clinic. (2023, May 24). Teething/Teething Syndrome. Retrieved from
• MedlinePlus. (2022, Oct 31). Teething. Retrieved from
• Mayo Clinic. (2022, Feb 25). Teething: Tips for soothing sore gums. Retrieved from
• Vroomen, M. (2024, May 10). Teething-What You Should
• Johnson, Sh. (2017, Aug 17). Teething Syndrome: When Your Baby Starts Teething.
Thank You!
Dr.Hasibullah Fazli

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