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For a time, hope blazed anew in the Mortal Realms.
But the darkness too can rise…
THE VERMINDOOM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 SKAVEN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
The Smouldering City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Clawlord on Gnaw-beast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Triumph of the Skaven . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Warlock Engineer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Nightmare Odyssey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Grey Seer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
The Battle of Hel’s Claw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Rat Ogors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Clanrats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
STORMCAST ETERNALS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Ratling Warpblaster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Lord-Vigilant on Gryph-stalker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Warplock Jezzails . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Lord-Terminos. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Lord-Veritant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 VERMIN WAR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Reclusians . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Knight-Questor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Prosecutors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Liberators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23


This book contains an exciting narrative designed to immerse you in the
war-torn Warhammer Age of Sigmar universe. Darkness and disaster spread
unchecked across the Mortal Realms. The Skaven – malevolent spawn of the
Great Horned Rat – have unleashed the sorcerous catastrophe known as the
Vermindoom, dragging their nightmarish sub-realm of Blight City into reality.
This is the Hour of Ruin, and it will change the Mortal Realms forever. On
the following pages, you will read about the momentous events taking place
in Aqshy, Realm of Fire – epicentre of the Vermindoom. Heroic Stormcast
Eternals of the Ruination chambers battle the vile ratmen across a landscape
marred by arcane disaster.

This is just one story among thousands playing out across a grand canvas.
Upon reading it, you will doubtless wish to stage your own epic battles in the
Age of Sigmar. In the accompanying Core Book, you will find all the rules and
information you need to do so. Once you are ready to get started, the models
and instruction manuals provided in this launch set will allow you to assemble
your own heavenly host or swarm of verminous despoilers in no time!


With thanks to The Faithful and The Loretesters for their invaluable services.

Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Assault on Hel’s Claw © Copyright Games Workshop Limited 2024. Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Assault on Hel’s Claw, GW, Games
Workshop, Warhammer, Warhammer Age of Sigmar, Battletome, Stormcast Eternals, and all associated logos, illustrations, images, names, creatures, races, vehicles,
locations, weapons, characters, and the distinctive likenesses thereof, are either ® or TM, and/or © Games Workshop Limited, variably registered around the world.
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This is a work of fiction. All the characters and events portrayed in this book are fictional, and any resemblance to real people or incidents is purely coincidental.

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A cataclysm of unimaginable proportions has rocked the Mortal
Realms, breaking continents into ragged chunks and unleashing
shockwaves of vile corruption that scour the lands. This is the
Vermindoom, and in its wake, all will be changed.

Brought about by the devilry of the rat-like Skaven, the Vermindoom

has ruptured the very foundations of reality. It has moulded swathes
of the realms in the image of a nightmare. The clouds writhe like the
lashing tails of rodents. Twisting coils of infernal machinery come
bursting from deep beneath the earth. Waves of livid warpfire sweep
unchecked across the lands, inflicting agony and mutation upon
everything they touch. The teeming denizens of Blight City – that
ramshackle dimension of anarchy once akin to the Realm of Chaos –
exult in a new age of triumph for Skavenkind as segments of their dread
sub-realm force their way into reality through a thousand far-flung
breaches. Their stricken enemies have dubbed this dark and desperate
era the Hour of Ruin.

The great gambit of the Horned Rat’s spawn has left no realm unscarred,
but few regions have suffered so grievously as the Great Parch of Aqshy.
As the skies burn and the land melts into hideous new configurations,
the mega-swarms of the Skaven come on relentlessly, overrunning
cities and strongpoints in a tide of pox-ridden fur. Their deranged war
machines spew hails of metal or careen madly forwards, grinding all
to dust beneath their jagged wheels. Cascades of warp lightning reduce
mighty stone walls to slag, and Clanrats pour through the breaches with
murder in their eyes. Everywhere at once, the numberless swarms of
the Great Horned Rat are on the offensive. The sheer ubiquity of their
attacks makes any coordinated defence impossible.

Caught completely off guard, the denizens of the Parch now experience
horrors that have not been seen since the darkest days of the Age of
Chaos. Death is the least of them. Frontier settlements tear themselves
apart from within, stricken by plagues of grotesque mutation that turn
men and women into screeching, many-tailed monstrosities. Entire
crusade hosts disappear in a flash, slaughtered to the last soldier or
swallowed by rents in the realm’s crust. Maddened soothsayers and
doom-prophets rave that a new era of suffering has descended upon
mortalkind – a second apocalypse that marks the final victory of the
Ruinous Pantheon.

Nevertheless, there are many mortals determined to fight to their last

breath to delay the triumph of ruin. Taking up fusils and longswords,
the hardy soldiers of the God-King’s empire bar the path of the
vermintide. The most important victories of these desperate days are
not earned through grand campaigns or realm-shaking battles but in a
thousand small engagements; isolated pockets of soldiers cling on in the
face of impossible odds, selling their lives dearly and buying precious
time for Sigmar’s armies to reorganise.

The hosts of the heavens do not waste this gift. The Stormcast Eternals
meet the enemy’s vastly superior numbers with their customary resolve,
striving not only to stem the onslaught but also to drive it back into
the abyss. The Stormkeeps empty as these immortal demigods are sent
into the fray. However, those lands defiled by the Skaven are so foully
corrupted that even the God-King’s Warrior chambers cannot withstand
their warping influence for long. To wage war in such LAST STANDS AND
conditions requires a different breed of hero entirely: DESPERATE DEEDS
steadfast champions against whom not even the vilest The sickle-shaped expanse of the Adamantine
hexes can find purchase. So it is that the armies of Chain has come to mark the first – and perhaps
Order now turn to those avatars of celestial justice who last – line of defence against the Skaven invasion
have been Reforged so many times that their souls have flooding in from the Gnaw. Here stand the few
been honed to a keen and ruthless edge, their ebbing remaining Sigmarite holdouts in the eastern
humanity a fearsome weapon in the fight against Chaos. Great Parch, defended by ragged companies
of Freeguild soldiers, resolute duardin and
whatever Stormcast forces can be recalled from
other fronts and hurled into the maelstrom.
Multiple Stormhosts have dispatched troops
to hold this vital frontier, with the greatest
concentration hailing from the Hammers
of Sigmar. Ever firm allies of the first-forged
host, the Hallowed Knights have a significant
presence too, with at least two chambers
operating in defence of the city of Embergard
and its surrounding area. Vanguard forces from
the Sons of Mallus and the Astral Templars have
also had some success in disrupting the Skaven
assault by assassinating the creatures’ pack-
leaders and sabotaging their war machines.

Sigmar’s allies – both trusted and otherwise

– have also lent their aid, recognising that the
rise of the Great Horned Rat is a threat that
transcends mutual antipathy. North of the
Chain, along the sweltering stretch of land
known as the Charrwind Coast, Morathi-
Khaine has transformed the annexed port of Har
Kuron into a bulwark against the plague-fleets
of the Clans Pestilens. Her own Khainite hosts
hunt the enemy through the coast’s steaming
jungles and spill torrents of Skaven blood, each
victory strengthening Morathi’s claim to her
recently conquered lands. Further south, the
great Fyreslayer stronghold of Vostargi Mont
sends forth fyrds to seize and hold key locations
in the Adamantine Chain, including several
abandoned magmaholds whose forge-fires they
hope to rekindle. So too have their skyfaring
cousins, the Kharadron, agreed to offer air
support against Skaven incursions for a greatly
reduced fee; the Code explicitly supports the
elimination of ‘thaggoraki’, for the machinations
of the Skaven always spell disaster for a sky-
port’s bottom line.

Even amongst the forces of Chaos, there are

those who would see some semblance of sanity
restored to the Great Parch. Haunted by his own
role in the breaking disaster, Gunnar Brand,
the infamous Darkoath Chieftain of the Snow
Peaks, is uniting the remnants of those tribes
displaced by the Vermindoom – the Skaven
care not whether the humans they overrun are
in the service of Sigmar or otherwise. With an
ever-expanding horde at his back, Brand has
already slaughtered thousands of the Horned
Rat’s spawn, whetting his appetite for vengeance
against those who destroyed his home.
The city of Embergard, a symbolic settlement of the Twin-Tailed Crusade, was reduced to little more than a
bombed-out shell, having suffered terribly during the initial, shattering trauma of the Vermindoom. Yet for as
long as it could be held, it would become a vital bastion for those fleeing the Skaven advance.

Knight-Questor Alfric Leodus smashed the Skaven flank of the Adamantine Chain might also collapse. The
warrior in the face with the pommel of his blade and Skaven onslaught could break all the way through to the
followed up with a backhand slice that took the ratman Capilarian plains with nothing to impede it.
apart at the waist. He lifted his Brand of Dawn; the
enchanted beacon banished the gloom in a wave of Cursing at the ringing in his ears, Liberator-Prime
silvery-white light. Seeing that his fellow Hallowed Havian approached Leodus and stood beside him on
Knights had cut through the rest of the rat-filth, he the palisade. All had witnessed the way the discordant
looked out grimly across the carpet of corpses that lined clanging of the bell had incited a madness in the
the approach to Embergard. This last toll had brought normally cowardly Skaven. Worse still, the noise caused
on the most ferocious assault yet. A thousands-strong rockfalls and tremors that were growing fiercer with
wave of vermin had hurled themselves against the every toll, further undermining Embergard’s fragile
easternmost walls of the beleaguered city as that distant defences. Yet what could be done? Leagues of warped
bell continued its demented clanging, the creatures and Skaven-infested terrain lay between the Hallowed
seemingly oblivious to pain. It had been far too close. Knights and the damned device. Leodus had already
seen what happened to those who lingered there.
Around Leodus, exhausted-looking Steelhelms slumped
in relief now that the tide had receded. Almost all of Leodus knelt, clasping the hilt of his sword, and prayed
them were wounded, some clearly mortally. The Knight- to the God-King for guidance. For a long while, he
Questor did not yet know why the God-King’s voice had heard only the groans of the dying. Then, illumination.
called him here, as the realms burned around him. Was The curdled morass that was the sky above parted and
it simply to die alongside his mortal comrades, holding lightning danced across the heavens. Leodus’s eyes
back the flood for as long as possible? The defenders turned white; his comrades started in alarm, for a
of Embergard might be heroes, but they were not moment thinking that a Skaven bullet had struck the
superhuman. If the enemy kept coming – and if the bell Knight-Questor. They could not see what he saw. Swept
kept ringing out, heralding another mass assault – the up by that crackling trail of fulmination, his spirit
fragile perimeter would be breached and the ratmen raced out across the Adamantine Chain, rushing past
would have free rein in the burnt-out city. There would mountain peaks and through winding gullies. Finally,
be no saving the desperate refugees who lined its streets, it rose high above a crown of black basalt peaks, and
awaiting salvation. If Embergard fell, the entire southern Alfric looked down upon a fortress such as none he had

ever seen before. It looked much like a smaller version Stormcast Eternal dived from the clouds, wings tucked
of the mighty Stormkeeps of his own order, but where together, then pulled up to hurl a spear of lightning
the shining fortress-cathedrals of the Hallowed Knights at the Skaven gunners firing from the ridge. With a
were pristine in their gleaming magnificence, the aura of scream, two of the ratmen fell, fur aflame, followed
doom and despair lay as heavy as lead around this one. by the crumpled wreckage of their long rifle. Now
Carrion-birds circled its rooftops, and solemn, winged more silvery blurs swooped and struck, loosing their
warriors stood vigil atop its battlements. own flashing missiles before dropping into the mass
of writhing bodies to wreak carnage. Sensing that the
Leodus stumbled forwards and was caught by battle had turned, Leodus ordered his warriors to charge
Liberator-Prime Havian, feeling a surge of vertigo as the Skaven, whose eyes had grown wide with panic. The
his consciousness returned to his body. He noticed his enemy wavered and broke, scrabbling over one another
friend’s concerned gaze, and, firmly grasping Havian’s to avoid their assailants.
shoulder, he smiled. He knew where they must go.


Alfric Leodus and his Liberators made their way
through the valleys of the Adamantine Chain, moving
T he battle turned swiftly after the Prosecutors’
intervention. Soon, the only Skaven left in the
ravine were the corpses of the slain. Knight-
Questor Leodus approached his rescuers. Their armour
as swiftly and silently as they could to avoid the packs was dark and their aspect grim. Absent was the easy
of Skaven that infested every corner of the mountains. brotherhood that defined the Hallowed Knights.
The Knight-Questor followed the image embedded in Yet Leodus could see the heraldry of the faithful
his mind – that gloom-shrouded stronghold, circled beneath that gloomy panoply – the untarnished silver
by ravens and winged figures. His flaming brand led that marked these warriors out as comrades.
the way, the sole source of light in these benighted ‘Hail, brothers,’ he said. ‘ By the order of the
mountains. Behind him, Liberator-Prime Havian and God-King, I have come here, seeking your aid.’
his warriors shared uncertain glances. None of them had N o response. The nearest Prosecutor watched him
ever heard of a Stormcast stronghold out here. impassively through the open slit of his war-helm.
‘Embergard is about to fall,’ said Leodus, a note of
A series of deafening cracks split the air, and two impatience slipping into his voice against his wishes.
Liberators fell, smoking craters blasted in the gorgets ‘The realm is tearing itself apart, and the Horned
of their sigmarite plate. Shields were raised and orders Rat’s filth swarm in their multitudes. There is no time.
bellowed, the Hallowed Knights forming a semicircular I would speak with your commander. N ow.’
wall as more shots rained down from the cliffs above. Silence. Leodus’s warriors shifted uneasily,
There, crouched amongst the boulders, Leodus could see recognising in their rescuers the coldness of comrades
the narrow barrels of Skaven guns spitting green fire and too many times Reforged. Then the leader of the
metal at the exposed Stormcasts. The Knight-Questor Prosecutors stepped forwards.
shouted for an advance, but his words were all but ‘We will take you to Lord-Vigilant Greylock,’ he
drowned out by a chorus of piercing shrieks as ratmen said. ‘You must travel hooded and blindfolded. N one
spilled from the gully ahead and behind the Hallowed but those who have passed beyond the Storm’s Eye can
Knights. Skaven scampered forwards only to be know the way to the Obsidian Tor.’
slammed in the face by an embossed shield or met with There was a stirring of resentment amongst the
a shattering blow from a Liberator warhammer. But the Liberators, but Leodus held up a hand for silence. The
firepower poured into the Stormcasts from above was God-King’s will had guided him this far, and he had to
only increasing in intensity. More Liberators collapsed, trust that these strange, solemn warriors were still true
their bodies erupting into columns of blue-white energy. comrades in mind and spirit.
With every volley, the Hallowed Knights’ stirring war ‘Who knows the virtue of forbearance?’
cry – ‘Only the faithful!’ – became a little fainter. he muttered.
Was it a ghostly flicker of a smile that flitted across
Shadows fell across the battlefield. For a moment, the Prosecutor’s face? It was soon gone.
Leodus feared some new Skaven fiendishness, but ‘Only the faithful,’ the man replied.
glancing up, he saw a flash of purest silver. An airborne

as if struck by a madman, and the Skaven
‘Ever y few hours, the bell starts ringi ng
and drain more of our ammunition.’
swarm us. Each time, they kill more of us
– Freeguild Marshal Kaira Yathen-Trask

‘Peri meter cogfort Maxi mus is down. All
hands lost. Our
left flank is wide open. I have diver ted two
batta lions of
Fusil iers to hold Kyerman’s Pass as long
as they can.’
– Freeguild Marshal Kaira Yathen-Trask


While the defenders of the Order reeled in the face of the Vermindoom, the servants of the Great Horned Rat
revelled in the chance to spread terror and panic. It was a time of great potential for ambitious Skaven warlords,
each seeking to outdo one another with acts of murderous infamy in an attempt to catch the eye of their deity.

Clawlord Skabpelt had watched the latest wave of his Xanthul, a major port unlucky enough to find itself
thrall-rats hurl themselves to their deaths against the within the Vermindoom’s blast radius. His vermin
walls of Embergard with rising irritation. The city swiftly butchered its dazed inhabitants, who had not yet
still refused to kneel. The man-things’ artillery had recovered from the shock of the disaster.
ripped through the Skaven without answer, splattering
everything in a thick layer of blood, fur and ruptured As far as Skabpelt was concerned, Hel’s Claw was the
innards. As the clangour of the distant bell started to epicentre of the entire Skaven uprising. In truth, it was
fade, Skabpelt had been forced – yet again – to scurry one of hundreds of strongpoints, ruins and dwellings
back to Hel’s Claw, where he now impatiently gathered in the Great Parch alone that had been flattened and
reinforcements. Still, as the Clawlord watched swarms rapidly turned into fortified warrens from which the
of fresh Skaven scamper forth to replace his losses, Skaven could launch the next wave of their invasion.
Skabpelt was not unduly worried. The numbers of Already, Warlock Engineer Shrikk and his acolytes had
humans and silver storm-things dwindled every time he transformed the humans’ shattered dwellings into smog-
sent another vermintide scuttering into their guns, and belching workshops that pumped out weapons and
Skabpelt had plenty more surprises yet to spring. ammunition by the crateful.

The Skaven onslaught was no great triumph of careful

precision and organisation, for the ratmen do not care
about such things. Yet, for once, the Great Clans of
the Under-Empire worked in something approaching
instinctive cohesion, their ingenious but easily
distracted minds joined in common purpose by the
might of the Great Horned Rat. They channelled the
deity’s malign power through the terrible devices known
Skabpelt had been chosen by the Council of Thirteen as Warpshatter Bells, more powerful versions of the
to strike at this spot on the southern flank of the Screaming Bells that the Grey Seers prized so greatly.
Adamantine Chain, and – in typically Skaven fashion – Attuned to the unnatural madness of Blight City, a
now reckoned himself the vital spearhead of the entire single peal from these tocsins unleashed a crashing wave
invasion. He was determined to overrun what remained of sonic energy that caused fortress walls to crumble and
of the city of Embergard, for Eshin spies had revealed gaping pits to open in the rocky earth. Those Skaven that
not only that the mountain-city was the lone stronghold heard the sound immediately fell into a mindless frenzy,
of the humans left in the region but also that its vaults eyes rolling over white and bloody saliva spilling from
were filled with ‘sparkrock’ – the native realmstone between their fangs as they hurled themselves at any foe
of Aqshy that the man-things called emberstone. This in sight without a care for their own lives. The infernal
volatile material was capable of super-charging the powers channelled by the device would eventually burn
demented war machines of the Clans Skryre. With such out, requiring the sacrifice of many hundreds of thrall-
a bounty in his clutches, Skabpelt would become one of rats and captives to start the insane racket up again.
the richest Clawlords in Aqshy.
Much to the anger of the other Skaven Great Clans, it
His first move had been to attack the Sigmarite was the Masterclan that hoarded the secrets of forging
settlement of Hel’s Claw on the bleak ash-island of the Warpshatter Bells. Thirteen of the ensorcelled

devices had been placed across the Gnaw in order to aid that awaited such unfortunates. From their Bleak Citadel
the great invasion. To his immense irritation, Clawlord of the Obsidian Tor, Lord-Vigilant Vaylar Greylock
Skabpelt had been forced to endure the presence of one and the warriors of the Argent Flames chamber – just
of the pale-furred prophets, on the insistence of the one of hundreds of isolationist brotherhoods across
Council of Thirteen. Shortly after Skabpelt had finished the Stormhosts, according to the Lord-Vigilant – had
putting the humans of Hel’s Claw to the sword, his witnessed the nightmares of the Hour of Ruin and the
old rival Grey Seer Vreek had arrived at the head of an massed surge of the Horned Rat’s flea-ridden hordes.
immense swarm of thrall-rats and verminous pack- Prosecutors clad in thunderstrike armour had braved
beasts purchased at heavy cost from the Clans Moulder. the tortured skies above the enemy’s territory, analysing
These wretched servants dragged behind them a huge and engaging the Skaven where they could in order
conveyance of brass and clanking wheels, upon which to disrupt their movements. Though their doctrine
rested one of the Warpshatter Bells. Its vast, curved shell emphasised the importance of isolation and constant
of brass was scrawled with angular runes and imbued self-vigilance, Greylock’s Reclusian warriors had not
with throbbing patterns of warpstone. When it rang out, remained idle in the face of the enemy’s advance, even if
it did so with such malevolent power that it could be their response had been measured.
heard from leagues away. Even in distant Embergard.
One of Lord-Vigilant Greylock’s most trusted agents,
Standing imperiously atop his conveyance, Vreek the formidable Lord-Veritant Rhosina Crowcall, had
proclaimed that he had been sent by the Verminking even led small incursions into the lands shattered by the
himself to ensure that Skabpelt’s assault on Embergard Vermindoom. She had returned with disturbing reports
did not fail, as it surely would if left unsupervised. of how those exposed to the arcane fallout spreading
Clawlord Skabpelt’s eyes had narrowed murderously across the lands found their flesh writhing with
at that, but he was not foolish enough to kill a Grey corruption and their blood turning black and tar-like.
Seer. Not openly, at least. Once he had his claws on Even Stormcasts were not immune, and the corrupting
Embergard’s treasure trove of sparkrock, however, he miasma showed no signs of abating. Only those of the
might well put out feelers and see how his contacts in Ruination chambers seemed resistant to the worst of
the Clans Eshin felt about ridding the world of a certain these symptoms, able to withstand the hellish wastes
troublesome, ashen-furred wretch. where their kin were witnessed succumbing to hideous
mutation. Why this was, none could say.
For now, there was a city to destroy and man-things
to slaughter. One more mass assault should do it. Thus, when Greylock took audience with Knight-
This time, Skabpelt would unleash every single one of Questor Leodus and his Liberators, he needed no
Shrikk’s war machines: Ratling Guns, Warplock Jezzails, convincing of the scale of the disaster. Leodus’s
Doomwheels and whatever else the Warlock Engineer experiences tallied with that of his own warriors,
had stashed in his workshops. This formidable firepower and the Knight-Questor’s description of the damage
would surely spell the doom of Embergard and cement wrought by the demented bell-weapons of the Skaven
Clawlord Skabpelt’s position as the greatest military matched the reports of his Prosecutors. The winged
mastermind the Clans Verminus had ever produced. scouts had brought word of hordes of ratmen massing
upon the Skavenised ruins of Hel’s Claw with one of
those infernal devices in their possession. It was surely
that bell that had wrought so much damage upon
Embergard. Greylock knew that only a full-blown
assault on the former strongpoint would be sufficient to
destroy the bell. His warriors could perhaps withstand
the warp-infernos of the Lands Anathema and shatter
the bell before Embergard was overrun. Alfric Leodus
and his Liberators swore to join them and brave the
horrors of the Skaven domain for as long as they could.
Knight-Questor Leodus was stunned to learn that Consisting largely of heavily armoured and
a Stormkeep of his own order existed here in the redoubtable Reclusians, the greater host of the Argent
Adamantine Chain, hidden away from the world Flames would strike at the heart of the ruined city,
outside. Neither he nor his comrades had heard distracting the ratmen so that a smaller force might
anything more than hushed whispers about the fight through to the sorcerous belltower and find some
Ruination chambers, from which these mysterious way of destroying it. There would be no retreat. This
figures claimed to hail. Leodus’s company felt a great mission into the depths of the enemy’s lair could only
sense of discomfort as they entered the fortress’s end in death. Lord-Terminos Heldren the Last assured
spartan interior under the piercing gaze of warriors too Greylock that his axe would stand ready to guide the
many times Reforged. Most had heard the rumours of stricken to their final peace. Even if the entirety of
Stormcast Eternals separated from their comrades by the Hallowed Knights’ army was shattered, so long
stern sentinels, but none of them had realised the scale as they fulfilled their duty to the last, Embergard
at which this had been taking place nor the solemn fate might yet endure.

‘It is all but over. The Wall of the Faithful has been
breached. When the bell rings again, it will do so to
announce our doom. We can do nothing more than pray
for a miracle. God-King save us.’
– Freeguild Marshal Kaira Yathen-Trask

Lord-Vigilant Greylock understood that to venture into the poisoned lands of the Gnaw was to risk the vilest
corruption. If his Ruination chamber was to destroy the Skaven’s warped bell and end its malevolent tolling, the
soul-stricken warriors would have to go willingly into the jaws of oblivion.

A day’s march took the Hallowed Knights beyond the and mouth, dripping down his silver plate. After what
polluted hinterlands of the Skaven’s territory and into seemed like an eternity, the Hallowed Knights could see
regions where the air itself burned green. Ahead, the the shimmering, oily surface of a great lake stretching
skies roiled like a storm-tossed sea, the blinding arcs of out ahead of them. Some way off in the distance,
warpstone meteors casting everything in an emerald partially shrouded by banks of sickly yellow smog, lay
glow. Everywhere, the earth was rent and torn, as if the isle of Xanthul. As the Stormcast Eternals reached
some titanic beast had clawed its way up from below. The the shoreline of the lake, they could make out structures
smoking skeletons of ratmen, humans and duardin alike that protruded from the island like nails driven up
were strewn all about, half-buried in the soil. Simply through the realmcrust: the remnants of the shattered
breathing felt like inhaling poison, each gulp of air city of Hel’s Claw, now overtaken by the parasitic tangle
searing the throat and tainting the lungs. of Skaven architecture. The largest jutted out over the
lake – a great tower housing a vast bell whose brass shell
Seeing it up close, Leodus could scarcely believe throbbed with warped arcane power.
the sheer scale of the disaster, which stretched from
horizon to horizon. The company passed the skeleton The target was in sight. Mounted atop his sombre
of a bombed-out strongpoint. Its walls were studded Gryph-stalker Fulnus, Lord-Vigilant Greylock observed
with fragments of warpstone that pulsed obscenely, the path ahead. He had planned to force a crossing
and the Knight-Questor could see the flayed corpses over the narrow causeway that had once connected
of Dawnbringers dangling from iron gibbets, their Xanthul to the mainland. That promontory now offered
twisted, elongated limbs bearing the hallmarks of treacherous passage indeed, for it was riddled with
mutation. Nearby, a statue of the God-King lay broken warpstone fragments and at points entirely shorn
in two, scrawled with obscene symbols and smeared through. Worse yet, it was horrendously exposed. Fulnus
with filth. The limbs of upturned cogforts poked up gave a harsh cry of warning, and as the first Reclusian
from beneath a layer of green-flecked ash, their spindly stepped onto the bridge, the hiss-crack of gunfire ripped
frames stripped of gun barrels and cogwork parts by through the air.
verminous looters. Truly, the carnage recalled tales that
Leodus had heard about the Age of Chaos and the great
retreat to the Gates of Azyr. The thought was not an THE CROSSING
encouraging one. Warlock Engineer Shrikk observed the storm-things
through his warpglass scope, baring his teeth in an
Leodus felt the foulness in the air like fingers around amused sneer as he watched half a dozen of them
his throat. Already his Liberators were slackening their fall, peppered by bullets. His ambush was – as ever –
pace, unable to keep up with the Argent Flames, who perfectly timed. Clanrats spilled from hidden boltholes
marched in total silence save for the tread of their boots and out from behind boulders, attacking both the
and the soft recitations of their Memorian squires – advancing head of the column and its vulnerable flanks.
how these humans had not succumbed to insanity, the As expected, the first of Shrikk’s vermin to engage the
Knight-Questor could not say. It was not long before the silver-clad warriors suffered badly for it. Hammers
pervasive aura of corruption began to take its toll on the swung out to pulverise Skaven heads or shatter their
Stormcasts. Liberator Culdrus groaned, and Leodus was limbs and leave them to be trampled by their own
appalled to see blood spilling from the warrior’s eyes advancing masses. Corpses toppled from the narrow

strip of rock, splashing into the waters below. Naturally, on either side of the promontory. Silver light wreathed
Shrikk could not care less about such losses – not while the Stormcasts’ star-shaped crests and the hafts of
his Warplock Jezzails continued to rake the flanks of the their axes as they swung them back and forth, clearing
Stormcasts. He sensed the chance to smash this foolish space for their advance. Shrieking bullets smacked
assault before it even reached Hel’s Claw. That would against the Reclusians’ armour or thudded into their
show that arrogant pipsqueak Clawlord Skabpelt who shields, but only a handful of the warriors faltered. The
truly had the Horned Rat’s favour. He raised his own enemy’s repeater cannon was taking a heavy toll, each
warplock musket, took aim and fired off a shot, which volley annihilating another handful of Stormcasts in a
struck a Stormcast warrior’s helm and sent the man splatter of gore and a flash of lightning, but even as the
spinning from the causeway. cannonade threatened to spoil the Hallowed Knights’
momentum, Prosecutors with wings of silver fire swept
Battling away on the other side of the land bridge, down from above and hurled volleys of javelins to
Knight-Questor Leodus cursed as another Liberator impale the Skaven gunners.
was torn apart by a storm of bullets and discorporated
in a burst of lightning. The ratmen had wheeled up Shrikk’s confidence was rapidly dwindling. Even
some heavy repeater cannon that was raining down covered in smoking wounds, the silver giants would
glowing missiles on the exposed promontory. More not slow. Step by step, the enemy was forcing their way
Skaven warriors were being turned into red mist than across the causeway, and he could smell the foetid reek
Hallowed Knights, but that was clearly of no concern of fear-musk in the air as his Clanrats wavered. He
to the enemy. Leodus was about to call for his warriors licked his chops nervously, glancing back at the gates
to take cover when he heard the booming war cry of his of Hel’s Claw. Of course, even if the silver storm-things
Stormhost roared aloud. managed to reach the warren, they would then have
to face the full might of Clawlord Skabpelt’s waiting
‘Only the faithful!’ host. Yes, perhaps it was time to make a slight tactical
readjustment. The Warlock Engineer shrieked an
Outnumbered a score to one, there should have been no order at his gunners to keep up their barrage and then
way for the Argent Flames to seize the initiative. Leodus slipped away when their attention was fixed elsewhere,
watched in awe as the Reclusians lowered their shields neatly evading an incoming bombardment of storm-
and drove forward, bulldozing Skaven into the waters wreathed missiles.

The Skaven warren on Hel’s Claw was a formidable target, and the Argent Flames commanded by Lord-Vigilant
Greylock had no illusions about the prospects of their survival. Indeed, some even welcomed the idea of oblivion
as they strode into battle through a hailstorm of warpstone bullets.

Hammers and axes thundered against the ramshackle skull with its fists, only to screech in pain and fall with a
gates of Hel’s Claw, and with a creaking groan, metal gigantic, flaming axehead buried in its back. As Heldren
gave way. Towering figures strode through the breach, the Last ripped his weapon loose, Knight-Questor
only to be struck by a withering hail of fire as Warlock Leodus and his remaining warriors rushed to shore up
Engineer Shrikk – having retreated behind a new mob the Argent Flames’ line, the Liberators at last engaging
of Clanrats – screeched for his Ratling Warpblasters in the sort of head-on struggle of grinding defiance at
to open up a barrage. Three of the war engines spat which they excelled.
warpstone-infused metal at almost point-blank range,
and one of the Reclusians was lifted from his feet, For a few desperate moments, the momentum of battle
his sigmarite shield blown to pieces and a fist-sized seemed to shift, and the Hallowed Knights pushed
hole blasted through his skull. Clawlord Skabpelt deeper into the Skavenised city, widening their front
shrieked an order, and the Clanrats of Hel’s Claw line. But then a dreadful sonorous boom drowned out
surged forward anew. Outraged that the enemy had the sounds of battle. Liberators cried out and clutched
dared to strike at his lair, Skabpelt was determined to their skulls, unable to stand the atonal racket of the
see the storm-things butchered in the most painful Warpshatter Bell. Several perished in a moment, heads
manner imaginable. imploding under the terrible pressure. The effect upon
the Skaven was even more profound. They howled and
Massive Rat Ogors waded through the throng of vermin, screeched in exultation as the sonic magic of the bizarre
smashing aside anything in their way. The warpstone device flooded through them, driving them into a feral
embedded in their flesh glowed as the Moulder death- state of madness. As one, the vermintide crashed down
beasts fell upon the silver Stormcasts, raking at their upon the Stormcast Eternals, utterly indifferent to the
armour with oversized talons or bludgeoning at axes that hewed into their flesh. Even as the bell of Hel’s
their shields in a frenzy. Some had warpfire-spitting Claw threatened to drive all reason from his mind,
gauntlets stitched to their limbs, which spewed wild Leodus sang canticles of faith along with his comrades,
and undirected streams that incinerated Skaven and all of them praying to the God-King for the strength to
Stormcast alike. One of the beasts stove in a Reclusian’s hold on for just a little longer.

THE THIRTEENTH TOLL A thunder-crack sounded above the din of battle,
Lord-Vigilant Greylock felt the deafening clangour as and Lord-Vigilant Greylock was nearly ripped from
a physical sensation that shook his bones and filled his his saddle. He felt blood gush beneath his gorget and,
mouth with bile. He called upon Sigmar and Morrda looking down, saw a circular wound punched just above
to help him focus his mind on the task at hand. While his heart. Biting back the agony that shot through him,
Leodus and Lord-Terminos Heldren drew the attention Greylock fixed his gaze on the slanted opening of the
of the enemy’s main host, Greylock and a small group of belltower, which lay only a dozen paces ahead. Blocking
chosen warriors had split away, making for the teetering his path was the Skaven warlord, smoking pistol in
belltower and the cursed instrument that it housed. hand and a triumphant sneer upon its ugly face. The
He could see it there, its rune-scarred surface ratman’s hunched mount snarled, strings of drool
pulsing with grotesque energies as it unleashed descending from its snout.
another dreadful toll. The sonic blast threatened
to strike him from his mount. Greylock kicked his heels and urged Fulnus to
charge. The Gryph-stalker sprinted through
Fulnus hissed a warning, and Greylock the churn of the melee, weaving through
saw at once that they had been spotted. the chaos with avian grace as it bore
Waiting at the foot of the tower was its master on a headlong course for
a huge mob of Skaven warriors the enemy leader. The Skaven’s eyes
and mutants, rallying around narrowed, and its own mount-beast
what was clearly their leader – a loped into an answering charge.
heavily armoured rat-lord sat astride Stowing its pistol, the wretch instead
some loping, hairless beast. Beside it, levelled a fell-looking warglaive at
perched on a teetering pulpit of brass, Greylock’s chest.
was a Skaven priest with curling horns and
filthy, bloodstained robes, ranting with such Lord-Vigilant Greylock knew only calm
frenzied fervour that yellow bile spilled from amidst the storm. That was Morrda’s gift
its mouth. – the understanding that suffering was not
eternal, that silence and peace awaited at the
The Lord-Vigilant ordered his own warriors forward end of all things. The Skaven warlord lashed out
to meet the enemy. Led by Lord-Veritant Crowcall, with its weapon, expecting Greylock to return the
the Reclusians advanced, intercepting warpshard blow. Instead, the Lord-Vigilant leant aside and let the
bullets with their shields and slamming into the ratmen weapon carve a gash across his ribs, guiding Fulnus
with force enough to shatter limbs. Here it would past the snapping rat-beast and onwards towards the
end, for good or for ill. Once the chains holding the rickety belltower. Ahead, the chains of the cursed device
bell aloft were severed, the device would topple into dangled, and as darkness blotted the edges of his vision,
the depths of the lake, silencing its terrible noise once Lord-Vigilant Greylock brought up his axe to cleave
and for all. them in twain.

S ilence. To Caldor, the sound was bliss, and

he took a moment to savour it even as his
lung burned where the ratman’s dagger had
pierced it. The Reclusian could not stand, nor could
he even turn his head. But the ringing in his skull had
‘I knew that you would find me,’ he gasped. His
wounded lung throbbed in protest, and he coughed up
a stream of black bile. Something writhed amidst the
foul discharge. ‘I was certain of it. As certain as I am
that Morrda calls me from beyond the Last Threshold.’
finally abated. The Lord-Terminos nodded. ‘It is time, brother.
‘God-King be blessed,’ he gasped. He could feel the Your saga is at an end. It will be remembered. Close
corruption seeping into his flesh, crawling in his blood. your eyes.’
But he had fulfilled his duty. The bell no longer tolled. Too exhausted to deny the command, Caldor let his
A shadow fell across him. eyelids droop.
‘Easy, brother,’ came a deep, rasping voice. ‘ Rest ‘ Be not afraid,’ said Heldren .
now. It is done.’ ‘I am not afraid,’ said Caldor. ‘I want to know…
Caldor looked up. An angel of death stood there, what lies beyond.’
clad in silver. Heldren , the Lord-Terminos. The huge There followed a swift rush of air and a brief
man’s axe gleamed in the sickly green light. moment of intense, white-hot pain, and Reclusian
Caldor smiled. Caldor at last knew peace.

Descending from the heavens in great columns of lightning come the Stormcast Eternals, blazing onto
battlefields across the Mortal Realms to hold back the forces of misrule. All are warriors of superhuman skill,
taken from their former lives to serve as Sigmar’s undying champions in the long war against Chaos.

Legends of the Stormcast Eternals have been woven into of a Stormcast’s personhood, be this their memories,
story and song since the Age of Sigmar first dawned. their judgement or their compassion. Many who
Immortals all, they plunge into battle in a blaze of light, fought in the Realmgate Wars have already lost much
borne upon swirling tempests. Booming thunderclaps of their humanity; some are only one Reforging away
and chains of lightning arc across their frontiers of war. from becoming mindless automatons that carry out
Whether given reverence in great Sigmarite cathedrals Sigmar’s will to the extreme. Such a fate is considered by
or spoken of in whispers throughout distant Dreadholds, many to be worse than meeting their final death. Each
the God-King’s champions are feared and held in awe by Stormhost’s Ruination chamber takes in those warriors
all. They are the last bastion of hope standing between beyond the Storm’s Eye – those beyond the point of
mortalkind and the countless forces that would see them recovery – to await the day on which they may give their
slaughtered – now more than ever, as Chaos swallows up last in the great battle against civilisation’s foes. The end
great tracts of the realms. destination of these exhausted souls remains unknown
to most, even among Sigmar’s own armies.
‘We march out in gleaming sigmarite, bearing
banners of gold to inspire Sigmar’s citizens. We THE GLEAMING HOSTS
sacrifice our lives without hesitation in order to Thousands of Stormcast Eternals have been called into
guard theirs. We undergo countless agonising the service of the God-King since the First Striking.
Reforgings so that we might die for them, They are organised into different Stormhosts, each with
time and time again. And we do this without its own distinct culture and preferred arts of war. Since
complaint. Sigmar is father to all, and we must the coming of the Cursed Skies, a corruption of the
always be his sword. Even if that weapon is aether that means that the journey back to Azyr is no
chipped and worn down, repaired over and longer guaranteed, the scattered hosts have become ever
over until nothing of the original steel remains, more individualistic. The Celestial Vindicators favour
the sword over the hammer, paying homage to an entity
it has a duty to fulfil. Despite the shadows that named the ‘Father of Blades’. The Hallowed Knights
reach out to claim us, we will keep fighting.’ sit upon the more pious end of the spectrum, carrying
– Lord-Commander Bastian Carthalos reliquaries and cleansing the land whilst championing
absolute faith in Sigmar. Others, such as the fiercely
tribal Astral Templars and the warrior-mages of the
Each Stormcast is hand-picked by Sigmar for their acts Celestial Warbringers, were originally drawn from a
of heroism in life. Once called into his service, their single source of heroic souls. Such tight-knit fraternities
souls are taken up upon bolts of heavenly lightning to be allow the Stormcasts to fight as a well-oiled machine
excruciatingly Reforged in high Azyr. This responsibility upon the battlefield.
falls to the duardin demigods known as the Six Smiths,
who craft thick, burnished sigmarite armour with
which to clad each warrior’s new form. Every crackling
weapon or piece of shining plate is struck from the core THE BLEAK CITADELS
of a world long destroyed, infusing it with thrumming When Stormcasts stand upon the precipice of
power. Because of this innate energy, each blow of losing their humanity, it is the task of the Warden
an Annihilator’s grandhammer or a Decimator’s of Lost Souls and the Lord-Veritants to descend
thunderaxe can harness a fraction of this celestial and lead them to the Bleak Citadels, where they
might. Should any of the Stormcasts fall, it is also this will be inducted into the Ruination chambers.
power that allows them to return again for Reforging, Each Stormhost has a corresponding Bleak
discorporating in a blaze of energy great enough to send Citadel hidden from sight in which the warriors
the soul hurtling back to Azyr. sequester themselves and watch over the realms
from afar. According to legend, hardly a word is
Those who call this immortality a boon, however, are spoken in these vaulted halls as their custodians
sorely mistaken. Not only is the process of Reforging reflect upon the dwindling shards of their past.
agonisingly painful, it also brings about gradual change Only in the hour of mortalkind’s greatest need
in the bodies and personalities of those who repeatedly will they emerge – after all, for these warriors,
undergo it. Some warriors find that they leave glowing their next death could be the one that shatters
footprints of light behind them, others that their voices their identity for good.
reverberate with thunder. Almost always comes the
erosion of the soul. Each Reforging robs a little more

Masters of the Bleak Citadels and forbidding commanders of a revenant order, the Lord-Vigilants have looked
into the black abyss of oblivion and retained their sanity. They lead the soul-damaged warriors of the Ruination
chambers to battle, igniting the last vestiges of their charges’ humanity with the boldness of their leadership.

The Lord-Vigilants are grim figures who rule over the Lord-Vigilants are rarely seen without a fearsome-
Bleak Citadels, acting as both gaolers and commanders looking beast at their side whose eyes betray a
of their tormented charges. Each long ago passed beyond sombre wisdom. These Gryph-stalkers are cousins
the Storm’s Eye, their soul eroding past the point at to the bold Gryph-chargers employed as mounts by
which most beings would lose their grip upon reason. many Stormcasts. Unlike their kin, Gryph-stalkers
Yet the Lord-Vigilants endure, their liminal existence are immersed in the energies of death, vanishingly
allowing them both to connect spiritually with their rare and believed to be intimately connected to the
afflicted brethren and to maintain the composure and essence of the Bleak Raven. The only sounds they
sense of self necessary to command them in battle. make are rasping echoes of phrases they have heard
This inner calm is said to be a gift from Morrda, before – often the last words spoken by the long-dead,
the Bleak Raven – an ancient death god whom they recalled in a new context that gives them a dark and
venerate with the same intensity as they do the God- portentous resonance.
King himself.
Gryph-stalkers are ferocious fighters, but they are
Indeed, this is not the only gift bestowed upon the somewhat frailer than their more martial cousins. They
Lord-Vigilants by their mysterious patron. Their compensate for this with strange and morbid powers.
hallowed greataxes are imbued with a spark of Morrda’s With the flick of a claw, a Gryph-stalker marks a foe for
sacred crematorial flame, the same fire that burns death, sapping their vitality and siphoning this energy
eternally in the sanctums of the Bleak Citadels and to themselves or to those nearby. This act can appear
is said to symbolise Morrda’s eternal vigil over the disturbingly similar to true necromancy, and the Lord-
dead. These weapons can reduce a foe to ashes with a Vigilants do not openly speak of it. Some amongst the
single blow and are particularly effective against those Memorian order secretly theorise that the process might
who pervert the natural cycle of death, such as gheists go some way towards maintaining their commander’s
and daemons. lucidity and the sturdiness of their soul.

Warriors of the Ruination chambers are solemn champions, both strengthened and hollowed by the process of
Reforging. Here they are joined in battle by Stormcasts yet to share their grim fate, together making a formidable force.
A towering executioner who radiates a sombre majesty, the Lord-Terminos strikes justified fear in those who
witness their deadly efficiency in battle. Only those of the Ruination chambers know that these unyielding souls
are deliverers of blessed oblivion, tasked with ensuring that the soul-stricken do not suffer eternally.

It is the duty of the Lord-Terminos to offer a final peace Only Sigmar knows what happens to the souls of those
to those Stormcasts whose souls have been broken released from their torment in this way. Many amongst
beyond repair. With a single swing of their fire-wreathed the Ruination chambers believe that Morrda greets
greataxe, they end their comrade’s suffering, sending the them, ushering their tired spirits into merciful oblivion.
tattered fragments of their humanity on to whatever end Certain Stormhosts have different ideas: some believe
awaits them. Those of the Ruination chambers see this that they are reincarnated as Azyrite beasts, others that
not as a grim task but as an act of mercy. they merge with the radiant essence of the God-King
himself. All that is certain is that none who have crossed
A Lord-Terminos does not seek out the hopelessly the Last Threshold have ever returned to Azyr to be
afflicted like some merciless angel of death; rather, Reforged anew.
these damaged souls come forth willingly, knowing
that their time in the Mortal Realms has come to its A Lord-Terminos often accompanies a Ruination
inevitable end. In a sombre ceremony known as the chamber on their missions, ready to give an eternal
Crossing of the Last Threshold, the warrior’s many quietus to any Stormcast who requires it. Perhaps
lives and battle honours are recounted by chanting seeking some measure of reprieve from the solemnity
Memorian squires in recognition of their proud service of their duty, they are always eager to close with worthy
to the God-King. Prayers are recited and solemn enemies, hewing through heathens, daemons and
goodbyes exchanged between old comrades. Then, as other foes with arcing sweeps of their axe, each fallen
the supplicant lays their head gratefully upon a stone victim crumbling to ashes as the weapon’s righteous
block, the Lord-Terminos raises their axe and brings enchantment incinerates their flesh. In the aftermath
it down with a swift, sure stroke. For the last time, the of the fighting, the Lord-Terminos strides across the
Stormcast warrior reconnects with their mortality, for battlefield, granting stricken foes the mercy of a swift
this is a final death, and there is nothing but mystery on death and searching for signs of trauma in their own
the other side. surviving brethren.

Relentless pursuers of the spiritually unclean, the Lord-Veritants are the soul-shepherds and watchmen of the
Ruination chambers. It is their duty to analyse those Stormcasts who display signs of corruption or dangerous
instability and to deal with these potential threats with customary ruthlessness.

Once it was the duty of the Lord-Veritants to scour the even one iota of the Dark Gods’ influence must ever
cities of the God-King for signs of spiritual decay and be allowed to enter the sanctums of the lost. Every
root it out with fire and fury. For years, their title was Stormcast who returns to the Bleak Citadel from such
synonymous with terrifying efficiency, but as Sigmar’s a mission into hostile lands must present themselves
empire expanded, their role was slowly transferred to before their Lord-Veritant. Obscuring their vision so
the Order of Azyr – those mortals invested with the that their easily tricked physical senses do not interfere
authority of the heavens. Still, the Lord-Veritants and with their judgement, the Lord-Veritant will examine
their skills were an asset that could not be abandoned. the soul of each warrior, searching for signs of spiritual
They were soon absorbed into the Ruination chambers, infection. Some even go so far as to carry out the
where their uncanny ability to sniff out the merest sliver Rite of Purgation, burning out their own eyes with a
of degeneracy in a being’s soul would prove invaluable. celestium brand so that for evermore they see the world
To aid them in this task, most Lord-Veritants are only through the pitiless lens of unwavering justice.
accompanied by a Gryph-crow – an Azyrite creature Those whom they suspect of exhibiting even a hint of
attuned to the souls of mortals who can sense not only darkness are given over to the Citadel’s Lord-Terminos;
corruption but also the shadow of imminent death. all too often, they meet their end at the edge of an
executioner’s axe.
The Stormcasts of the Ruination chambers are tasked
with entering the most distorted and surreal battlefields Such incidents are thankfully rare, and the prowess
imaginable, marching through waves of pure corruption and knowledge of a Lord-Veritant ensure that they are
that would kill or mutate lesser warriors beyond more commonly called upon to take up arms against the
recognition within minutes. Even with their enhanced enemies of Order. This they do eagerly, slicing heathens
resistance to such warping effects, at battle’s end, these with their judgement blade and brandishing their Staff
champions sometimes find they bear a faint mark of of Abjuration – a flaming stave that can shatter unholy
this corruption. This cannot be countenanced, for not enchantments in a burst of celestial power.

Champions of the Stormcast Eternals chosen by their deity for a holy mission, Knight-Questors operate alone,
outside of any regular command structure. They are some of the finest duellists and most intrepid heroes of the
Stormhosts, and woe betide those who attempt to impede them in their duty.

The Knight-Questors perform a unique role amongst A Knight-Questor’s calling comes to them in the form
the highly regimented Stormhosts. Not for them the of visions or sacred omens, often manifesting with such
burden of mass command; they have but a singular urgent intensity that the chosen warrior immediately
duty, given unto them by the God-King himself. Their abandons whatever campaign they are embroiled in.
holy mission can be straightforward or mystifyingly They do so with the full blessing of their superiors, for
complex. Sometimes it involves nothing more than the all Stormcasts can recognise the holy fervour of one who
slaying of a rampaging orruk warlord, while on other has been called by Sigmar, and it is forbidden to impede
occasions, a Questor might have to recover a series of such champions in any way.
dangerous artefacts or break a curse that has lingered
for many centuries. In recent times, these figures have A Knight-Questor possesses the authority to recruit
become inextricably linked to the Bleak Citadels of the a small retinue of Stormcast warriors to their cause.
Ruination chambers. Though they are not themselves Some are willing to join with allies of Order or even
enrolled in this grim order, they are amongst the few morally dubious mercenaries in order to carry out the
Stormcasts allowed to directly petition the aid of the God-King’s decree. Almost inevitably, this will involve
soul-stricken veterans, for their requests carry the taking to the battlefield in person and hewing a path
weight of the God-King’s will. through their foes with their heavenly broadsword. The
Brand of Dawn that a Knight-Questor carries is not
Knight-Questors can be chosen from any rank of a merely a flaming torch that casts the light of hope into
Stormhost and are often picked for their particularly the darkness but also a symbol of their esteemed rank
formidable martial talents and their ability to think on that guides them in their quests. Evildoers quail in the
their feet. Other times, a Stormcast may have the role face of its righteous flame, their flesh smouldering and
thrust upon them by a dark turn of fate; some are the their black hearts seized by dread. Such helpless foes
only survivors of terrible military disasters and must are swiftly cut down with a lightning-swift slash of the
carry out some duty on behalf of their deceased kin. Knight-Questor’s blade.

Each Reclusian was once a heroic champion of Sigmar, yet repeated Reforgings have left them on the brink of
transforming into an emotionless automaton. Now these warriors march gladly into the most nightmarish
battlefields imaginable, determined to end their sagas in a blaze of glory.

Though the Stormcast Eternals are granted the ‘gift’ on their own terms. Though well past the point of no
of immortality, it does not come without a price. Each return, the Reclusians are not yet mute statues. With
time they are cut down in battle, their soul returns to the aid of their Memorian squires, they recall flickers
Azyr to be Reforged anew, a process that erodes a little of their past lives and deeds and are still capable of
more of their humanity every time. Those veterans who expressing emotion, even if they struggle to relate to
have waged war across the Mortal Realms for decades those who are not similarly afflicted.
on end have suffered death after violent death, and there
comes a time when the soul can take no more. These In a cruel irony, it is the very erosion of these warriors’
warriors have long passed beyond the Storm’s Eye – that souls that makes them such a potent weapon in Sigmar’s
point of equilibrium at which a Stormcast Eternal’s soul war against Chaos. Their spirits radiate intense power,
is relatively stable and can be Reforged without risk of for they are becoming avatars of pure justice, imbued
further erosion. Whether it happens after their next with a singular and unyielding purpose. Moreover,
death or another further down the path of fate, they are so much of their humanity has been blasted apart on
destined to become a merciless automaton of lightning the Anvil of Apotheosis that the sickening corruption
and sigmarite, their spirit and memories erased entirely. of the Dark Gods can find little purchase on their
spirits. Magic that would agonise another Stormcast
Such warriors are soon identified, isolated and taken Eternal simply slides off their armour. By contrast,
away to the Bleak Citadels to join the ranks of the the untrammelled power of the storm-magic coursing
Ruination chambers. The cawing of circling grimrooks through a Reclusian’s body lends them strength beyond
– creatures sacred to Morrda – heralds their fate, a that of even their non-afflicted kin, ensuring that each
sound that many Stormcasts have come to dread. Those blow they land with their relic axes strikes home with
taken by Morrda’s champions are destined to become terrifying force. Each solemn victory is recorded by the
Reclusians – revenant knights who knowingly walk the Memorians, who risk their own lives to bear witness to
path to oblivion yet are determined to meet their end their masters’ tragic existence.

Winged hunters who prowl the tortured skies of the realms’ most deadly battlegrounds, Prosecutors descend
upon their foes like vengeful meteorites. With javelins and tridents, they strike again and again, leaving corpses
strewn across the ground before soaring away to seek out their next quarry.

The Stormcast way of war centres around a ceaseless Stormcast, wheeling and dancing above the battlefield.
assault that overwhelms the foe, attacking not only Like their earthbound kin – the Reclusians – these
from the ground but also from above. It is the task of Prosecutors kill with mechanical efficiency, often in
the Prosecutors to serve as both airborne strike troops total silence. They no longer care for egotistical displays
and scouts, identifying where the enemy line is weakest of skill or reckless acrobatics, for that side of their
and attacking it with deadly force. The Ruination personality has long ago been shorn away. They are
chambers field a great number of these warriors, for to all the deadlier for it, even if they can never banish a
ply the Chaos-warped sky-lanes is a dangerous calling, lingering sadness for all that they have lost.
and ceaseless Reforgings have taken many Prosecutors
far beyond the Storm’s Eye. The form of the avian is The towers of each Bleak Citadel are lined with cells
sacred to Morrda, the Bleak Raven – perhaps this is why exposed to the skies, similar to those found in the
these winged warriors can be found in the Ruination interior of the panoptic structure. Here, when not on
chambers in such numbers and why their wings are campaign, soul-damaged Prosecutors spend their days
limned with dark flames, akin to the sacred fires that in sombre meditation in the company of grimrooks,
burn at the heart of the Bleak Raven’s temples. large corvids whom they believe to be the eyes and
ears of Morrda himself. Whenever a Lord-Veritant
Where once these warriors took on the image of angelic departs to collect a new batch of Stormcasts destined
demigods, now they are more akin to harbingers of for the Ruination chambers, they are accompanied by
doom, their armour dulled and their masked visages a wing of Prosecutors, whose mere presence strikes a
solemn. They make war in much the same way as note of dread into those who witness them. Meeting
they always did, summoning stormwrought javelins, their new charges’ fearful gaze with stern – but not
hammers and tridents into their hands and hurling pitiless – resolve, they summon them to join the ranks
them at their enemies before descending to deal the of the Ruination chambers and leave their comrades
killing blow. Yet gone is the graceful joy of the skyborne behind forever.

When mortals picture Stormcast warriors, it is the shining shield and raised hammer of a Liberator that springs
to mind. These are the most numerous soldiers of the Stormhosts, though all are veteran fighters who have
fought against some of the most horrific monstrosities of the Mortal Realms.

Even a war machine as grand as Sigmar’s celestial The strongest warriors in a Liberator retinue are also
army requires a core of redoubtable infantry, warriors granted the opportunity to carry a grandhammer, a
whose duties perhaps lack the grandeur of those of their two-handed maul that can stave in a Chaos Warrior’s
more specialised kin but without whom victory would ensorcelled chestplate with a single blow.
simply not be possible. Liberators are the backbone of
the Stormhosts, and their deeds have been etched into This rolling juggernaut of sigmarite has overwhelmed
legend since the first hours of the Realmgate Wars. With countless hostile armies. The Liberators’ true strength
shield and hammer held high, they have met onrushing lies not only in the shock and awe of their tactics but also
tides of daemons, gheists and countless other horrors, in the uncanny cohesion with which they fight. They are
holding the line so that their more prestigious kin can comrades and heroes all, bound together by the weighty
strike a telling blow. Through their selfless efforts have a demands of their calling, determined never to fail their
thousand vital battles been won. beloved God-King.

Liberators are trained to exemplify the martial doctrine The emergence of thunderstrike armour and Grungni-
of the Stormcast Eternals. Carried to the battlefield forged weaponry has only heightened the Liberators’
upon the celestial storm, they slam to earth in a blinding importance on the battlefields of the Mortal Realms.
flash of lightning, sending their enemies reeling. Their hammers strike harder, and their shields are even
Before the foe can regather their senses, the Liberators more impervious to the cursed weapons of their foes.
immediately crash into them with their heavy shields, Clad in divinely reinforced sigmarite, this new breed of
smiting them with hammers that crackle with heavenly Liberator is now capable of waging war in environments
energies. Some Liberators choose to wield a pair of such that would once have been considered lethal – at least for
weapons, eschewing the traditional defensive doctrines a time. Now even the foul miasma of the Cursed Skies
of the Stormhosts in favour of raw aggression and cannot bar them from riding Sigmar’s Tempest to war
smashing through their foes like a gleaming whirlwind. and resuming their ceaseless crusade against darkness.

For centuries, the perfidious ratmen known as the Skaven scurried beneath the earth like an infection under the
skin, rising to bombard their foes with hideous mutants and machines alike. Now they are erupting across the
realms in explosive boils of corruption, their centuries of scheming and plotting finally bearing fruit.

The Skaven have burrowed and multiplied throughout can truly lord over them, standing as a paragon of their
the Mortal Realms for thousands of years, festering very worst habits, is the Great Horned Rat. Previously
within the cracks of reality. Each one is a sly, only a minor deity of the Dark Pantheon, the true
megalomaniacal agent of their own self-interest. Despite scope of his corrupting influence is quickly becoming
travelling in vast swarms, they will betray their kin in known as innumerable Skaven wash over the realms
a heartbeat for power or personal gain. Every Skaven in a screeching, chittering tidal wave. With many dark
believes they deserve to rule over the others, and the priests and shamans now in awe of his power, the Great
more powerful one of them becomes, the more at risk Horned Rat has gained a host of new worshippers – and
they are of falling victim to assassination or betrayal. his children’s new-found freedom allows him to bleed
As a result, the entirety of Skaven culture teeters upon the land dry of life and resources wherever they go,
a knife edge of constant paranoia, wheeler-dealing and leaving only empty wastelands behind.
braggadocio. Every rat constantly fawns upon those
above them in the pecking order whilst mercilessly
punching down at those below. In spite of their tendency THE HOUR OF RUIN
to undermine each other, Skaven are still at their most This surge in influence was a long time in the making,
powerful on the occasions when they do unite. The six After having corrupted arcane nexus points across the
Great Clans hold the most sway over Skaven society, realms with warpstone, ultimately causing a cataclysm
with each having a presence on the Council of Thirteen that consumed much of the eastern Great Parch and
– a gathering of the twelve most powerful Lords of breached countless other nations to boot, the Skaven
Decay, with a seat symbolically reserved for their deity, were no longer content simply to scheme in the dark.
the Great Horned Rat. Upon their orders, skittering Bringing about the Hour of Ruin was their greatest
nests of rodents have slaughtered entire cities in a single triumph, and since the very first alarm bells tolled across
night. The Clans Skryre delight in madcap warpstone the Cities of Sigmar, the Skaven have swarmed over the
inventions, whilst those of Moulder use the substance realms in endless droves. They are a cruel race with no
to create freakish mutants. The Clans Eshin work from concern for anyone but themselves, and they will happily
the shadows, assassinating both enemies and fellow shred their enemies with teeth and claws, use them for
Skaven who grow a little too ambitious. The devotees of target practice with their explosive missiles or, worse,
Pestilens overwhelm the enemy with plagues, whereas imprison them for use in their twisted experiments.
those of Verminus overrun the foe through sheer force Those who suffer this fate will meet a particularly
of numbers. The mad prophets of the Masterclan are few gruesome end, whether forming parts of patchwork
by comparison, but they are responsible for directing the rat-mutants or being sectioned into ingredients for
Skaven along the path to victory. hazardous bio-weapons. As the Skaven fan out across
all realms save Azyr, decimating natural resources and
While the most powerful Skaven do end up at the top swallowing up cities with their great gnawhole fissures,
of the heap, budding tyrants soon find themselves they bring with them a blanket of dread that empowers
impaled upon an assassin’s blade. The only being that the entirety of the Chaos Pantheon day by dark day.

Realmstone is an arcane substance made of the
condensed magic of the Mortal Realms, and each
realm produces a different kind. Blight City, the
unholy sub-realm of the Horned Rat, is no exception.
Known as warpstone, the tainted gems mined here are
explosive, highly volatile and hideously corrupting.
Whilst warpstone can imbue creatures and machines
alike with great power, it also infuses them with
equal instability. Of course, this is of little import to
the Skaven, who use the realmstone liberally in their
experiments and spellcraft. Those powerful enough to
wield such magic are known as Grey Seers, and these
ratmen hold immense influence within their clans.


Possessed of a towering ego and a razor-keen sense of self-preservation, the Clawlords of the Clans Verminus are
the Skaven’s foremost generals. They are formidable fighters and savvy strategists, spending their underlings’
lives by the thousand in order to secure victory in the Horned Rat’s name.

The Skaven have a unique idea of what constitutes the Many Clawlords like to ride into war, for this affords
perfect warrior. Strength and speed are all well enough, them a speedy way of manoeuvring around the
but what really marks out their greatest champions is battlefield and offers them a better chance of fleeing
an underhanded genius for fighting dirty – for finding if the fighting turns against them. It is common for
the enemy’s weak point and sinking a warpstone-laced these Skaven generals to purchase a Gnaw-beast from
blade into it, preferably before the victim even knows their Moulder suppliers to serve as a battle mount.
they are in danger. Few beings embody this better than These stooped and hideous creatures – flesh-grafted
the Clawlords, the commanders of the Horned Rat’s amalgamations of rat, horse and hound – are swift and
swarming armies. agile, able to scale walls with their strong forelimbs
and easily tear open their prey’s throat with their
Clawlords are utterly ruthless in their pursuit of victory. gnashing teeth. Gnaw-beasts are specifically bred to
Having climbed over the corpses of fellow Skaven to suffer constantly from the ‘black hunger’ – the rabid
reach the heights of military command, they seek to need to feed that often overcomes Skaven warriors in
secure their position – and improve their standing in the midst of battle. This locks them in a permanent
the eyes of the Great Horned Rat – by slaughtering state of drooling fury and grants them a desperate, wiry
the enemies of the Under-Empire. Or their own rivals, strength that can take larger foes entirely by surprise.
which, in their view, amounts to the same thing. They
see no reason to needlessly risk their own fur in this, not Atop the creature’s back, the Clawlord switches between
when they have teeming multitudes of minions ready blasting holes in their foes with a ratling pistol and
to intercept any bullets or blades intended for them. running them through with their warpforged halberd,
Yet while they prefer to lead from behind a meatshield a weapon designed to release deadly corruption into the
of several hundred Clanrats, it would be a mistake bodies of those it impales. If the battle turns sour, the
to denigrate a Clawlord’s prowess in the business of Clawlord takes advantage of the Gnaw-beast’s speed to
murder. Like all rats, when cornered, they fight with swiftly relocate out of harm’s way – although it is not
reckless savagery, taking their foes off guard with their always easy to force a flesh-gobbling Gnaw-beast to
speed and wiry, adrenaline-fuelled strength. abandon its kill.

A Skaven war-swarm conquers its enemies through a blend of devious cunning, deranged warpstone-fuelled firepower
and overwhelming numbers. In the Hour of Ruin, they are a widespread blight upon the realms.
Masters of deranged science, the Warlock Engineers of the Clans Skryre delight in unleashing warpstone-fuelled
weapons of mass devastation on their foes. These madcap inventors will hire themselves out to the highest bidder
in their eagerness to test their latest creations.

Warlock Engineers are the master weaponsmiths of ambitious and insane devices. Life expectancy amongst
Skaven society, possessed of an undeniable genius the warriors of these Warlock generals is low even
alloyed with an utter disregard for conventional logic. by the standards of Skavenkind, for they often find
By fusing dark sorcery with warpstone-powered themselves on the receiving end of their master’s latest
technology, they create devices as insane as they are malfunctioning experiment.
lethal. Toxin-spewers, scatter-rockets and gigantic,
bladed wheels of death are just a few of their favoured Like many high-ranking Skaven, Warlock Engineers
inventions. There are as many types of Warlock as see it as their right to select a nice, safe spot at the rear
there are schools of Skaven engineering, but the of the battlefield, behind a screen of less-important
majority prefer to dabble here and there instead of minions. From there, they direct their weapon teams
specialising in only one killing field. This is indicative with great skill, coordinating deadly barrages of
of the Skaven’s tendency to become distracted by new missiles, warpflame and solid shot before observing the
methods of mayhem. messy results through a warpglass scope. Mind moving
at a million miles a minute, the Warlock Engineer will
The typical Warlock Engineer is an artificer-rat that has calculate adjustments and make enhancements on the
dipped their tail in various disciplines, mastering the fly, maximising the killing power of their arsenal.
construction of multiple ingenious murder-weapons
along the way. Many choose to hire themselves out as If a weapon is not dishing out enough death, the
combat mechanics to whoever is willing to pay their Warlock Engineer will call upon their techno-arcane
demanding price, taking the opportunity to test their talents to kick it into overdrive, sometimes with
latest inventions in the field. Others chafe at the concept explosive results for the unfortunate ratmen manning
of taking orders and instead assemble verminous hosts it. If necessary, the Engineer can also take up their own
of their own, marching across the realms in search custom-built warplock musket to blast any foe that
of volatile substances with which to create ever more draws too close for comfort.

Paragons of devious and wanton cruelty in a race renowned for such things, the Grey Seers are truly the favoured
spawn of the Great Horned Rat. Their swift-sparking minds are devoted to the expansion of Blight City and the
dominance of the Skaven empire – and to their own advancement, of course.

Marked out for greatness because of their pale fur and avoid responsibility and blame the disaster squarely on
sweeping horns, Grey Seers are the self-proclaimed the incompetence of their rivals.
masterminds of the Under-Empire. Ever since the
Skaven first plagued the Mortal Realms, it has been the Nevertheless, when they fix their attention upon a
prophets of the Masterclan guiding their expansion, particular scheme, Grey Seers are truly formidable
dominating the Council of Thirteen and claiming creatures. With their curling horns and flowing,
sole intuition as to the desires of the Great Horned sigil-marked robes, a Grey Seer cuts a striking figure,
Rat. Using their impressive talents in conniving, shrieking and ranting behind a mob of eager minions.
backstabbing and dark sorcery, the Grey Seers Their connection to the Horned Rat grants them
manipulate the Great Clans into carrying out their fearsome arcane powers, allowing them to conjure bolts
deity’s will, attempting the unenviable task of steering of warp lightning with a flick of their claws or summon
the anarchic branches of Skaven society towards swarms of daemonic rats to strip the flesh from their
some common purpose. enemies. Should they sense an opportunity for mayhem
– or if their well-honed danger sense is triggered – the
Grey Seers are true zealots when it comes to the Horned Grey Seer will ‘skitterleap’, teleporting away in a flash of
Rat – mostly because they know what he would do to green flames and leaving their acolytes to their fate.
them if they were not – but they are hardly opposed to
some familiar Skaven self-advancement. They indulge in By far the greatest weapon wielded by a Grey Seer is
the same rivalries, petty feuds and enmities that infect their fearsome intellect. Their minds are constantly
every stratum of the Under-Empire. More than one churning, spinning plots, schemes and deranged ideas
ambitious Skaven invasion plan has collapsed in disaster for every conceivable situation. When they unleash
as a result of Masterclan power games, at the cost of this insane ingenuity on the battlefield, the results are
thousands or even millions of lives. In the aftermath of inevitably deadly – often for the Grey Seer’s
such catastrophes, the race begins for the Grey Seers to own allies as well as the enemy.

Rat Ogors are swollen berserker-beasts that possess the swiftness of Skaven alloyed with the mighty strength of
ogorkind. Using their claws and whatever weapons their creators have stitched to their flesh, they smash, rip and
tear to pieces anything unfortunate enough to find itself within their reach.

Of all the repulsive living weapons spawned by the Ever since their creation, Rat Ogors have been a
flesh-vats of the Clans Moulder, Rat Ogors are their mainstay of Skaven armies, called upon to shatter foes
most successful creations by a considerable margin. that cannot be broken by weight of numbers alone. The
The armies of the Great Horned Rat, though capable of Clans Moulder sell them to their rivals for an exorbitant
outnumbering almost any foe, typically lack the sheer price, knowing that the other Great Clans have no choice
physical might to take on the brawniest warriors they but to grudgingly accept their terms. Kept half-starved
meet upon the battlefields of the Mortal Realms. to heighten their ferocity, Rat Ogors are driven into
battle by Moulder Packmasters. Loping forward on their
The Master Moulders went about solving this dilemma knuckles, they barrel into the tight ranks of the enemy,
in their customary manner. Ogors in particular had sending broken bodies flying through the air as they
proved to be a foe against whom swarming tactics thrash and claw in a frenzy, stuffing ripped-out chunks
had faltered, so the Master Moulders seized a great of viscera into their mouths. Clanrats pour into the
number of them, forcing them to endure agonising gaping holes these monsters smash in the enemy line,
crypto-surgical experiments in which they were fused finishing off any maimed foes they leave in their wake.
with Skaven subjects and implanted with warpstone.
The strength and resilience of ogorkind granted these It is something of a favoured hobby amongst Moulder
Moulder creations astonishing staying power in warfare. flesh-shapers to stitch various exotic weapons to their
When combined with the natural swiftness and agility Rat Ogors’ bodies. Lost limbs are often replaced with
of the Skaven, this resulted in truly terrifying specimens: enormous blades or whirling chain-flails. Some shapers
massive, dull-witted, rabidly aggressive beasts with an find it especially amusing to outfit their creation with
insatiable hunger for flesh. A great many thrall-rats were a warpflame projector, knowing full well that the beast
torn into pieces and devoured in the pursuit of these will be too stupid to use the weapon properly and will
living weapons, but it is unanimously agreed by the instead loose random gouts of flesh-melting fire as it
Master Moulders that the results were worth it. runs amok across the battlefield.

A single Skaven warrior does not seem much of a threat, with its stooped posture, rusty wargear and nervous
gaze. But when gathered in their scores and filled with the self-destructive frenzy of the swarm, they can
overwhelm and rip apart even the mightiest champions.

Almost every Skaven warhost – no matter its allegiance in any war of attrition, the numberless children of the
– features at its core a vast, skittering mob of Clanrats Horned Rat are always going to come out on top. Of
clutching an assortment of rusty, mismatched weapons course, even in vast numbers, the morale of the Clanrats
and marching beneath tattered banners. It would be easy is a temperamental thing. If even one of the creatures
to look at such a gathering and dismiss it as a meagre hesitates in the face of particularly horrific losses,
threat, for individual Skaven are not physically strong indecision and panic can sweep through its fellows like
and are notoriously willing to stab each other in the a contagion, causing them to take flight. It is for this
back to ensure their own survival. Yet only a fool would reason that Clanrat swarms are issued with standards
dismiss them as altogether harmless. When they gather bearing the icons of the Great Clans. Gazing upon these
en masse and their individualistic instincts of self- symbols of the Horned Rat’s might can often quell a
preservation are dulled by a frenzied mob-courage, they Skaven’s natural cowardice long enough to get them
can triumph over far more skilled warriors. back into the fight.

When battle comes, the Skaven swarm charges forward Should the Clanrats triumph, they will immediately set
like a living flood of scabby fur and yellow fangs, each about looting any shiny trinkets within reach, fighting
Clanrat scrabbling over its fellows in desperation to get each other tooth and claw for the choicest treasures.
its claws on the enemy. Spitting, biting and swiping with Some, however, will seek a gorier prize. A Skaven’s
rusty blades, they can quickly overwhelm even the most hyperactive aggression often transforms post-battle
resolutely defended position. The fact that hundreds into a ravenous need to feed, known as the ‘black
of them will be cut to pieces in any such assault hardly hunger’. Such is the rapidity of the Skaven metabolism
matters when there are always more ready to spring that an afflicted creature’s innards will begin to devour
forth to take their place. This is the grim calculus at themselves if it cannot immediately gorge itself on raw
the heart of Skaven military strategy: the Clawlords meat. Thus, casualties of the battle – friend or foe – soon
of the Clans Verminus are savvy enough to know that become food for the Clanrats.

Multi-barrelled death machines capable of spitting out an ungodly hail of warpstone bullets, Ratling
Warpblasters are one of the most feared weapons in the arsenal of the Clans Skryre. Almost nothing can stand
in the face of their overwhelming firepower.

The Ratling Gun has long been a favoured tool of advancing unit of infantry unlucky enough to find itself
Skaven engineers, adored for its ability to annihilate a staring into the mouth of a Ratling Warpblaster is soon
swathe of foes in the blink of an eye. The Warlocks of reduced to little more than a cloud of pink mist when it
the Clans Skryre were swift to observe the destruction opens fire. Its high-velocity ammunition can even pierce
caused by this weapon and ask themselves a simple the shell of a Kharadron airship.
question: what if we made it bigger and even more
indiscriminately murderous? Of course, upon maximising the Ratling Gun’s killing
power and size, some necessary alterations had to be
The result of such musings is the Ratling Warpblaster, a made to its design. Not even a Moulder flesh-beast could
mobile, death-dealing engine capable of almost single- absorb a Ratling Warpblaster’s recoil without being
handedly laying waste to an enemy army. Utilising blasted off its feet, and so instead the weapon is mounted
largely the same technological concepts as its lesser atop a wheeled conveyance. The gunner sits in a rotating
cousin, its enlarged warpstone accelerator battery sends chair that allows them to adjust the yaw and pitch of the
its barrels spinning wildly, causing several hundred chain-cannon in order to render airborne targets into
missiles a minute to punch through whatever happens smoking debris. A long-suffering band of Skryre thrall-
to be in front of it. Once rare and highly sought-after rats hauls the Ratling Warpblaster into position where it
prototypes, these weapons have seen increasingly can deal out the most suffering, cowering in anticipation
common usage in the aftermath of the Vermindoom as it whirs into motion. Like all warpstone-powered
as Skryre industry expands, engulfing ever more of Skaven weaponry, a Ratling Warpblaster is prone to
the Mortal Realms. fatal malfunction. If punctured by a ricocheting bullet
or simply taxed beyond breaking point by continuous
A Warpblaster’s accuracy is laughable, but that hardly fire, its incredibly volatile accelerator will explode,
matters when a cackling gunner is busy filling the air unleashing a wave of toxic flames to incinerate both
with warpstone-infused metal. A cavalry squadron or gunner and crew.

Able to blast smoking holes through flesh and metal from a tremendous distance, the infamous Warplock
Jezzails of the Clans Skryre are the bane of enemy officers and other high-value targets. Armed with these
weapons, Skaven sharpshooters can cripple the enemy army before battle is even joined.

Skaven are natural snipers. As far as they are concerned, However, even with a designated loader-rat, their
there is no more practical form of warfare than shooting rate of fire is far from impressive when compared to
your foe from a safe space where you can be reasonably other Skaven weapons. Moreover, since each volley of
certain that they will not hit you back. Few weapons corrupted ammunition leaves a sickly green trail in
exemplify such tactics better than the Warplock Jezzail. the air, it is often all too easy to pinpoint the weapon’s
The barrels of these huge rifles are more than twice exact location. If their first shot is not a definite kill,
as large as a typical Skaven, and they are so unwieldy the Skaven duo can be left terribly exposed. Thus,
that a two-rat team is required to operate them. Yet each Warplock Jezzail is equipped with a pavise shield
the great length of a Warplock Jezzail is an intentional behind which the shooter can cower should their
design choice, allowing the weapon to shoot with fusillade draw return fire. Against foes who manage
an accuracy far superior to any bow or handheld to close into melee combat, the sniper team is forced
blackpowder weapon. to resort to stabbing away with a rusty dagger or other
crude weapon. However, no self-respecting Jezzail-rat
Using complex – and unstable – power-surge would ever allow such a foolish thing to happen in
accelerators, Warplock Jezzails fire warpstone-laced the first place.
rounds at such a high velocity that the missiles pass
straight through inches of steel or sigmarite to blast off In order to compensate for the Warplock Jezzail’s slow
limbs or pulverise heads. They are particularly suited to rate of fire, several of them are usually deployed together,
targeted assassination. Jezzail teams are trained to seek forming overlapping fields of fire to cover all angles.
out high-profile enemy agents on the battlefield through In this way, they can operate in concert, maintaining a
their warpglass scopes; officers, wizards and artillery steady, ceaseless barrage that soon leaves the battlefield
operators are considered the most important targets of strewn with corpses. These formations are typically led
opportunity and are dropped with a well-placed bullet by a senior Warlock Engineer, whose double-barrelled
to the forehead. weapon offers even more formidable firepower.

As the realms-wide catastrophe of the
Vermindoom unleashes waves of horror and
corruption upon reality, the heavenly hosts of the
Stormcast Eternals – bolstered by the Ruination
chambers – attempt to stem the Skaven onslaught.

In both appearance and demeanour, the

Stormcasts could not differ more from the
verminous swarms of the Skaven. The champions
of the God-King march to war in serried ranks,
resplendent in their blessed armour. Facing them
is a living tide of fangs and fur that skitters across
the lands to engulf and consume everything
in the name of the Great Horned Rat. There
can be only one victor in this struggle between
order and anarchy, civilisation and warpstone-
fuelled insanity.
Lord-Veritant with Gryph-crow
Stormcast Eternals
Warlock Engineer Clanrats Grey Seer
Skaven Skaven Skaven
Prosecutors of the Ruination
chambers descend from on high like
avenging angels, hurling volleys of
stormcaller javelins at their Skaven
foes as the creatures attempt to bring
a Ratling Warpblaster to bear.
Knight-Questor Leodus and his
Liberators focus their fury on a pack
of rampaging Rat Ogors, knowing
all too well the damage that the
monstrous linebreakers can wreak if
left unchecked.

Souls rendered adamant by constant

Reforging, these Reclusians of
the Hallowed Knights endure the
sorcerous onslaught unleashed by
a Grey Seer, while Clanrats swarm
towards them from all directions.

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A Lord-Vigilant is both warden and warlord, possessed of the Mounted atop a flesh-craving Gnaw-beast, a Clawlord surveys the
willpower to command those who stand upon the brink of losing battlefield, ready to charge forth to overrun and annihilate the
all. Loyal Gryph-stalkers aid them in this duty, turning their enemy – or beat a hasty tactical retreat should things threaten to
uncanny enervating powers upon their master’s foes. turn against them.

The Ruination chambers wage a bitter war against the Skaven, fighting across the most corrupted
and deadly hellscapes in the Mortal Realms – battlefields that only they can endure.

‘Our fate was decided long
ago, when the God-King rescued
our souls from ignominious defeat
and recast us in blessed sigmarite.
We are holy weapons, forged to fight the
eternal war until our souls are burnt beyond
repair. We cannot and will not retreat from that
destiny. If oblivion awaits us, we shall meet
it head on, with neither fear nor regret
in our hearts.’
– Lord-Vigilant Greylock

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