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46. Alveolarwalls are lined by 28 Simple squamous epitneium (2) Statified squamous epithelium (3) Compound cuboidal epithelium (4) Cilated squamous epithelium 47. Choose the odd one wat exocrine secretions (2) Saliva / (2) Milk Hormones (4) Earwax ZOOLOGY 48. Atype of cel not presentin areolar issue is (1) Mast cell @) Fibroblast (@) Macrophage (4) Fibroblasts (4) péfise reap jar connective tissue Glandular tissue is usually a modified type je belongs to which category of (1) Connective tissue (2) Epithelial issue (3) Neural tissue (4) Muscular tissue Choose the odd one wat exdcring secretions. ¥ (1) Mucus (2) Saliva (3) Earwax (4) Testosterone Scanned with CamScanner 2023-25 TyMiP2)-TEOIC 1. Which ‘among the following cells is not found 177, Match column | and column Il and choose ‘nfluid connective tissue? the correct option, () Recs Column! = Columnit (2) wacs (a) Ligament (}) Loose connective tissue @) Fib;btasts (b)Areolar (i) Dense regular (4) Monocytes tissue connective tissue Gpderis Of (iy Fluid connective tissue 172, Find the correct match between the i « (v) Dense regular epithelium and its locations. (epero0d Eo neolve tase (1) Gilated - columnar epithelium Intestinal mucosa efi), ei (2) Brush bordered epithelium ~ PCT of eae 2) aliv),b(), efi), ati) nephron (8) Squamous epithelium - Lining of (3) aliv), bil), c(), aC) ‘bronchi (4) av), ball), c(i), d() (4) Compound epithelium — Lining of bblood vessels’ 178. Read the following statements and choose the correctoption, Statement A: Bones have a hard and pliable ground substance rich in magnesium salts and collagen fibres which give bone its 173, Which one of the following does not hold ‘vue aboutcardiac muscles? (2) Cannotbe convacted as per our will is strength, (2) Stated in appearance ‘Statement B: Cartilage has a solid and non- (3) These are muscles of heart pliable intercellular material and does not resist compression, (4) They are structurally similar to smooth mpressio ° ms (2) Both statements are incorrect muscles 174, Select the characteristic exhibited by most rsx. abundant cells of neural tissue ~ () Electical excitability (2) Extensibility {@) Conduction ofimpulse (4) Protection and support lame’the cell junction which facilitate the lls sites/structure, except (1) Tip ofnose (2) Outer ear joints (3) Biceps : (4) Limbs and hands in adults Scanned with CamScanner ee 197. Tendons differ from ligaments in that the tendons are (1) Dense regular connective tissue (2) Composed of both elastic and collagen fibres (3) Altach skeletal muscles to bones (4) Attach one bone to another 198. Which type of junctions facilitate attachment of adjacent epithelial cells to hold them together during stretching etc.? (1) Gap junctions . (2) Adhering junctions (3) Tightjunctions (4) Communication junctions 199. The characteristic feature of muscle fibres that are present in the wall of small intestine is (1) Branched and _— spindle shaped appearance (2) Fusiform shape (8) Multinucleated appearance (4) Striated appeararice 200. The structur neural system (1)»Neuron™, * functional unit of human Scanned with CamScanner 151. The connective tissue in which the max is without fibres and component cells is @) Skeletal (2) Blood (3) Dense irregular (4) Adipose tissue ot secreted by it 1182. Mark the types of cell junctions found in the the cells. to communicate with each other by connecting the cytoplasm of adjoining cells, for rapid epithelium which facil transfer ‘of ions, small molecules and sometimes big molecules ie (2) Tightjunction @) Adhering junction (@) Gap junction (4) Interdigitation 153. In tissue level of organisation, the (2) Cells are arranged as loose cell aggregates (2) Tissues are grouped to form organs (3) Cells performing same function are arranged into groups (4) Tissues are grouped to form systems 154, Selectthe mismatch (Q) Tendon - Connects bone to muscle (2) Fusitorm shaped cells - Sviated involuntary muscle fibre (3) Bronchioles —Ciliated epithelium (4) Brush bordered epithelium - PCT and small intestine ee” SECTION-A, 155. Choose the odd one wrt secretion of ‘multicellular exacrine gland (2) Mili {226 Select” te incorrect statement wat > {1 neurogia cols “€ 22 220) They make more than half the volume Aap Stn issue P29 _ PTiigy protect ne neurons. AAG) They are non-excitable cells 15 . Exocrine glands (1) Consist of squamous cells (2) Consist of compound epitheliuin @) Secrete hormones (4) Consist of . cuboidal or epithelial cells columnar 168. Read the following statements and choose the correct option. Statement Simple epithelium is composed of a single layer of cells and functions as a lining for body cavities, ducts and tubes. Statement B: Compound epithelium ‘consists of two or more cell layers and has protective function as it does in the skin of humans. (2) Both statements are incorrect (2) Both statements are correct (8) Only statement Ais correct (4) Only statement Bis correct Scanned with CamScanner Match te column 1 with column Wl and choose the correct option, "|\Cotumnt (Column-tt levithetium Location falisimple [Wall of bi Pees, il b,[Simpie (a) [Stomach leolumnar (Ciiated (ip|[Fatopian tube Feehan Pees (iv)fTubutar pan ot Isquamous | |nephron (2) a, 60. ef), 60) (2) a), DG. id. 0) 2) afi, 06, oi), av) (4) a, WG), 40) 1160. Connective tissue connects another issues suchas (2) Tendon connects diferent muscles @) Ligaments connects bone to muscle @) Areolat tissue connects skin to muscle (4) Adipose tissue connects skin o bones: 161. Niss's granules are presentin (1) Nucleic acid (@) Nerwous tissue () Epitieial issue (@) Connective tissue 162. Choose the odd one out wet specialized connective issue (1) Bone (2) Tendon @ Blood (4) Cartilage 1163, Complete the analogy Bone: Osteocytes : Cartilage (1) Adipocytes (2) Chondrocytes. (8) Chondrin (4) Ossein 4164, All of the folowing statements are correct ‘about loose connective issue except (1) Fibres and fibroblasts are compactly packed (@) Present beneath the skin (@ Serves as support frame work for epithelium (2) Help in storage of fat 165. Cuboidal epithelium isnot presentin (1) Fallopian tubes (@ PcTotnephron (8) Ducts of glands (4) DCT ofnephron 166, Select the correct statement wurt.cartlage. (1) it has hard_and_non-pliable ground substance, rich in calcium salts and collagen fibres (2) Most of this tssue in verebrate embryos are replaced by dense connective tssue in adults {@) Chondrocytes are present inthe spaces called canaliculi (@ Present in outer ear joints, between adjacent bones ofthe vertebral colurnn ‘and limbsin adults 167, Cardiac muscles are (1) Voluntary in their activity (@) Unbranched (@) Nonstiated “living. characesic is “cartilage and bone in (0) Sol and pliable matic © (@) "resent in limbs and hands (2) res pre _ (a) Site of production of blood cells 52) Dense regular issue 3 @) Loose connective tssue (@) Specialised connective tissue. 4170. Which of the following statementis incorrect ‘wart muscle tissue? (2) Biceps muscle fibers, are cylindrical and unbranched (@ Wall of stomach and intestine contains stiped involuntary muscles (@) Cell junctions are present in cardiac ‘muscle tissue (@) Skeletal muscles are voluntary in ature 171, An example of dense regular connective tissue is () skin @ Cartage Lee eee (2) Tendons a7 Scanned with CamScanner Fortnightly Test Series 2023-24_RM(P2)-Tost-010 172, Wentfy the cell junction which performs cementing to Keep neighbouring cells together (2) Tightjuncton (2) Adhering junction (@) Gap junction (4) Zonula occludens 173. Which of the following tissue covers the dry surface of the skin, the moist surface of buccal cavity and pharynx? (2) Compound epithelium (2) Squamous epithelium (2) Ciliated epithetium (4) Columnar epithetium 174, The function of ciliated epithelium is, (2) Secretion and absorption (2) To move pariclesimucus in specific direction @) Tofacitate ditfusion (4) To provide protection against chemical stresses 175. _is composed of a single layer of cubeye™ 7s, iiecets ee AG Fill he blank with a suitable option. (2) Squamous epithelium (2) Cuboidal epithelium (3) Columnar epithelium (4) Compound epithelium 176, The mucus secreting goblet cells of the alimentary canal are represented by (8) (2) A: Muliceliular consisting of cluster of cells (2) B : Uniceliular consisting of isolated glandular cells (@) A: Columnar cells producing exocrine secretions (4) B : Cuboidal cells also known as glandular epithelium [AGL in wie of se)? gtanles are present? st \ 477. Select the Incorrect statement Wit characteristics of epithelial tissue, (2) tthas a free surface (2) ts free surface faces elther a body fluid or the outside environment (3) The cells are distantly arranged with large amountof intercellular matsix (2) It provides a covering or a fining for some partofthe body 178, Alissue which shows structural syncytium is (2) Skeletal muscles (2) Smooth muscles (3) Cardiac muscles (4) Neural issue (2) One (8) Two the following parts, NissI's _fayason nly AG) oven and axon:axonterinals 2) Cyto and dencies *@) Cyton only 182, The cells formed inside bone marrow, are (@) Chondroblasts (@) Neuroglia {@) White blood celts (4) Osteocytes Blood is a connective tissue and is in direct, contact with which type of epithelial tssue during circulation? (1) Columnar epithelium (2) Cuboidal epithelium @) Simple squamous epithelium (4) Stralifed squamous epithelium 183. Scanned with CamScanner = est Series 2023-24 AM(P2)Test-01B “ ja.a of te following ate components of Jreolar tissue except (2) Fibroblast (@) Mactophages (8) Mastcell (2) Osteoblast 1185, The part of neuron which carries impulses towards its cell body is (a) Dendrite (@) Axon (8) Node of Ranvier (4) Schwann cell SECTION-B ants. surounding 186, Ligaments are ome sso, overdan canal wis sound () colar eon fat carats etwhih tee? (Bere 2) eft tn ©) tase ies ony oe (@) Elastic fibres and collagen fibres a (@) Reticular bres only @) Tenge (@) Ligament sy fe £7. Which ofthe following i responsible fr — 187, which ofteoowing is response for igh Ae Eo ange tn apo teuge als wit iegular boundaries is absorpivecapaciyininesine? 2} ele CP Bipunies (Fageta GA AO), os einean (©) Pinocytic vesicle Se 2 {G Brush border epithelium ee () @.(0.(@) ang 2 wee © @ony @ as wh 492, The function oftightjuncions is £2 (4)"Stop substances from leaking across a C>> tssue (2) Facilitate the cells to communicate with 188. The supportive skeletal structure pinna and tp of nose is made up of Coch ether 2 ue (3) Cementneighbouring cells together (2) Bone (4) Protectand nourish epithelial cells (6) Adipose tissue (4) Areolar tissue : 193. How many of the following are exocrine ' sere secretions? 189, Consider the following statements. Mucus, Saliva, Ear i i ‘A. In cardiac_muscles, communication oe eee ol araade junctions alow the cells to contract as a unit. B. in cardiac muscles, when one cell (2) Three feceives a signal to contract, its @) Four neighbouring cells are also stimulated to contract oe @ six Select he correct opton. (1) Both A and B are correct (2) Ais correctbutB is incorrect (3) Both A and B are incorrect (4 Aisincorectbut 8 is correct Scanned with CamScanner Fortnightly Test Series 2023-24 RMH2}Test-020 304, The muscles involved in the vansport cf gametes through the genital tact ave ‘smoot’ muscles. This name is based on their (2) Location (2) Appearance (®) Function (4) Natur of regutaon 4185. Read the following statements and choose the correct option, Statement A: When a neuron is suitably stimulated, an electical disturbance is generated ‘Statement B: Arrival ofthe disturbance at the “neuron endings always stimulate adjacent neurons (2) Only statements correct (2) Only statement Bis correct (8) Both Aand B statements are corect (4) Both A.and B statements are incorrect 296, Most abundant and widely distributed tissue In the body ofcomplex animals is, (2) Epithelial bssue @) Connective issue (@) Muscular issue () Neural tssue 4197, How many ofthe cells in the given box aie enciosed in fuidtled caviles vihin ravi? Osteoblast, chondrocytes, Osteocytes, Erythrocytes a3 @2 oa wo 498. The common feature between muscles presentin stomach and biceps are (@) Stations 2) Shape ®) Mutinucleated () Unbranched 199. Nerve fibres difer tom muscle fires in having () Myottris (2)"Stiations @) Sarcoternma (8) Dencties, 200. Contacte issue prdéentin heart (0) D663 nat sit sviations Extbid’abSonceotbranching @ Sows presence ofrteealae doce Scanned with CamScanner

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