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Estimation in Virtual Sensor-Actuator Arrays Using

Reduced-Order Physical Models

Haotian Zhang, Bruce Krogh, José M. F. Moura and Wei Zhang

Abstract— In many applications envisioned for wireless inputs U the measurements at a subset of the sensors and
sensors, physical variables governed by continuous, distributed as outputs Y the measurements at the remaining sensors.
dynamics need to be monitored and controlled. Spatial and Then we estimate by system identification the values of the
temporal irregularities in sampling available from the wireless
nodes are usually inconsistent with the application require- unknown parameters θ based on the measured inputs U and
ments. In this paper we propose virtual sensor-actuator arrays measured outputs Y . Based on the resulting model M(θ̂),
to address this problem and consider the problem of estimating we can calculate the output Ŷ 0 at the locations of interest,
values of physical variables at points other than the wireless possibly where no sensors are available. By utilizing the
node locations. We use reduced-order models of the physical cut set concept and the substitution theorem from circuit
dynamics to generate these estimates. Model parameters are
estimated using parametric system identification techniques. theory (p. 28 and pp. 129-130, [1], respectively) a reduced
The concepts are illustrated for the problem of estimating model Mr (θr ) with unknown parameters θr is derived from
temperatures based on circuit models of thermal dynamics. the detailed model M(θ̂). We assign U 0 = (U C , Y C ) as the
Results are presented from experiments using actual data inputs to the reduced model, where U C and Y C are a subset
collected by a wireless sensor network. of the inputs U and outputs Y of the real world, and Ŷ 0
I. I NTRODUCTION as its outputs. By again applying system identification, we
obtain a reduced model Mr (θ̂r ) with estimated parameters
Large-scale wireless sensor/actuator arrays are envisioned θ̂r that can be used subsequently to estimate the outputs
as being useful in a variety of applications ranging from Y N at the locations of interest for arbitrary inputs U N .
wide-area monitoring and surveillance to control of flexi-
ble space structures. A number of research programs are
focusing on the development of lower-level protocols and U Real System
middleware services that take care of network formation,
timing synchronization, calibration and real-time quality- modeling
of-service. Even when these problems are solved, signal Detailed physical model
and information processing algorithms will be needed to with unknown parameters ( ) 

deal with the temporal and spatial irregularities inherent in

the information from these networks. We are developing
information processing middleware that will make it pos- System Identification

sible for application-domain algorithms to be implemented

without having to deal explicitly with the irregularities in the
physical data and the physical device array. The goal is to Detailed physical model ( ˆ)

with estimated parameters ˆ

make it possible for application algorithms to be written as

if the sensing and actuating devices are located as desired in
Reduced physical model r( r )

the application design model. We call this a virtual sensor- with unknown parameters r

actuator array (VSAA). U

(Y ,U )
This paper presents a first step toward realizing VSAAs.
We use physical models to produce real-time estimates System Identification
of the values of a distributed field at points where there
are no sensors. These estimates are based on a subset
of sensors surrounding each point of interest. Figure 1 UN Reduced physical model r( ˆr )

Yˆ N
with estimated parameters ˆr
illustrates our approach. We first construct for the real
world a detailed parameterized physical model M(θ) with
unknown parameters θ. In this model M(θ), we assign as

Research supported by NSF grant # ECS-0225449. Fig. 1. Diagram of the proposed approach.
Haotian Zhang, Bruce Krogh, José M. F. Moura are with the
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Carnegie Mel- The following section describes lumped-parameter mod-
lon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, USA. {haotian, krogh, els for a physical world of thermal capacities and flows.
Wei Zhang is with the Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, Sect. III presents our approach to identify model parameters
Pittsburgh, PA 15213, USA. for estimating temperatures at locations without sensors.
The approach is illustrated in Sect. IV using data collected the environment). Resistors Rok , k = 1, . . . , 8 represent the
with a wireless sensor array in the Intelligent Workplace conduction effects across the walls, between the outside and
at Carnegie Mellon University. The concluding section the inside of the walls. Resistors Rwij and capacitors Cwj
discusses our current research directions. respectively represent the conduction effects and the thermal
capacity along the walls, where indices i, j = 1, . . . , 8,
II. T HERMAL M ODELS denote the wall segments. The resistors Rij , j = 1, . . . , 8
Monitoring and control in buildings is an important represent the combined conduction and convection effects
application for large arrays of wireless sensors and actuators between the walls and the air inside the room. Capacitors
[2], [3]. Heating and cooling strategies optimize the comfort Cj , j = 1, . . . , 4 represent the thermal capacity of each
of the people in a building subject to constraints on power of the room divisions. Finally, the resistors R12 , R23 , R34 ,
and total energy consumption. The problem is that sensors and R41 represent the heat transfers by conduction and
must be distributed in a building in some way that is convection between the air in the four subdivisions of the
convenient for making sure they will not be tampered with, room.
and the HVAC actuators are fixed by the construction of the
building. Consequently, the building control system often
optimizes the comfort objectives at the sensor locations, T w1 T w2

rather than where the users are currently located. If large-

arrays of wireless sensors are used, it may be possible to T w8
T1 T2
T w3
have much better knowledge of the temperature distribution
in the building, but that still does not address the problem
of matching the information to the control objectives.
In this paper we consider the problem of estimating the T4 T3
T w7
temperature at locations in a building different from where T w4

sensors are placed. Temperature dynamics are governed

by partial differential equations (PDEs) characterizing the T w6 T w5

thermal effects of convection, conduction, and radiation.

Electrical circuit equivalents for these dynamics are stan-
Fig. 2. Layout of studied room.
dard for simulating the thermal properties of buildings [4],
[5]. More recently, there has been considerable research
into methods for creating effective, parsimonious lumped
parameter models of thermal dynamics using equivalent To 

Ro1 To 

R w23
electrical circuits to characterize the thermal properties of R w81 R w12

IC and MEMS components [6], [7], [8]. These compact T w1 T w2

C w1 C w2
models are developed using a combination of physical R i1 R i2

insight and empirical data, often obtained from simulations

Ro8 R i8 R12 R i3 Ro3
of detailed CFD (computational fluid dynamics) models T w8 T1 T2
T w3
of the thermal properties of IC packages. Physical insight To 

C w8 C w3

C1 C2
suggests the basic circuit structure that should be used, and R w78 R41 R23 R w34

the empirical data are used to estimate appropriate values

Ro7 T w7 R i7 R34 R i4 R04
for the parameters in the circuit model. Our approach is T4 T3
T w4
motivated by this approach. To 

C w7 C4 C3 C w4


To model thermal dynamics in a building using circuit R i6 R i5

components, voltage sources model constant temperature

R w67 R w56 R w45
elements, such as the ambient external temperature, and T w6 T w5

current sources model sources of radiant heat. Capacitors Ro6 Ro5

C w6 C w5
model thermal capacity and resistors model thermal con-
duction effects. The actual values of these circuit elements To 


are derived by system identification techniques rather than

from first principles.
We explain our approach with respect to the rectan- Fig. 3. RC network for the room in Fig. 2.
gular room whose layout is shown in Fig. 2. The heat
transfers and conduction-convection effects are modeled
by the electrical circuit shown in Fig. 3. In this figure,
the outside ambient temperature gives rise to 8 identical
voltage sources labeled by To (different values could be We assume that temperature sensors are placed at nodes
used for these voltages to represent thermal variations in Tw1 through Tw8 , and also at nodes labeled T1 , T2 , and T3 (
see Fig. 2. No temperature sensor is placed at node T4 . Our we know the voltages at all the nodes in N1 , i.e., u1 (t),
goal is to predict the temperature at node T4 . u2 (t), . . . , un (t). Branches (uk , ground) can be replaced by
By the substitution theorem in circuit theory [1], we know voltage sources of value uk (t), k = 1, 2, . . . , n, leading to
that the dynamical behavior of the circuit is not affected the circuit shown in Fig. 6, where the subcircuits SC1 and
if we insert voltage sources at nodes Tw1 through Tw8 SC2 are connected by a subcircuit of only the n voltage
whose values are exactly the time series measured by the sources. If we duplicate these voltage sources and divide
sensors placed at these nodes. Further, we note that the the whole circuit into two parts, as shown in Fig. 7, we get
outer dashed line drawn over the circuit in Fig. 3 is a cut two independent circuits. Subcircuits SC1 and SC2 have the
set. From these considerations, if we are only interested same external sources in both Fig. 6 and Fig. 7. Therefore,
in the dynamical behavior inside the cut set (dashed line), the voltages at the nodes inside SC1 and SC2 are not
we can simplify the circuit in Fig 3 to that in Fig. 4. In altered. In particular, the voltage at the node of interest (T4 )
this circuit, we have eliminated the sources representing is not altered.
the outside ambient temperature To and the corresponding
resistors Roj , j = 1, . . . , 8, the wall resistors Rwj , and the u1
capacitors Cwj , j = 1, . . . , 8. u2

Tw1 Tw2 un
Ri1 Ri2
Tw8 Ri8 T1 R12 T2 R i3 Cn C2 C1

C1 C2
R41 R23

Tw7 Ri7 T4 R34 T3 R i4

Fig. 5. Equivalent structure of the RC network.

C4 C3

R i6 R i5
Tw6 Tw5

Fig. 4. Detailed model obtained by the substitution theorem. un

The model in Fig. 4 is justified as follows. The RC •••••

network shown in Fig. 3 is a nonplanar circuit. We redraw
the RC network as a three-layer structure: the top layer is un(t) u2(t) u1(t)
a resistor network, the bottom layer is the ground, and the
middle layer is composed of capacitors and voltage/current
sources that are between the nodes in the top layer and the
ground. Assume the node T4 is of interest. We can choose a Fig. 6. Circuit after applying the substitution theorem.
cut set in the top layer to make sure that if the branches in
the cut set are removed the resulting inner subcircuit SC1
includes the node T4 . Assume the selected cut set is the set
u1 u1
of all the branches crossed by the outer (or inner) dashed u2 u2
line in Fig. 3. In the resulting inner subcircuit SC1 , let N1
be the set of all the nodes associated with the branches in SC1 SC2
the cut set. In this example, N1 ={Twi | i = 1, 2, ..., 8}. The un un
RC network in Fig. 3 is equivalent to the structure in Fig. 5, ••••• •••••
where: the subcircuit SC1 is the resulting inner subcircuit
if the branches in the cut set are removed; subcircuit SC2 un(t) u2(t) u1(t) un(t) u2(t) u1(t)
is the outer subcircuit of the original circuit; u1 , u2 , . . . ,
un are all the nodes associated with the branches in the cut
set, i.e., N1 ={u1 , u2 , . . . , un }; and C1 , C2 , . . . , Cn are the
capacitors between these nodes and the ground. Suppose Fig. 7. Two independent circuits obtained from the substitution theorem.
We now work with the circuit in Fig. 4. The goal is to model. We illustrate the approach by developing for our
estimate all the unknown parameters in the circuit of Fig. 4 running model of Fig. 4 this reduced model for location
from the time series measured by the sensors for Twj , j = T4 .
1, . . . , 8, acting as inputs, and the time series measured by To predict the temperature at the node T4 of the circuit
the sensors for T1 , T2 , and T3 , acting as outputs. We adopt of Fig. 4, given the measurements at Twj , j = 1, . . . , 8
a state-space model for the RC-circuit. The state space and Tj , j = 1, 2, 3, we derive a reduced model for the
is represented by the four temperatures Tk , k = 1, . . . , 4 model in Fig. 4. To do that, we observe that the dashed-
(voltages at the capacitors Ck , k = 1, . . . , 4) point line in Fig. 4 represents a cut set. Like before, we
can replace the circuit of Fig. 4 by the reduced circuit
xn = [T1n , . . . , T4n ]T , (1) in Fig. 8 where the sensor measurements T1 , T2 , T3 and
where time is indicated by the subscript n. The input vector Tw6 and Tw7 are modeled now as known sources, and
in the state equation collects the measured temperatures: the temperature at node T4 is modeled as the output of
the circuit. We use the measured data T1n , T2n , T3n , Tw6n ,
un = [Tw1n , . . . , Tw8n ]T . (2) and Tw7n , and the temperature time series T4n predicted
The output vector is at T4 from the detailed model in Fig. 4 to estimate the
unknown parameters in the model of Fig. 8. This is again
yn = [T1n , T2n , T3n ]T , (3) an identification problem for a dynamical system for which
we use the same MATLAB routine indicated previously to
since we assume as stated before that we place sensors at estimate the parameter values.
positions T1 , T2 , and T3 .
From standard Kirchoff current and voltage laws [9], we
can determine the state and output equations T1

xn+1 = Axn + Bun , yn = Cxn + wn (4)

where A, B, C are matrices with appropriate dimensions,
3 × 3, 3 × 8, and 3 × 4, respectively. We note that C is a 41
known matrix given by
¡ ¢ Tw7 R R
C = I3 0 , (5) i7 T4 34 T3

where I3 is the 3 × 3 identity matrix. The entries in the

model matrices A and B are either 0 or expressed in terms C4
of the unknown resistors and capacitors in the network of
Fig. 4. i6
From the sensor measurements, with Twjn adopted as
inputs, j = 1, . . . , 8, and n = 1, . . . , N , where N is the total
number of measurements collected by each sensor, and the Tw6

sensor measurements Tjn , j = 1, 2, 3, n = 1, . . . , N acting

as outputs, we can estimate the network parameters by Fig. 8. Reduced model.
standard techniques from system identification theory [10].
We use least squares and Guass-Newton algorithms imple-
mented in the MATLAB function m = pem(data, mi), IV. V IRTUAL S ENSING IN THE I NTELLIGENCE
where mi is the initial model with the user-defined model W ORKPLACE
structure and the initial values of the parameters to esti- We apply the approach in sections II and III to the
mate, data is a MATLAB iddata object that contains the Carnegie Mellon Unversity Intelligent Workplace (IW). The
input/output data, and m is returned as the best fitting model layout of the workplace is shown in Fig. 9. We placed ten
with estimated parameters in the model structure defined by Crossbow, Inc. wireless “motes” with temperature sensors
mi [11]. at the locations labeled s1 through s10 in Fig. 9. Due to
Reduced Model. Once the network R and C parameters transmission errors between the motes and the base station,
have been identified, we can derive the detailed network of and other problems, about 6 percent of the readings were
Fig. 4 with the source Twjn , j = 1, . . . , 8, and n = 1, . . . , N lost. These gaps in the time series were filled by linear
and predict the temperature at location T4 where there is no interpolation.
sensor. In a real-life application, the number of locations Note that sensors s1 through s7 are placed at the periph-
where it may be desirable to predict the temperature but ery of the IW. We will use these to monitor and control the
where no sensors are placed may be large, and it may be temperature inside the IW. Figure 10 indicates the detailed
impractical to run the detailed model in Fig. 4 in real time. network model, playing the role of the network in Fig. 4 for
Instead we derive for each of the desired locations a reduced the IW. To identify the unknown parameters in this network
R3 R4

Base Station
s1 s5 S8

s8 R2

s2 R5
S2 C1 R7

s10 s6
s3 S10 R6
s4 s7 S3 C3 R7


Experiment R3
S9 R4
S4 C2 S7

Fig. 9. Floor layout of the IW building and deployment of motes.

Fig. 10. Detailed RC network thermal model for the IW.

model, we consider sensors s8 and s9 as output sensors in

the first phase of the method presented in Sect. III, while
sensors s1 through s7 are treated as the inputs. Location
s10 is where we want to predict the temperature, and, like S 8

in Sect. III, it is not used in this phase of the study. The      

state and output equations for the model are as follows:

S 2 R
xn+1 = Axn + Bun , yn = Cxn + wn (6) 7

where   R

0 0 S 10 R 6
  S
A= 0 −G
0 , (7) 6

R7 C 3
R7 C3 −G
3 1

G1 = R13 + 1
R2 + 1
R4 + 1
R5 ,
S 3 C 3 R 7

G2 = R12 + 1
R3 + 1
R5 + 1
R4 ,
G3 = R21 + 1
R6 + 2
 1 1 1 1  S 9

R3 C1 R2 C1 0 0 R4 C1 R5 C1 0
 0 0 1 1
0 1 1 ,
R2 C2 R3 C 2 R5 C2 R4 C2
1 1 1
0 R1 C3 R1 C3 0 0 R6 C3 0
µ ¶ (8) Fig. 11. Reduced RC network thermal model for the IW.
1 0 0
C= . (9)
0 1 0
With the network in Fig. 10 now identified, we use it to s1 through s7 . We note that, of the about 4,000 samples
estimate the temperature at location T10 . We then derive available, only the first half are used to identify the network
for this location a reduced model. Again, this reduced parameters; the second half is used for testing. The plots
model needs to be identified. We proceed as described show very good agreement between the actual and predicted
in Sect. III. First, we identify an appropriate cut set that temperatures at both locations s8 and s9 .
encircles location s10 . This cut set is indicated by the dashed Figure 14 shows similar plots for location s10 . We
line in Fig. 10. The resulting reduced model is indicated in emphasize that the temperature readings by the sensor
Fig. 11. In this reduced model the measurement in sensors s10 placed at location s10 were NOT used to identify
s2 , s3 , s6 , s8 , and s9 act as inputs, and the temperature time either of the models in Fig. 10 or Fig. 11. The agreement
series predicted with the detailed model of Fig. 10 at s10 displayed in these figures between the actual readings and
act as outputs. We use these input and output time series to their prediction across the 4000 samples (except for wild
estimate the parameters of the reduced model of Fig. 11. variations in the real measurements that are attributed to
Figures 12 and 13 compare the actual temperature mea- malfunctioning of the sensors between readings 2600 and
surements in sensor s8 and s9 , with the prediction of these 2800) demonstrates the methodology presented in this paper
temperatures when we drive the detailed network model can successfully predict the temperature field at locations
of Fig. 10, after it has been identified, with the inputs other than the ones where we have physically placed our
sensors. Estimation


Temperature (F)
Temperature (F)


68 66

66 64

64 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000
Estimation Time (min)
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000
Time (min)
Fig. 14. Actual temperature and estimated temperature at location s10
for the IW.
Fig. 12. Actual temperature and estimated temperature at location s8 for
the IW.
irregularities. Key issues are how to combine the goals
of obtaining effective models and effective estimates from
78 the real-time data, and how to incorporate all available
Measurement information (e.g., time of day and the state of environ-
mental conditions). We are also investigating methods for
74 distributing the computation of the estimates throughout the
Temperature (F)

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