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Harambe Token

The Harambe Token


Harambe Token

Table of Contents

01 Overview
02 Harambe Token
05 Harambe A.I.: Technical Deep Dive
09 Harambe A.I.: Under the Hood
12 Harambe A.I. Example Results
13 Security & Trustworthiness
14 Community Engagement & Growth
15 The Broader Vision
16 Get Involved: Join the Harambe Revolution

Harambe Token

The rise of meme culture has transformed the cryptocurrency
landscape, introducing a new wave of tokens that resonate with the
younger generation.

Amidst this surge, the Harambe Token emerges, not just as another
meme coin, but as a symbol of innovation and advancement in the
digital trading universe.

The Harambe Token is backed by the power of Harambe A.I., a state-of-

the-art neural network auto-trading bot.

This bot leverages years of historical trades, elite hedge fund strategies,
and the wisdom of seasoned traders to ensure round-the-clock
successful trades.

With the help of Harambe, our community will democratize the

benefits of advanced AI trading by receiving profits generated by the
AI-powered trading engine through the buy-back and burn program.

While at the same time, we will build a community of holders,

enthusiasts, and tech aficionados, all driven by a vision of an AI-powered
crypto future.

Join us in this journey to redefine the crypto landscape and set new
standards in technology, community engagement, and investor

Harambe Token

The Harambe Token will be distributed in three manners described below.

• Pre-sale: During this period of time, the general public will have the ability to
purchase Harambe tokens at a large discount.
• Starting price will be $0.05 per token.
• Every 2 weeks, price will increase by 20%.
• 30% of the total token supply will be sold.
• Pre-sale period will last approximately 2 months.

• Public Listing: The initial listing will take places on Uniswap where additional
tokens and Ethereum will be added to the liquidity pool.
• The tokens will be listed on exchanges with a starting price of $1
• In addition to Uniswap, additional tokens will be listed on centralized

• Community Marketing: The only remaining way tokens can be distributed is

through community marketing. The community will be able to vote on how to
allocate the remaining 5% of tokens to marketing efforts to further our goal of
mass adoption.

Harambe Token

Tokenomics (cont.)
Profit Redistribution Mechanism
The Harambe Token is backed by Harambe A.I. and as such, any profits derived
from auto-trading will automatically be distributed to token holders.

Profits to Buyback: Profits generated by Harambe A.I. are used to repurchase

Harambe Tokens, creating an inherent demand and supporting token value.

Benefit to Holders: This mechanism ensures that token holders indirectly

benefit from the A.I.'s trading prowess, as the buyback increases token scarcity
and potential value.

Utility & Use Cases

Initially, the Harambe Token will be specifically tied to the Harambe A.I. engine.
However, we will expand the utility of the token through future integrations of
the engine throughout the cryptocurrency ecosystems.

Direct Exposure: By holding Harambe Tokens, investors gain direct exposure to

the proprietary A.I. trading engine's performance.

Future Integrations: Plans to integrate the token into various DeFi platforms,
enhancing its utility and demand.

Harambe Token

Tokenomics (cont.)

Growth & Value Appreciation

Supply Dynamics: With a fixed supply and mechanisms like buybacks, the
token has inherent deflationary characteristics.

Demand Drivers: The success of Harambe A.I., community engagement, and

future partnerships will drive demand and, by extension, token valu

Future Roadmap
Expansion Plans: Highlighting future developments, partnerships, and
integrations that will enhance the token's ecosystem and value proposition.

Community Engagement: Plans for fostering a vibrant community, including

airdrops, staking rewards, and other incentives. As mentioned previously, any
and all rewards will be voted on by the community. With only 5% of the supply
available for rewards, voting will be extremely strict.

Harambe Token

Harambe A.I.: Technical Deep Dive

Harambe A.I. is composed of 7 key elements. In this section we will
break down each one and how the infastructure works to create a near
perfect auto-trader.

Neural Network Architecture

▪ Harambe A.I. utilizes a Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) model,
specifically designed for financial trading.
▪ The model comprises multiple layers of LSTM (Long Short-Term
Memory) units, adept at recognizing and remembering intricate
patterns in time-series data.

Harambe Token

Harambe A.I.: Technical Deep Dive (cont)

Data Ingestion & Preprocessing
▪ Raw financial data, including price, volume, and order book data, is
ingested in real-time from multiple exchanges.
▪ This data undergoes preprocessing, normalization, and feature extraction
to create a structured dataset suitable for training and inference.

Training & Model Optimization

▪ The DRL model is trained on historical data using a reward-based system.
The model receives positive rewards for profitable trades and negative
rewards for losses.
▪ Hyperparameter tuning, including learning rate adjustments and dropout
regularization, ensures optimal model performance.

Harambe Token

Harambe A.I.: Technical Deep Dive (cont)

Real-time Decision Making
▪ Using a sliding window approach, the A.I. continuously updates its
knowledge based on the most recent data.
▪ Decisions, such as buy, sell, or hold, are made in real-time, factoring in
current market conditions and the model's predictions.

Risk Management & Portfolio Optimization

▪ Advanced algorithms assess the risk-reward ratio for every potential
trade, ensuring that the A.I. doesn't take undue risks.
▪ Portfolio optimization techniques are employed to diversify
investments and maximize returns.

Harambe Token

Harambe A.I.: Technical Deep Dive (cont)

Strategy Implementation using Game Theory
▪ The A.I. employs Game Theory Optimal (GTO) strategies, allowing it to
make decisions that are optimal in the long run, even when faced with
unpredictable market behaviors.

Feedback Loop & Continuous Learning

▪ After executing trades, the outcomes are fed back into the model,
allowing it to learn from its successes and mistakes.
▪ This continuous learning ensures that the A.I. remains adaptive and
improves its strategies over time.

Harambe Token

Under the hood

Advanced Algorithms and Techniques Powering
the Trading Bot

Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL):

• Q-Learning: Harambe A.I. employs a variant of Q-
learning, where the Q-values (quality of actions) are
approximated using deep neural networks. This allows
the model to handle vast state spaces encountered in
financial markets.
Policy Gradient Methods: These are used to directly
optimize the trading strategy, ensuring that the A.I.
selects actions that maximize expected returns.
performance on unseen data, providing an unbiased
evaluation metric.

Neural Network Details:

Architecture: Multi-layered LSTM units combined with
attention mechanisms to weigh the importance of
different time steps in the data.
Activation Functions: Utilizes ReLU (Rectified Linear
Units) for hidden layers and softmax for the output layer
to determine trading actions.

Harambe Token

Under the hood (cont.)

Advanced Algorithms and Techniques Powering
the Trading Bot

Feature Engineering:
Technical Indicators: Incorporates indicators like
Moving Averages, RSI (Relative Strength Index), and
MACD (Moving Average Convergence Divergence) to
inform trading decisions.
Sentiment Analysis: Processes news articles and social
media feeds in real-time to gauge market sentiment,
using NLP (Natural Language Processing) techniques.

Optimization Techniques:
Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) with momentum
and adaptive learning rates to ensure efficient and
effective model training.
Regularization: Implements dropout and L2
regularization to prevent overfitting, ensuring the model
generalizes well to new data.

Backtesting & Validation:

Employs Monte Carlo simulations to test the model's
strategies on historical data, ensuring robustness and
Uses out-of-sample validation to assess the model's
performance on unseen data, providing an unbiased
evaluation metric.

Harambe Token

Under the hood (cont.)

Advanced Algorithms and Techniques Powering
the Trading Bot

Scalability & Latency:

Distributed Computing: The A.I. is deployed on a
distributed cloud infrastructure, ensuring low-latency
decision-making and scalability to handle vast amounts
of data.
Data Pipelining: Implements advanced data pipelining
techniques to preprocess and feed data to the model in

Security & Encryption:

Homomorphic Encryption: Allows the A.I. to operate on
encrypted data, ensuring user privacy and data security.
Blockchain Integration: Ensures transparent and
tamper-proof trading records, with cryptographic
verification of each transaction.

Harambe Token

Example Results

Currently, Harambe A.I. has been trading on live data with real money from
June till Today (September).

Since then, nearly 90% of it's trades have been profitable to the tune of
200% return on investment.

In total, it has generated over $100,000 in profit from just a $50,000 deposit.

Our team has tested the platform with larger deposits such as $200,000
and found results to be consistent.

Harambe Token

Security & Trustworthiness

The Harambe Team will employee the 6 standards of security and
▪ Smart Contract Security: Regular third-party audits of the Harambe Token's
smart contract to identify and rectify potential vulnerabilities.

▪ Data Protection: All data, including user information and trading data, is
encrypted using state-of-the-art cryptographic techniques.

▪ Blockchain Transparency: All transactions, including trades made by Harambe

A.I., token buybacks, and burns, are permanently recorded on the blockchain.

▪ Risk Management: Continuous monitoring of market conditions and the A.I.'s

performance to quickly adapt to any adverse situations.

▪ Community Engagement: The project team provides regular updates to the

community, ensuring transparency in operations and developments.

▪ Future Enhancements: The team is committed to continuously updating and

improving the A.I. based on new research and technological advancements.

Harambe Token

Community Engagement &

The community is the most important aspect of the
Harambe Token. That is why all the tokens are
distributed to the public.
Here are some additional steps our team is taking to
ensure the growth and fostering of the community.
1. Community-Centric Approach: Encouraging open
communication between the project team and the
community, ensuring transparency and trust.
2. Educational Initiatives: Regular sessions to educate the
community about the intricacies of Harambe A.I.,
tokenomics, and the broader crypto landscape.
3. Incentive Programs: Periodic token airdrops to reward loyal
community members and attract new participants.
4. Community Events: Organizing physical and virtual events
where community members can interact, network, and
learn from experts.
5. Collaborative Development: Releasing certain tools and
platforms as open source, allowing community developers
to contribute and enhance them.
6. Future Vision: Plans to integrate with other platforms, DeFi
projects, and partnerships to grow the Harambe
7. Community Governance: Long-term vision to introduce
decentralized governance, allowing the community to have
a say in key project decisions.

Harambe Token

The Broader Vision

Profit Redistribution Mechanism
Harambe Token aspires to a transformative future in the crypto realm, with
several ambitious goals in sight. One of its primary objectives is to democratize AI
trading, making it accessible to all, regardless of financial background or
expertise. This vision is set to become a reality through the continuous
refinement of Harambe A.I., bolstered by educational initiatives and community-
driven development.

On the global front, the project aims to establish Harambe Token as a recognized
and trusted name in crypto markets worldwide. This will be achieved through
strategic partnerships, expansive marketing campaigns, and the establishment
of localized community hubs in various regions.

But the aspirations don't stop there. Harambe Token is set to expand its horizons
beyond just trading. The project plans to introduce a diverse suite of financial
products, all powered by the prowess of Harambe A.I. This includes ventures into
AI-driven asset management, predictive analytics, and financial advisory services.
Sustainability and ethical growth are at the core of Harambe Token's values. The
project is committed to ensuring its growth remains beneficial for all
stakeholders, emphasizing transparent governance, active community
participation in decision-making, and a steadfast commitment to ethical

Harambe Token

Get Involved: Join the

Harambe Revolution
Embarking on the path to becoming a part of the
transformative Harambe Ecosystem is an exciting journey.
Here's how you can dive in:

Token Acquisition:
Pre-Sale Participation: Engage in the ongoing or
upcoming token pre-sales. We highly recommend
everyone to take part and acquire the Harambe
Token during the presale at significantly lower cost
than the public listing period

Public Exchange Listings: Discover where Harambe

Token is listed and the steps to acquire it post the
pre-sale phase.

Engaging with the community is at the heart of the

Harambe experience. Dive into conversations, share
insights, and stay updated:

Community Engagement:
Join the Conversation: Connect on official channels
like Telegram, and Twitter

Stay Updated: Subscribe to newsletters and official

announcements to never miss an update.

Harambe Token

The Harambe Token

The Dawn of a New Crypto Era

As we stand on the cusp of a new era in cryptocurrency, Harambe Token and A.I.
are pioneering the future of intelligent trading.

This revolutionary fusion seamlessly merges the vibrant world of meme culture
with state-of-the-art AI trading, setting Harambe Token apart in the expansive
crypto landscape. But beyond its playful facade, the project boasts a robust A.I.
neural network, dedicated to ensuring consistent successful trades, thereby
offering its holders genuine, tangible value.

At its core, Harambe Token is a community-centric project. It places a strong

emphasis on transparency, active engagement, and fostering shared growth. We
invite everyone to be a part of this transformative journey. By engaging,
investing, and collaborating, together we can chart a groundbreaking course in
the crypto universe.

To all our supporters, your unwavering trust and support are the driving forces
behind our ambition.


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