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Choose the word or phrase that is CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined part in each
1. According to scientists, a strong earthquake in China caused the shaking.
A. trembling B. dangerous C. frightening D. destroy
2. Rescue workers are looking for missing people.
A. finding B. stopping C. helping D. bargaining
Read the following passage and choose the correct answer to each of the questions.
The large movement of the earth under the water causes a very large and powerful
tsunami. That tsunami was called the Asian Tsunami in most of the world. It was called the
Boxing Day Tsunami in England, Australia, South Africa and Canada because it happened on
the holiday which they call Boxing Day. The tsunami caused a lot of damage to countries
such as the Philippines, Thailand, Indonesia and Sri Lanka.
Waves as high as 30 meters killed many people and damaged or destroyed a lot of
buildings and other property. Over 225,000 people died or they were not found after the
tsunami. The waves traveled as far away as South Africa (8,000 kilometers) where as many
as 8 people died because of high water caused by the waves. Because of how much damage
was caused and the number of people the earthquake affected, over $7 billion was donated
to help the survivors and rebuild the areas damaged.
3. Why was the tsunami called the Boxing Day Tsunami in England?
A. Because it happened when people were boxing.
B. Because it happened when people were collecting boxes
C. Because it happened on Boxing Day. D. Because it destroyed a lot of boxes.
4. How high were the waves?
A. thirteen meters B. eighteen meters C. thirty meters D. two hundred meters
5. What were some people in South Africa killed by?
A. earthquake B. high water C. high wind D.
6. Which of the following sentences is NOT true?
A. Only in Asia the tsunami was called Asian Tsunami.
B. The tsunami caused a lot of damage to Indonesia.
C. Many people died because of the high waves.
D. A lot of money was raised to help people.
7. What does the word "survivors" in the last sentence mean?
A. Houses that aren't destroyed. B. People who were dead.
C. Offices are being rebuilt D. People who are left alive.
Choose the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in
each question.
8. A. rescue B. diverse C. ecosystem D. disaster
9. A. tornado B. range C. speciality D. sale
Choose the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each
10. A. tropical B. volcano C. national D. dangerous
11. A. damage B. discount C. predict D. bargain
Choose the most meaningful sentence written from the given words.
12. Let’s/ attend / the English course/. It /begin/ 8 a.m tomorrow.
A. Let’s attending the English course. It begins at 8 a.m tomorrow.
B. Let’s attend the English course. It begins at 8 a.m tomorrow.
C. Let’s attend the English course. It will begin at 8 a.m tomorrow.
D. Let’s to attend the English course. It begins at 8 a.m tomorrow.
13. I’d like/ try /shopping / open-air market/ and /learn /how / bargain.
A. I’d like to try shopping at an open-air market and learn how to bargain.
B. I’d like to try shopping at open-air market and learn how to bargain.
C. I’d like to try shopping at a open-air market and learn bargain.
D. I’d like shopping at an open-air market and learn how to bargain.
14. We planted trees, then we bought green products.
A. Before we planted trees, then we bought green products.
B. After we planted trees, we bought green products.
C. Before we planted trees, we bought green products.
D. While we planted trees, we bought green products.
15. If /we/ want / save/ the environment / we/ need /stop /use/ so much energy.
A. If we want to save the environment, we need stop using so much energy.
B. If we want save the environment, we need to stop to use so much energy.
C. If we want to save the environment, we don’t need to stop using so much energy.
D. If we want to save the environment, we need to stop using so much energy.
Choose the correct answer to each of the following questions.
16. Measured 9.5 on the Richter scale, the world’s largest ______occurred on May 22 nd, 1960
in southern Chile.
A. landslide B. volcano C. flood D. earthquake
17. If he ____ here in spring, he _____a chance to go to protect the beach environment.
A. comes/ will have B. come/would have C. will come/have D. came/ had
18. ____________ she left the party, Jenny said goodbye to everybody.
A. Before B. After C. As soon as D. Until
19. It would be very hard to ____ a natural disaster without the help of advanced technology.
A. rescue B. predict C. imagine D. damage
20. After trying ___________ the blue dress, the customer decided to buy it.
A. on B. out C. in D. with
21. The pilot suddenly saw a volcanic eruption while he ___________ across Stromboli,
A. was flying B. is flying C. flew D. flies
22. She ______home-grown vegetables online when they are excessive.
A. sell often B. often sells C. often sell D. sells often
23. ______ the tornado occurred, many people lost all their valuable property.
A. while B. After C. Until D. when
24. At 10 o’clock tomorrow, the bookshop in the corner ________. Let’s go and visit it.
A. opens B. opened C. is open D. has opened
25. What were they doing when you ________ at their house?
A. were arriving B. arrive C. would arrive D. arrived
Choose the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each question.
26. A violent volcanic eruption destroyed hundreds of homes on some small islands.
A. protected B. damaged C. caused D. predicted
27. Fortunately, no one was hurt after the earthquake.
A. Luckily B. unfortunately C. safely D. dangerously
Choose the sentence that is closest in meaning to the original sentence in each question.
28. They travelled across India, and then flew on to Japan.
A. They travelled across India as soon as they flew on to Japan.
B. After flying on to Japan, they travelled across India.
C. They didn’t travel across India until they flew on to Japan.
D. After travelling across India, they flew on to Japan.
29. She likes to hang out with friends on Saturday evening.
A. She’s interested in hanging out with friends on Saturday evening.
B. She never hangs out with friends on Saturday evening.
C. She hates hanging out with friends on Saturday evening.
D. Hanging out with friends on Saturday evening is interesting.
30. It rained hard, but rescue workers are trying to save people in the flooded area.
A. Although it rained hard, but rescue workers are trying to save people in the flooded
B. Although it rained hard, rescue workers are trying to save people in the flooded area.
C. It rained hard so rescue workers are trying to save people in the flooded area.
D. Rescue workers are trying to save people in the flooded area because of hard rain.
31. Study hard, or you won’t pass the exam.
A. If you study hard, you won’t pass the exam.
B. If you study hard, you will pass the exam.
C. If you don’t study hard, you won’t pass the exam.
D. Both B and C are correct.
Choose the most suitable response to complete each of the following exchanges.
32. A powerful earthquake and following tsunami hit the island of Sulawesi, Indonesia.”
- “________”
A. Why are you so sad? B. Yes, I don't like it.
C. That’s awful. D. They should stay inside.
33. Minh: “Would you like to go shopping with me?” - Lan: “______________”
A. The maths lesson starts in 10 minutes. B. I don’t like.
C. I want some donuts. D. I’m afraid I’m busy now.
Read the following passage and choose the correct word or phrase that best fits each of
the numbered blanks.
Our oceans are becoming extremely (34) ______. Most of this pollution comes from
the land, which means it comes from people. Firstly, there is raw sewage, which is
dumped directly (35) _______the sea. (36) ______countries, both developed and
developing, are guilty of doing this. Secondly, ships drop about 6 million tons of (37)
______into the sea each year. Thirdly, there are oil spills from ships. A ship has an
accident and oil leaks from the vessel. This not only pollutes the water, but it also kills
marine life. (38) ______, there are waste materials from factories. Without proper
regulations, factory owners let the waste run directly into the rivers, which then leads to
the sea. And finally, oil is washed from the land. This can be the result of carelessness or
a deliberate dumping of waste.
34. A. pollute B. pollution C. polluted D. polluting
35. A. to B. on C. from D. into
36. A. Little B. A lot C. Much D. Many
37. A. food B. fruit C. rubbish D. vegetables
38. A. Next B. Beside C. Finally D. Third
Choose the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions.
39. These boys try to avoid use single-use products, like plastic bags and bottles.
A. use B. try C. these D. products
40. John fell and break his knee while he was climbing down the mountain.
A. fell and break B. while C. was climbing D. the
1. A. trembling
2. A. finding
3. C. Because it happened on Boxing Day.
4. C. thirty meters
5. B. high water
6. A. Only in Asia the tsunami was called Asian Tsunami.
7. D. People who are left alive.
8. D. disaster
9. C. speciality
10. B. volcano
11. C. predict
12. B. Let’s attend the English course. It begins at 8 a.m tomorrow.
13. A. I’d like to try shopping at an open-air market and learn how to bargain.
14. B. After we planted trees, we bought green products.
15. D. If we want to save the environment, we need to stop using so much energy.
16. D. earthquake
17. A. comes/ will have
18. A. Before
19. B. predict
20. A. on
21. A. was flying
22. B. often sells
23. D. when
24. A. opens
25. D. arrived
26. B. damaged
27. B. unfortunately
28. D. After travelling across India, they flew on to Japan.
29. A. She’s interested in hanging out with friends on Saturday evening.
30. B. Although it rained hard, rescue workers are trying to save people in the flooded area.
31. D. Both B and C are correct.
32. C. That’s awful.
33. D. I’m afraid I’m busy now.
34. C. polluted
35. D. into
36. D. Many
37. C. rubbish
38. C. Finally
39. A. use => using
40. A. fell and break => fell and broke

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