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Constitution of Criminal Courts and Offices

Uploaded byTanvi Ramdas

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This document outlines sections 6-25A of the Constitution of Criminal Courts and Offices in
India. [SECTION 6] It defines the four classes of criminal courts in each state: Courts of Session,
Judicial Magistrates of the first class, Judicial Magistrates of the second class, and Executive
Magistrates. [SECTION 7-12] It discusses the territorial divisions of sessions divisions, districts,
and sub-divisions. It defines metropolitan areas and establishes Courts of Session and Courts of
Judicial Magistrates in districts. It also covers the roles of the Chief Judicial Magistrate and
Additional Chief Judicial Magistrates.
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Constitution of criminal courts and offices
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Bmlstitutiml mh brigildjbmurts dle mhhibksBcdptkr 1Rkbmls 8-1;D


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Rkbtiml 8- Bjdssks mh Brigildj BmurtsAksieks tck Cifc Bmurts dle tck Bmurts bmlstutke
ulekr dly jdw,mtckr tcdl tcis Bmek, tckrk scdjj ak, il kvkry Rtdtk, tck hmjjmwilfbjdssks mh
Brigildj Bmurts, ldgkjy?―(i)Bmurts mh Rkssiml0(ii)Oueibidj Gdfistrdtks mh tck rst bjdss dle,
il dly gktrmpmjitdldrkd, Gktrmpmjitdl Gdfistrdtks0(iii)Oueibidj Gdfistrdtks mh tck skbmle
bjdss0 dle(iv)Kxkbuvk GdfistrdtksBdsk jdw? Gdggm v Rtdtk mh @krdjd?tcmufc dl
kxkbuvk gdfistrdtkis mlk mh tck bjdssks mh bmurts, tcdt emks lmt gkdl tcdt wckrk
ckhulbmls degilistrdvkjy dle lmt oueibidjjy ck hulbmls ds d bmurt.


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Rkbtiml 6-Ukrritmridj eivisimls(4)Kvkry Rtdtk scdjj ak d skssimls eivisiml mr scdjj bmlsist mh
skssimlseivisimls0 dle kvkry skssimls eivisimls scdjj, hmr tck purpmsks mh tcis Bmek,ak d
eistribt mr bmlsist mh eistribts?^rmvieke tcdt kvkry gktrmpmjitdl drkd scdjj, hmr tck sdie
purpmsks, ak dskpdrdtk skssimls eivisiml dle eistribt.(1) Uck Rtdtk Fmvkrlgklt gdy, dkr
bmlsujtdml witc tck Cifc Bmurt, djtkrtck jigits mr tck lugakr mh subc eivisimls dle eistribts.(2)
Uck Rtdtk Fmvkrlgklt gdy, dkr bmlsujtdml witc tck Cifc Bmurt, eiviekdly eistribt iltm
suaeivisimls dle gdy djtkr tck jigits mr tck lugakr mh subcsua-eivisimls.(5) Uck skssimls
eivisimls, eistribts dle sua-eivisimls kxislf il d Rtdtk dt tckbmggklbkgklt mh tcis Bmek, scdjj
ak ekkgke tm cdvk akkl hmrgke ulekrtcis skbml.


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Rkbtiml 3-Gktrmpmjitdl drkds(4)Uck Rtdtk Fmvkrlgklt gdy, ay lmbdml, ekbjdrk tcdt, ds
hrmgsubc edtk ds gdy ak spkbike il tck lmbdml, dly drkd il tckRtdtk bmgprisilf d bity mr
tmwl wcmsk pmpujdml kxbkkes mlkgijjiml scdjj ak d gktrmpmjitdl drkd hmr tck purpmsks
mh tcis Bmek.(1)Ds hrmg tck bmggklbkgklt mh tcis Bmek, kdbc mh tck ^rksieklby-tmwls mh
Amgady, Bdjbud dle Gderds dle tck bity mh Dcgkedadescdjj ak ekkgke tm ak ekbjdrke ulekr
sua-skbml (4) tm ak dgktrmpmjitdl drkd.(2)Uck Rtdtk Fmvkrlgklt gdy, ay lmbdml,
kxtkle, rkeubk mr djtkrtck jigits mh d gktrmpmjitdl drkd aut tck rkeubml mr djtkrdmlscdjj
lmt ak sm gdek ds tm rkeubk tck pmpujdml mh subc drkd tmjkss tcdl mlk gijjiml.


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(5) Vckrk, dkr dl drkd cds akkl ekbjdrke mr ekkgke tm cdvk akklekbjdrke tm ak, d
gktrmpmjitdl drkd, tck pmpujdml mh subc drkd hdjjsakjmw mlk gijjiml, subc drkd scdjj, ml
dle hrmg subc edtk ds tck RtdtkFmvkrlgklt gdy, ay lmbdml, spkbihy il tcis akcdjh, bkdsk
tm ak dgktrmpmjitdl drkd0 aut lmtwitcstdleilf subc bksskr, dly ilquiry, tridj mrdppkdj pkleilf
iggkeidtkjy akhmrk subc bksskr akhmrk dly Bmurt mrGdfistrdtk il subc drkd scdjj bmlluk tm
ak ekdjt witc ulekr tcis Bmek,ds ih subc bksskr cde lmt td`kl pjdbk.(;) Vckrk tck Rtdtk
Fmvkrlgklt rkeubks mr djtkrs, ulekr sua-skbml(2), tck jigits mh dly gktrmpmjitdl drkd, subc
rkeubml mr djtkrdmlscdjj lmt dkbt dly ilquiry, tridj mr dppkdj pkleilf iggkeidtkjy
akhmrksubc rkeubml mr djtkrdml akhmrk dly Bmurt mr Gdfistrdtk, dle kvkrysubc ilquiry,
tridj mr dppkdj scdjj bmlluk tm ak ekdjt witc ulekr tcisBmek ds ih subc rkeubml mr
djtkrdml cde lmt td`kl pjdbk.


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Kxpjdldml.―Il tcis skbml, tck kxprkssiml ‚pmpujdml‗ gkdls tckpmpujdml ds
dsbkrtdilke dt tck jdst prkbkeilf bklsus mh wcibc tckrkjkvdlt furks cdvk akkl puajiscke

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Rkbtiml 9- Bmurt mh skssiml(4)Uck Rtdtk Fmvkrlgklt scdjj kstdajisc d Bmurt mh Rkssiml
hmrkvkry skssimls eivisiml.(1)Kvkry Bmurt mh Rkssiml scdjj ak prksieke mvkr ay d Ouefk, tm
akdppmiltke ay tck Cifc Bmurt.(2)Uck Cifc Bmurt gdy djsm dppmilt Deeimldj Rkssimls
Ouefksdle Dssistdlt Rkssiml Ouefks tm kxkrbisk ouriseibml il d Bmurtmh Rkssiml.(5)Uck
Rkssimls Ouefk mh mlk skssimls eivisiml gdy ak dppmiltkeay tck Cifc Bmurt tm ak djsm dl
Deeimldj Rkssimls Ouefk mhdlmtckr eivisiml, dle il subc bdsk ck gdy sit hmr tck eispmsdj
mhbdsks dt subc pjdbk mr pjdbks il tck mtckr eivisiml ds tck CifcBmurt gdy eirkbt.


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•(;) Vckrk tck mbk mh tck Rkssimls Ouefk is vdbdlt, tck Cifc Bmurt gdy gd`kdrrdlfkgklts hmr
tck eispmsdj mh dly urfklt dppjibd ml wcibc is, mr gdy ak,gdek mr pkleilf akhmrk subc Bmurt
mh Rkssiml ay dl Deei mldj mr DssistdltRkssimls Ouefk, mr, ih tckrk ak lm Deei mldj mr
Dssistdlt Rkssimls Ouefk, ay dBcikh Oueibidj Gdfistrdtk, il tck skssimls eivisiml0 dle kvkry
subc Ouefk mrGdfistrdtk scdjj cdvk ouriseib ml tm ekdj witc dly subc dppjibd ml.•(8) Uck
Bmurt mh Rkssiml scdjj mreildrijy cmje its silf dt subc pjdbk mr pjdbksds tck Cifc Bmurt gdy,
ay lm  bd ml, spkbihy0 aut, ih, il dly pdr bujdr bdsk,tck Bmurt mh Rkssiml is mh mpiliml
tcdt it wijj tkle tm tck fklkrdj bmlvkliklbkmh tck pdrks dle witlkssks tm cmje its silfs dt dly
mtckr pjdbk il tckskssimls eivisiml, it gdy, witc tck bmlsklt mh tck prmskbuml dle
tckdbbuske, sit dt tcdt pjdbk hmr tck eispmsdj mh tck bdsk mr tck kxdgildml mhdly witlkss
mr witlkssks tckrkil. (kxdgpjk? Uridj il Uicdr Odij dle tck @kcdrRilfc bdsk, Yd`cmma Gklml
bdsk dle tck 1F sbdg bdsk)


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Kxpjdldml.―Hmr tck purpmsks mh tcis Bmek, ‚dppmiltgklt‗ emks lmtilbjuek tck rst
dppmiltgklt, pmslf mr prmgmml mh d pkrsml ay tckFmvkrlgklt tm dly Rkrvibk, mr pmst il
bmllkbml witc tck ddirs mh tck[liml mr mh d Rtdtk, wckrk ulekr dly jdw, subc dppmiltgklt,
pmslf mrprmgmml is rkquirke tm ak gdek ay Fmvkrlgklt.

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Rkbtiml 4>- Ruamreildtiml mh Dssistdlt Rkssimls Ouefks(4)Djj Dssistdlt Rkssimls Ouefks scdjj
ak suamreildtk tm tck Rkssimls Ouefk ilwcmsk Bmurt tcky kxkrbisk ouriseibml.(1)Uck
Rkssimls Ouefk gdy, hrmg gk tm gk, gd`k rujks bmlsistklt witctcis Bmek, ds tm tck
eistriauml mh ausilkss dgmlf subc DssistdltRkssimls Ouefks.(2)Uck Rkssimls Ouefk gdy djsm
gd`k prmvisiml hmr tck eispmsdj mh dly urfkltdppjibdml, il tck kvklt mh cis dasklbk mr
ildaijity tm dbt, ay dl Deeimldjmr Dssistdlt Rkssimls Ouefk, mr, ih tckrk ak lm Deei mldj mr
DssistdltRkssimls Ouefk, ay tck Bcikh Oueibidj Gdfistrdtk, dle kvkry subc Ouefk mrGdfistrdtk
scdjj ak ekkgke tm cdvk ouriseibml tm ekdj witc dly subcdppjibdml.


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