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Separation Anxiety DSM-5 Trauma & Stressor PTSD Acute Stress Disorder

DSM-5 Anxiety Disorder • Symptoms after trauma, persisting 3 days to 1

• Disturbance is ≥1 1 month
• 4 weeks in kids, 6 months in adults month
Generalized Anxiety Disinhibited Social • Criterion A: Exposure to actual or
• developmentally inappropriate threatened death, injury, or sex • Criterion A of PTSD
Disorder anxiety concerning separation Engagement Disorder violence in ≥1 of the following ways: • Presence of ≥9 symptoms
• 6 months of symptoms more days evidenced by 3 symptoms o Directly experiencing o Intrusion Symptoms
• child interacts with unfamiliar adults
than not Selective Mutism in ≥2 of the following
o Witnessing ▪ Recurrent intrusive distressing memories (in
o Learning a violent or accidental kids repetitive play)
• anxiety/worry about a number of • 1 month (not the first month of
o reduced reticence interacts with
event occurred to a close family ▪ Recurrent distressing dreams
events unfamiliar adults
school) member/friend ▪ Dissociative reactions (flashbacks)
• 3 of 6 symptoms of SITCOM (for o overly familiar verbal/physical
• failure to speak in specific social behavior
o Repeated exposure to aversive ▪ Intense psychological distress with
kids only 1) situations where there is an details of traumatic events
o diminished checking back with physiological responses to cues of event
o Sleep expectation, not the result of lack of • Presence of ≥1 of the following:
adult caregiver o Negative Mood
o Irritable knowledge or issues with language o Recurrent, involuntary/intrusive
o Tired o willingness to go off with unfamiliar ▪ Inability to experience positive emotions
o Concentrating
Specific Phobia adult without hesitation memories (in kids repetitive play) o Dissociative
• not limited to impulsivity (as in
o Recurrent dreams ▪ Altered sense of reality
o On edge • 6 months o Dissociative reactions
o Muscle Tension ADHD) ▪ Inability to remember aspects of event
• Anxiety/fear about a specific • extremes of insufficient care as
o Intense/prolonged distress at o Avoidance
Anxiety Disorder Due to object/situation exposure to cues that symbolize or
evidenced by 1 of the following:
resemble the event ▪ Efforts to avoid distressing memories,
Another Medical o immediate fear, actively avoided o Social neglect and lack of basic thoughts, or feelings about event
• Specifiers: o Physiological reactions to cues
Condition emotional needs, repeated changes o Arousal
o Animal of primary caregivers, rearing in • Persistent avoidance of stimuli
▪ Sleep disturbance
• Panic attacks or anxiety due to a o Natural environment unusual settings associated evidenced by: avoidance of
associations with the trauma AND/OR ▪ Irritable behavior and angry outbursts
medical issue o Blood Injection • Developmental age of at least 9 ▪ Hypervigilance
avoidance to avoid external reminds
• Not only during delirium o Situational months
that arouse memories ▪ Problems with Concentration
• Coding: include the name of the o Other • Specify: Persistent (if >1 year) and/or
• Negative alterations in cognition and ▪ Exaggerated startle response
medical condition Social Anxiety Disorder Severe (all symptoms at high levels)
mood as evidenced by 2 of the Adjustment Disorder
Other Specified Anxiety • 6 months Reactive Attachment following:
Disorder • Anxiety/fear in social situations Disorder o Can’t remember important aspects • Emotional/behavioral symptoms within 3
of event months of onset of identifiable stressor, and once
with possible scrutiny
• Significant, has anxiety, doesn't o fear of being negatively evaluated • Inhibited, emotionally withdrawn o Persistent negative beliefs about stressor stops symptoms don’t persistent >6 mo
meet criteria and you choose to
o for kids, can't be with adults
behavior toward adult caregivers oneself, others, or the world • Distress out of proportion to severity of stressor
communicate the reason it doesn't including both: child rarely seeks o Persistent distorted cognitions OR significant impairment in function
meet criteria, f.e.: Other Specified • Specifiers: comfort AND doesn’t respond to about event leading individual to
o Performance Only • Doesn’t meet criteria for another mental
Anxiety Disorder, generalized comfort when distressed blame themselves disorder, and doesn’t represent normal
anxiety not occurring more days • Persistent social/emotional o Persistent negative emotional state bereavement
than not Panic Disorder disturbance including at least 2 of the o Decreased interest in activities • Specifiers:
Unspecified Anxiety Disorder following o Feelings of detachment from others
• 1 month of concern o With depressed mood
o Minimal social/emotional o Inability to experience positive o With anxiety
• Significant, has anxiety, doesn't • Recurrent unexpected panic attacks responsiveness, limited positive emotions
meet criteria and you choose not with 4 symptoms affect, or episodes of unexplained o With mixed anxiety and depressed mood
to specify the reason • Alterations in arousal (2 of the o With disturbance of conduct
irritability/sadness/fearfulness following)
o includes when there's not even during non-threatening o With mixed disturbance of emotions and
enough info to make a more Panic Attack Specifier o Anger outbursts with aggression conduct
interactions with caregivers
specific diagnosis towards people or objects o Unspecified
• Same as panic attacks but it occurs • Pattern of extremes of insufficient o Self-destructive reckless behavior
Substance/Medication in context of another mental care evidence by one of the following: Unspecified Trauma and Stressor-
o Hypervigilance
Induced Anxiety Disorder disorder o Social neglect and lack of basic o Exaggerated startle response Related Disorder
Agoraphobia emotional needs, repeated changes o Difficulty concentrating
• Panic attacks or anxiety that occur of primary caregivers, rearing in o Trauma / Stressor disorder causing significant
soon after intoxication or unusual settings
o Sleep disturbance distress and you don’t want to communicate
• 6 months • Specify whether: with dissociative the reason
• fear/anxiety about 2 or more public • Not autism
• Not only during delirium symptoms Other Specified Trauma and
situations • Evidence before 5 years old, o depersonalization
• Specifiers: o fear is that escape is difficult developmental age of at least 9 Stressor-Related Disorder
o With onset during intoxication o derealization
o place is avoided months
o With onset during withdrawal • Specify if: with delayed expression (if o Trauma / Stressor disorder causing significant
• You can have agoraphobia and panic • Specify: Persistent (if >1 year) and/or ≥6 months after event) distress and you want to communicate the
o With onset after medication use disorder if criteria fits Severe (all symptoms at high levels) reason

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