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To prepare 100 ml of M/20 oxalic acid standard solution.

Oxalic acid solution is a primary standard solution. Its molecular formula is
C2H2O4.2H2O. Molecular mass of Oxalic Acid = 126 u.

To prepare 1 L of 1M oxalic acid solution, oxalic acid required is 126 g. Therefore,

to prepare 100 ml of 0.05 M oxalic acid solution, oxalic acid required will be 0.05
× 126 × 0.10 = 0.63 g.

Materials Required:
1. Chemical balance
2. Watch glass
3. 250ml beaker
4. Glass rod
5. 100 ml standard flask
6. Wash bottle
7. Oxalic acid crystals
8. Funnel
9. Distilled water

1. Take a clean and dry watch glass.
2. Weigh it accurately and record its weight in the notebook.
3. Weigh correctly on the watch glass 0.63 g of oxalic acid and record the total weight
(watch glass + oxalic acid crystals) in the notebook.
4. Now, transfer the weighed oxalic acid crystals from the watch glass to a 250 ml beaker
5. Using a wash bottle, wash the watch glass with distilled water to move the particles
that stick to it into the beaker.
6. Dissolve the oxalic acid crystals by stirring gently with a glass rod.
7. After complete dissolution of oxalic acid in the beaker, transfer this solution to a 100
ml standard flask using a funnel and glass rod.
8. Wash the interior of the beaker with distilled water and add the washing to the
standard flask.
9. Remove the funnel after washing with distilled water using a wash bottle.
10. Add more distilled water to the standard flask very carefully upto just below the
graduated mark on it. Now, add the last few drops of distilled water with a dropper
until the lower level of the meniscus just touches the graduated mark on the standard
11. Stopper the standard flask and shake the solution to make it homogeneous.


Weight of the empty watch glass, W1g

Weight of the watch glass + Oxalic acid(W1 + 0.63 g)

Weight of Oxalic acid 0.63 g

Volume of the solution prepared 100 ml

Molarity of oxalic acid solution = (0.63 x 1000)/(126 x 100) = 0.05M

Result :

M/20 oxalic acid standard solution is thus prepared.

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