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Lesson Objectives

➢Writing an overview statement

➢Describing changes in multiple periods
➢Practice: Writing a full Task 1 essay to describe
a Line graph
I. Introductory expressions:
➢As an overall trend,
➢As a general trend,
➢As the graph/ chart shows,
➢As can be seen from the graph/ chart,
➢It is clear from the graph/ chart that
II. Different ways to write an overview statement

1. If there is one common trend, describe that trend.

➢ Both/ All + (X) + experienced/ witnessed + upward/downward
trends over the given period.

➢ There was a similar upward/downward trend in both/all + (X) +

over the given period.

2. If there are two different trends, describe both of them

There was a (similar) upward/downward trend in + ( A and B)
while/whereas + (C and D) experienced a contrasting movement
+ over the given period.

▪ Period 1, X + increased/ decreased + adv + by + (change), then continued its +

upward/ downward trend more/less + adv + (to…) + period 2.
From 1960 to 1965, the number of cases increased slightly by 5, then continued its
upward trend more significantly to 200 in 1970.
▪ Period 1, X + increased/ decreased + adv + by + (change), but later/ then
decreased/ increased/ leveled out + adv + (to/at…) + period 2
Over the following 5 years, the number of cases boomed by 300, but later leveled out at
500 until 1980.
▪ Period 1, there was a/an + adj + increase/ decrease of (change) + in + X, which was
followed by/ which led to + a/an + adj + a rise/ fall to/ a plateau at.. Period 2
Between 1980 and 1985, there was a sharp fall of 150 in the number of cases, which was
followed by a dive to zero by 1990.

STEP 1: Write an Introduction.

The line graph depicts the amount of money earned
by four cafes in New York in the previous year.

STEP 2: Write an Overview Statement.

Overall, there was a downward trend in The Tea Room’s
income, while the figures for Express, Wifi Café and Café Cool
showed contrasting movements over the given period.
STEP 3.1: Describe the line with the highest values throughout
the given period.
Over the first ten months of last year, The Tea Room’s income
fluctuated remarkably at around 140 thousand dollars, but later
dove to 50 thousand dollars by the end of the year.
STEP 3.2: For lines with no typical changes, describe them in 1-2
simple sentences.
The amount of money earned by Internet Express started at 100
thousand dollars, then fell gradually by 20 thousand dollars in April.
Over the following 4 months, there was a leveling out at 80 thousand
dollars, which was followed by a sharp rise to 140 thousand dollars in
STEP 4: For lines with a similar trend, group and describe them in one paragraph.
Wifi Café’s income increased steadily by 10 thousand dollars from January to May, then
continued its upward trend more considerably to 100 thousand dollars in July. Between
July and August, there was a significant decline of 40 thousand dollars, which led to a
boom to 190 thousand dollars in December. In contrast, Café Cool’s income experienced
remarkable fluctuation between 20 and 60 thousand dollars from January to November,
but later increased noticeably to 120 thousand dollars in the last month of the year.

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