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What is protein?

Protein is a macronutrient – macronutrients (sometimes called ‘macros’) are the nutrients we

need in larger amounts that provide us with calories and includes protein, fat and carbohydrate.
Proteins are made up of chains of amino acids, the building blocks of protein. When we digest
protein from foods or drinks, these are broken down to amino acids. The body then builds all the
different proteins it needs from these amino acids.

What does protein do in the body?

There are thousands of different proteins in the body that have a huge variety of roles, in our
organs like our brain, heart and liver, the antibodies in our immune system and the haemoglobin
that carries oxygen in our blood. Protein is important for children’s muscles and bones as they
are growing, and also to keep our muscles and bones healthy throughout life.

How much protein do we need?

Our protein recommendations are based on how much we need per kilogram (kg) of our
bodyweight, for adults this is 0.75g per kg of bodyweight. Current recommendations are 56g/day
for men and 45g/day for women (based on bodyweights of 75kg for men and 60kg for women)
and on average in the UK men are eating about 85g and women about 67g of protein a day. So,
on average we are eating more than the requirements it is likely that most of us are getting
enough protein. Some people, for example athletes or older adults may have higher protein

Which foods and drinks provide protein?

A lot of different foods and drinks provide protein. In the UK Government’s healthy eating
model the Eatwell Guide, foods that provide protein are found in the food group called ‘Beans,
pulses, eggs, fish, meat and other proteins’. Milk and dairy products, such as cheese and yoghurt,
are also good sources of protein.

We can also look at good food sources of protein based on whether they are from animals or
plants. Below we look at different food sources of protein in more detail. Tables 1 and 2 show
the protein content of some common foods.

Tables 1 and 2: Protein content of some common foods found in the diet
Animal sources of protein

Protein content (g)

Food type
per 100g
Chicken breast (grilled, without skin) 32.0
Meat Pork chop (lean, grilled)
Beef steak (lean, grilled) 31.0
Lamb chop (lean, grilled) 29.2

Tuna (canned in brine) 24.9

Salmon (grilled) 24.6
Fish Cod (baked) 23.9

Mackerel (grilled) 20.3

Crab (canned in brine) 18.1

Seafood Mussels (cooked) 17.7

Prawns (cooked) 15.4

Eggs Chicken egg (whole, boiled) 14.1

Whole milk 3.4

Semi-skimmed milk 3.5
Skimmed milk 3.5
Cheddar cheese 25.4
Reduced-fat cheddar 27.9
Cottage cheese 9.4
Plain Greek-style yogurt 5.7
Plain low-fat yogurt 4.8

Plant sources of protein

Red lentils (boiled) 7.6

Chickpeas (canned) 7.2
Tofu (steamed) 8.1

Beans Kidney beans (canned) 6.9

Baked beans 5.0

Wheat flour (brown) 12.2

Rice (easy cook, boiled) 10.9

Bread (brown) 7.9
Bread (white) 7.9
Pasta (dried cooked)
Porridge oats 3.0

Almonds 21.1
Nuts Walnuts 14.7
Hazelnuts 14.1

Source: McCance and Widdowson’s The Composition of Foods. 2015

Plant-based proteins

Healthy eating guidance in the UK advises us to include more beans, lentils and peas and there is
a lot of discussion about including more plant-based protein foods in our diets. Moving toward a
more plant-based diet is a good direction to go but we do not have to cut out all animal products
completely to have a diet that provides us with the nutrients we need and is more
environmentally sustainable. Read more on this topic on our page on eating healthily and
Pulses (beans, lentils and peas)

Pulses such as kidney beans, baked beans, chickpeas and lentils all provide a plant-based source
of protein. It is recommended that we eat more of these as they are a cheap, low-fat source of
protein, fibre and vitamins including thiamin and folate and minerals such as iron. They also
count towards one (but not more) of your 5 A DAY. The reason that they do not count towards
more than one of your 5 A DAY is that they don't provide the same mixture of vitamins,
minerals and other nutrients as fruit and vegetables. You can use beans, chickpeas or lentils to
replace some or all the meat in dishes like pasta sauces, stews or curries and this can help you
have a more plant-based diet.
Nuts and seeds

Nuts and seeds including peanuts, almonds, sunflower seeds as well as nut butters or seed pastes
like tahini all provide protein as well as vitamins and minerals such as vitamin E, B vitamins,
selenium, iron and zinc. Nuts are also a source of fibre and rich in unsaturated fats. Nuts and
seeds can be great as a snack and can also be added to meals like salads or stir fries. Unsalted
nuts and seeds are a healthier option and look for nut butters with lower levels of salt and sugar.

They are high in calories though, so to support weight management it is a good idea to keep an
eye on portion sizes, for example having a small handful of nuts as a snack or about a tablespoon
of nut butter.

It is important to check for nut or seed allergies before using nuts and seeds in dishes being
prepared for others. Whole nuts and peanuts should not be given to children under 5 years old, as
they can choke on them. For more information see our baby and toddler/pre-school
children pages.

Other plant-based protein sources

A range of other plant-based protein sources are available including foods made from soya, like
soya mince or tofu, a range of foods made of mycoprotein (Quorn) and new sources of
alternative proteins are available such as pea protein. There are many products designed as plant-
based alternatives to meat products such as vegetarian sausages or burgers. These can be healthy
choices, but this is not always the case. It is a good idea to check nutrition labels and to choose
those lower in saturates, salt and sugars.

For more information about pulses and mycoprotein, take a look at our resources at the bottom of
the page.

Animal proteins

A range of animal foods in the diet provide protein and are important sources of vitamins and
minerals in the UK diet.

Fish and shellfish

Fish provides protein as well as B vitamins, iodine and zinc, and shellfish such as prawns, crab
and mussels contain selenium, zinc, iodine and copper. Oily fish such as salmon, mackerel or
sardines are a great source of vitamin D and high in long-chain omega-3 fatty acids, which may
help to prevent heart disease. Some studies also suggest that eating fish is associated with
reduced risk of heart disease and stroke. It is recommended we have two portions of fish each
week, one of which should be an oily fish, but on average we are not eating enough fish. Fish
that is steamed, baked or grilled is a healthier choice than deep-fried fish. Fresh, canned and
frozen fish are all healthy choices,
To make environmentally sustainable choices, look out for sustainable fish and seafood. When
fish or shellfish are caught or produced in a way that allows stocks to replenish and that does not
cause unnecessary damage to marine animals and plants, those fish or shellfish are called
'sustainable'. Find out more about sustainable fish and seafood from Seafish.

There are some limits recommended for certain types of fish and shellfish, in particular for
pregnant women. However, the benefits of eating fish are likely to be bigger than any potential
risks. Find out more about fish and shellfish to avoid during pregnancy on this NHS page.


Eggs are a good source of protein and also provide omega 3 fats, vitamin A, B vitamins, vitamin
D and selenium. There is no limit on how many eggs you can eat as part of a healthy varied diet
(unless a health professional advises you to limit eggs due to a specific health condition).


Meat and poultry are good sources of protein as well as different vitamins and minerals. Poultry
like chicken provides B vitamins, phosphorus and selenium and can be low in fat if you choose
chicken breast without skin.

Red meats like beef, lamb and pork provide B vitamins, phosphorus, potassium and zinc, beef is
a source of iron and pork a source of selenium. Red meat can be high in saturated fat but you can
reduce this by choosing lean cuts and cutting off any extra fat.

Processed meats like ham, bacon, burgers, salami or products like sausage rolls or pies tend to be
high in saturated fat and salt and so are a less healthy choice. There is a link between eating a lot
of red and processed meat and bowel cancer and so it is recommended that we do not have more
than about 70g of cooked red or processed meat a day. 70g is equivalent to a piece of steak about
the size of a pack of cards, 3 average-sized rashers of bacon or slices of ham, or a quarter-
pounder beef burger.
Dairy foods

Dairy foods such as milk, yogurt and cheese provide protein as well as
calcium, B vitamins, and iodine. It is recommended that we choose
reduced fat versions of milk, cheese and yogurt most of the time as
dairy foods contain saturated fat – the type we should eat less of.
There has been some debate about the effects of saturated fat from
dairy foods and there is some evidence that saturated fats from milk,
yogurt and cheese may not raise cholesterol as much we would
expect. But, overall, it is a good idea to choose reduced fat versions of
dairy products as these are still rich in nutrients but with fewer
Plant-based dairy alternatives are available, but these are not always
high in protein. Drinks and yogurts based on soy or peas are usually a
source of protein, but rice, nut and oat drinks and plant-based cheeses
are relatively low in protein.

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