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GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: CRIA JANE T. DOLDOLEA Learning Area: ENGLISH

DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and
Time: SEPTEMBER 4-8, 2023 (WEEK 2) Quarter: 1ST QUARTER

A. Content Standards Expresses ideas logically in oral and written forms; and demonstrates interest communicates feelings and ideas orally and in writing with a high level of proficiency;
in reading to meet various needs. and reads various
Listens critically to news reports and other radio broadcasts and expresses text types materials to serve learning needs in meeting a wide range of life’s purposes.
ideas accurately in oral and in written forms; demonstrates confidence in the
use of the language to meet everyday needs; and reads independently and
gets relevant information from various text types.
B. Performance Standards
C. Learning Infer the meaning of unfamiliar words using text clues Identify real or make-believe, fact or non-fact images EN6VC-IIIa-6.2
Write for the LC code for each
II. CONTENT Inferring the Meaning of Compound Words Using Context Clues World of Reality and Fantasy
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages Quarter 1 Week 2 – ENGLISH Quarter 1 Week 1 – ENGLISH
2. Learner’s Materials pages Quarter 1 Week 2 -ENGLISH Quarter 1 Week 1 -ENGLISH
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources
A. Review previous lesson or Directions: Read the sentences carefully then do the following. Write in Directions: Write the letter of the correct answer. Use a separate sheet for your
presenting the new lesson Column A the compound word found in each sentence, while in Column B, answer.
write the correct meaning of the compound word. Write your answers in your 1. Which of the following shows a real scenario inside a classroom?
notebook. A. books and erasers flying around
B. teacher talking in front of class
1. I was outraged when I saw that a bully was pushing the smaller boy.
C. chairs and tables laughing around
a. interested c. shocked
2. My aunt lived in an ice castle in Baguio. This statement is _______.
b. pleased d. angered
A. real B. make- believe C. either real or make- believe
2. The politician’s plan has many drawbacks. The people rejected it.
3. Our teacher has an undying love for dancing since she was small. From this
a. advantages c. parts
statement, one can say that ____________________.
b. problems d. supporters
A. the teacher died because of dancing
3. I don’t want to do a homework when I’m in the house.
B. the teacher loved to dance
a. assignment c. goal
b. problem d. objective C. the teacher never stopped dancing
4. My experience with the earthquake was horrible. The wall of our kitchen 4. Which statement expresses exaggeration?
cracked. A. a woman driving at a speed of 300 km/hour
a. typhoon c. tremor B. a baby walking at 12 months
b. hurricane d. cyclone C. an old man slowly crossing the street
5. During typhoons, classrooms are utilized as evacuation centers. 5. I always have butterflies in my stomach whenever I perform on stage. The
a. room in a house c. part of a house statement tells us that the person talking _________.
b. part of a building d. schoolhouse A. has fear of performing on stage
B. has butterflies inside the stomach
C. has experienced a stomachache
B. Establishing a purpose for the Words come in many different types. Some words are short while others are Have you ever tried eating delicious delicacies served in your school canteen during
lesson long. There are also words that are formed by combining other words. These recess time? Have you ever thought of how these foods were prepared in such a way
words are called compound words. In this lesson, you will learn what that various ingredients were mixed to make it delicious and healthy? The
compound words are and you will also practice figuring out their meanings by combination of several components or elements produce a useful end product that
can be utilized and consumed for our advantage.
means of context clues.
C. Presenting examples/instances of Directions: Read and study the sentences below. Look for the compound There are lots of things that we are capable of doing. In the next activity,
the new lesson words that were used in each sentence. Find out what they mean in these answer the questions honestly. Can you do the following?
sentences then answer the questions that follow. Yes or No.
1. Climb a mango tree
2. Carry a pail of water
3. Eat a whole cow
4. Kiss a snake
5. Ride a bike
1. Identify the five (5) compound words used in the sentence. Write your
Read the Comic Strips about Mona and Elsa
answers in your notebook.
2. Which word in the first sentence means the same as halfway?
3. Which word in the second sentence is synonymous to mountaintop?
4. What do you call these words? Synonyms or antonyms? ____________
D. Discussing new concepts and Compound words or compounds are words formed by putting two or more Figurative language or figures of speech are ways of expressing ideas by using
practicing new skills #1 words together to form a new word with a new meaning. To understand the symbols, figures, or likenesses. It is the opposite of literal language because it
meaning of the compound, it is important to determine the meaning of each does not tell directly what a person has in mind. To name some examples are
word that makes up the new word. simile (a comparison of two unlike objects using like or as), metaphor (a direct
Compound words may be closed, open, or hyphenated. comparison of two unlike object without using like or as), and personification
Study the example given below. (a figure of speech that gives human qualities to places, objects, animals, or

In addition to the given examples of figurative language that we use, we also

have hyperbole and irony.

Hyperbole is a figure speech that expresses overstatement and exaggeration

of a particular condition. Statements expressing hyperbole are also called
Notice that the two words back and pack originally mean two different things. hyperbolic statements. In the conversation on page 4, Mona’s statements “I
But when they are combined as backpack, the new word also has a new cried a river and my heart is bleeding with sadness” are examples of
meaning. Since the two words are combined as one word, without any hyphen hyperbole.
or space, it is called a closed compound word. Here are more examples: Examples of hyperbole:
1. My world turned upside down.
2. Your voice is deafening.
3. The heat of my body can produce fire.
E. Discussing new concepts and Remember: Irony, on the other hand, is a figure of speech that expresses the contrary or
practicing new skills #2 ➢ Compounding is joining two or more words together to make them opposite of what should one really think especially in order to be funny. It is
one word with a new meaning. This new meaning of the compound also called an ironic statement. The words used in ironic statements express
word may be the same as the individual meaning of its component praise or approval, however, the real purpose is to criticize, mock, or ridicule.
words or may be different.
➢ Compound words may be closed (written as one), open (written with Notice in the conversation on page 4 that Mona was happy for discovering the
space between words), or hyphenated (connected by a hyphen). death of Elsa’s pet dog rather than being sad for her.
➢ The meaning of compound words can be inferred through context Examples of irony:
clues with the use of: • Synonyms - two or more words that have the 1. The teacher fails the test.
same meaning. • Antonyms – two or more words that have opposite 2. The shoemaker’s children have no shoes.
meaning. 3. The doctor died of pneumonia.
➢ Inference clue is a kind of context clue. In an inference clue,
information is given in the sentence to help you figure out the meaning
of the unfamiliar word.
F. Developing mastery Directions: Infer the meaning of the underlined compound words. Choose Analyze the following statements. Write A if it is a hyperbole which expresses
your answer from the rectangular box and write it on your notebook. exaggeration; something that is unbelievable to happen. Write B if it is an irony
which expresses the contrary or opposite of what is said.
______1. The police station gets robbed by the policemen on duty.
______2. My dad will kill me when he comes home and sees the house in
______3. I turned the house upside down before finding my new shoes.
______4. A newly- hired pilot was afraid of heights.
______5. He runs faster than the wind.
G. Finding practical applications of Directions: You have learned that compound words are either open, Read and analyze if the statements express exaggeration or ironic ideas.
concepts and skills in daily living closed, or hyphenated. How is each type of compound word written? Write the sentences in the correct column of the table provided.
Can you now give other examples of each type of compound word? Note: Clue words were underlined to help you.
Copy the chart below in your notebook then fill in the needed
information based on the sentences below. The first one is done for you.

1. Children are taught how to read and write in a schoolhouse called a classroom.
2. I like to play games with my brother-in-law who is the spouse of my sister.
3. The line at the post office ran all the way outside the door since there are so many
people inside the mail depot.
4. Rhiann loves to eat ice cream during summer for the dessert gives a cooling
5. An afternoon nap which is done after lunch is popular in tropical countries.

H. Making generalizations and Directions: Complete each statement by inferring and supplying the What is the difference between hyperbole and irony?
abstractions about the lesson missing word. Write your answer on your activity notebook.
1. Compound words are words formed by joining __________ different words
2. There are three types of compound words: open, closed, and __________.
3. The resulting compound word has a __________ meaning.
4. To figure out meaning of an unfamiliar word, ____________ clues may be
5. Words that have the same meaning are ____________.
I. Evaluating learning Mastering the Skills.
Analyze if the statement is hyperbole or irony. The underlined words will
help you decide on your correct answer. Draw a circle if you think it is a hyperbole
and a box if it is an irony.

1. Sonia’s father-in-law arrived home late yesterday evening. He is the father of

her spouse, Marc.
2. Amarah usually eats her noon meal at the school canteen during lunch
3. Driftwood are sometimes useful. These materials can also serve as
4. Visitors are entertained by the family at their living room. The lounge is
spacious enough for a number of persons.
5. Edison was a trail blazer. He was the first to discover many things which
him a popular innovator.
6. Her report is up-to-date. This means that it is the latest information about an
7. My grandmother is attending the party tonight. She is with other grannies in
the neighborhood.
8. Doctors and nurses are frontline workers. They are the lead personnel in this
trying times of the pandemic.
9. Rhaine is a full-time worker in a factory. Her permanent position demands a
J. Additional activities for Directions: Read some stories or get hold of storybooks. Find and list
application or remediation five examples of each type of compound word in your notebook

A. No. of learners who earned 80%
in the evaluation.

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