Part bnm1Dalal

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Part 1

I. Source of initial and future capital: Personal funds of ALHUNIQ, DALAL


II. Details of the roles and responsibilities, organisation structure, and methodology and
practices of the applicant’s internal audit function and where applicable, details of the
involvement of any internal audit groups from the parent company to assess internal controls
of the applicant.

A. The following are the key components of the proposed internal audit systems to
be adopted by DALAL PAY SDN. BHD.

1. Assessing Internal Controls.

2. Evaluating Risk Management Processes
3. Ensuring Regulatory Compliance: Verifying adherence to relevant regulations,
standards, and policies, including those set by Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM).
4. Monitoring Operational Efficiency: Examining the efficiency and effectiveness of
operations and recommending improvements.
5. Reporting Findings: Providing independent assessments of control effectiveness and
risk management to senior management and the Board of Directors.
6. Supporting Audit Committees: Assisting the Audit Committee in fulfilling its
oversight responsibilities by providing reports and updates on audit activities.
7. Audit Planning: Developing the annual internal audit plan based on a risk-based
8. Execution of Audits: Performing audits in accordance with established standards and
methodologies recognised by BNM
9. Reporting: Documenting audit findings, providing recommendations, and following
up on the implementation of audit recommendations.
B. The following are the key components of the proposed structure of internal audit
system to be adopted by DALAL PAY SDN. BHD.

The proposed internal audit function is structured to maintain independence and objectivity
while aligning with the company’s governance framework. The typical structure includes:

1. Chief Internal Auditor

Leads the internal audit function and reports directly to the Audit Committee and the
Board of Directors.
2. Internal Audit Manager
Oversees audit operations, manages audit teams, and ensures the implementation of
audit plans.
3. Senior Auditor
Conduct audits, prepare reports, and follow up on recommendations.
4. Junior Auditor
Support audit activities, perform audit tasks, and assist in documentation.

Proposed Organizational Chart

Position Responsibilities
Reports to the Audit Committee and Board;
Chief Internal Auditor
oversees audit strategy and plan
Manages audit teams and ensures
Internal Audit Manager
compliance with audit standards
Conducts audits and provides audit reports
Senior Auditor
and recommendations
Junior Auditor Assists in audit tasks and documentation

Proposed Methodology and Practices of the Internal Audit Function

Proposed Methodology
The proposed internal audit function follows a risk-based audit approach and adheres to best
practices in the field. The methodology includes:
1. Risk Assessment
Identifying and evaluating risks to determine the audit focus.
2. Audit Planning
Developing a detailed audit plan based on risk assessment outcomes.
3. Audit Execution:
Conducting audits following established procedures and standards.
4. Reporting
Documenting findings and recommendations, and reporting to management and the
Audit Committee.
5. Follow-up
Monitoring the implementation of audit recommendations and assessing their

Proposed Practices

1. Adherence to Standards
Following the International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal
Auditing (IPPF).
2. Quality Assurance
Implementing quality assurance and improvement programs to maintain audit
3. Continuous Improvement
Engaging in ongoing professional development and staying updated on best practices.

III. Details of the system of internal controls and policies that the applicant will follow to
ensure compliance with the FSA or the IFSA and any other laws administered by BNM, and
any regulations, guidelines or other instruments issued by BNM under the said laws,
including the Anti-Money Laundering and Anti-Terrorism Financing Act 2001 as the case
may be. Please include the name of the senior officer responsible for compliance and details
of the resources and authority allocated to such senior officer to discharge this responsibility.

1. Internal Controls and Compliance Framework

To ensure rigorous compliance with the Financial Services Act 2013 (FSA), the Islamic
Financial Services Act 2013 (IFSA), and other regulations issued by Bank Negara Malaysia
(BNM), including the Anti-Money Laundering and Anti-Terrorism Financing Act 2001
(AMLATFA), comprehensive system of internal controls and policies has been proposed for
DALAL PAY SDN. BHD. This proposed framework encompasses a range of mechanisms
designed to uphold legal and regulatory standards effectively.

2. Compliance Framework and Policies

Proposed compliance framework is structured around several key components:

 Compliance Policies and Procedures

Detailed policies and procedures will be implemented to align with the FSA and
IFSA, including adherence to BNM’s regulations, guidelines, and circulars. These
documents outline the processes for regulatory reporting, risk management, and
internal auditing.

 Risk Management Framework

DALAL PAY SDN. BHD. will implement risk management policies that identify,
assess, and mitigate risks related to financial operations and compliance. This
includes the implementation of a Risk Management Committee responsible for
overseeing risk assessments and ensuring that controls are effective.

 Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Counter-Terrorism Financing (CTF) Policies

AML/CTF policies that are designed to detect and prevent money laundering and
terrorism financing activities will be implemented. This includes the development of
Customer Due Diligence (CDD) procedures, transaction monitoring systems, and
reporting mechanisms for suspicious activities.

 Training and Awareness Programs

Regular training sessions will be conducted for all employees on compliance issues,
including updates on regulatory changes and best practices in AML/CTF procedures.
This ensures that staff are well-versed in current compliance requirements.
 Senior Officer Responsible for Compliance

The senior officer responsible for overseeing compliance and ensuring adherence to the
FSA, IFSA, and other relevant laws will be known as Chief Compliance Officer
(CCO). The CCO plays a critical role in managing compliance risks and ensuring that the
institution meets its regulatory obligations.

Name of the Senior Officer: ALHUNIQ, DALAL ABDULLAH M

Title: Chief Compliance Officer
Reporting Line: The CCO reports directly to the Board of Directors and
the Audit Committee, ensuring a direct line of
communication for compliance matters.

3. Resources and Authority Allocated

The CCO is vested with the following resources and authority to effectively discharge their

 Dedicated Compliance Team

The CCO leads a specialized team of compliance professionals who are responsible
for implementing and monitoring compliance programs. This team includes experts in
legal affairs, risk management, and AML/CTF compliance.

 Authority to Conduct Audits

The CCO has the authority to initiate and oversee internal audits and reviews of the
institution’s compliance with regulatory requirements. This includes the power to
access all records, documents, and systems necessary for the audit process.

 Budget Allocation
Adequate financial resources are allocated to the compliance function, including
funding for compliance software, training programs, and external advisory services if

Regulatory Liaison
The CCO is responsible for maintaining communication with BNM, including
submitting regulatory reports, responding to inquiries, and implementing directives
issued by BNM.

Disciplinary Authority
The CCO has the authority to recommend disciplinary actions for violations of
compliance policies and procedures. This includes the power to suggest corrective
measures and escalate issues to senior management or the Board of Directors as

4. Monitoring and Reporting Mechanisms

 Regular Monitoring
The compliance function conducts ongoing monitoring of adherence to regulatory
requirements and internal policies through periodic reviews, audits, and assessments.

 Reporting Obligations
The CCO ensures that timely and accurate reports are submitted to BNM and other
regulatory bodies, including reports on compliance status, AML/CTF activities, and
risk management outcomes.

5. Documentation and Record-Keeping

All compliance-related activities, including risk assessments, training records, audit findings,
and regulatory communications, are documented and maintained in accordance with legal and
regulatory requirements.
By adhering to this structured compliance framework, DALAL PAY SDN. BHD. will ensure
effective management of regulatory risks and upholds the standards set forth by the FSA,
IFSA, and other relevant laws and regulations.

Summary Table

Component Description
Detailed policies for FSA, IFSA, BNM
Compliance Policies
regulations, and AML/CTF compliance
Framework for identifying and managing
Risk Management
regulatory and operational risks.
Procedures for CDD, transaction
AML/CTF Policies monitoring, and suspicious activity
Ongoing training for staff on compliance
Training Programs
and regulatory updates
Senior Officer Chief Compliance Officer, reports to the
Compliance team, audit authority, budget
Resources for compliance activities, regulatory liaison
Regular compliance reviews, regulatory
Monitoring & Reporting
reporting, and record-keeping.

IV. The following information and supporting documents on the key responsible persons



Nationality: Saudia Arabia
Passport No. : Z993932
Address: Saudi Arabia, Riyadh, Khalaf bin Sahel St.
(c/o 16A#12-01 Kings Bay, Country Garden Danga Bay Jalan
Persiaran Danga Perdana 80200 Johor Bahru State of Johor)


Nationality: Malaysian
NRIC No. 710921085878
Address: 16A#12-01 Kings Bay, Country Garden Danga Bay Jalan
Persiaran Danga Perdana 80200 Johor Bahru State of Johor

V. Details of the composition of the applicant’s Board of Directors (Board) and its
committees, the Board’s role, responsibilities, policies and practices, the mandate of the
Board committees and details of the Board’s responsibilities with respect to risk management
and internal controls.

Board of Directors Composition, Roles, and Responsibilities

1. Proposed Composition of the Board of Directors

The Board of Directors (Board) is composed of a diverse group of individuals with a wide
range of expertise and experience. The current composition of the Board is as follows:


Executive Directors: ALHUNIQ, DALAL ABDULLAH M


2. Proposed Role and Responsibilities of the Board

The proposed primary role of the Board of DALAL PAY SDN. BHD is to provide strategic
direction, oversight, and governance to ensure the organization’s long-term success. The
Board’s key responsibilities include:

 Strategic Planning: Developing and approving the organization’s strategic goals and
objectives. (FSA, Section 61)
 Oversight of Management: Supervising the executive management team’s
performance and ensuring that they are effectively implementing the Board’s
strategies. (IFSA, Section 96)
 Risk Management: Ensuring that adequate risk management processes are in place
to identify, assess, and manage risks. (BNM Guidelines on Risk Management)
 Financial Oversight: Approving financial statements, budgets, and ensuring the
integrity of financial reporting. (FSA, Section 62)


 Guidelines on Corporate Governance for Financial Institutions

 Islamic Financial Services Act 2013 (IFSA), Section 96

3. Board Committees and Their Mandates

The Board will establish several committees to support its functions and responsibilities:

 Audit Committee:
o Mandate: To oversee the integrity of financial statements, the effectiveness of
internal controls, and the audit process.
o Responsibilities: Reviewing financial statements, monitoring internal audit
functions, and liaising with external auditors. (FSA, Section 61)
 Risk Management Committee:
o Mandate: To identify, assess, and mitigate risks across the organization.
o Responsibilities: Reviewing risk management frameworks, approving risk
policies, and ensuring effective risk mitigation strategies. (BNM Guidelines on
Risk Management)
 Nomination and Remuneration Committee:
o Mandate: To oversee the appointment of Board members and the
remuneration of Directors and senior management.
o Responsibilities: Evaluating Board composition, recommending new Board
members, and setting remuneration policies. (FSA, Section 60)


 Bank Negara Malaysia’s Guidelines on Internal Audit

 FSA, Section 61

4. Board’s Responsibilities in Risk Management and Internal Controls

The Board will be responsible for ensuring that comprehensive risk management and internal
control systems are in place. This includes:

 Establishing Policies: Developing risk management policies and frameworks aligned

with regulatory requirements. (BNM’s Risk Management Guidelines)
 Monitoring Effectiveness: Overseeing the implementation and effectiveness of risk
management and internal control systems.
 Reporting: Ensuring that accurate and timely reports on risk management and
internal controls are provided to BNM and other relevant stakeholders. (FSA, Section

 BNM’s Risk Management Framework

 FSA, Section 61

Part 2
1. A certified true copy of board resolution of DALAL PAY SDN. BHD approving the
application to operate a payment system will be furnished.

2. The following information and supporting documents relating to the applicant’s

business plan:
(a) rationale and value proposition of the proposed payment system;
(b) a detailed description of the payment system, including payment flow and settlement
(c) the design and architecture of the system including the system’s structure, components
and processes deployed in meeting the business and operational requirement;
(d) a description of the targeted participants and the criteria for participation in the system;
(e) how the proposed payment system business fits within its corporate structure, group
global strategy and global operations (if applicable);
(f) reasons why the applicant believes the business plan will be successful, stating key
assumptions, and supported by feasibility and market studies. This may include:
(i) analysis of proposed payment system and its value propositions against the operating
environment, including target markets, competitors, threats and opportunities, and plans to
address them;
(ii) strength of financial resources to support the business;

(iii) ability and plans to manage associated operational and business risks;
(iv) availability of human capital, expertise and knowledge;
(v) supporting technology, systems and processes;
(vi) supporting research and development initiatives; and
(vii) track record and experience of the applicant in operating the proposed payment system.
(g) pro-forma financial statements (base case), including balance sheet and income statement
for the first 3 years of operations (not applicable for applicants which are financial
institutions regulated by BNM) including:
(i) Major asset, liability, income and expense categories; and
(ii) Details of the key assumptions underlying the calculations for the above.
(h) sensitivity analysis showing the results of changes in key assumptions on the base case
business plan under a worst case scenario and details of the changes in assumptions;
(i) contingency plans to address worst case or other adverse scenarios;
(j) source of initial and future capital provided for in the base case and other scenarios in the
form of a capital plan and funding policies (not applicable for applicants which are financial
institutions regulated by BNM);
(k) projected staff complement and roles, and an organisation chart showing reporting lines
for senior positions and key responsibilities in the company over the 3-year period (not
applicable for applicants which are financial institutions regulated by BNM);
(l) execution timeline from grant of approval to up to at least 3 years from commencement of
business onwards, including projection of usage of payment system and resource
requirements (e.g. system and manpower);

(m) major risk areas and the policies, controls and procedures to monitor risk tolerance and
risk managements, which includes market, credit, liquidity, operational (including security),
technology, legal, regulatory and strategic risks; and
(n) description of any outsourcing arrangement anticipated by the applicant (if any) and how
monitoring of the outsourcing activities will be conducted. BNM will assess the proposed
outsourcing arrangement.
3. The following information and supporting documents relating to the policies, procedures
and controls of the applicant:
(a) rules and procedures setting out the rights and liabilities of the applicant and the
participant of the payment system, including the terms and conditions and procedures for
dispute resolution;
(b) measures that ensure the safety, security and operational reliability of the payment system
including business continuity and disaster recovery plan and the strategy adopted for system
recovery and location of alternative site;
(c) description of the system security procedures and implementation; and
(d) fees and charges imposed by the applicant, including the detailed breakdown.
Certainly! Here’s a comprehensive and detailed response to the questions about the business
plan for a proposed payment system, including the rationale, design, risks, and policies. I’ve
provided the response in both English and Bahasa Melayu, incorporating technical terms and
references to Malaysian laws and regulations.


1. Business Plan for the Proposed Payment System

(a) Rationale and Value Proposition of the Proposed Payment System

The proposed payment system aims to address current gaps in the market by offering a
secure, efficient, and user-friendly payment solution for both businesses and consumers. The
system leverages advanced technology to provide a seamless payment experience and
supports a range of transaction types including real-time payments, recurring transactions,
and cross-border transfers.

Value Proposition:
- Enhanced Security: Implementation of advanced encryption protocols and fraud detection
mechanisms to protect users' financial information.
- Efficiency: Streamlined payment processing with minimal transaction time and cost,
supported by state-of-the-art technology.
- User Experience: Intuitive and easy-to-navigate interface for both merchants and
consumers, reducing transaction friction.
- Scalability: A flexible system architecture designed to accommodate future growth and
adapt to evolving market demands.

- [Bank Negara Malaysia’s Guidelines on Payment
- [Financial Services Act 2013 (FSA), Section 54](

(b) Detailed Description of the proposed Payment System

The proposed payment system consists of several key components and processes:

- **Payment Flow:** Users initiate transactions through a web or mobile interface. The
system processes the payment request, communicates with the payment gateway, and
completes the transaction through an integrated payment network.
- **Settlement Arrangements:** Transactions are settled in real-time or batch mode
depending on the type of transaction. For real-time settlements, funds are transferred
immediately, whereas batch mode settlements are processed at scheduled intervals.

**Payment Flow:**
1. **Initiation:** User initiates a payment request via the application.
2. **Authorization:** System verifies user credentials and transaction details.
3. **Processing:** Transaction details are sent to the payment gateway for processing.
4. **Settlement:** Funds are transferred from the payer’s account to the payee’s account.

- [Payment Systems Act 2003](
- [Bank Negara Malaysia’s Payment Systems

#### **(c) Design and Architecture of the System**

**Design and Architecture:**

- **System Structure:** The system is structured into a modular architecture with separate
layers for presentation, business logic, and data management.
- **Components:**
- **User Interface:** Web and mobile applications for end-users.
- **Payment Gateway:** Interface for processing payment transactions.
- **Transaction Engine:** Core component responsible for transaction processing and
- **Database:** Secure storage of transaction data and user information.
- **Security Layer:** Fraud detection and encryption modules.
1. **Transaction Initiation:** User submits a payment request.
2. **Processing:** System verifies transaction details and authorizes payment.
3. **Settlement:** Funds are moved between accounts as per the transaction instructions.
4. **Reporting:** System generates reports for transaction monitoring and compliance.

- [Bank Negara Malaysia’s Technology Risk Management
- [ISO/IEC 27001 for Information Security Management](

#### **(d) Description of the Targeted Participants and Criteria for Participation**

**Targeted Participants:**
- **Businesses:** SMEs and large enterprises looking for efficient payment solutions.
- **Consumers:** Individuals seeking secure and convenient payment methods.

**Criteria for Participation:**

- **Businesses:** Must be a registered entity with a valid business license and comply with
relevant regulatory requirements.
- **Consumers:** Must have a valid payment account and meet KYC (Know Your
Customer) requirements.

- [Bank Negara Malaysia’s Guidelines on Financial
- [Anti-Money Laundering and Anti-Terrorism Financing Act 2001

#### **(e) Fit within Corporate Structure and Global Strategy**

**Corporate Structure Fit:**

The payment system aligns with our corporate strategy to expand our financial services
portfolio and enhance our global presence.

**Global Strategy:**
- **Market Expansion:** Targeting new markets for growth opportunities.
- **Innovation:** Investing in technology to stay ahead of competitors.
- **Integration:** Seamless integration with global financial networks and systems.

- [Bank Negara Malaysia’s Internationalization

#### **(f) Reasons for Success**

**Key Assumptions:**
- **Market Demand:** Growing need for efficient payment solutions.
- **Technological Advancements:** Adoption of modern payment technologies.

**Supporting Evidence:**
- **Feasibility Study:** Positive market analysis and financial projections.
- **Competitive Analysis:** Identified gaps and opportunities in the market.
- **Financial Resources:** Robust financial backing to support system development and

- [Bank Negara Malaysia’s Financial Sector Blueprint](
- [Market Research Reports on Payment Systems](

#### **(g) Pro-Forma Financial Statements**

**Pro-Forma Financial Statements:**

- **Balance Sheet and Income Statement:** Projected for the first three years of operations,
including major assets, liabilities, income, and expenses.

**Key Assumptions:**
- **Revenue Streams:** Transaction fees, service charges.
- **Cost Structure:** Development costs, operational expenses.

- [Financial Reporting Standards for Payment Systems](

#### **(h) Sensitivity Analysis**

**Sensitivity Analysis:**
Analysis of worst-case scenarios including changes in transaction volumes, regulatory
impacts, and operational risks.

- **Assumptions:** Transaction growth rates, fee structures, market conditions.
- **Scenarios:** Best-case, worst-case, and base-case financial projections.

- [Bank Negara Malaysia’s Guidelines on Risk

#### **(i) Contingency Plans**

**Contingency Plans:**
- **Disaster Recovery:** Detailed strategies for data backup, system recovery, and
alternative site arrangements.

- **Backup Procedures:** Regular data backups and off-site storage.
- **Recovery Strategies:** Defined procedures for system restoration and business
- [Bank Negara Malaysia’s Business Continuity Management

#### **(j) Capital Plan and Funding Policies**

**Capital Plan:**
- **Initial Capital:** Funding for system development and initial operations.
- **Future Capital:** Plans for future funding through equity or debt.

**Funding Policies:**
- **Sources:** Investment from stakeholders, venture capital.
- **Strategies:** Long-term financial planning and capital allocation.

- [Bank Negara Malaysia’s Capital Adequacy

#### **(k) Projected Staff Complement and Organization Chart**

**Staff Complement:**
- **Roles:** Development team, support staff, compliance officers.
- **Organization Chart:** Shows senior positions, reporting lines, and key responsibilities.

- [Human Resources Management Guidelines](

#### **(l) Execution Timeline**

- **Approval to Launch:** Detailed plan from approval to operational start.
- **Resources:** Required resources for system development and staffing.
- [Project Management Guidelines](

#### **(m) Major Risk Areas and Management Policies**

**Risk Areas:**
- **Types:** Market, credit, liquidity, operational, technology, legal, regulatory, strategic.
- **Policies:** Comprehensive risk management framework and controls.

- **Risk Monitoring:** Regular assessments and updates to risk management practices.

- [Bank Negara Malaysia’s Guidelines on Risk

#### **(n) Outsourcing Arrangements**

- **Description:** Anticipated outsourcing for technology services, customer support.
- **Monitoring:** Procedures for evaluating and managing outsourcing partners.

- [Bank Negara Malaysia’s Guidelines on

### **2. Policies, Procedures, and Controls**

#### **(a) Rules and Procedures for Rights and Liabilities**

**Rules and Procedures:**

- **Rights and Liabilities:** Terms and conditions for system participants.
- **Dispute Resolution:** Procedures for resolving disputes.
- [Bank Negara Malaysia’s Payment Systems Rules](

#### **(b) Safety, Security, and Reliability Measures**

- **Security:** Encryption, fraud detection.
- **Business Continuity:** Disaster recovery plans, alternative site arrangements.

- [Bank Negara Malaysia’s Technology Risk Management Guidelines](

Certainly! Here’s the translation of the comprehensive response into Bahasa Melayu,
including technical terms and references to Malaysian laws and regulations.


## **Versi Bahasa Melayu**

### **1. Pelan Perniagaan untuk Sistem Pembayaran yang Dicadangkan**

#### **(a) Rasional dan Cadangan Nilai Sistem Pembayaran yang Dicadangkan**

Sistem pembayaran yang dicadangkan bertujuan untuk mengatasi kekurangan semasa di
pasaran dengan menawarkan penyelesaian pembayaran yang selamat, cekap, dan mesra
pengguna untuk perniagaan dan pengguna. Sistem ini menggunakan teknologi canggih untuk
menyediakan pengalaman pembayaran yang lancar dan menyokong pelbagai jenis transaksi
termasuk pembayaran masa nyata, transaksi berulang, dan pemindahan merentasi sempadan.

**Cadangan Nilai:**
- **Keselamatan yang Ditingkatkan:** Pelaksanaan protokol penyulitan yang canggih dan
mekanisme pengesanan penipuan untuk melindungi maklumat kewangan pengguna.
- **Kecekapan:** Pemprosesan pembayaran yang dipermudahkan dengan masa dan kos
transaksi yang minimum, disokong oleh teknologi terkini.
- **Pengalaman Pengguna:** Antara muka yang intuitif dan mudah digunakan untuk
pedagang dan pengguna, mengurangkan geseran transaksi.
- **Skalabiliti:** Seni bina sistem yang fleksibel direka untuk menampung pertumbuhan
masa depan dan menyesuaikan diri dengan permintaan pasaran yang berubah.

- [Garis Panduan Sistem Pembayaran Bank Negara
- [Akta Perkhidmatan Kewangan 2013 (FSA), Seksyen

#### **(b) Penerangan Terperinci Mengenai Sistem Pembayaran**

Sistem pembayaran yang dicadangkan terdiri daripada beberapa komponen dan proses utama:

- **Aliran Pembayaran:** Pengguna memulakan transaksi melalui antara muka web atau
mudah alih. Sistem memproses permintaan pembayaran, berkomunikasi dengan pintu
gerbang pembayaran, dan menyelesaikan transaksi melalui rangkaian pembayaran yang
- **Pengaturan Penyelesaian:** Transaksi diselesaikan dalam masa nyata atau mod
kumpulan bergantung kepada jenis transaksi. Untuk penyelesaian masa nyata, dana
dipindahkan dengan segera, manakala mod kumpulan diproses pada jadual yang ditetapkan.

**Aliran Pembayaran:**
1. **Permulaan:** Pengguna memulakan permintaan pembayaran melalui aplikasi.
2. **Pengesahan:** Sistem mengesahkan kelayakan pengguna dan butiran transaksi.
3. **Pemprosesan:** Butiran transaksi dihantar kepada pintu gerbang pembayaran untuk
4. **Penyelesaian:** Dana dipindahkan dari akaun pembayar ke akaun penerima.
- [Akta Sistem Pembayaran 2003](
- [Rangka Kerja Sistem Pembayaran Bank Negara

#### **(c) Reka Bentuk dan Seni Bina Sistem**

**Reka Bentuk dan Seni Bina:**

- **Struktur Sistem:** Sistem disusun dalam seni bina modular dengan lapisan berasingan
untuk paparan, logik perniagaan, dan pengurusan data.
- **Komponen:**
- **Antara Muka Pengguna:** Aplikasi web dan mudah alih untuk pengguna akhir.
- **Pintu Gerbang Pembayaran:** Antara muka untuk memproses transaksi pembayaran.
- **Enjin Transaksi:** Komponen utama yang bertanggungjawab untuk pemprosesan dan
penyelesaian transaksi.
- **Pangkalan Data:** Penyimpanan selamat bagi data transaksi dan maklumat pengguna.
- **Lapisan Keselamatan:** Modul pengesanan penipuan dan penyulitan.

1. **Permulaan Transaksi:** Pengguna mengemukakan permintaan pembayaran.
2. **Pemprosesan:** Sistem mengesahkan butiran transaksi dan memberi kuasa untuk
3. **Penyelesaian:** Dana dipindahkan antara akaun mengikut arahan transaksi.
4. **Pelaporan:** Sistem menjana laporan untuk pemantauan transaksi dan pematuhan.

- [Garis Panduan Pengurusan Risiko Teknologi Bank Negara
- [ISO/IEC 27001 untuk Pengurusan Keselamatan Maklumat](

#### **(d) Penerangan Mengenai Peserta Sasaran dan Kriteria Penyertaan dalam Sistem**
**Peserta Sasaran:**
- **Perniagaan:** PKS dan syarikat besar yang mencari penyelesaian pembayaran yang
- **Pengguna:** Individu yang mencari kaedah pembayaran yang selamat dan mudah.

**Kriteria Penyertaan:**
- **Perniagaan:** Harus menjadi entiti yang didaftarkan dengan lesen perniagaan yang sah
dan mematuhi keperluan peraturan yang berkaitan.
- **Pengguna:** Harus mempunyai akaun pembayaran yang sah dan memenuhi keperluan
KYC (Kenali Pelanggan Anda).

- [Garis Panduan Bank Negara Malaysia Mengenai Institusi
- [Akta Pencegahan Pengubahan Wang Haram dan Pencegahan Pembiayaan Keganasan 2001

#### **(e) Keselarasan dengan Struktur Korporat dan Strategi Global**

**Keselarasan Struktur Korporat:**

Sistem pembayaran ini selaras dengan strategi korporat kami untuk mengembangkan
portfolio perkhidmatan kewangan dan meningkatkan kehadiran global kami.

**Strategi Global:**
- **Pengembangan Pasaran:** Sasaran pasaran baru untuk peluang pertumbuhan.
- **Inovasi:** Pelaburan dalam teknologi untuk mengatasi pesaing.
- **Integrasi:** Integrasi lancar dengan rangkaian dan sistem kewangan global.

- [Strategi Antarabangsa Bank Negara

#### **(f) Sebab-sebab Kecemerlangan Pelan Perniagaan**

**Andaian Utama:**
- **Permintaan Pasaran:** Keperluan yang semakin meningkat untuk penyelesaian
pembayaran yang cekap.
- **Kemajuan Teknologi:** Penerimaan teknologi pembayaran moden.

**Bukti Sokongan:**
- **Kajian Kelayakan:** Analisis pasaran yang positif dan unjuran kewangan.
- **Analisis Pesaing:** Mengenal pasti jurang dan peluang di pasaran.
- **Sumber Kewangan:** Sokongan kewangan yang kukuh untuk pembangunan dan operasi

- [Pelan Induk Sektor Kewangan Bank Negara
- [Laporan Penyelidikan Pasaran Mengenai Sistem

#### **(g) Penyata Kewangan Pro-Forma**

**Penyata Kewangan Pro-Forma:**

- **Penyata Kewangan dan Penyata Pendapatan:** Unjuran untuk tiga tahun pertama
operasi, termasuk kategori aset, liabiliti, pendapatan, dan perbelanjaan utama.

**Andaian Utama:**
- **Aliran Pendapatan:** Yuran transaksi, caj perkhidmatan.
- **Struktur Kos:** Kos pembangunan, perbelanjaan operasi.

- [Standards Pelaporan Kewangan untuk Sistem

#### **(h) Analisis Sensitiviti**

**Analisis Sensitiviti:**
Analisis senario terburuk termasuk perubahan dalam jumlah transaksi, kesan regulasi, dan
risiko operasi.

- **Andaian:** Kadar pertumbuhan transaksi, struktur yuran, keadaan pasaran.
- **Senario:** Unjuran kewangan senario terbaik, terburuk, dan asas.

- [Garis Panduan Bank Negara Malaysia Mengenai Pengurusan

#### **(i) Pelan Kecemasan**

**Pelan Kecemasan:**
- **Pemulihan Bencana:** Strategi terperinci untuk sandaran data, pemulihan sistem, dan
pengaturan tapak alternatif.

- **Prosedur Sandaran:** Sandaran data berkala dan penyimpanan di lokasi lain.
- **Strategi Pemulihan:** Prosedur yang ditetapkan untuk pemulihan sistem dan
kesinambungan perniagaan.

- [Rangka Kerja Pengurusan Kesinambungan Perniagaan Bank Negara

#### **(j) Pelan Modal dan Polisi Pembiayaan**

**Pelan Modal:**
- **Modal Awal:** Pembiayaan untuk pembangunan sistem dan operasi awal.
- **Modal Masa Depan:** Rancangan untuk pembiayaan masa depan
4. For application to operate a payment system pursuant to section 9 of the IFSA, an applicant
shall provide an attestation from a qualified Shariah advisor2 on the Shariah aspects of the
payment system including application of Shariah contracts and operational arrangement of
the payment system to ensure compliance with Shariah.

*An applicant is required to pay a fee of RM500 to BNM via RENTAS with TRN code
OBT01, account number 1547010015. Such fees shall be paid by the applicant not later than
seven (7) working days from the date the application is submitted to BNM.
Throughout the review process, the applicant may be required to provide additional
information if requested by BNM to facilitate the assessment. Applicants are required to
provide documentary evidence that can substantiate declarations made in the application.

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